blob: 93df2a97e99c142d312d25c382613e64658beeda [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/zircon-internal/thread_annotations.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <kernel/mutex.h>
#include <object/channel_dispatcher.h>
#include <object/handle.h>
class ExceptionDispatcher;
// Kernel-owned exception channel endpoint.
// This class is thread-safe, does not require external synchronization.
class Exceptionate {
// Jobs and processes need to distinguish between standard or debug
// exception handlers.
enum class Type { kStandard, kDebug };
// |type| must be a valid ZX_EXCEPTION_CHANNEL_TYPE_* constant.
Exceptionate(uint32_t type);
uint32_t type() const { return type_; }
// Shuts the underlying channel down if it's still connected to be sure the
// userspace endpoint gets the PEER_CLOSED signal.
// In most cases the task wants to manually shutdown the exceptionate when
// transitioning to a dead state, but in some cases tasks can be destroyed
// without registering the dead state e.g. childless jobs.
// Sets the backing ChannelDispatcher endpoint.
// The exception channel is first-come-first-served, so if there is
// already a valid channel in place (i.e. has a live peer) this will
// fail.
// The |*_rights| arguments give the rights to assign to task handles
// provided through this exception channel. A value of 0 indicates that
// the handle should not be made available through this channel.
// Returns:
// ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS if |channel| is null.
// ZX_ERR_ALREADY_BOUND is there is already a valid channel.
// ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE if Shutdown() has already been called.
zx_status_t SetChannel(KernelHandle<ChannelDispatcher> channel_handle, zx_rights_t thread_rights,
zx_rights_t process_rights);
// Removes any exception channel, which will signal PEER_CLOSED for the
// userspace endpoint.
// Any further attempt to set a new channel will return ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE.
void Shutdown();
// Returns true if the channel exists and has a valid userspace peer.
bool HasValidChannel() const;
// Sends an exception to userspace.
// The exception message contains:
// * 1 struct: zx_exception_info_t
// * 1 handle: ExceptionDispatcher
// Returns:
// ZX_ERR_NEXT if there is no valid underlying channel.
// ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY if we failed to allocate memory.
zx_status_t SendException(const fbl::RefPtr<ExceptionDispatcher>& exception);
bool HasValidChannelLocked() const TA_REQ(lock_);
const uint32_t type_;
mutable DECLARE_MUTEX(Exceptionate) lock_;
KernelHandle<ChannelDispatcher> channel_handle_ TA_GUARDED(lock_);
zx_rights_t thread_rights_ TA_GUARDED(lock_) = 0;
zx_rights_t process_rights_ TA_GUARDED(lock_) = 0;
bool is_shutdown_ TA_GUARDED(lock_) = false;