blob: fc39ddda745b33b174bd9a110cb8423bf790d2d2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "lib/fit/function.h"
#include "src/lib/line_input/line_input.h"
namespace line_input {
struct ModalPromptOptions {
// When set, requires that the user press enter after typing. Otherwise, if the user has typed
// an input that matches one of the options it will be implicitly accepted. Implicit enter
// normally only makes sense for single-letter input ("y"/"n" type things).
bool require_enter = true;
// Compares a lower-case version of the user input to the option values. The option values must
// be lower-case for this to work. The lower-cased version of the input will be passed to the
// accept callback.
bool case_sensitive = false;
// Possible valid options that will cause the prompt to accept the input. If accepting case
// insensitive input, these should be lower-case.
std::vector<std::string> options;
// When nonempty, this string input will be sent when control-C is pressed. This provides a way
// for the caller to specify the behavior of Control-C without having another code path.
// This should be one of the |options| strings. It will be passed unvalidated to the callback.
std::string cancel_option;
// Manages multiple line input objects to manage regular input and temporary modal input for
// questions. This is a base class, it delegates to a derived class to provide the line editor
// implementations for different I/O schemes.
class ModalLineInput : public LineInput {
// In response to this callback, the implementation should call EndModal() if modal input is
// complete.
using ModalCompletionCallback = fit::function<void(const std::string&)>;
// Callback that the modal input is about to be shown. In the normal case where there is no
// current modal prompt open, it will be called immediately from BeginModal(). But implementing
// this allows the embedder to properly handle the nested modal prompt case.
// It is expected that embedders will use this to display text that would go above the modal
// prompt.
using WillShowModalCallback = fit::callback<void()>;
// Must call Init() before using any functions.
explicit ModalLineInput() = default;
virtual ~ModalLineInput() = default;
// This can't be in the constructor because it needs to call virtual functions.
void Init(AcceptCallback accept_cb, const std::string& prompt);
// LineInput implementation.
void SetAutocompleteCallback(AutocompleteCallback cb) override;
void SetChangeCallback(ChangeCallback cb) override;
void SetCancelCallback(CancelCallback cb) override;
void SetEofCallback(EofCallback cb) override;
void SetMaxCols(size_t max) override;
const std::string& GetLine() const override;
const std::deque<std::string>& GetHistory() const override;
void OnInput(char c) override;
void AddToHistory(const std::string& line) override;
void Hide() override;
void Show() override;
// Higher-level version of BeginModal() and EndModal() that takes a list of possible options and
// will call the callback only when the user enters a match for one of the options. The completion
// callback should not need to call EndModal(), it will be done automatically when a valid input
// is selected.
void ModalGetOption(const ModalPromptOptions& options, const std::string& prompt,
ModalCompletionCallback cb,
WillShowModalCallback will_show = WillShowModalCallback());
// Begins a modal question with the given prompt. The normal prompt will be hidden and replaced
// with the given one. The callback (see definition above for implementation requirements) will be
// called when the user presses enter. This callback should call EndModal() if the input is
// accepted.
// There can be multiple callbacks happening at the same time. If there is a current modal input
// active at the time of this call, the new one will be added to a queue and will be shown when
// when the modal prompts before it have been completed.
// The "will show" callback may be called from within this function (see its definition above).
void BeginModal(const std::string& prompt, ModalCompletionCallback cb,
WillShowModalCallback will_show = WillShowModalCallback());
// Closes the current modal entry. If there is another modal prompt in the queue, it will be
// shown. If there is none, the normal prompt will be shown again.
// Normally this will be called from within the completion callback of BeginModal() when the
// input is accepted.
void EndModal();
// Factory function for the LineInput variant used by this class.
virtual std::unique_ptr<LineInput> MakeLineInput(AcceptCallback accept_cb,
const std::string& prompt) = 0;
// Called when there is a modal dialog to show at the front of modal_callbacks_.
// The normal input should be hidden before this call.
void ShowNextModal();
std::unique_ptr<LineInput> MakeAndSetupLineInput(AcceptCallback accept_cb,
const std::string& prompt);
std::unique_ptr<LineInput> normal_input_;
std::unique_ptr<LineInput> modal_input_;
// Old modal input that should be deleted in the next call to OnInput(). This allows us to avoid
// deleting it from withinn its own call stack (normally EndModal() is called from within its
// accept callback).
std::unique_ptr<LineInput> to_delete_;
LineInput* current_input_ = nullptr; // Points to either the normal or modal input.
int max_cols_ = 0;
bool hidden_ = true;
EofCallback eof_callback_;
// Will be nonempty when a modal question is being asked. front() is the current callback, with
// later requests going toward the back().
struct ModalRecord {
std::string prompt;
ModalCompletionCallback complete;
WillShowModalCallback will_show;
std::deque<ModalRecord> modal_callbacks_;
class ModalLineInputStdout : public ModalLineInput {
ModalLineInputStdout() : ModalLineInput() {}
~ModalLineInputStdout() override {}
std::unique_ptr<LineInput> MakeLineInput(AcceptCallback accept_cb,
const std::string& prompt) override {
return std::make_unique<LineInputStdout>(std::move(accept_cb), prompt);
} // namespace line_input