blob: d1974acfc6daa46e6685849489c1a756fb49a20b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use nix::poll::{PollFlags, poll, PollFd};
use nix::unistd::{write, pipe};
fn test_poll() {
let (r, w) = pipe().unwrap();
let mut fds = [PollFd::new(r, PollFlags::POLLIN)];
// Poll an idle pipe. Should timeout
let nfds = poll(&mut fds, 100).unwrap();
assert_eq!(nfds, 0);
write(w, b".").unwrap();
// Poll a readable pipe. Should return an event.
let nfds = poll(&mut fds, 100).unwrap();
assert_eq!(nfds, 1);
// ppoll(2) is the same as poll except for how it handles timeouts and signals.
// Repeating the test for poll(2) should be sufficient to check that our
// bindings are correct.
#[cfg(any(target_os = "android",
target_os = "dragonfly",
target_os = "freebsd",
target_os = "linux"))]
fn test_ppoll() {
use nix::poll::ppoll;
use nix::sys::signal::SigSet;
use nix::sys::time::{TimeSpec, TimeValLike};
let timeout = TimeSpec::milliseconds(1);
let (r, w) = pipe().unwrap();
let mut fds = [PollFd::new(r, PollFlags::POLLIN)];
// Poll an idle pipe. Should timeout
let nfds = ppoll(&mut fds, Some(timeout), SigSet::empty()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(nfds, 0);
write(w, b".").unwrap();
// Poll a readable pipe. Should return an event.
let nfds = ppoll(&mut fds, Some(timeout), SigSet::empty()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(nfds, 1);