blob: 01b7750c8e7e916c043145221ee506fcf7b3d47f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <assert.h>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "function.h"
#include "nullable.h"
#include "result.h"
#include "traits.h"
#include "utility_internal.h"
namespace fit {
template <typename Continuation>
class promise_impl;
template <typename Promise>
class future_impl;
class context;
class executor;
class suspended_task;
namespace internal {
// Determines whether a type is a kind of fit::result.
template <typename Result>
struct is_result : std::false_type {};
template <typename V, typename E>
struct is_result<::fit::result<V, E>> : std::true_type {};
// Deduces a continuation's result.
// Also ensures that the continuation has a compatible signature.
template <typename Continuation,
typename = std::enable_if_t<is_result<decltype(
struct continuation_traits {
using type = Continuation;
using result_type = decltype(std::declval<Continuation&>()(std::declval<::fit::context&>()));
template <typename Continuation, typename = fit::void_t<>>
struct is_continuation : std::false_type {};
template <typename Continuation>
struct is_continuation<Continuation, fit::void_t<typename continuation_traits<Continuation>::type>>
: std::true_type {};
// Interposer type that provides uniform move construction/assignment for
// callable types that may or may not be move assignable. Lambdas are not
// typically move assignable, even though they may be move constructible.
// This type has a well-defined empty state. Instances of this type that are
// the source of move operation are left in the empty state.
template <typename Handler>
class movable_handler {
static_assert(std::is_move_constructible<Handler>::value, "Handler must be move constructible!");
template <typename... Conditions>
using requires_conditions = ::fit::internal::requires_conditions<Conditions...>;
template <typename... Conditions>
using assignment_requires_conditions =
::fit::internal::assignment_requires_conditions<movable_handler&, Conditions...>;
template <typename U>
using not_self_type = ::fit::internal::not_same_type<movable_handler, U>;
constexpr movable_handler() = default;
constexpr movable_handler(const movable_handler&) = delete;
constexpr movable_handler& operator=(const movable_handler&) = delete;
constexpr movable_handler(movable_handler&& other) : handler_{std::move(other.handler_)} {
constexpr movable_handler& operator=(movable_handler&& other) {
if (this != &other) {
if (other.handler_.has_value()) {
return *this;
template <typename U = Handler,
requires_conditions<not_self_type<U>, std::is_constructible<Handler, U&&>,
std::is_convertible<U&&, Handler>> = true>
constexpr movable_handler(U&& handler) {
if (!is_null(handler)) {
~movable_handler() = default;
template <typename U>
constexpr assignment_requires_conditions<not_self_type<U>, std::is_constructible<Handler, U>,
std::is_assignable<Handler&, U>>
operator=(U&& handler) {
if (!is_null(handler)) {
return *this;
template <typename... Args>
constexpr auto operator()(Args&&... args) {
// Seamlessly handle void by casting call expression to return type.
using Return = typename callable_traits<Handler>::return_type;
return static_cast<Return>((handler_.value())(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
explicit constexpr operator bool() const { return handler_.has_value(); }
constexpr void reset() { handler_.reset(); }
optional<Handler> handler_;
// Wraps a handler function and adapts its return type to a fit::result
// via its specializations.
template <typename Handler, typename DefaultV, typename DefaultE,
typename ReturnType = typename callable_traits<Handler>::return_type,
bool callable_result = ::fit::is_callable<ReturnType>::value>
class result_adapter final {
// This expression always evaluates to false but depends on the template
// type parameters so that it only gets evaluated when the template is
// expanded. If we simply wrote "false", the compiler would raise the
// static assertion failure as soon as it encountered the statement.
template <typename T>
struct check_result {
static constexpr bool value = false;
"The provided handler's result type was expected to be "
"fit::result<V, E>, fit::ok_result<V>, fit::error_result<E>, "
"fit::pending_result, void, or a continuation with the signature "
"fit::result<V, E>(fit::context&). "
"Please refer to the combinator's documentation for a list of "
"supported handler function signatures.");
// Supports handlers that return void.
template <typename Handler, typename DefaultV, typename DefaultE>
class result_adapter<Handler, DefaultV, DefaultE, void, false> final {
using result_type = ::fit::result<DefaultV, DefaultE>;
explicit result_adapter(Handler handler) : handler_(std::move(handler)) {}
template <typename... Args>
result_type call(::fit::context& context, Args... args) {
return ::fit::ok();
result_adapter(const result_adapter&) = delete;
result_adapter& operator=(const result_adapter&) = delete;
result_adapter(result_adapter&&) = default;
result_adapter& operator=(result_adapter&&) = default;
movable_handler<Handler> handler_;
// Supports handlers that return pending_result.
template <typename Handler, typename DefaultV, typename DefaultE>
class result_adapter<Handler, DefaultV, DefaultE, ::fit::pending_result, false> final {
using result_type = ::fit::result<DefaultV, DefaultE>;
explicit result_adapter(movable_handler<Handler> handler) : handler_(std::move(handler)) {}
template <typename... Args>
result_type call(::fit::context& context, Args... args) {
return handler_(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
result_adapter(const result_adapter&) = delete;
result_adapter& operator=(const result_adapter&) = delete;
result_adapter(result_adapter&&) = default;
result_adapter& operator=(result_adapter&&) = default;
movable_handler<Handler> handler_;
// Supports handlers that return ok_result<V>.
template <typename Handler, typename DefaultV, typename DefaultE, typename V>
class result_adapter<Handler, DefaultV, DefaultE, ::fit::ok_result<V>, false> final {
using result_type = ::fit::result<V, DefaultE>;
explicit result_adapter(movable_handler<Handler> handler) : handler_(std::move(handler)) {}
template <typename... Args>
result_type call(::fit::context& context, Args... args) {
return handler_(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
result_adapter(const result_adapter&) = delete;
result_adapter& operator=(const result_adapter&) = delete;
result_adapter(result_adapter&&) = default;
result_adapter& operator=(result_adapter&&) = default;
movable_handler<Handler> handler_;
// Supports handlers that return error_result<E>.
template <typename Handler, typename DefaultV, typename DefaultE, typename E>
class result_adapter<Handler, DefaultV, DefaultE, ::fit::error_result<E>, false> final {
using result_type = ::fit::result<DefaultV, E>;
explicit result_adapter(movable_handler<Handler> handler) : handler_(std::move(handler)) {}
template <typename... Args>
result_type call(::fit::context& context, Args... args) {
return handler_(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
result_adapter(const result_adapter&) = delete;
result_adapter& operator=(const result_adapter&) = delete;
result_adapter(result_adapter&&) = default;
result_adapter& operator=(result_adapter&&) = default;
movable_handler<Handler> handler_;
// Supports handlers that return result<V, E>.
template <typename Handler, typename DefaultV, typename DefaultE, typename V, typename E>
class result_adapter<Handler, DefaultV, DefaultE, ::fit::result<V, E>, false> final {
using result_type = ::fit::result<V, E>;
explicit result_adapter(movable_handler<Handler> handler) : handler_(std::move(handler)) {}
template <typename... Args>
result_type call(::fit::context& context, Args... args) {
return handler_(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
result_adapter(const result_adapter&) = delete;
result_adapter& operator=(const result_adapter&) = delete;
result_adapter(result_adapter&&) = default;
result_adapter& operator=(result_adapter&&) = default;
movable_handler<Handler> handler_;
// Supports handlers that return continuations or promises.
// This works for any callable whose signature is:
// fit::result<...>(fit::context&)
template <typename Handler, typename DefaultV, typename DefaultE, typename ReturnType>
class result_adapter<Handler, DefaultV, DefaultE, ReturnType, true> final {
// If the handler doesn't actually return a continuation then the
// compilation will fail here which is slightly easier to diagnose
// than if we dropped the result_adapter specialization entirely.
using result_continuation_traits = continuation_traits<ReturnType>;
using continuation_type = typename result_continuation_traits::type;
using result_type = typename result_continuation_traits::result_type;
explicit result_adapter(movable_handler<Handler> handler) : handler_(std::move(handler)) {}
template <typename... Args>
result_type call(::fit::context& context, Args... args) {
if (handler_) {
continuation_ = handler_(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
if (!continuation_) {
return ::fit::pending();
return continuation_(context);
result_adapter(const result_adapter&) = delete;
result_adapter& operator=(const result_adapter&) = delete;
result_adapter(result_adapter&&) = default;
result_adapter& operator=(result_adapter&&) = default;
movable_handler<Handler> handler_;
movable_handler<continuation_type> continuation_;
// Wraps a handler that may or may not have a fit::context& as first argument.
// This is determined by checking the argument count.
template <typename Handler, typename DefaultV, typename DefaultE, size_t num_args = 0,
int excess_args = (static_cast<int>(::fit::callable_traits<Handler>::args::size) -
class context_adapter final {
static_assert(excess_args >= 0,
"The provided handler has too few arguments. "
"Please refer to the combinator's documentation for a list of "
"supported handler function signatures.");
static_assert(excess_args <= 1,
"The provided handler has too many arguments. "
"Please refer to the combinator's documentation for a list of "
"supported handler function signatures.");
// Supports handlers without a context argument.
template <typename Handler, typename DefaultV, typename DefaultE, size_t num_args>
class context_adapter<Handler, DefaultV, DefaultE, num_args, 0> final {
using base_type = result_adapter<Handler, DefaultV, DefaultE>;
using result_type = typename base_type::result_type;
static constexpr size_t next_arg_index = 0;
explicit context_adapter(Handler handler) : base_(std::move(handler)) {}
template <typename... Args>
result_type call(::fit::context& context, Args... args) {
return base_.template call<Args...>(context, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
base_type base_;
// Supports handlers with a context argument.
template <typename Handler, typename DefaultV, typename DefaultE, size_t num_args>
class context_adapter<Handler, DefaultV, DefaultE, num_args, 1> final {
using base_type = result_adapter<Handler, DefaultV, DefaultE>;
using context_arg_type = typename ::fit::callable_traits<Handler>::args::template at<0>;
static_assert(std::is_same<context_arg_type, ::fit::context&>::value,
"The provided handler's first argument was expected to be of type "
"fit::context& based on the number of arguments it has. "
"Please refer to the combinator's documentation for a list of "
"supported handler function signatures.");
using result_type = typename base_type::result_type;
static constexpr size_t next_arg_index = 1;
explicit context_adapter(Handler handler) : base_(std::move(handler)) {}
template <typename... Args>
result_type call(::fit::context& context, Args... args) {
return base_.template call<::fit::context&, Args...>(context, context,
base_type base_;
// Wraps a handler that may accept a context argument.
template <typename Handler>
class context_handler_invoker final {
using base_type = context_adapter<Handler, void, void, 0>;
using result_type = typename base_type::result_type;
explicit context_handler_invoker(Handler handler) : base_(std::move(handler)) {}
result_type operator()(::fit::context& context) { return base_.template call<>(context); }
base_type base_;
// Wraps a handler that may accept a context and result argument.
template <typename Handler, typename PriorResult>
class result_handler_invoker final {
using base_type = context_adapter<Handler, void, void, 1>;
using result_arg_type =
typename ::fit::callable_traits<Handler>::args::template at<base_type::next_arg_index>;
static_assert(std::is_same<result_arg_type, PriorResult&>::value ||
std::is_same<result_arg_type, const PriorResult&>::value,
"The provided handler's last argument was expected to be of type "
"fit::result<V, E>& or const fit::result<V, E>& where V is the prior "
"result's value type and E is the prior result's error type. "
"Please refer to the combinator's documentation for a list of "
"supported handler function signatures.");
using result_type = typename base_type::result_type;
explicit result_handler_invoker(Handler handler) : base_(std::move(handler)) {}
result_type operator()(::fit::context& context, PriorResult& result) {
return base_.template call<PriorResult&>(context, result);
base_type base_;
// Wraps a handler that may accept a context and value argument.
template <typename Handler, typename PriorResult, typename V = typename PriorResult::value_type>
class value_handler_invoker final {
using base_type = context_adapter<Handler, void, typename PriorResult::error_type, 1>;
using value_arg_type =
typename ::fit::callable_traits<Handler>::args::template at<base_type::next_arg_index>;
static_assert(std::is_same<value_arg_type, V&>::value ||
std::is_same<value_arg_type, const V&>::value,
"The provided handler's last argument was expected to be of type "
"V& or const V& where V is the prior result's value type. "
"Please refer to the combinator's documentation for a list of "
"supported handler function signatures.");
using result_type = typename base_type::result_type;
explicit value_handler_invoker(Handler handler) : base_(std::move(handler)) {}
result_type operator()(::fit::context& context, PriorResult& result) {
return base_.template call<V&>(context, result.value());
base_type base_;
// Specialization for void value.
template <typename Handler, typename PriorResult>
class value_handler_invoker<Handler, PriorResult, void> final {
using base_type = context_adapter<Handler, void, typename PriorResult::error_type, 0>;
using result_type = typename base_type::result_type;
explicit value_handler_invoker(Handler handler) : base_(std::move(handler)) {}
result_type operator()(::fit::context& context, PriorResult& result) {
return base_.template call<>(context);
base_type base_;
// Wraps a handler that may accept a context and error argument.
template <typename Handler, typename PriorResult, typename E = typename PriorResult::error_type>
class error_handler_invoker final {
using base_type = context_adapter<Handler, typename PriorResult::value_type, void, 1>;
using error_arg_type =
typename ::fit::callable_traits<Handler>::args::template at<base_type::next_arg_index>;
static_assert(std::is_same<error_arg_type, E&>::value ||
std::is_same<error_arg_type, const E&>::value,
"The provided handler's last argument was expected to be of type "
"E& or const E& where E is the prior result's error type. "
"Please refer to the combinator's documentation for a list of "
"supported handler function signatures.");
using result_type = typename base_type::result_type;
explicit error_handler_invoker(Handler handler) : base_(std::move(handler)) {}
result_type operator()(::fit::context& context, PriorResult& result) {
return base_.template call<E&>(context, result.error());
base_type base_;
// Specialization for void error.
template <typename Handler, typename PriorResult>
class error_handler_invoker<Handler, PriorResult, void> final {
using base_type = context_adapter<Handler, typename PriorResult::value_type, void, 0>;
using result_type = typename base_type::result_type;
explicit error_handler_invoker(Handler handler) : base_(std::move(handler)) {}
result_type operator()(::fit::context& context, PriorResult& result) {
return base_.template call<>(context);
base_type base_;
// The continuation produced by |fit::promise::then()|.
template <typename PriorPromise, typename ResultHandler>
class then_continuation final {
using invoker_type =
::fit::internal::result_handler_invoker<ResultHandler, typename PriorPromise::result_type>;
then_continuation(PriorPromise prior_promise, ResultHandler handler)
: prior_(std::move(prior_promise)), invoker_(std::move(handler)) {}
typename invoker_type::result_type operator()(::fit::context& context) {
if (!prior_(context))
return ::fit::pending();
return invoker_(context, prior_.result());
future_impl<PriorPromise> prior_;
invoker_type invoker_;
// The continuation produced by |fit::promise::and_then()|.
template <typename PriorPromise, typename ValueHandler>
class and_then_continuation final {
using invoker_type =
::fit::internal::value_handler_invoker<ValueHandler, typename PriorPromise::result_type>;
and_then_continuation(PriorPromise prior_promise, ValueHandler handler)
: prior_(std::move(prior_promise)), invoker_(std::move(handler)) {}
typename invoker_type::result_type operator()(::fit::context& context) {
if (!prior_(context))
return ::fit::pending();
if (prior_.is_error())
return prior_.take_error_result();
return invoker_(context, prior_.result());
future_impl<PriorPromise> prior_;
invoker_type invoker_;
// The continuation produced by |fit::promise::or_else()|.
template <typename PriorPromise, typename ErrorHandler>
class or_else_continuation final {
using invoker_type =
::fit::internal::error_handler_invoker<ErrorHandler, typename PriorPromise::result_type>;
or_else_continuation(PriorPromise prior_promise, ErrorHandler handler)
: prior_(std::move(prior_promise)), invoker_(std::move(handler)) {}
typename invoker_type::result_type operator()(::fit::context& context) {
if (!prior_(context))
return ::fit::pending();
if (prior_.is_ok())
return prior_.take_ok_result();
return invoker_(context, prior_.result());
future_impl<PriorPromise> prior_;
invoker_type invoker_;
// The continuation produced by |fit::promise::inspect()|.
template <typename PriorPromise, typename InspectHandler>
class inspect_continuation final {
using invoker_type =
::fit::internal::result_handler_invoker<InspectHandler, typename PriorPromise::result_type>;
inspect_continuation(PriorPromise prior_promise, InspectHandler handler)
: prior_(std::move(prior_promise)), invoker_(std::move(handler)) {}
typename PriorPromise::result_type operator()(::fit::context& context) {
typename PriorPromise::result_type result = prior_(context);
if (result)
invoker_(context, result);
return result;
PriorPromise prior_;
invoker_type invoker_;
// The continuation produced by |fit::promise::discard_result()|.
template <typename PriorPromise>
class discard_result_continuation final {
explicit discard_result_continuation(PriorPromise prior_promise)
: prior_(std::move(prior_promise)) {}
fit::result<> operator()(::fit::context& context) {
if (!prior_(context))
return ::fit::pending();
return ::fit::ok();
PriorPromise prior_;
// The continuation produced by |make_promise()|.
// This turns out to be equivalent to a context handler invoker.
template <typename PromiseHandler>
using promise_continuation = context_handler_invoker<PromiseHandler>;
// The continuation produced by |make_result_promise()|.
template <typename V, typename E>
class result_continuation final {
explicit result_continuation(::fit::result<V, E> result) : result_(std::move(result)) {}
::fit::result<V, E> operator()(::fit::context& context) { return std::move(result_); }
::fit::result<V, E> result_;
// Returns true if all arguments are true or if there are none.
inline bool all_true() { return true; }
template <typename... Ts>
inline bool all_true(bool value, Ts... values) {
return value & all_true(values...);
// The continuation produced by |join_promises()|.
template <typename... Promises>
class join_continuation final {
explicit join_continuation(Promises... promises)
: promises_(std::make_tuple(std::move(promises)...)) {}
::fit::result<std::tuple<typename Promises::result_type...>> operator()(::fit::context& context) {
return evaluate(context, std::index_sequence_for<Promises...>{});
template <size_t... i>
::fit::result<std::tuple<typename Promises::result_type...>> evaluate(::fit::context& context,
std::index_sequence<i...>) {
bool done = all_true(std::get<i>(promises_)(context)...);
if (!done)
return ::fit::pending();
return ::fit::ok(std::make_tuple(std::get<i>(promises_).take_result()...));
std::tuple<future_impl<Promises>...> promises_;
// The continuation produced by |join_promise_vector()|.
template <typename Promise>
class join_vector_continuation final {
using promise_vector = std::vector<Promise>;
using result_vector = std::vector<typename Promise::result_type>;
explicit join_vector_continuation(promise_vector promises)
: promises_(std::move(promises)), results_(promises_.size()) {}
::fit::result<result_vector> operator()(::fit::context& context) {
bool all_done{true};
for (size_t i = 0; i < promises_.size(); ++i) {
if (!results_[i]) {
results_[i] = promises_[i](context);
all_done &= !results_[i].is_pending();
if (all_done) {
return fit::ok(std::move(results_));
return ::fit::pending();
promise_vector promises_;
result_vector results_;
} // namespace internal
template <typename PromiseHandler>
inline promise_impl<::fit::internal::promise_continuation<PromiseHandler>> make_promise(
PromiseHandler handler);
template <typename Continuation>
inline promise_impl<Continuation> make_promise_with_continuation(Continuation continuation);
} // namespace fit