blob: de404f42dab073420ff0a4cad16fd35d91cfe763 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use std::pin::Pin;
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::stream::{Stream, Sum};
use std::convert::identity;
impl<T, U> Sum<Option<U>> for Option<T>
T: Sum<U>,
#[doc = r#"
Takes each element in the `Iterator`: if it is a `None`, no further
elements are taken, and the `None` is returned. Should no `None` occur,
the sum of all elements is returned.
# Examples
This sums up the position of the character 'a' in a vector of strings,
if a word did not have the character 'a' the operation returns `None`:
# fn main() { async_std::task::block_on(async {
use async_std::prelude::*;
use async_std::stream;
let words = stream::from_iter(vec!["have", "a", "great", "day"]);
let total: Option<usize> =|w| w.find('a')).sum().await;
assert_eq!(total, Some(5));
# }) }
fn sum<'a, S>(stream: S) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Option<T>> + 'a>>
S: Stream<Item = Option<U>> + 'a,
Box::pin(async move {
// Using `take_while` here because it is able to stop the stream early
// if a failure occurs
let mut found_none = false;
let out = <T as Sum<U>>::sum(
.take_while(|elem| {
elem.is_some() || {
found_none = true;
// Stop processing the stream on `None`
if found_none { None } else { Some(out) }