blob: 26528a92eeea571f36ccc68d7a2656164db3dbfa [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <zircon/rights.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/port.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <fbl/canary.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <kernel/mutex.h>
#include <kernel/semaphore.h>
#include <kernel/spinlock.h>
#include <ktl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <object/dispatcher.h>
#include <object/handle.h>
#include <object/signal_observer.h>
// Important pointers diagram for PortObserver
// The diagrams below show the *relevant* pointers on different
// states of the system. The pure header view is really the
// union of all these pointer which can be confusing.
// PortDispatcher is responsible for destroying PortObservers (MaybeReap
// or on_zero_handles), however, their destruction may be initiated by
// either Dispatcher or PortDispatcher.
// rc = ref counted
// p = raw pointer
// o = owning pointer
// 1) Situation after object_wait_async(port, handle) is issued:
// list +--------+
// +------p------+ +----p-----+ Port |
// | v v | |
// +-------+--+ +-----------+ +-+------+
// | object | | Port | ^
// | | <--rc--+ Observer | |
// +----------+ | +---rc----+
// | |
// +-----------+
// | Port |
// | Packet |
// +-----------+
// State changes of the object are propagated from the object
// to the port via |p| --> observer --> |rc| calls.
// 2) Situation after the packet is queued on signal match or the wait
// is canceled.
// +--------+
// | Port |
// | |
// +----------+ +-----------+ +-+---+--+
// | object | | Port | ^ |
// | | | Observer | | |
// +----------+ | +---rc----+ |
// +---> | | |
// | +-----------+ | list
// | | Port | |
// +-rc--| Packet | <-----o-----+
// +-----------+
// Note that the object no longer has a |p| to the observer
// but the observer still owns the port via |rc|.
// The |o| pointer is used to destroy the port observer only
// when cancellation happens and the port still owns the packet.
class PortDispatcher;
class PortObserver;
struct PortPacket;
struct PortAllocator {
virtual ~PortAllocator() = default;
virtual PortPacket* Alloc() = 0;
virtual void Free(PortPacket* port_packet) = 0;
struct PortPacket final : public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<PortPacket*> {
zx_port_packet_t packet;
const void* const handle;
ktl::unique_ptr<const PortObserver> observer;
PortAllocator* const allocator;
PortPacket(const void* handle, PortAllocator* allocator);
PortPacket(const PortPacket&) = delete;
void operator=(PortPacket) = delete;
uint64_t key() const { return packet.key; }
bool is_ephemeral() const { return allocator != nullptr; }
void Free() { allocator->Free(this); }
struct PortInterruptPacket final : public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<PortInterruptPacket*> {
zx_time_t timestamp;
uint64_t key;
// Observers are weakly contained in Dispatchers until their OnInitialize(), OnStateChange() or
// OnCancel() callbacks return StateObserver::kNeedRemoval.
class PortObserver final : public SignalObserver {
using ListNodeState = fbl::DoublyLinkedListNodeState<PortObserver*>;
// ListTraits allows PortObservers to be placed on a PortObserver::List.
struct ListTraits {
static ListNodeState& node_state(PortObserver& obj) { return obj.observer_list_node_state_; }
using List = fbl::DoublyLinkedListCustomTraits<PortObserver*, PortObserver::ListTraits>;
PortObserver(uint32_t options, const Handle* handle, fbl::RefPtr<PortDispatcher> port,
Lock<Mutex>* port_lock, uint64_t key, zx_signals_t signals);
~PortObserver() final = default;
// May only be called while holding PortDispatcher lock.
fbl::RefPtr<Dispatcher> UnlinkDispatcherLocked() {
return ktl::move(dispatcher_);
PortObserver(const PortObserver&) = delete;
PortObserver& operator=(const PortObserver&) = delete;
// |SignalObserver| implementation.
void OnMatch(zx_signals_t signals) final;
void OnCancel(zx_signals_t signals) final;
bool MatchesKey(const void* port, uint64_t key) final;
const uint32_t options_;
PortPacket packet_;
fbl::RefPtr<PortDispatcher> const port_;
Lock<Mutex>* const port_lock_;
// Guarded by port_lock_;
ListNodeState observer_list_node_state_;
// Guarded by port_lock_;
fbl::RefPtr<Dispatcher> dispatcher_;
// The PortDispatcher implements the port kernel object which is the cornerstone
// for waiting on object changes in Zircon. The PortDispatcher handles 3 usage
// cases:
// 1- Object state change notification: zx_object_wait_async()
// 2- Manual queuing: zx_port_queue()
// 3- Interrupt change notification: zx_interrupt_bind()
// This makes the implementation non-trivial. Cases 1 and 2 use the |packets_|
// linked list and case 3 uses |interrupt_packets_| linked list.
// The threads that wish to receive notifications block on Dequeue() (which
// maps to zx_port_wait()) and will receive packets from any of the four sources
// depending on what kind of object the port has been 'bound' to.
// When a packet from any of the sources arrives to the port, one waiting
// thread unblocks and gets the packet. In all cases |sema_| is used to signal
// and manage the waiting threads.
class PortDispatcher final : public SoloDispatcher<PortDispatcher, ZX_DEFAULT_PORT_RIGHTS> {
static void Init();
static PortAllocator* DefaultPortAllocator();
static zx_status_t Create(uint32_t options, KernelHandle<PortDispatcher>* handle,
zx_rights_t* rights);
~PortDispatcher() final;
zx_obj_type_t get_type() const final { return ZX_OBJ_TYPE_PORT; }
bool can_bind_to_interrupt() const { return options_ & ZX_PORT_BIND_TO_INTERRUPT; }
void on_zero_handles() final;
zx_status_t Queue(PortPacket* port_packet, zx_signals_t observed);
zx_status_t QueueUser(const zx_port_packet_t& packet);
bool QueueInterruptPacket(PortInterruptPacket* port_packet, zx_time_t timestamp);
zx_status_t Dequeue(const Deadline& deadline, zx_port_packet_t* packet);
bool RemoveInterruptPacket(PortInterruptPacket* port_packet);
// This method determines the observer's fate. Upon return, one of the following will have
// occurred:
// 1. The observer is destroyed.
// 2. The observer is linked to an alreadyed queued packet and will be destroyed when the packet
// is destroyed (Queued or CancelQueued).
// 3. The observer is left for on_zero_handles to destroyed.
void MaybeReap(PortObserver* observer, PortPacket* port_packet);
// The purpose of this type is to decouple memory allocation from object construction.
// Example usage:
// // Allocate a placeholder.
// fbl::AllocChecker ac;
// ktl::unique_ptr<PortDispatcher::PortObserverPlaceholder> placeholder{
// new (&ac) PortDispatcher::PortObserverPlaceholder{}};
// ASSERT(ac.check());
// // At this point memory for a PortObserver has been allocated, however, the PortObserver has
// // not been constructed so if we were to call placeholder.reset() the destructor would not be
// // executed.
// // Construct the PortObserver and release the placeholder.
// ktl::unique_ptr<PortObserver> observer{new (&placeholder.release()->observer)
// PortObserver(...)};
// // At this point |placeholder| is null and we have a fully constructed PortObserver retained
// // by |observer|. If were to call observer.reset() the destructor would execute.
union PortObserverPlaceholder {
PortObserverPlaceholder() {}
~PortObserverPlaceholder() {}
uint8_t trivially_destructible_default_variant;
PortObserver observer;
static_assert(sizeof(PortObserverPlaceholder) == sizeof(PortObserver));
static_assert(alignof(PortObserverPlaceholder) == alignof(PortObserver));
// Called under the handle table lock.
zx_status_t MakeObserver(ktl::unique_ptr<PortObserverPlaceholder> placeholder, uint32_t options,
Handle* handle, uint64_t key, zx_signals_t signals);
// Returns true if at least one packet was removed from the queue.
// Called under the handle table lock when |handle| is not null.
// When |handle| is null, ephemeral PortPackets are removed from the queue but not freed.
bool CancelQueued(const void* handle, uint64_t key);
// Removes |port_packet| from this port's queue. Returns false if the packet was
// not in this queue. It is undefined to call this with a packet queued in another port.
bool CancelQueued(PortPacket* port_packet);
explicit PortDispatcher(uint32_t options);
const uint32_t options_;
Semaphore sema_;
bool zero_handles_ TA_GUARDED(get_lock());
// Next three members handle the object and manual notifications.
size_t num_ephemeral_packets_ TA_GUARDED(get_lock());
fbl::DoublyLinkedList<PortPacket*> packets_ TA_GUARDED(get_lock());
// Next two members handle the interrupt notifications.
DECLARE_SPINLOCK(PortDispatcher) spinlock_;
fbl::DoublyLinkedList<PortInterruptPacket*> interrupt_packets_ TA_GUARDED(spinlock_);
// Keeps track of outstanding observers so they can be removed from dispatchers once handle
// count drops to zero.
PortObserver::List observers_ TA_GUARDED(get_lock());