blob: dabeacc3ccc140e61dccf1fd8c4fe7d90b852ff6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/user_copy/user_ptr.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_single_list.h>
#include <ktl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <object/buffer_chain.h>
#include <object/handle.h>
constexpr uint32_t kMaxMessageSize = 65536u;
constexpr uint32_t kMaxMessageHandles = 64u;
constexpr uint32_t kMaxIovecsCount = 8192u;
// ensure public constants are aligned
static_assert(ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_BYTES == kMaxMessageSize, "");
static_assert(ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_HANDLES == kMaxMessageHandles, "");
static_assert(ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_IOVECS == kMaxIovecsCount, "");
class Handle;
class MessagePacket;
namespace internal {
struct MessagePacketDeleter;
} // namespace internal
// Definition of a MessagePacket's specific pointer type. Message packets must
// be managed using this specific type of pointer, because MessagePackets have a
// specific custom deletion requirement.
using MessagePacketPtr = ktl::unique_ptr<MessagePacket, internal::MessagePacketDeleter>;
class MessagePacket final : public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<MessagePacketPtr> {
// The number of iovecs to read and process at a time.
// If number of iovecs <= kIovecChunkSize, then the message buf size will be computed and the
// minimum required number of pages will be allocated. Otherwise, a large enough buffer for
// the largest possible message will be allocated.
static constexpr uint32_t kIovecChunkSize = 16;
// Creates a message packet containing the provided data and space for
// |num_handles| handles. The handles array is uninitialized and must
// be completely overwritten by clients.
static zx_status_t Create(user_in_ptr<const char> data, uint32_t data_size, uint32_t num_handles,
MessagePacketPtr* msg);
static zx_status_t Create(user_in_ptr<const zx_channel_iovec_t> iovecs, uint32_t num_iovecs,
uint32_t num_handles, MessagePacketPtr* msg);
static zx_status_t Create(const char* data, uint32_t data_size, uint32_t num_handles,
MessagePacketPtr* msg);
uint32_t data_size() const { return data_size_; }
// Copies the packet's |data_size()| bytes to |buf|.
// Returns an error if |buf| points to a bad user address.
zx_status_t CopyDataTo(user_out_ptr<char> buf) const {
return buffer_chain_->CopyOut(buf, payload_offset_, data_size_);
uint32_t num_handles() const { return num_handles_; }
Handle* const* handles() const { return handles_; }
Handle** mutable_handles() { return handles_; }
void set_owns_handles(bool own_handles) { owns_handles_ = own_handles; }
// zx_channel_call treats the leading bytes of the payload as
// a transaction id of type zx_txid_t.
zx_txid_t get_txid() const {
if (data_size_ < sizeof(zx_txid_t)) {
return 0;
// The first few bytes of the payload are a zx_txid_t.
void* payload_start = buffer_chain_->buffers()->front().data() + payload_offset_;
return *reinterpret_cast<zx_txid_t*>(payload_start);
void set_txid(zx_txid_t txid) {
if (data_size_ >= sizeof(zx_txid_t)) {
void* payload_start = buffer_chain_->buffers()->front().data() + payload_offset_;
*(reinterpret_cast<zx_txid_t*>(payload_start)) = txid;
// A private constructor ensures that users must use the static factory
// Create method to create a MessagePacket. This, in turn, guarantees that
// when a user creates a MessagePacket, they end up with the proper
// MessagePacket::UPtr type for managing the message packet's life cycle.
MessagePacket(BufferChain* chain, uint32_t data_size, uint32_t payload_offset,
uint16_t num_handles, Handle** handles)
: buffer_chain_(chain),
owns_handles_(false) {}
// A private destructor helps to make sure that only our custom deleter is
// ever used to destroy this object which, in turn, makes it very difficult
// to not properly recycle the object.
~MessagePacket() {
if (owns_handles_) {
for (size_t ix = 0; ix != num_handles_; ++ix) {
// Delete the handle via HandleOwner dtor.
HandleOwner ho(handles_[ix]);
friend struct internal::MessagePacketDeleter;
static void recycle(MessagePacket* packet);
static zx_status_t CreateIovecBounded(user_in_ptr<const zx_channel_iovec_t> iovecs,
uint32_t num_iovecs, uint32_t num_handles,
MessagePacketPtr* msg);
static zx_status_t CreateIovecUnbounded(user_in_ptr<const zx_channel_iovec_t> iovecs,
uint32_t num_iovecs, uint32_t num_handles,
MessagePacketPtr* msg);
static zx_status_t CreateCommon(uint32_t data_size, uint32_t num_handles, MessagePacketPtr* msg);
void set_data_size(uint32_t data_size) { data_size_ = data_size; }
BufferChain* buffer_chain_;
Handle** const handles_;
uint32_t data_size_;
const uint32_t payload_offset_;
const uint16_t num_handles_;
bool owns_handles_;
namespace internal {
struct MessagePacketDeleter {
void operator()(MessagePacket* packet) const noexcept { MessagePacket::recycle(packet); }
} // namespace internal