blob: b8a1f3a5ef9d103555adf2302a0fbf97b60df31e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/affine/ratio.h>
#include <lib/affine/transform.h>
#include <lib/arch/intrin.h>
#include <lib/counters.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <zircon/rights.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/clock.h>
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include <object/clock_dispatcher.h>
KCOUNTER(dispatcher_clock_create_count, "dispatcher.clock.create")
KCOUNTER(dispatcher_clock_destroy_count, "dispatcher.clock.destroy")
namespace {
inline zx_clock_transformation_t CopyTransform(const affine::Transform& src) {
return {src.a_offset(), src.b_offset(), {src.numerator(), src.denominator()}};
} // namespace
zx_status_t ClockDispatcher::Create(uint64_t options, const zx_clock_create_args_v1_t& create_args,
KernelHandle<ClockDispatcher>* handle, zx_rights_t* rights) {
// The syscall_ layer has already parsed our args version and extracted them
// into our |create_args| argument as appropriate. Go ahead and discard the
// version information before sanity checking the rest of the options.
// Reject any request which includes an options flag we do not recognize.
if (~ZX_CLOCK_OPTS_ALL & options) {
// If the user asks for a continuous clock, it must also be monotonic
if ((options & ZX_CLOCK_OPT_CONTINUOUS) && !(options & ZX_CLOCK_OPT_MONOTONIC)) {
// Make sure that the backstop time is valid. If this clock is being created
// with the "auto start" flag, then it begins life as a clone of clock
// monotonic, and the backstop time has to be <= the current clock monotonic
// value. Otherwise, the clock starts in the stopped state, and any specified
// backstop time must simply be non-negative.
if (((options & ZX_CLOCK_OPT_AUTO_START) && (create_args.backstop_time > current_time())) ||
(create_args.backstop_time < 0)) {
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
KernelHandle clock(fbl::AdoptRef(new (&ac) ClockDispatcher(options, create_args.backstop_time)));
if (!ac.check()) {
*rights = default_rights();
*handle = ktl::move(clock);
return ZX_OK;
ClockDispatcher::ClockDispatcher(uint64_t options, zx_time_t backstop_time)
: options_(options),
mono_to_synthetic_{0, backstop_time, {0, 1}},
ticks_to_synthetic_{0, backstop_time, {0, 1}} {
// If this clock is created with the "auto start" flag, set the clock up to
// initially be a clone of clock monotonic instead of being in an undefined
// (non-started) state.
if (options & ZX_CLOCK_OPT_AUTO_START) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(backstop_time <= current_time()); // This should have been checked by Create
affine::Ratio ticks_to_mono_ratio = platform_get_ticks_to_time_ratio();
mono_to_synthetic_ = {0, 0, {1, 1}},
ticks_to_synthetic_ = {
0, 0, {ticks_to_mono_ratio.numerator(), ticks_to_mono_ratio.denominator()}};
UpdateState(0, ZX_CLOCK_STARTED);
kcounter_add(dispatcher_clock_create_count, 1);
ClockDispatcher::~ClockDispatcher() { kcounter_add(dispatcher_clock_destroy_count, 1); }
zx_status_t ClockDispatcher::Read(zx_time_t* out_now) {
int64_t now_ticks;
affine::Transform ticks_to_synthetic;
while (true) {
// load the generation counter. If it is odd, we are in the middle of
// an update and need to wait. Just spin; the update operation (once
// started) is non-preemptable and will be done very shortly.
auto gen = gen_counter_.load(ktl::memory_order_acquire);
if ((gen & 0x1) == 0) {
// Latch the transformation and observe the tick counter.
ticks_to_synthetic = ticks_to_synthetic_;
now_ticks = current_ticks();
// If the generation counter has not changed, then we are done.
// Otherwise, we need to start over.
if (gen == gen_counter_.load(ktl::memory_order_acquire)) {
// Pause just a bit before trying again.
*out_now = ticks_to_synthetic.Apply(now_ticks);
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t ClockDispatcher::GetDetails(zx_clock_details_v1_t* out_details) {
while (true) {
// load the generation counter. If it is odd, we are in the middle of
// an update and need to wait. Just spin; the update operation (once
// started) is non-preemptable and will be done very shortly.
auto gen = gen_counter_.load(ktl::memory_order_acquire);
if ((gen & 0x1) == 0) {
// Latch the detailed information.
out_details->generation_counter = gen;
out_details->ticks_to_synthetic = CopyTransform(ticks_to_synthetic_);
out_details->mono_to_synthetic = CopyTransform(mono_to_synthetic_);
out_details->error_bound = error_bound_;
out_details->query_ticks = current_ticks();
out_details->last_value_update_ticks = last_value_update_ticks_;
out_details->last_rate_adjust_update_ticks = last_rate_adjust_update_ticks_;
out_details->last_error_bounds_update_ticks = last_error_bounds_update_ticks_;
// If the generation counter has not changed, then we are done.
// Otherwise, we need to start over.
if (gen == gen_counter_.load(ktl::memory_order_acquire)) {
// Pause just a bit before trying again.
// Options and backstop_time are constant over the life of the clock. We
// don't need to latch them during the generation counter spin.
out_details->options = options_;
out_details->backstop_time = backstop_time_;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t ClockDispatcher::Update(uint64_t options, const zx_clock_update_args_v1_t& args) {
const bool do_set = options & ZX_CLOCK_UPDATE_OPTION_VALUE_VALID;
const bool do_rate = options & ZX_CLOCK_UPDATE_OPTION_RATE_ADJUST_VALID;
// if this is a set operation, and we are trying to set the time to something
// before the backstop, just deny the operation. The backstop time is a fixed
// property of the clock determined at creation time; we don't need to even
// enter into the writer lock to know that this is an illegal operation.
if (do_set && (args.value < backstop_time_)) {
bool clock_was_started = false;
// Enter the writer lock. Only one update can take place at a time. We use
// an IrqSave spinlock for this because this operation should be very quick,
// and we may have observers who are spinning attempting to read the clock.
// We cannot afford to become preempted while we are performing an update
// operation.
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> writer_lock{&writer_lock_};
// If the clock has not yet been started, then we require the first update
// to include a set operation.
if (!do_set && !is_started()) {
// Continue with the argument sanity checking. Set operations are not
// allowed on continuous clocks after the very first one (which is what
// starts the clock).
if (do_set && is_continuous() && is_started()) {
// Bump the generation counter. This will disable all read operations until
// we bump the counter again.
// We should only need release semantics here. Only things which hold the
// writer spin-lock can make changes to the generation counter, and acquiring
// that spin-lock should serve as our acquire barrier.
auto prev_counter = gen_counter_.fetch_add(1, ktl::memory_order_release);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT((prev_counter & 0x1) == 0);
int64_t now_ticks = static_cast<int64_t>(current_ticks());
// Are we updating the transformations at all?
if (do_set || do_rate) {
int64_t now_synthetic;
// Figure out the new synthetic offset
if (do_set) {
// We are performing a set operation. If this clock is started and
// monotonic, and the set operation would result in non-monotonic
// behavior for the clock, disallow it.
if (is_started() && is_monotonic()) {
int64_t now_clock = ticks_to_synthetic_.Apply(now_ticks);
if (args.value < now_clock) {
// turns out we are not going to make any changes to the clock.
// Put the generation counter back to where it was., ktl::memory_order_release);
// Because this is a set operation, now on the synthetic timeline is
// what the user has specified.
now_synthetic = args.value;
last_value_update_ticks_ = now_ticks;
// We are past the point where this update can fail. All of our
// parameters have been sanity checked, including the monotonic check
// which can only be performed while we are holding off readers using
// the generation counter. At this point, because we are performing a
// set operation, we are starting the clock if it was not already
// started.
clock_was_started = !is_started();
} else {
// Looks like we are updating the rate, but not explicitly setting the
// clock. Make sure that the offsets we choose for the new affine
// transformation result in it being 1st order continuous with the
// previous transformation. The simple way to do this is to choose the
// reference time at which the change is taking place (now_ticks) as the
// first offset, and the same value transformed by the previous
// transformation as the second (synthetic) offset. By definition, this
// point marks the point at which the previous transformation's domain
// ended and the new one started, and must exist on the line defined by
// both transformations.
now_synthetic = ticks_to_synthetic_.Apply(now_ticks);
// Figure out the new rates.
affine::Ratio ticks_to_mono_ratio = platform_get_ticks_to_time_ratio();
affine::Ratio mono_to_synthetic_rate;
affine::Ratio ticks_to_synthetic_rate;
bool skip_update = false;
if (do_rate) {
// We want to explicitly update the rate. Encode the PPM adjustment
// as a ratio, then compute the ticks_to_synthetic_rate.
// If the PPM adjustment being applied is identical to the last
// adjustment being applied, then don't bother to recompute these. Just
// use the rates we already have.
if (do_set || args.rate_adjust != cur_ppm_adj_) {
mono_to_synthetic_rate = {static_cast<uint32_t>(1000000 + args.rate_adjust), 1000000};
ticks_to_synthetic_rate = ticks_to_mono_ratio * mono_to_synthetic_rate;
cur_ppm_adj_ = args.rate_adjust;
} else {
mono_to_synthetic_rate = mono_to_synthetic_.ratio();
ticks_to_synthetic_rate = ticks_to_synthetic_.ratio();
// If our rate is being "adjusted" to the same thing that it already
// was, and we are not updating the position at all, then we can just
// go ahead and skip the update of the transformation equations (even
// though we will record the time of this update as the last rate
// adjustment time). See
skip_update = true;
last_rate_adjust_update_ticks_ = now_ticks;
} else if (!is_started()) {
// The clock has never been started, then the default rate is 1:1
// with the mono reference.
mono_to_synthetic_rate = {1, 1};
ticks_to_synthetic_rate = ticks_to_mono_ratio;
last_rate_adjust_update_ticks_ = now_ticks;
} else {
// Otherwise, preserve the existing rate.
mono_to_synthetic_rate = mono_to_synthetic_.ratio();
ticks_to_synthetic_rate = ticks_to_synthetic_.ratio();
// Now, simply update the transformations with the proper offsets and
// the calculated rates.
if (!skip_update) {
zx_time_t now_mono = ticks_to_mono_ratio.Scale(now_ticks);
mono_to_synthetic_ = {now_mono, now_synthetic, mono_to_synthetic_rate};
ticks_to_synthetic_ = {now_ticks, now_synthetic, ticks_to_synthetic_rate};
// If we are supposed to update the error bound, do so.
error_bound_ = args.error_bound;
last_error_bounds_update_ticks_ = now_ticks;
// We are finished. Update the generation counter to allow clock reading again. + 2, ktl::memory_order_release);
// Now that we are out of the time critical section, if the clock was just
// started, make sure to assert the ZX_CLOCK_STARTED signal to observers.
if (clock_was_started) {
UpdateState(0, ZX_CLOCK_STARTED);
return ZX_OK;