blob: 30d6447bc300261daa7b76f8608ad6a4e8a29109 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::args::StartCommand;
use crate::cipd;
use anyhow::{anyhow, format_err, Result};
use fuchsia_async::Executor;
use home::home_dir;
use hyper::{StatusCode, Uri};
use std::convert::From;
use std::env;
use std::fs::{create_dir, create_dir_all, File};
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, Write};
use std::os::unix;
use std::path::PathBuf;
pub fn read_env_path(var: &str) -> Result<PathBuf> {
env::var_os(var).map(PathBuf::from).ok_or(anyhow!("{} contained invalid Unicode", var))
/// Returns either the path specified in the environment variable FUCHSIA_SDK_DATA_DIR or
/// $HOME/.fuchsia
pub fn get_sdk_data_dir() -> Result<PathBuf> {
let sdk_data_dir = match read_env_path("FUCHSIA_SDK_DATA_DIR") {
Ok(dir) => dir,
_ => {
let default = home_dir().unwrap_or_default().join(".fuchsia");
if !default.exists() {
pub struct HostTools {
pub aemu: PathBuf,
pub device_finder: PathBuf,
pub far: PathBuf,
pub fvm: PathBuf,
pub grpcwebproxy: PathBuf,
pub pm: PathBuf,
pub vdl: PathBuf,
pub zbi: PathBuf,
impl HostTools {
/// Initialize host tools for in-tree usage.
/// Requires the environment variable HOST_OUT_DIR,
/// See: //tools/devshell/vdl
pub fn from_tree_env() -> Result<HostTools> {
let host_out_dir = read_env_path("HOST_OUT_DIR")?;
Ok(HostTools {
aemu: read_env_path("PREBUILT_AEMU_DIR")?.join("emulator"),
device_finder: host_out_dir.join("device-finder"),
far: host_out_dir.join("far"),
fvm: host_out_dir.join("fvm"),
grpcwebproxy: read_env_path("PREBUILT_GRPCWEBPROXY_DIR")?.join("grpcwebproxy"),
pm: host_out_dir.join("pm"),
vdl: read_env_path("PREBUILT_VDL_DIR")?.join("device_launcher"),
zbi: host_out_dir.join("zbi"),
/// Initialize host tools for GN SDK usage.
/// First check the existence of environment variable TOOL_DIR, if not specified
/// look for host tools in the program's containing directory.
pub fn from_sdk_env() -> Result<HostTools> {
let sdk_tool_dir = match read_env_path("TOOL_DIR") {
Ok(dir) => dir,
_ => env::args_os()
.ok_or(anyhow!("Cannot get containing directory path."))?
.ok_or(anyhow!("Cannot get parent path."))?
Ok(HostTools {
aemu: PathBuf::new(),
grpcwebproxy: PathBuf::new(),
vdl: sdk_tool_dir.join("device_launcher"),
device_finder: sdk_tool_dir.join("device-finder"),
far: sdk_tool_dir.join("far"),
fvm: sdk_tool_dir.join("fvm"),
pm: sdk_tool_dir.join("pm"),
zbi: sdk_tool_dir.join("zbi"),
/// Downloads & extract from CIPD, and returns the path containing the emulator executable.
/// # Arguments
/// * `label` - cipd label that specified a particular aemu version
/// * `cipd_pkg` - this is appeneded to cipd url
pub fn download_and_extract(&self, label: String, cipd_pkg: String) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let mut executor = Executor::new().unwrap();
executor.run_singlethreaded(async move {
let root_path = match read_env_path("FEMU_DOWNLOAD_DIR") {
Ok(path) => path,
_ => {
let default_path = get_sdk_data_dir()?.join("femu");
if !default_path.exists() {
let arch = match env::consts::OS {
"macos" => "mac-amd64",
_ => "linux-amd64",
let url = format!(
cipd_pkg, arch, label
let aemu_zip = root_path.join(format!("{}.zip", cipd_pkg));
if aemu_zip.exists() {
return Ok(root_path);
let status = cipd::download(url.clone(), &aemu_zip).await?;
if status == StatusCode::OK {
cipd::extract_zip(&aemu_zip, &root_path)?;
} else {
"Cannot download file from cipd path {}. Got status code {}",
pub struct ImageFiles {
pub amber_files: PathBuf,
pub build_args: PathBuf,
pub fvm: PathBuf,
pub kernel: PathBuf,
pub zbi: PathBuf,
impl ImageFiles {
/// Initialize fuchsia image and package files for in-tree usage.
/// Requires the environment variable FUCHSIA_BUILD_DIR to be specified.
pub fn from_tree_env() -> Result<ImageFiles> {
let fuchsia_build_dir = read_env_path("FUCHSIA_BUILD_DIR")?;
Ok(ImageFiles {
amber_files: fuchsia_build_dir.join("amber-files"),
build_args: fuchsia_build_dir.join(""),
fvm: fuchsia_build_dir.join(read_env_path("IMAGE_FVM_RAW")?),
kernel: fuchsia_build_dir.join(read_env_path("IMAGE_QEMU_KERNEL_RAW")?),
zbi: fuchsia_build_dir.join(read_env_path("IMAGE_ZIRCONA_ZBI")?),
/// Initialize fuchsia image and package files for GN SDK usage.
/// First check the existence of environment variable IMAGE_DIR, if not specified
/// make a best effort guess in other known paths by calling get_sdk_data_dir().
/// If --sdk_version is specified, fuchsia image will be downloaded from GCS.
pub fn from_sdk_env() -> Result<ImageFiles> {
let fuchsia_build_dir = match read_env_path("IMAGE_DIR") {
Ok(dir) => dir,
_ => get_sdk_data_dir()?,
Ok(ImageFiles {
amber_files: fuchsia_build_dir.join("amber-files"),
build_args: fuchsia_build_dir.join(""),
fvm: fuchsia_build_dir.join("storage-full.blk"),
kernel: fuchsia_build_dir.join("femu-kernel.kernel"),
zbi: fuchsia_build_dir.join("zircon-a.zbi"),
pub fn stage_files(&mut self, dir: &PathBuf) -> Result<()> {
let vdl_kernel_dest = dir.join("femu_kernel");
let vdl_kernel_src = self.kernel.as_path();
unix::fs::symlink(&vdl_kernel_src, &vdl_kernel_dest)?;
self.kernel = vdl_kernel_dest.to_path_buf();
let vdl_fvm_dest = dir.join("femu_fvm");
let vdl_fvm_src = self.fvm.as_path();
unix::fs::symlink(&vdl_fvm_src, &vdl_fvm_dest)?;
self.fvm = vdl_fvm_dest.to_path_buf();
let vdl_args_dest = dir.join("femu_buildargs");
let vdl_args_src = self.build_args.as_path();
unix::fs::symlink(&vdl_args_src, &vdl_args_dest)?;
self.build_args = vdl_args_dest.to_path_buf();
pub struct SSHKeys {
pub auth_key: PathBuf,
pub config: PathBuf,
pub private_key: PathBuf,
pub public_key: PathBuf,
impl SSHKeys {
pub fn print(&self) {
println!("private_key {:?}", self.private_key);
println!("public_key {:?}", self.public_key);
println!("auth_key {:?}", self.auth_key);
println!("config {:?}", self.config);
/// Initialize SSH key files for in-tree usage.
/// Requires the environment variable FUCHSIA_DIR & FUCHSIA_BUILD_DIR to be specified.
pub fn from_tree_env() -> Result<SSHKeys> {
let ssh_file = File::open(read_env_path("FUCHSIA_DIR")?.join(".fx-ssh-path"))?;
let ssh_file = BufReader::new(ssh_file);
let mut lines = ssh_file.lines();
let private_key = PathBuf::from(;
let auth_key = PathBuf::from(;
let mut pkey = private_key.clone();
let public_key = pkey.to_path_buf();
Ok(SSHKeys {
auth_key: auth_key,
config: read_env_path("FUCHSIA_BUILD_DIR")?.join("ssh-keys/ssh_config"),
private_key: private_key,
public_key: public_key,
/// Initialize SSH key files for GN SDK usage.
/// Requires SSH keys to have been generated and stored in $HOME/.ssh/...
pub fn from_sdk_env() -> Result<SSHKeys> {
let keys = SSHKeys {
auth_key: home_dir().unwrap_or_default().join(".ssh/fuchsia_authorized_keys"),
config: get_sdk_data_dir()?.join("sshconfig"),
private_key: home_dir().unwrap_or_default().join(".ssh/fuchsia_ed25519"),
public_key: home_dir().unwrap_or_default().join(".ssh/"),
if !keys.config.exists() {
let config_content = format!(
"# Configure port 8022 for connecting to a device with the local address.
# This makes it possible to forward 8022 to a device connected remotely.
# The fuchsia private key is used for the identity.
Port 8022
Host ::1
Port 8022
Host *
# Turn off refusing to connect to hosts whose key has changed
StrictHostKeyChecking no
CheckHostIP no
# Disable recording the known hosts
# Do not forward auth agent connection to remote, no X11
ForwardAgent no
ForwardX11 no
# Connection timeout in seconds
# Check for server alive in seconds, max count before disconnecting
ServerAliveInterval 1
ServerAliveCountMax 10
# Try to keep the master connection open to speed reconnecting.
ControlMaster auto
ControlPersist yes
# When expanded, the ControlPath below cannot have more than 90 characters
# (total of 108 minus 18 used by a random suffix added by ssh).
# '%C' expands to 40 chars and there are 9 fixed chars, so '~' can expand to
# up to 41 chars, which is a reasonable limit for a user's home in most
# situations. If '~' expands to more than 41 chars, the ssh connection
# will fail with an error like:
# unix_listener: path \"...\" too long for Unix domain socket
# A possible solution is to use /tmp instead of ~, but it has
# its own security concerns.
# Connect with user, use the identity specified.
User fuchsia
IdentitiesOnly yes
IdentityFile {}
GSSAPIDelegateCredentials no
pub fn stage_files(&mut self, dir: &PathBuf) -> Result<()> {
let vdl_priv_key_dest = dir.join("id_ed25519");
let vdl_priv_key_src = self.private_key.as_path();
unix::fs::symlink(&vdl_priv_key_src, &vdl_priv_key_dest)?;
self.private_key = vdl_priv_key_dest.to_path_buf();
let vdl_auth_key_dest = dir.join("");
let vdl_auth_key_src = self.public_key.as_path();
unix::fs::symlink(&vdl_auth_key_src, &vdl_auth_key_dest)?;
self.public_key = vdl_auth_key_dest.to_path_buf();
let vdl_ssh_config_dest = dir.join("ssh_config");
let vdl_ssh_config_src = self.config.as_path();
unix::fs::symlink(&vdl_ssh_config_src, &vdl_ssh_config_dest)?;
self.config = vdl_ssh_config_dest.to_path_buf();
pub struct VDLArgs {
pub headless: bool,
pub tuntap: bool,
pub enable_grpcwebproxy: bool,
pub enable_hidpi_scaling: bool,
pub grpcwebproxy_port: String,
pub upscript: String,
pub packages_to_serve: String,
pub image_size: String,
pub device_proto: String,
pub gpu: String,
pub pointing_device: String,
pub gcs_bucket: String,
pub gcs_build_id: String,
pub gcs_image_archive: String,
impl From<&StartCommand> for VDLArgs {
fn from(cmd: &StartCommand) -> Self {
let mut gpu = "swiftshader_indirect";
if cmd.host_gpu {
gpu = "host";
if cmd.software_gpu {
gpu = "swiftshader_indirect";
let mut enable_grpcwebproxy = false;
let mut grpcwebproxy_port = "0".to_string();
match cmd.grpcwebproxy {
Some(port) => {
enable_grpcwebproxy = true;
grpcwebproxy_port = format!("{}", port);
_ => (),
VDLArgs {
headless: cmd.headless,
tuntap: cmd.tuntap,
enable_hidpi_scaling: cmd.hidpi_scaling,
upscript: cmd.upscript.as_ref().unwrap_or(&String::from("")).to_string(),
packages_to_serve: cmd
image_size: cmd.image_size.as_ref().unwrap_or(&String::from("2G")).to_string(),
device_proto: cmd.device_proto.as_ref().unwrap_or(&String::from("")).to_string(),
gpu: gpu.to_string(),
pointing_device: cmd
enable_grpcwebproxy: enable_grpcwebproxy,
grpcwebproxy_port: grpcwebproxy_port,
gcs_bucket: cmd.gcs_bucket.as_ref().unwrap_or(&String::from("fuchsia")).to_string(),
gcs_build_id: cmd.sdk_version.as_ref().unwrap_or(&String::from("")).to_string(),
gcs_image_archive: cmd
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::fs::read_dir;
use std::io::Write;
use tempfile::TempDir;
fn test_convert_start_cmd_to_vdl() {
let start_command = &StartCommand {
headless: false,
tuntap: true,
hidpi_scaling: false,
upscript: Some("/path/to/upscript".to_string()),
packages_to_serve: Some("pkg1.far,pkg2.far".to_string()),
image_size: None,
device_proto: None,
aemu_path: None,
vdl_path: None,
host_gpu: true,
software_gpu: false,
window_width: 1280,
window_height: 800,
grpcwebproxy: None,
grpcwebproxy_path: None,
pointing_device: Some("mouse".to_string()),
aemu_version: Some("git_revision:da1cc2ee512714a176f08b8b5fec035994ca305d".to_string()),
gcs_bucket: None,
grpcwebproxy_version: None,
sdk_version: Some("0.20201130.3.1".to_string()),
image_name: Some("qemu-x64".to_string()),
let vdl_args: VDLArgs = start_command.into();
assert_eq!(vdl_args.headless, false);
assert_eq!(vdl_args.tuntap, true);
assert_eq!(vdl_args.upscript, "/path/to/upscript");
assert_eq!(vdl_args.packages_to_serve, "pkg1.far,pkg2.far");
assert_eq!(vdl_args.image_size, "2G");
assert_eq!(vdl_args.device_proto, "");
assert_eq!(vdl_args.gpu, "host");
fn test_host_tools() -> Result<()> {
env::set_var("HOST_OUT_DIR", "/host/out");
env::set_var("PREBUILT_AEMU_DIR", "/host/out/aemu");
env::set_var("PREBUILT_VDL_DIR", "/host/out/vdl");
env::set_var("PREBUILT_GRPCWEBPROXY_DIR", "/host/out/grpcwebproxy");
let host_tools = HostTools::from_tree_env()?;
assert_eq!(host_tools.aemu.to_str().unwrap(), "/host/out/aemu/emulator");
assert_eq!(host_tools.vdl.to_str().unwrap(), "/host/out/vdl/device_launcher");
assert_eq!(host_tools.far.to_str().unwrap(), "/host/out/far");
assert_eq!(host_tools.fvm.to_str().unwrap(), "/host/out/fvm");
assert_eq!(, "/host/out/pm");
assert_eq!(host_tools.device_finder.to_str().unwrap(), "/host/out/device-finder");
assert_eq!(host_tools.zbi.to_str().unwrap(), "/host/out/zbi");
fn test_image_files() -> Result<()> {
env::set_var("FUCHSIA_BUILD_DIR", "/build/out");
env::set_var("IMAGE_ZIRCONA_ZBI", "zircona");
env::set_var("IMAGE_QEMU_KERNEL_RAW", "kernel");
env::set_var("IMAGE_FVM_RAW", "fvm");
let mut image_files = ImageFiles::from_tree_env()?;
assert_eq!(image_files.zbi.to_str().unwrap(), "/build/out/zircona");
assert_eq!(image_files.kernel.to_str().unwrap(), "/build/out/kernel");
assert_eq!(image_files.fvm.to_str().unwrap(), "/build/out/fvm");
assert_eq!(image_files.build_args.to_str().unwrap(), "/build/out/");
assert_eq!(image_files.amber_files.to_str().unwrap(), "/build/out/amber-files");
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new()?.into_path();
assert_eq!(image_files.kernel.to_str(), tmp_dir.join("femu_kernel").to_str());
fn test_ssh_files() -> Result<()> {
let data = format!(
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new()?.into_path();
env::set_var("FUCHSIA_DIR", tmp_dir.to_str().unwrap());
env::set_var("FUCHSIA_BUILD_DIR", "/build/out");
let mut ssh_files = SSHKeys::from_tree_env()?;
assert_eq!(ssh_files.private_key.to_str(), tmp_dir.join("id_ed25519").to_str());
fn test_sdk_data_dir() -> Result<()> {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new()?.into_path();
env::set_var("FUCHSIA_SDK_DATA_DIR", tmp_dir.to_str().unwrap());
let p = get_sdk_data_dir()?;
assert_eq!(p.to_str(), tmp_dir.to_str());
fn test_download_and_extract() -> Result<()> {
let tmp_dir = TempDir::new()?.into_path();
env::set_var("FEMU_DOWNLOAD_DIR", tmp_dir.to_str().unwrap());
let host_tools = HostTools::from_sdk_env()?;
// Pick the smallest package I can find.
host_tools.download_and_extract("latest".to_string(), "ninja".to_string())?;
let mut has_zip = false;
let mut has_extract = false;
for path in read_dir(&tmp_dir)? {
let entry = path?;
let p = entry.path();
println!("Found path {}", p.display());
if p.ends_with("") {
has_zip = true;
if p.ends_with("ninja") {
has_extract = true;