blob: 4bb5a628a829cd603d4a55f44f09b00078f86401 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/lib/json_parser/json_parser.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <rapidjson/document.h>
#include <fbl/unique_fd.h>
#include "lib/fit/function.h"
#include "src/lib/files/file.h"
#include "src/lib/files/path.h"
#include "src/lib/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/concatenate.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/substitute.h"
namespace json_parser {
namespace {
class JSONParserTest : public ::testing::Test {
// ExpectFailedParse() will replace '$0' with the JSON filename, if present.
void ExpectFailedParse(JSONParser* parser, const std::string& json, std::string expected_error) {
props_found_ = 0;
const std::string json_file = NewJSONFile(json);
std::string error;
EXPECT_FALSE(ParseFromFile(parser, json_file, &error));
EXPECT_EQ(error, fxl::Substitute(expected_error, json_file));
EXPECT_EQ(0, props_found_);
bool ParseFromFile(JSONParser* parser, const std::string& file, std::string* error) {
rapidjson::Document document = parser->ParseFromFile(file);
if (!parser->HasError()) {
InterpretDocument(parser, std::move(document));
*error = parser->error_str();
return !parser->HasError();
bool ParseFromFileAt(JSONParser* parser, int dirfd, const std::string& file, std::string* error) {
rapidjson::Document document = parser->ParseFromFileAt(dirfd, file);
if (!parser->HasError()) {
InterpretDocument(parser, std::move(document));
*error = parser->error_str();
return !parser->HasError();
bool ParseFromDirectory(JSONParser* parser, const std::string& dir, std::string* error) {
fit::function<void(rapidjson::Document)> cb =
std::bind(&JSONParserTest::InterpretDocument, this, parser, std::placeholders::_1);
parser->ParseFromDirectory(dir, std::move(cb));
*error = parser->error_str();
return !parser->HasError();
bool ParseFromDirectoryAt(fbl::unique_fd& dir_fd, JSONParser* parser,
const std::string& dir, std::string* error) {
fit::function<void(rapidjson::Document)> cb =
std::bind(&JSONParserTest::InterpretDocument, this, parser, std::placeholders::_1);
parser->ParseFromDirectoryAt(dir_fd.get(), dir, std::move(cb));
*error = parser->error_str();
return !parser->HasError();
std::string NewJSONFile(const std::string& json) {
std::string json_file;
if (!tmp_dir_.NewTempFileWithData(json, &json_file)) {
return "";
return json_file;
std::string NewJSONFileInDir(const std::string& dir, const std::string& json) {
const std::string json_file = "json_file" + std::to_string(unique_id_++);
if (!files::WriteFile(dir + "/" + json_file,, json.size())) {
return "";
return json_file;
void InterpretDocument(JSONParser* parser, rapidjson::Document document) {
if (!document.IsObject()) {
parser->ReportError("Document is not an object.");
auto prop1 = document.FindMember("prop1");
if (prop1 == document.MemberEnd()) {
// Allow missing.
} else if (!prop1->value.IsString()) {
parser->ReportError("prop1 has wrong type");
} else {
auto prop2 = document.FindMember("prop2");
if (prop2 == document.MemberEnd()) {
// Allow missing.
} else if (!prop2->value.IsInt()) {
parser->ReportError("prop2 has wrong type");
} else {
files::ScopedTempDir tmp_dir_;
int props_found_ = 0;
int unique_id_ = 1;
TEST_F(JSONParserTest, ReadInvalidFile) {
const std::string invalid_path = fxl::Substitute("$0/does_not_exist", tmp_dir_.path());
std::string error;
JSONParser parser;
EXPECT_FALSE(ParseFromFile(&parser, invalid_path, &error));
EXPECT_EQ(error, fxl::Substitute("Failed to read file: $0", invalid_path));
TEST_F(JSONParserTest, ParseWithErrors) {
std::string json;
// One error, in parsing.
const std::string json = R"JSON({
"prop1": "missing closing quote,
"prop2": 42
JSONParser parser;
ExpectFailedParse(&parser, json, "$0:2:35: Invalid encoding in string.");
// Multiple errors, after parsing.
const std::string json = R"JSON({
"prop1": 42,
"prop2": "wrong_type"
JSONParser parser;
ExpectFailedParse(&parser, json, "$0: prop1 has wrong type\n$0: prop2 has wrong type");
TEST_F(JSONParserTest, ParseFromString) {
const std::string json = R"JSON({
"prop1": "missing closing quote
JSONParser parser;
parser.ParseFromString(json, "test_file");
EXPECT_EQ(parser.error_str(), "test_file:2:34: Invalid encoding in string.");
TEST_F(JSONParserTest, ParseTwice) {
std::string json;
JSONParser parser;
// Two failed parses. Errors should accumulate.
json = R"JSON({
"prop1": invalid_value,
parser.ParseFromString(json, "test_file");
json = R"JSON({
"prop1": "missing closing quote
parser.ParseFromString(json, "test_file");
"test_file:2:12: Invalid value.\n"
"test_file:2:34: Invalid encoding in string.");
EXPECT_EQ(0, props_found_);
TEST_F(JSONParserTest, ParseValid) {
const std::string json = R"JSON({
"prop1": "foo",
"prop2": 42
const std::string file = NewJSONFile(json);
std::string error;
JSONParser parser;
EXPECT_TRUE(ParseFromFile(&parser, file, &error));
EXPECT_EQ("", error);
EXPECT_EQ(2, props_found_);
TEST_F(JSONParserTest, ParseFromFileAt) {
const std::string json = R"JSON({
"prop1": "foo",
"prop2": 42
const std::string file = NewJSONFile(json);
const std::string basename = files::GetBaseName(file);
const int dirfd = open(tmp_dir_.path().c_str(), O_RDONLY);
ASSERT_GT(dirfd, 0);
std::string error;
JSONParser parser;
EXPECT_TRUE(ParseFromFileAt(&parser, dirfd, basename, &error));
EXPECT_EQ("", error);
EXPECT_EQ(2, props_found_);
TEST_F(JSONParserTest, ParseFromDirectory) {
const std::string json1 = R"JSON({
"prop1": "foo"
const std::string json2 = R"JSON({
"prop2": 42
std::string dir;
NewJSONFileInDir(dir, json1);
NewJSONFileInDir(dir, json2);
std::string error;
JSONParser parser;
EXPECT_TRUE(ParseFromDirectory(&parser, dir, &error));
EXPECT_EQ("", error);
EXPECT_EQ(2, props_found_);
TEST_F(JSONParserTest, ParseFromDirectoryWithErrors) {
const std::string json1 = R"JSON({,,,})JSON";
const std::string json2 = R"JSON({
"prop2": 42
std::string dir;
const std::string json_file1 = NewJSONFileInDir(dir, json1);
NewJSONFileInDir(dir, json2);
// Parsing should continue even when one file fails to parse.
std::string error;
JSONParser parser;
EXPECT_FALSE(ParseFromDirectory(&parser, dir, &error));
EXPECT_EQ(error, fxl::Concatenate({json_file1, ":1:2: Missing a name for object member."}));
EXPECT_EQ(1, props_found_);
TEST_F(JSONParserTest, ParseFromDirectoryDoesNotExist) {
std::string dir = "do_not_exist";
JSONParser parser;
std::string error;
EXPECT_TRUE(ParseFromDirectory(&parser, dir, &error));
EXPECT_EQ("", error);
EXPECT_EQ(0, props_found_);
TEST_F(JSONParserTest, ParseFromDirectoryAt) {
const std::string json1 = R"JSON({
"prop1": "foo"
const std::string json2 = R"JSON({
"prop2": 42
std::string dir;
NewJSONFileInDir(dir, json1);
NewJSONFileInDir(dir, json2);
fbl::unique_fd dirfd(open(dir.c_str(), O_RDONLY));
std::string error;
JSONParser parser;
EXPECT_TRUE(ParseFromDirectoryAt(dirfd, &parser, ".", &error));
EXPECT_EQ("", error);
EXPECT_EQ(2, props_found_);
TEST_F(JSONParserTest, CopyArrayToVectorNonArray) {
const std::string json = R"JSON({
"foo": 0
JSONParser parser;
auto document = parser.ParseFromString(json, "test_file");
std::vector<std::string> vec = {"foo"};
parser.CopyStringArray("foo", document["foo"], &vec);
EXPECT_EQ(parser.error_str(), "test_file: 'foo' is not an array.");
EXPECT_EQ(vec.size(), 0u);
TEST_F(JSONParserTest, CopyArrayToVectorNonString) {
const std::string json = R"JSON({
"bar": [ "1", 2, "3" ]
JSONParser parser;
auto document = parser.ParseFromString(json, "test_file");
std::vector<std::string> vec = {"foo"};
parser.CopyStringArray("bar", document["bar"], &vec);
EXPECT_EQ(parser.error_str(), "test_file: 'bar' contains an item that's not a string");
EXPECT_EQ(vec.size(), 0u);
TEST_F(JSONParserTest, CopyArrayToVectorEmpty) {
const std::string json = R"JSON({
"baz": []
JSONParser parser;
auto document = parser.ParseFromString(json, "test_file");
std::vector<std::string> vec = {"foo"};
parser.CopyStringArray("baz", document["baz"], &vec);
EXPECT_EQ(vec.size(), 0u);
TEST_F(JSONParserTest, CopyArrayToVector) {
const std::string json = R"JSON({
"qux": [ "quux", "quuz" ]
JSONParser parser;
auto document = parser.ParseFromString(json, "test_file");
std::vector<std::string> vec = {"foo"};
parser.CopyStringArray("qux", document["qux"], &vec);
EXPECT_EQ(vec.size(), 2u);
EXPECT_EQ(vec[0], "quux");
EXPECT_EQ(vec[1], "quuz");
} // namespace
} // namespace json_parser