| //! The implementation is based on Dmitry Vyukov's bounded MPMC queue. |
| //! |
| //! Source: |
| //! - http://www.1024cores.net/home/lock-free-algorithms/queues/bounded-mpmc-queue |
| //! |
| //! Copyright & License: |
| //! - Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Dmitry Vyukov |
| //! - Simplified BSD License and Apache License, Version 2.0 |
| //! - http://www.1024cores.net/home/code-license |
| |
| use alloc::vec::Vec; |
| use core::cell::UnsafeCell; |
| use core::fmt; |
| use core::marker::PhantomData; |
| use core::mem; |
| use core::ptr; |
| use core::sync::atomic::{self, AtomicUsize, Ordering}; |
| |
| use crossbeam_utils::{Backoff, CachePadded}; |
| |
| use err::{PopError, PushError}; |
| |
| /// A slot in a queue. |
| struct Slot<T> { |
| /// The current stamp. |
| /// |
| /// If the stamp equals the tail, this node will be next written to. If it equals head + 1, |
| /// this node will be next read from. |
| stamp: AtomicUsize, |
| |
| /// The value in this slot. |
| value: UnsafeCell<T>, |
| } |
| |
| /// A bounded multi-producer multi-consumer queue. |
| /// |
| /// This queue allocates a fixed-capacity buffer on construction, which is used to store pushed |
| /// elements. The queue cannot hold more elements than the buffer allows. Attempting to push an |
| /// element into a full queue will fail. Having a buffer allocated upfront makes this queue a bit |
| /// faster than [`SegQueue`]. |
| /// |
| /// [`SegQueue`]: struct.SegQueue.html |
| /// |
| /// # Examples |
| /// |
| /// ``` |
| /// use crossbeam_queue::{ArrayQueue, PushError}; |
| /// |
| /// let q = ArrayQueue::new(2); |
| /// |
| /// assert_eq!(q.push('a'), Ok(())); |
| /// assert_eq!(q.push('b'), Ok(())); |
| /// assert_eq!(q.push('c'), Err(PushError('c'))); |
| /// assert_eq!(q.pop(), Ok('a')); |
| /// ``` |
| pub struct ArrayQueue<T> { |
| /// The head of the queue. |
| /// |
| /// This value is a "stamp" consisting of an index into the buffer and a lap, but packed into a |
| /// single `usize`. The lower bits represent the index, while the upper bits represent the lap. |
| /// |
| /// Elements are popped from the head of the queue. |
| head: CachePadded<AtomicUsize>, |
| |
| /// The tail of the queue. |
| /// |
| /// This value is a "stamp" consisting of an index into the buffer and a lap, but packed into a |
| /// single `usize`. The lower bits represent the index, while the upper bits represent the lap. |
| /// |
| /// Elements are pushed into the tail of the queue. |
| tail: CachePadded<AtomicUsize>, |
| |
| /// The buffer holding slots. |
| buffer: *mut Slot<T>, |
| |
| /// The queue capacity. |
| cap: usize, |
| |
| /// A stamp with the value of `{ lap: 1, index: 0 }`. |
| one_lap: usize, |
| |
| /// Indicates that dropping an `ArrayQueue<T>` may drop elements of type `T`. |
| _marker: PhantomData<T>, |
| } |
| |
| unsafe impl<T: Send> Sync for ArrayQueue<T> {} |
| unsafe impl<T: Send> Send for ArrayQueue<T> {} |
| |
| impl<T> ArrayQueue<T> { |
| /// Creates a new bounded queue with the given capacity. |
| /// |
| /// # Panics |
| /// |
| /// Panics if the capacity is zero. |
| /// |
| /// # Examples |
| /// |
| /// ``` |
| /// use crossbeam_queue::ArrayQueue; |
| /// |
| /// let q = ArrayQueue::<i32>::new(100); |
| /// ``` |
| pub fn new(cap: usize) -> ArrayQueue<T> { |
| assert!(cap > 0, "capacity must be non-zero"); |
| |
| // Head is initialized to `{ lap: 0, index: 0 }`. |
| // Tail is initialized to `{ lap: 0, index: 0 }`. |
| let head = 0; |
| let tail = 0; |
| |
| // Allocate a buffer of `cap` slots. |
| let buffer = { |
| let mut v = Vec::<Slot<T>>::with_capacity(cap); |
| let ptr = v.as_mut_ptr(); |
| mem::forget(v); |
| ptr |
| }; |
| |
| // Initialize stamps in the slots. |
| for i in 0..cap { |
| unsafe { |
| // Set the stamp to `{ lap: 0, index: i }`. |
| let slot = buffer.add(i); |
| ptr::write(&mut (*slot).stamp, AtomicUsize::new(i)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // One lap is the smallest power of two greater than `cap`. |
| let one_lap = (cap + 1).next_power_of_two(); |
| |
| ArrayQueue { |
| buffer, |
| cap, |
| one_lap, |
| head: CachePadded::new(AtomicUsize::new(head)), |
| tail: CachePadded::new(AtomicUsize::new(tail)), |
| _marker: PhantomData, |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Attempts to push an element into the queue. |
| /// |
| /// If the queue is full, the element is returned back as an error. |
| /// |
| /// # Examples |
| /// |
| /// ``` |
| /// use crossbeam_queue::{ArrayQueue, PushError}; |
| /// |
| /// let q = ArrayQueue::new(1); |
| /// |
| /// assert_eq!(q.push(10), Ok(())); |
| /// assert_eq!(q.push(20), Err(PushError(20))); |
| /// ``` |
| pub fn push(&self, value: T) -> Result<(), PushError<T>> { |
| let backoff = Backoff::new(); |
| let mut tail = self.tail.load(Ordering::Relaxed); |
| |
| loop { |
| // Deconstruct the tail. |
| let index = tail & (self.one_lap - 1); |
| let lap = tail & !(self.one_lap - 1); |
| |
| // Inspect the corresponding slot. |
| let slot = unsafe { &*self.buffer.add(index) }; |
| let stamp = slot.stamp.load(Ordering::Acquire); |
| |
| // If the tail and the stamp match, we may attempt to push. |
| if tail == stamp { |
| let new_tail = if index + 1 < self.cap { |
| // Same lap, incremented index. |
| // Set to `{ lap: lap, index: index + 1 }`. |
| tail + 1 |
| } else { |
| // One lap forward, index wraps around to zero. |
| // Set to `{ lap: lap.wrapping_add(1), index: 0 }`. |
| lap.wrapping_add(self.one_lap) |
| }; |
| |
| // Try moving the tail. |
| match self.tail.compare_exchange_weak( |
| tail, |
| new_tail, |
| Ordering::SeqCst, |
| Ordering::Relaxed, |
| ) { |
| Ok(_) => { |
| // Write the value into the slot and update the stamp. |
| unsafe { |
| slot.value.get().write(value); |
| } |
| slot.stamp.store(tail + 1, Ordering::Release); |
| return Ok(()); |
| } |
| Err(t) => { |
| tail = t; |
| backoff.spin(); |
| } |
| } |
| } else if stamp.wrapping_add(self.one_lap) == tail + 1 { |
| atomic::fence(Ordering::SeqCst); |
| let head = self.head.load(Ordering::Relaxed); |
| |
| // If the head lags one lap behind the tail as well... |
| if head.wrapping_add(self.one_lap) == tail { |
| // ...then the queue is full. |
| return Err(PushError(value)); |
| } |
| |
| backoff.spin(); |
| tail = self.tail.load(Ordering::Relaxed); |
| } else { |
| // Snooze because we need to wait for the stamp to get updated. |
| backoff.snooze(); |
| tail = self.tail.load(Ordering::Relaxed); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Attempts to pop an element from the queue. |
| /// |
| /// If the queue is empty, an error is returned. |
| /// |
| /// # Examples |
| /// |
| /// ``` |
| /// use crossbeam_queue::{ArrayQueue, PopError}; |
| /// |
| /// let q = ArrayQueue::new(1); |
| /// assert_eq!(q.push(10), Ok(())); |
| /// |
| /// assert_eq!(q.pop(), Ok(10)); |
| /// assert_eq!(q.pop(), Err(PopError)); |
| /// ``` |
| pub fn pop(&self) -> Result<T, PopError> { |
| let backoff = Backoff::new(); |
| let mut head = self.head.load(Ordering::Relaxed); |
| |
| loop { |
| // Deconstruct the head. |
| let index = head & (self.one_lap - 1); |
| let lap = head & !(self.one_lap - 1); |
| |
| // Inspect the corresponding slot. |
| let slot = unsafe { &*self.buffer.add(index) }; |
| let stamp = slot.stamp.load(Ordering::Acquire); |
| |
| // If the the stamp is ahead of the head by 1, we may attempt to pop. |
| if head + 1 == stamp { |
| let new = if index + 1 < self.cap { |
| // Same lap, incremented index. |
| // Set to `{ lap: lap, index: index + 1 }`. |
| head + 1 |
| } else { |
| // One lap forward, index wraps around to zero. |
| // Set to `{ lap: lap.wrapping_add(1), index: 0 }`. |
| lap.wrapping_add(self.one_lap) |
| }; |
| |
| // Try moving the head. |
| match self.head.compare_exchange_weak( |
| head, |
| new, |
| Ordering::SeqCst, |
| Ordering::Relaxed, |
| ) { |
| Ok(_) => { |
| // Read the value from the slot and update the stamp. |
| let msg = unsafe { slot.value.get().read() }; |
| slot.stamp |
| .store(head.wrapping_add(self.one_lap), Ordering::Release); |
| return Ok(msg); |
| } |
| Err(h) => { |
| head = h; |
| backoff.spin(); |
| } |
| } |
| } else if stamp == head { |
| atomic::fence(Ordering::SeqCst); |
| let tail = self.tail.load(Ordering::Relaxed); |
| |
| // If the tail equals the head, that means the channel is empty. |
| if tail == head { |
| return Err(PopError); |
| } |
| |
| backoff.spin(); |
| head = self.head.load(Ordering::Relaxed); |
| } else { |
| // Snooze because we need to wait for the stamp to get updated. |
| backoff.snooze(); |
| head = self.head.load(Ordering::Relaxed); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns the capacity of the queue. |
| /// |
| /// # Examples |
| /// |
| /// ``` |
| /// use crossbeam_queue::{ArrayQueue, PopError}; |
| /// |
| /// let q = ArrayQueue::<i32>::new(100); |
| /// |
| /// assert_eq!(q.capacity(), 100); |
| /// ``` |
| pub fn capacity(&self) -> usize { |
| self.cap |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns `true` if the queue is empty. |
| /// |
| /// # Examples |
| /// |
| /// ``` |
| /// use crossbeam_queue::{ArrayQueue, PopError}; |
| /// |
| /// let q = ArrayQueue::new(100); |
| /// |
| /// assert!(q.is_empty()); |
| /// q.push(1).unwrap(); |
| /// assert!(!q.is_empty()); |
| /// ``` |
| pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { |
| let head = self.head.load(Ordering::SeqCst); |
| let tail = self.tail.load(Ordering::SeqCst); |
| |
| // Is the tail lagging one lap behind head? |
| // Is the tail equal to the head? |
| // |
| // Note: If the head changes just before we load the tail, that means there was a moment |
| // when the channel was not empty, so it is safe to just return `false`. |
| tail == head |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns `true` if the queue is full. |
| /// |
| /// # Examples |
| /// |
| /// ``` |
| /// use crossbeam_queue::{ArrayQueue, PopError}; |
| /// |
| /// let q = ArrayQueue::new(1); |
| /// |
| /// assert!(!q.is_full()); |
| /// q.push(1).unwrap(); |
| /// assert!(q.is_full()); |
| /// ``` |
| pub fn is_full(&self) -> bool { |
| let tail = self.tail.load(Ordering::SeqCst); |
| let head = self.head.load(Ordering::SeqCst); |
| |
| // Is the head lagging one lap behind tail? |
| // |
| // Note: If the tail changes just before we load the head, that means there was a moment |
| // when the queue was not full, so it is safe to just return `false`. |
| head.wrapping_add(self.one_lap) == tail |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns the number of elements in the queue. |
| /// |
| /// # Examples |
| /// |
| /// ``` |
| /// use crossbeam_queue::{ArrayQueue, PopError}; |
| /// |
| /// let q = ArrayQueue::new(100); |
| /// assert_eq!(q.len(), 0); |
| /// |
| /// q.push(10).unwrap(); |
| /// assert_eq!(q.len(), 1); |
| /// |
| /// q.push(20).unwrap(); |
| /// assert_eq!(q.len(), 2); |
| /// ``` |
| pub fn len(&self) -> usize { |
| loop { |
| // Load the tail, then load the head. |
| let tail = self.tail.load(Ordering::SeqCst); |
| let head = self.head.load(Ordering::SeqCst); |
| |
| // If the tail didn't change, we've got consistent values to work with. |
| if self.tail.load(Ordering::SeqCst) == tail { |
| let hix = head & (self.one_lap - 1); |
| let tix = tail & (self.one_lap - 1); |
| |
| return if hix < tix { |
| tix - hix |
| } else if hix > tix { |
| self.cap - hix + tix |
| } else if tail == head { |
| 0 |
| } else { |
| self.cap |
| }; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<T> Drop for ArrayQueue<T> { |
| fn drop(&mut self) { |
| // Get the index of the head. |
| let hix = self.head.load(Ordering::Relaxed) & (self.one_lap - 1); |
| |
| // Loop over all slots that hold a message and drop them. |
| for i in 0..self.len() { |
| // Compute the index of the next slot holding a message. |
| let index = if hix + i < self.cap { |
| hix + i |
| } else { |
| hix + i - self.cap |
| }; |
| |
| unsafe { |
| self.buffer.add(index).drop_in_place(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Finally, deallocate the buffer, but don't run any destructors. |
| unsafe { |
| Vec::from_raw_parts(self.buffer, 0, self.cap); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<T> fmt::Debug for ArrayQueue<T> { |
| fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { |
| f.pad("ArrayQueue { .. }") |
| } |
| } |