blob: 403b8dc2845e222ee27844c519cb49ebfc92b368 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/zx/bti.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/clock.h>
#include <lib/zx/exception.h>
#include <lib/zx/iommu.h>
#include <lib/zx/pager.h>
#include <lib/zx/port.h>
#include <lib/zx/thread.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmar.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <threads.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/debug.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/exception.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/iommu.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/port.h>
#include <zircon/threads.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <fbl/array.h>
#include <fbl/auto_call.h>
#include <fbl/auto_lock.h>
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
#include <fbl/ref_counted.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <fbl/span.h>
#include "stress_test.h"
// Helper to generate values in the full inclusive range [a,b].
template <typename IntType = uint64_t>
static inline IntType uniform_rand_range(IntType a, IntType b, StressTest::Rng& rng) {
return std::uniform_int_distribution<IntType>(a, b)(rng);
// Helper to generate the common [0, max(1,a)). That is, if a range of size 0 is returned, this is
// considered valid and always generates the result 0.
template <typename IntType = uint64_t>
static inline IntType uniform_rand(IntType range, StressTest::Rng& rng) {
if (range == static_cast<IntType>(0)) {
return range;
return uniform_rand_range<IntType>(static_cast<IntType>(0), range - 1, rng);
class VmStressTest;
// VM Stresser
// The current stress test runs multiple independent test instance which get randomly
// initialized and torn down over time. Each creates a single pager vmo and hands it to a
// pool of worker threads. Some of the worker threads randomly commit/decommit/read/write/map/unmap
// the vmo. The rest of the worker threads randomly service pager requests or randomly supply
// their own 'prefetch' pages. This is intended to pick out any internal races with the
// VMO/VMAR/Pager system.
// Currently does not validate that any given operation was successfully performed, only
// that the apis do not return an error (or crash).
// Will evolve over time to use cloned vmos.
class VmStressTest : public StressTest {
VmStressTest() = default;
virtual ~VmStressTest() = default;
virtual zx_status_t Start();
virtual zx_status_t Stop();
virtual const char* name() const { return "VM Stress"; }
zx::unowned_resource RootResource() { return zx::unowned_resource{root_resource_}; }
int test_thread();
std::atomic<bool> shutdown_{false};
thrd_t test_thread_;
} vmstress;
class TestInstance {
TestInstance(VmStressTest* test) : test_(test) {}
virtual ~TestInstance() {}
virtual zx_status_t Start() = 0;
virtual zx_status_t Stop() = 0;
zx::unowned_resource RootResource() { return test_->RootResource(); }
// TODO: scale based on the number of cores in the system and/or command line arg
static constexpr uint64_t kNumThreads = 6;
template <typename... Args>
void Printf(const char* str, Args... args) const {
test_->Printf(str, args...);
template <typename... Args>
void PrintfAlways(const char* str, Args... args) const {
test_->PrintfAlways(str, args...);
std::mt19937_64 RngGen() { return test_->RngGen(); }
VmStressTest* const test_;
class SingleVmoTestInstance : public TestInstance {
SingleVmoTestInstance(VmStressTest* test, bool use_pager, uint64_t vmo_size)
: TestInstance(test), use_pager_(use_pager), vmo_size_(vmo_size) {}
zx_status_t Start() final;
zx_status_t Stop() final;
int vmo_thread();
int pager_thread();
void CheckVmoThreadError(zx_status_t status, const char* error);
const bool use_pager_;
const uint64_t vmo_size_;
static constexpr uint64_t kNumVmoThreads = 3;
thrd_t threads_[kNumThreads];
zx::thread thread_handles_[kNumThreads];
// Array used for storing vmo mappings. All mappings are cleaned up by the test thread,
// as vmo threads will sometimes crash if the instance is torn down during a page fault.
std::atomic<uint32_t> vmo_thread_idx_{0};
uintptr_t ptrs_[kNumThreads] = {};
fbl::Array<uint8_t> bufs_[kNumThreads] = {};
// Vector of page requests shared by all pager threads of the instance, to allow
// requests to be serviced out-of-order.
fbl::Mutex mtx_;
fbl::Vector<zx_packet_page_request_t> requests_;
// Flag used to signal shutdown to worker threads.
std::atomic<bool> shutdown_{false};
// Counter that allows the last pager thread to clean up the pager itself.
std::atomic<uint32_t> pager_thread_count_{kNumThreads - kNumVmoThreads};
zx::vmo vmo_{};
zx::pager pager_;
zx::port port_;
int SingleVmoTestInstance::vmo_thread() {
zx_status_t status;
uint64_t idx = vmo_thread_idx_++;
// allocate a local buffer
const size_t buf_size = PAGE_SIZE * 16;
bufs_[idx] = fbl::Array<uint8_t>(new uint8_t[buf_size], buf_size);
const fbl::Array<uint8_t>& buf = bufs_[idx];
auto rng = RngGen();
// local helper routines to calculate a random range within a vmo and
// a range appropriate to read into the local buffer above
auto rand_vmo_range = [this, &rng](uint64_t* out_offset, uint64_t* out_size) {
*out_offset = uniform_rand(vmo_size_, rng);
*out_size = std::min(uniform_rand(vmo_size_, rng), vmo_size_ - *out_offset);
auto rand_buffer_range = [this, &rng](uint64_t* out_offset, uint64_t* out_size) {
*out_size = uniform_rand(buf_size, rng);
*out_offset = uniform_rand(vmo_size_ - *out_size, rng);
ZX_ASSERT(buf_size < vmo_size_);
while (!shutdown_.load()) {
uint64_t off, len;
int r = uniform_rand(100, rng);
switch (r) {
case 0 ... 4: // commit a range of the vmo
rand_vmo_range(&off, &len);
status = vmo_.op_range(ZX_VMO_OP_COMMIT, off, len, nullptr, 0);
CheckVmoThreadError(status, "Failed to commit range");
case 5 ... 19:
if (ptrs_[idx]) {
// unmap the vmo if it already was
status = zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(ptrs_[idx], vmo_size_);
CheckVmoThreadError(status, "failed to unmap range");
ptrs_[idx] = 0;
// map it somewhere
status = zx::vmar::root_self()->map(ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, 0, vmo_, 0,
vmo_size_, ptrs_ + idx);
CheckVmoThreadError(status, "failed to map range");
case 20 ... 34:
// read from a random range of the vmo
rand_buffer_range(&off, &len);
status =, off, len);
CheckVmoThreadError(status, "error reading from vmo");
case 35 ... 49:
// write to a random range of the vmo
rand_buffer_range(&off, &len);
status = vmo_.write(, off, len);
CheckVmoThreadError(status, "error writing to vmo");
case 50 ... 74:
// read from a random range of the vmo via a direct memory reference
if (ptrs_[idx]) {
rand_buffer_range(&off, &len);
memcpy(, reinterpret_cast<const void*>(ptrs_[idx] + off), len);
case 75 ... 99:
// write to a random range of the vmo via a direct memory reference
if (ptrs_[idx]) {
rand_buffer_range(&off, &len);
memcpy(reinterpret_cast<void*>(ptrs_[idx] + off),, len);
return 0;
void SingleVmoTestInstance::CheckVmoThreadError(zx_status_t status, const char* error) {
// Ignore errors while shutting down, since they're almost certainly due to the
// pager disappearing.
if (!shutdown_ && status != ZX_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s, error %d\n", error, status);
static bool is_thread_blocked(zx_handle_t handle) {
zx_info_thread_t info;
uint64_t actual, actual_count;
ZX_ASSERT(zx_object_get_info(handle, ZX_INFO_THREAD, &info, sizeof(info), &actual,
&actual_count) == ZX_OK);
return info.state == ZX_THREAD_STATE_BLOCKED_PAGER;
int SingleVmoTestInstance::pager_thread() {
zx_status_t status;
uint64_t vmo_page_count = vmo_size_ / ZX_PAGE_SIZE;
ZX_ASSERT(vmo_page_count > 0);
auto supply_pages = [this](uint64_t off, uint64_t len) {
zx::vmo tmp_vmo;
zx_status_t status = zx::vmo::create(len, 0, &tmp_vmo);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to create tmp vmo, error %d (%s)\n", status,
status = tmp_vmo.op_range(ZX_VMO_OP_COMMIT, 0, len, nullptr, 0);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to commit tmp vmo, error %d (%s)\n", status,
status = pager_.supply_pages(vmo_, off, len, tmp_vmo, 0);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to supply pages %d, error %d (%s)\n", pager_.get(), status,
auto rng = RngGen();
while (!shutdown_.load()) {
zx::vmo tmp_vmo;
uint64_t off, size;
zx::time deadline;
int r = uniform_rand<int>(100, rng);
switch (r) {
case 0 ... 4: // supply a random range of pages
off = uniform_rand(vmo_page_count, rng);
size = std::min(uniform_rand(vmo_page_count, rng), vmo_page_count - off);
supply_pages(off * PAGE_SIZE, size * PAGE_SIZE);
case 5 ... 54: // read from the port
fbl::AutoLock lock(&mtx_);
if (requests_.size() == kNumVmoThreads) {
} else {
// We still need to at least query the port if all vmo threads are
// blocked, in case we need to read the last thread's packet.
deadline = zx::time::infinite_past();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < kNumVmoThreads; i++) {
if (!is_thread_blocked(thread_handles_[i].get())) {
deadline = zx::clock::get_monotonic() + zx::msec(10);
zx_port_packet_t packet;
status = port_.wait(deadline, &packet);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
if (status != ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to read port, error %d (%s)\n", status,
} else if (packet.type != ZX_PKT_TYPE_PAGE_REQUEST ||
packet.page_request.command != ZX_PAGER_VMO_READ) {
fprintf(stderr, "unexpected packet, error %d %d\n", packet.type,
} else {
fbl::AutoLock lock(&mtx_);
case 55 ... 99: // fullfil a random request
fbl::AutoLock lock(&mtx_);
if (requests_.is_empty()) {
off = uniform_rand(requests_.size(), rng);
zx_packet_page_request_t req = requests_.erase(off);
supply_pages(req.offset, req.length);
// Have the last pager thread tear down the pager. Randomly either detach the vmo (and
// close the pager after all test threads are done) or immediately close the pager handle.
if (--pager_thread_count_ == 0) {
if (uniform_rand(2, rng)) {
} else {
return 0;
zx_status_t SingleVmoTestInstance::Start() {
auto status = zx::port::create(0, &port_);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
if (use_pager_) {
status = zx::pager::create(0, &pager_);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// create a test vmo
status = pager_.create_vmo(0, port_, 0, vmo_size_, &vmo_);
} else {
status = zx::vmo::create(vmo_size_, 0, &vmo_);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// create a pile of threads
auto worker = [](void* arg) -> int {
return static_cast<SingleVmoTestInstance*>(arg)->vmo_thread();
auto pager_worker = [](void* arg) -> int {
return static_cast<SingleVmoTestInstance*>(arg)->pager_thread();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < std::size(threads_); i++) {
// vmo threads need to come first, since the pager workers need to reference
// the vmo worker thread handles.
bool is_vmo_worker = i < kNumVmoThreads || !use_pager_;
thrd_create_with_name(threads_ + i, is_vmo_worker ? worker : pager_worker, this,
is_vmo_worker ? "vmstress_worker" : "pager_worker");
zx::unowned_thread unowned(thrd_get_zx_handle(threads_[i]));
ZX_ASSERT(unowned->duplicate(ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, thread_handles_ + i) == ZX_OK);
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t SingleVmoTestInstance::Stop() {
zx::port port;
zx::port::create(0, &port);
std::array<zx::channel, kNumVmoThreads> channels;
if (use_pager_) {
// We need to handle potential crashes in the vmo threads when the pager is torn down. Since
// not all threads will actually crash, we can't stop handling crashes until all threads
// have terminated.
// TODO: Note that these crashes may produce visible output on the system logs and this
// shutdown should maybe be restructured to avoid this from happening.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < kNumVmoThreads; i++) {
zx_status_t status = thread_handles_[i].create_exception_channel(0, &channels[i]);
ZX_ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
status = channels[i].wait_async(port, i, ZX_CHANNEL_READABLE | ZX_CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED, 0);
ZX_ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
if (use_pager_) {
uint64_t running_count = kNumVmoThreads;
while (running_count) {
zx_port_packet_t packet;
ZX_ASSERT(port.wait(zx::time::infinite(), &packet) == ZX_OK);
if (packet.signal.observed & ZX_CHANNEL_READABLE) {
const zx::channel& channel = channels[packet.key];
zx_exception_info_t exception_info;
zx::exception exception;
ZX_ASSERT(, &exception_info, exception.reset_and_get_address(),
sizeof(exception_info), 1, nullptr, nullptr) == ZX_OK);
zx::thread& thrd = thread_handles_[packet.key];
zx_exception_report_t report;
ZX_ASSERT(thrd.get_info(ZX_INFO_THREAD_EXCEPTION_REPORT, &report, sizeof(report), NULL,
NULL) == ZX_OK);
ZX_ASSERT(report.header.type == ZX_EXCP_FATAL_PAGE_FAULT);
// thrd_exit takes a parameter, but we don't actually read it when we join
zx_thread_state_general_regs_t regs;
ZX_ASSERT(thrd.read_state(ZX_THREAD_STATE_GENERAL_REGS, &regs, sizeof(regs)) == ZX_OK);
#if defined(__x86_64__) = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(thrd_exit);
regs.pc = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(thrd_exit);
ZX_ASSERT(thrd.write_state(ZX_THREAD_STATE_GENERAL_REGS, &regs, sizeof(regs)) == ZX_OK);
uint32_t exception_state = ZX_EXCEPTION_STATE_HANDLED;
ZX_ASSERT(exception.set_property(ZX_PROP_EXCEPTION_STATE, &exception_state,
sizeof(exception_state)) == ZX_OK);
ZX_ASSERT(channel.wait_async(port, packet.key, ZX_CHANNEL_READABLE | ZX_CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED,
0) == ZX_OK);
} else {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < std::size(threads_); i++) {
thrd_join(threads_[i], nullptr);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < (use_pager_ ? kNumVmoThreads : kNumThreads); i++) {
if (ptrs_[i]) {
zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(ptrs_[i], vmo_size_);
return ZX_OK;
// This test case randomly creates vmos and COW clones, randomly writes into the vmos,
// and performs basic COW integrity checks.
// Each created vmo has a 32-bit id. These ids are monotonically increasing. Each vmo has
// its own 32-bit op-id, which is incremented on each write operation. These two 32-bit ids
// are combined into a single 64-bit id which uniquely identifies every write operation. The
// test uses these 64-bit ids to perform various COW integrity checks which are documented
// in more detail within the test implementation.
// This test generally does not handle id overflow due to the fact that the random teardown
// of various parts of the test makes the chance of overflow vanishingly small.
class CowCloneTestInstance : public TestInstance {
CowCloneTestInstance(VmStressTest* test) : TestInstance(test) {}
zx_status_t Start() final;
zx_status_t Stop() final;
int op_thread();
// Aggregate for holding the test info associated with a single vmo.
struct TestData : public fbl::RefCounted<struct test_data> {
TestData(uint32_t id, uint32_t data_idx, zx::vmo test_vmo, uint32_t pc, uint32_t offset_page,
uintptr_t mapped_ptr, fbl::RefPtr<struct TestData> p, uint32_t clone_start_op,
uint32_t clone_end_op)
: vmo_id(id),
parent_clone_end_op_id(clone_end_op) {}
// An identifer for the vmo.
const uint32_t vmo_id;
// The index of the test data in the test_datas_ array.
const uint32_t idx;
// The vmo under test.
zx::vmo vmo;
// The number of pages in the vmo.
const uint32_t page_count;
// The page offset into the parent where this vmo starts. This has no
// meaning if this vmo has no parent.
const uint32_t offset_page_idx;
// The pointer to the vmo mapping.
const uintptr_t ptr;
// A pointer to the TestData struct which holds the parent of |vmo|, or
// null if |vmo| has no parent.
// Note that this reference does not keep the parent->vmo handle from being closed.
const fbl::RefPtr<struct TestData> parent;
// The id of the parent TestData at the beginning and end of the clone operation
// which created this vmo. Used for integrity checks.
const uint32_t parent_clone_start_op_id;
const uint32_t parent_clone_end_op_id;
// This can technically overflow, but the chance of a VMO living
// long enough for that to happen is astronomically low.
std::atomic<uint32_t> next_op_id = 1;
// Debug function for printing information associated with a particular access operation.
void DumpTestVmoAccessInfo(const fbl::RefPtr<TestData>& vmo, uint32_t page_index, uint64_t val);
static constexpr uint64_t kMaxTestVmos = 32;
static constexpr uint64_t kMaxVmoPageCount = 128;
struct {
fbl::RefPtr<struct TestData> vmo;
// Shared mutex which protects |vmo|. The mutex is taken in exclusive mode
// when creating/destroying the |vmo| in this slot. It is taken in shared
// mode when writing or when creating a clone based on this slot.
std::shared_mutex mtx;
} test_datas_[kMaxTestVmos];
// Helper function that creates a new test vmo that will be inserted at |idx| in test_datas_.
fbl::RefPtr<TestData> CreateTestVmo(uint32_t idx, StressTest::Rng& rng);
// Helper function that performs a write operation on |TestData|, which is currently
// in |idx| in test_datas_.
bool TestVmoWrite(uint32_t idx, const fbl::RefPtr<TestData>& TestData, StressTest::Rng& rng);
thrd_t threads_[kNumThreads] = {};
std::atomic<bool> shutdown_{false};
// Id counter for vmos.
std::atomic<uint32_t> next_vmo_id_{1};
// Limit for next_vmo_id_ to prevent overflow concerns.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxVmoId = UINT32_MAX - kNumThreads;
static uint32_t get_op_id(uint64_t full_id) { return static_cast<uint32_t>(full_id >> 32); }
static uint32_t get_vmo_id(uint64_t full_id) { return full_id & 0xffffffff; }
static uint64_t make_full_id(uint32_t vmo_id, uint32_t op_id) {
return vmo_id | (static_cast<uint64_t>(op_id) << 32);
zx_status_t CowCloneTestInstance::Start() {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < kNumThreads; i++) {
auto fn = [](void* arg) -> int { return static_cast<CowCloneTestInstance*>(arg)->op_thread(); };
thrd_create_with_name(threads_ + i, fn, this, "op_worker");
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t CowCloneTestInstance::Stop() {;
bool success = true;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < kNumThreads; i++) {
int32_t res;
thrd_join(threads_[i], &res);
success &= (res == 0);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < kMaxTestVmos; i++) {
if (test_datas_[i].vmo) {
test_datas_[i].vmo->page_count * ZX_PAGE_SIZE);
if (!success) {
PrintfAlways("Test failure, hanging to preserve state\n");
return ZX_OK;
void CowCloneTestInstance::DumpTestVmoAccessInfo(const fbl::RefPtr<TestData>& vmo,
uint32_t page_index, uint64_t val) {
PrintfAlways("Got value %lx (%x)\n", val, page_index);
zx_info_vmo_t info;
ZX_ASSERT(vmo->vmo.get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr) == ZX_OK);
PrintfAlways("koid=%lx(%lu)\n", info.koid, info.koid);
PrintfAlways("vmo ids are: ");
auto cur = vmo;
while (cur) {
PrintfAlways("%x ", cur->vmo_id);
cur = cur->parent;
fbl::RefPtr<CowCloneTestInstance::TestData> CowCloneTestInstance::CreateTestVmo(
uint32_t idx, StressTest::Rng& rng) {
uint32_t parent_idx = uniform_rand<uint32_t>(kMaxTestVmos, rng);
auto& parent_vmo = test_datas_[parent_idx];
zx::vmo vmo;
fbl::RefPtr<struct TestData> parent;
uint32_t parent_clone_start_op_id;
uint32_t parent_clone_end_op_id;
uint32_t page_count = uniform_rand_range<uint32_t>(1, kMaxVmoPageCount, rng);
uint32_t page_offset = 0;
if (parent_idx != idx) {
if (!parent_vmo.mtx.try_lock_shared()) {
// If something has an exclusive lock on the target vmo,
// then just abort the operation.
return nullptr;
if (parent_vmo.vmo) {
parent = parent_vmo.vmo;
page_offset = uniform_rand(parent->page_count, rng);
parent_clone_start_op_id = parent->next_op_id.load();
zx_status_t status = parent->vmo.create_child(
ZX_VMO_CHILD_COPY_ON_WRITE, page_offset * ZX_PAGE_SIZE, page_count * ZX_PAGE_SIZE, &vmo);
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(status == ZX_OK, "Failed to clone vmo %d", status);
parent_clone_end_op_id = parent->next_op_id.load();
} else {
// There's no parent, so we're just going to create a new vmo.
parent = nullptr;
} else {
// We're creating a vmo at |idx|, so there isn't a vmo there now.
parent = nullptr;
if (!parent) {
parent_clone_start_op_id = parent_clone_end_op_id = 0;
zx_status_t status = zx::vmo::create(page_count * ZX_PAGE_SIZE, 0, &vmo);
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(status == ZX_OK, "Failed to clone vmo %d", status);
uintptr_t ptr;
zx::vmar::root_self()->map(ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, 0, vmo, 0,
page_count * ZX_PAGE_SIZE, &ptr);
uint32_t vmo_id = next_vmo_id_.fetch_add(1);
// The chance that an individual instance lives this long is vanishingly small, and it
// would take a long time. So just abort the test so we don't have to deal with it.
ZX_ASSERT(vmo_id < kMaxVmoId);
auto res = fbl::MakeRefCounted<TestData>(vmo_id, idx, std::move(vmo), page_count, page_offset,
ptr, std::move(parent), parent_clone_start_op_id,
return res;
bool CowCloneTestInstance::TestVmoWrite(uint32_t idx, const fbl::RefPtr<TestData>& test_data,
StressTest::Rng& rng) {
uint32_t page_idx = uniform_rand(test_data->page_count, rng);
auto p = reinterpret_cast<std::atomic_uint64_t*>(test_data->ptr + page_idx * ZX_PAGE_SIZE);
// We want the ids to be atomically increasing. To prevent races between two
// threads at the same location mixing up the order of their op-ids, do a cmpxchg
// and regenerate the op-id if we see a race.
uint64_t old = p->load();
uint32_t my_op_id = test_data->next_op_id.fetch_add(1);
uint64_t desired = make_full_id(test_data->vmo_id, my_op_id);
while (!p->compare_exchange_strong(old, desired)) {
my_op_id = test_data->next_op_id.fetch_add(1);
desired = make_full_id(test_data->vmo_id, my_op_id);
uint32_t write_vmo_id = get_vmo_id(old);
if (write_vmo_id == test_data->vmo_id) {
// If the vmo id is for this vmo, then the old op id must be
// less than whatever we wrote.
if (get_op_id(old) < get_op_id(desired)) {
return true;
} else {
PrintfAlways("Got high op id for current vmo\n");
DumpTestVmoAccessInfo(test_data, page_idx, old);
return false;
} else if (write_vmo_id == 0) {
// Nothing has ever written to the page.
if (old == 0) {
return true;
} else {
PrintfAlways("Got non-zero op id for zero vmo id\n");
DumpTestVmoAccessInfo(test_data, page_idx, old);
return false;
// Look up the parent chain for the vmo which is responsible for writing
// the old data that we saw.
auto cur = test_data;
uint32_t parent_idx = page_idx;
while (cur != nullptr) {
// cur isn't responsible for writing the data, so it must have an ancestor that did it.
parent_idx += cur->offset_page_idx;
// The index we're inspecting lies past the end of the parent, which means
// it was initialized to 0 in cur and we somehow didn't see the vmo originally
// responsible for the write.
if (parent_idx >= cur->parent->page_count) {
PrintfAlways("Parent search overflow\n");
DumpTestVmoAccessInfo(test_data, page_idx, old);
return false;
if (cur->parent->vmo_id != write_vmo_id) {
// No match, so continue up the chain.
cur = cur->parent;
// The op id we saw must be smaller than the next op id at the time of the clone op.
if (get_op_id(old) >= cur->parent_clone_end_op_id) {
PrintfAlways("Got op-id from after clone operation\n");
DumpTestVmoAccessInfo(test_data, page_idx, old);
return false;
// It's possible that the parent vmo has already been destroyed, so
// lock its index and check if it's what we expect.
auto& maybe_parent = test_datas_[cur->parent->idx];
if (cur->parent->idx != cur->idx && maybe_parent.mtx.try_lock_shared()) {
if (maybe_parent.vmo == cur->parent) {
auto val = reinterpret_cast<std::atomic_uint64_t*>(maybe_parent.vmo->ptr +
parent_idx * ZX_PAGE_SIZE)
// If the clone sees a particular write_vmo_id, then that means the VMO
// with the associated id wrote to that address before the clone operation.
// Once that happens, the write ID that ancestor sees can't change.
// Furthermore, the op ID can only increase.
if (get_vmo_id(val) != write_vmo_id || (get_op_id(val) < get_op_id(old))) {
DumpTestVmoAccessInfo(test_data, page_idx, old);
DumpTestVmoAccessInfo(maybe_parent.vmo, parent_idx, val);;
return false;
if (cur == nullptr) {
// We somehow didn't find what performed the write.
PrintfAlways("Parent search failure\n");
DumpTestVmoAccessInfo(test_data, page_idx, old);
return false;
return true;
int CowCloneTestInstance::op_thread() {
auto rng = RngGen();
while (!shutdown_.load()) {
uint32_t idx = uniform_rand<uint32_t>(kMaxTestVmos, rng);
auto& test_data = test_datas_[idx];
uint32_t rand_op = uniform_rand(1000, rng);
// 0 -> 14: create vmo
// 15 -> 19: destroy vmo
// 20 -> 999: random write
if (rand_op < 20) {
if (rand_op < 14 && test_data.vmo == nullptr) {
test_data.vmo = CreateTestVmo(idx, rng);
} else if (rand_op >= 15 && test_data.vmo != nullptr) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < test_data.vmo->page_count; i++) {
auto val = reinterpret_cast<std::atomic_uint64_t*>(test_data.vmo->ptr + i * ZX_PAGE_SIZE)
// vmo ids are monotonically increasing, so we shouldn't see
// any ids greater than the current vmo's.
if (get_vmo_id(val) > test_data.vmo->vmo_id) {
DumpTestVmoAccessInfo(test_data.vmo, i, val);;
return -1;
zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(test_data.vmo->ptr, test_data.vmo->page_count * ZX_PAGE_SIZE);
test_data.vmo = nullptr;
} else {
if (test_data.vmo != nullptr) {
if (!TestVmoWrite(idx, test_data.vmo, rng)) {
return -1;
return 0;
// This test instances runs multiple VMOs across multiple threads and is trying to trigger unusual
// race conditions and kernel failures that come from mixing parallelism of all kinds of operations.
// The trade off is that the test almost never knows what the outcome of an operation should be and
// so this only catches bugs where we can ultimately trip a kernel assert or something similar.
class MultiVmoTestInstance : public TestInstance {
MultiVmoTestInstance(VmStressTest* test, uint64_t mem_limit)
: TestInstance(test),
memory_limit_pages_(mem_limit / ZX_PAGE_SIZE),
// Scale our maximum threads to ensure that if all threads allocate a full size vmo (via
// copy-on-write or otherwise) we wouldn't exceed our memory limit
max_threads_(memory_limit_pages_ / kMaxVmoPages) {}
zx_status_t Start() override {
// If max threads was calculated smaller than low threads then that means we really don't have
// much memory. Don't try and recover this case, just fail.
if (max_threads_ < low_threads_) {
PrintfAlways("Not enough free memory to run test instance\n");
if (shutdown_) {
zx::unowned_resource root_resource = RootResource();
if (*root_resource) {
zx_iommu_desc_dummy_t desc;
zx_status_t result =
zx::iommu::create(*root_resource, ZX_IOMMU_TYPE_DUMMY, &desc, sizeof(desc), &iommu_);
if (result != ZX_OK) {
return result;
result = zx::bti::create(iommu_, 0, 0xdeadbeef, &bti_);
if (result != ZX_OK) {
return ZX_OK;
auto rng = RngGen();
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t Stop() override {
// Signal shutdown and wait for everyone. Its possible for living_threads_ to increase after
// shutdown_ is set if a living thread creates another thread. This is fine since it means
// living_threads goes from a non-zero value to a non-zero value, but it will never go from 0
// to non-zero.
shutdown_ = true;
while (living_threads_ > 0) {
return ZX_OK;
void spawn_root_vmo(StressTest::Rng& rng) {
zx::vmo vmo;
bool reliable_mappings = true;
uint64_t vmo_size = uniform_rand(kMaxVmoPages, rng) * PAGE_SIZE;
// Skew heavily away from contiguous VMOs as they are very limited in what operations are
// supported and need less testing.
if (bti_ && uniform_rand(6, rng) == 0) {
zx_status_t result = zx::vmo::create_contiguous(bti_, vmo_size, 0, &vmo);
if (result != ZX_OK) {
} else {
uint32_t options = 0;
// Skew away from resizable VMOs as they are not common and many operations don't work.
if (uniform_rand(4, rng) == 0) {
options |= ZX_VMO_RESIZABLE;
reliable_mappings = false;
if (uniform_rand(2, rng) == 0) {
zx::pager pager;
zx::port port;
zx_status_t result = zx::pager::create(0, &pager);
ZX_ASSERT(result == ZX_OK);
result = zx::port::create(0, &port);
ZX_ASSERT(result == ZX_OK);
result = pager.create_vmo(options, port, 0, vmo_size, &vmo);
ZX_ASSERT(result == ZX_OK);
// Randomly discard reliable mappings even though not resizable to give the pager a chance
// to generate faults on non-resizable vmos.
if (reliable_mappings && uniform_rand(4, rng) == 0) {
reliable_mappings = false;
// Force spin up the pager thread as it's required to ensure the VMO threads do not block
// forever.
zx::vmo dup_vmo;
result = vmo.duplicate(ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &dup_vmo);
ZX_ASSERT(result == ZX_OK);
if (!make_thread([this, pager = std::move(pager), port = std::move(port),
vmo = std::move(dup_vmo), reliable_mappings]() mutable {
pager_thread(std::move(pager), std::move(port), std::move(vmo), reliable_mappings);
})) {
// if the pager thread couldn't spin up bail right now and don't make the client thread as
// that client thread will either block or hard crash, either scenario will make that
// thread unrecoverable.
} else {
zx_status_t result = zx::vmo::create(vmo_size, options, &vmo);
ZX_ASSERT(result == ZX_OK);
auto ops = make_ops(rng);
make_thread([this, vmo = std::move(vmo), ops = std::move(ops), reliable_mappings]() mutable {
op_thread(std::move(vmo), std::move(ops), reliable_mappings);
// TODO: pager_thread currently just fulfills any page faults correctly. This should be expanded
// to detach, error ranges, pre-supply pages etc.
void pager_thread(zx::pager pager, zx::port port, zx::vmo vmo, bool reliable_mappings) {
// To exit the pager thread we need to know once we have the only reference to the vmo. This
// requires two things, our vmo handle be the only handle to that vmo, and the vmo have no
// children. The first condition has no signal and so until we know we have the only handle we
// will used timed waits and poll. Once we are the solo_owner, tracked in this variable, we
// will be able to use the zero children signal.
bool solo_owner = false;
while (1) {
zx_port_packet_t packet;
zx_status_t result =
port.wait(solo_owner ? zx::time::infinite() : zx::deadline_after(zx::msec(100)), &packet);
if (result == ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT) {
zx_info_handle_count_t info;
result = vmo.get_info(ZX_INFO_HANDLE_COUNT, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr);
ZX_ASSERT(result == ZX_OK);
// Check if we have the only handle
if (info.handle_count == 1) {
// Start watching for the zero children signal.
result = vmo.wait_async(port, 1, ZX_VMO_ZERO_CHILDREN, 0);
ZX_ASSERT(result == ZX_OK);
solo_owner = true;
if (packet.key == 1) {
// No children, and we have the only handle. Done.
ZX_ASSERT(packet.key == 0);
if (packet.page_request.command == ZX_PAGER_VMO_COMPLETE) {
// VMO is finished, so we have nothing to do. Technically since we have a handle to the vmo
// this case will never happen.
} else if (packet.page_request.command != ZX_PAGER_VMO_READ) {
PrintfAlways("Unknown page_request command %d\n", packet.page_request.command);
// No matter what we decide to do we *MUST* ensure we also fullfill the page fault in some way
// otherwise we risk blocking the faulting thread (and also ourselves) forever. Above all we
// must guarantee that the op_thread can progress to the point of closing the VMO such that
// we end up with the only VMO handle.
zx::vmo aux_vmo;
if (zx::vmo::create(packet.page_request.length, 0, &aux_vmo) != ZX_OK) {
PrintfAlways("Failed to create VMO of length %" PRIu64 " to fulfill page fault\n",
result = pager.supply_pages(vmo, packet.page_request.offset, packet.page_request.length,
aux_vmo, 0);
// If the underlying VMO was resized then its possible the supply destination is now out of
// range. This is okay and we can just continue. In any other case something has gone
// horribly wrong.
if (result != ZX_OK && result != ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE) {
PrintfAlways("Failed to supply pages: %d\n", result);
// This is the main function that performs continuous operations on a vmo. It may try to spawn
// additional threads for parallelism, but they all share the same op counter to prevent any
// particular vmo hierarchy living 'forever' by spawning new children all the time.
void op_thread(zx::vmo vmo, std::shared_ptr<std::atomic<uint64_t>> op_count,
bool reliable_mappings) {
auto rng = RngGen();
zx::pmt pmt;
std::optional<fbl::Span<uint8_t>> mapping;
auto unmap_mapping = [&mapping]() {
if (auto span = mapping) {
zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(span->data()), span->size_bytes());
mapping = std::nullopt;
auto cleanup = fbl::AutoCall([&unmap_mapping, &pmt]() {
if (pmt) {
// Query for the current size of the vmo. This could change due to other threads with handles to
// this vmo calling set-size, but should ensure a decent hit rate of random range operations.
uint64_t vmo_size;
if (vmo.get_size(&vmo_size) != ZX_OK) {
vmo_size = kMaxVmoPages * ZX_PAGE_SIZE;
while (!shutdown_ && op_count->fetch_add(1) < kMaxOps) {
// Produce a random offset and size up front since many ops will need it.
uint64_t op_off, op_size;
random_off_size(rng, vmo_size, &op_off, &op_size);
switch (uniform_rand(10, rng)) {
case 0: // give up early
case 1: { // duplicate
zx::vmo dup_vmo;
zx_status_t result = vmo.duplicate(ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &dup_vmo);
ZX_ASSERT(result == ZX_OK);
[this, dup = std::move(dup_vmo), ops = op_count, reliable_mappings]() mutable {
op_thread(std::move(dup), std::move(ops), reliable_mappings);
case 2: { // read
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer;
bool use_map = false;
if (mapping.has_value() && uniform_rand(2, rng) == 0) {
op_off = uniform_rand(mapping.value().size_bytes(), rng);
op_size = uniform_rand(mapping.value().size_bytes() - op_off, rng);
use_map = true;
// pre-commit some portion of the buffer
const size_t end = uniform_rand(op_size, rng);
const size_t start = uniform_rand(op_size, rng);
memset(&buffer[start], 42, end - std::min(end, start));
if (use_map) {
memcpy(, &mapping.value()[op_off], op_size);
} else {, op_off, op_size);
case 3: { // write
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer;
bool use_map = false;
if (mapping.has_value() && uniform_rand(2, rng) == 0) {
op_off = uniform_rand(mapping.value().size_bytes(), rng);
op_size = uniform_rand(mapping.value().size_bytes() - op_off, rng);
use_map = true;
// write some portion of the buffer with 'random' data.
const size_t end = uniform_rand(op_size, rng);
const size_t start = uniform_rand(op_size, rng);
memset(&buffer[start], 42, end - std::min(end, start));
if (use_map) {
memcpy(&mapping.value()[op_off],, op_size);
} else {
vmo.write(, op_off, op_size);
case 4: // vmo_set_size
vmo.set_size(uniform_rand(kMaxVmoPages * ZX_PAGE_SIZE, rng));
case 5: { // vmo_op_range
static const uint32_t ops[] = {ZX_VMO_OP_COMMIT,
vmo.op_range(ops[uniform_rand(std::size(ops), rng)], op_off, op_size, nullptr, 0);
case 6: { // vmo_set_cache_policy
static const uint32_t policies[] = {ZX_CACHE_POLICY_CACHED, ZX_CACHE_POLICY_UNCACHED,
vmo.set_cache_policy(policies[uniform_rand(std::size(policies), rng)]);
case 7: { // vmo_create_child
static const uint32_t type[] = {
uint32_t options = type[uniform_rand(std::size(type), rng)];
bool child_reliable_mappings = reliable_mappings;
if (uniform_rand(3, rng) == 0) {
child_reliable_mappings = false;
if (uniform_rand(4, rng)) {
zx::vmo child;
if (vmo.create_child(options, op_off, op_size, &child) == ZX_OK) {
make_thread([this, child = std::move(child), ops = op_count,
child_reliable_mappings]() mutable {
op_thread(std::move(child), std::move(ops), child_reliable_mappings);
case 8: { // vmar_map/unmap
// If reliable mappings is true it means we know that no one else is going to mess with
// the VMO in a way that would cause access to a valid mapping to generate a fault.
// Generally this means that the VMO is not resizable.
if (reliable_mappings) {
if (!mapping.has_value() || uniform_rand(2, rng) == 0) {
uint32_t options = ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE;
if (uniform_rand(2, rng) == 0) {
options |= ZX_VM_MAP_RANGE;
zx_vaddr_t addr;
// Currently fault prevention isn't enforced in mappings and so we must be *very*
// careful to not map in outside the actual range of the vmo.
if (op_off + op_size <= vmo_size &&
zx::vmar::root_self()->map(options, 0, vmo, op_off, op_size, &addr) == ZX_OK) {
mapping = fbl::Span<uint8_t>{reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(addr), op_size};
} else {
case 9: { // bti_pin/bti_unpin
if (bti_) {
if (pmt || uniform_rand(2, rng) == 0) {
zx::pmt new_pmt;
std::vector<zx_paddr_t> paddrs{op_size / PAGE_SIZE, 0};
if ( | ZX_BTI_PERM_WRITE, vmo, op_off, op_size,, paddrs.size(), &new_pmt) == ZX_OK) {
if (pmt) {
pmt = std::move(new_pmt);
} else {
if (pmt) {
if (!shutdown_) {
// Achieved max ops.
static void random_off_size(StressTest::Rng& rng, uint64_t vmo_size, uint64_t* off_out,
uint64_t* size_out) {
// When calculating out of bounds values pick a limit that still gives chance to be in bounds
constexpr uint64_t kOobLimitPages = kMaxVmoPages * 2;
// We don't want a uniform distribution of offsets and sizes as a lot of interesting things
// happen with page alignment and entire vmo ranges.
switch (uniform_rand(5, rng)) {
case 0: // Anchor offset at 0
*off_out = 0;
case 1: // Page aligned offset, in bounds
*off_out = uniform_rand(vmo_size / ZX_PAGE_SIZE, rng) * ZX_PAGE_SIZE;
case 2: // Page aligned offset, out of bounds
*off_out = uniform_rand(kOobLimitPages, rng) * ZX_PAGE_SIZE;
case 3: // In bounds
*off_out = uniform_rand(vmo_size, rng);
case 4: // Out of bounds
*off_out = uniform_rand(kOobLimitPages * ZX_PAGE_SIZE, rng);
const uint64_t remaining = vmo_size - std::min(vmo_size, *off_out);
switch (uniform_rand(5, rng)) {
case 0: // Maximum remaining vmo size
*size_out = remaining;
case 1: // In range page aligned size
*size_out = uniform_rand(remaining / ZX_PAGE_SIZE, rng) * ZX_PAGE_SIZE;
case 2: // Out of range page aligned size
*size_out = uniform_rand(kOobLimitPages, rng) * ZX_PAGE_SIZE;
case 3: // In range size
*size_out = uniform_rand(remaining, rng);
case 4: // Out of range size
*size_out = uniform_rand(kOobLimitPages * ZX_PAGE_SIZE, rng);
// This wrapper spawns a new thread to run F and automatically updates the living_threads_ count
// and spawns any new root threads should we start running low.
template <typename F>
bool make_thread(F func) {
uint64_t prev_count = living_threads_.fetch_add(1);
if (prev_count >= max_threads_) {
return false;
std::thread t{[this, func = std::move(func)]() mutable {
// Spawn threads *before* decrementing our count as the shutdown logic assumes once shutdown_
// then once living_threads_ becomes 0 it must never increment.
while (!shutdown_ && living_threads_ < low_threads_) {
auto rng = RngGen();
return true;
std::shared_ptr<std::atomic<uint64_t>> make_ops(StressTest::Rng& rng) {
uint64_t start_ops = uniform_rand(kMaxOps, rng);
return std::make_shared<std::atomic<uint64_t>>(start_ops);
// To explore interesting scenarios, especially involving parallelism, we want to run every VMO
// tree for a decent number of ops, but not too long as at some point running longer is the same
// as just spawning a new tree. This number was chosen fairly arbitrarily, but given that all
// previous VM bugs had unit test reproductions in the <20 ops, this seems reasonable.
static constexpr uint64_t kMaxOps = 4096;
// 128 pages in a vmo should be all we need to create sufficiently interesting hierarchies, so
// cap our spending there. This allows us to spin up more threads and copy-on-write hierarchies
// without worrying that they all commit and blow the memory limit.
static constexpr uint64_t kMaxVmoPages = 128;
// This will be set to the total memory limit (in pages) that this test instance is constructed
// with. We should not spend more than that.
const uint64_t memory_limit_pages_;
// The maximum number of threads we can create that will not cause us to exceed our memory limit.
const uint64_t max_threads_;
// Generally we don't want too many threads, so set low_threads (which is the threshold at which
// we start spawning more root threads) to be fairly low. max_threads_ can be arbitrarily high,
// which allows our low amount of root threads to (potentially) spin up a lot of parallelism.
const uint64_t low_threads_ = 8;
// Set to true when we are trying to shutdown.
std::atomic<bool> shutdown_ = false;
// Number of alive threads. Used to coordinate shutdown.
std::atomic<uint64_t> living_threads_ = 0;
// Valid if we got the root resource.
zx::iommu iommu_;
zx::bti bti_;
// Test thread which initializes/tears down TestInstances
int VmStressTest::test_thread() {
constexpr uint64_t kMaxInstances = 8;
constexpr uint64_t kVariableInstances = kMaxInstances - 1;
std::unique_ptr<TestInstance> test_instances[kMaxInstances] = {};
const uint64_t free_bytes = kmem_stats_.free_bytes;
// scale the size of the VMO we create based on the size of memory in the system.
// 1/64th the size of total memory generates a fairly sizeable vmo (16MB per 1GB)
const uint64_t vmo_test_size = free_bytes / 64 / kMaxInstances;
PrintfAlways("VM stress test: using vmo of size %" PRIu64 "\n", vmo_test_size);
// The MultiVmoTestInstance already does spin up / tear down of threads internally and there is
// no benefit in also spinning up and tearing down the whole thing. So we just run 1 of them
// explicitly as a static instance and randomize the others as variable instances. We give this
// instance a 'full slice' of free memory as it is incredibly unlikely that it even allocates
// anywhere near that.
test_instances[kVariableInstances] =
std::make_unique<MultiVmoTestInstance>(this, free_bytes / kMaxInstances);
zx::time deadline = zx::clock::get_monotonic();
auto rng = RngGen();
while (!shutdown_.load()) {
uint64_t r = uniform_rand(kVariableInstances, rng);
if (test_instances[r]) {
} else {
switch (uniform_rand(3, rng)) {
case 0:
test_instances[r] = std::make_unique<SingleVmoTestInstance>(this, true, vmo_test_size);
case 1:
test_instances[r] = std::make_unique<SingleVmoTestInstance>(this, false, vmo_test_size);
case 2:
test_instances[r] = std::make_unique<CowCloneTestInstance>(this);
if (test_instances[r]) {
ZX_ASSERT(test_instances[r]->Start() == ZX_OK);
constexpr uint64_t kOpsPerSec = 25;
deadline += zx::duration(ZX_SEC(1) / kOpsPerSec);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < kMaxInstances; i++) {
if (test_instances[i]) {
return 0;
zx_status_t VmStressTest::Start() {
auto test_worker = [](void* arg) -> int {
return static_cast<VmStressTest*>(arg)->test_thread();
thrd_create_with_name(&test_thread_, test_worker, this, "test_worker");
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t VmStressTest::Stop() {;
thrd_join(test_thread_, nullptr);
return ZX_OK;