blob: e79451541ff2a14b7ff70cc23308279a2d5dcc17 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Produces a component with an isoalted driver manager which can be used to launch drivers.
# Example Usage:
# ```
# isolated_devmgr_component("my-component") {
# args = [ "--svc_name=fuchsia.example.IsolatedDevmgr" ]
# }
# fuchsia_package("my-package") {
# deps = [ ":my-component" ]
# }
# ```
# The component above will have the following launch URL:
# `fuchsia-pkg://`
# `isolated_devmgr_component` may depend on any number of `driver_module()` targets to ensure
# that any `fuchsia_package()` that includes them will include the same drivers.
# ```
# driver_module("my_driver") {
# ...
# }
# isolated_devmgr_component("my-component") {
# deps = [ ":my_driver" ]
# ...
# }
# ```
# The component defined above will be able to read my_driver under the path
# "/pkg/driver/" in its sandbox.
# Parameters
# component_name (optional)
# The name of the component.
# Type: string
# Default: target_name
# args (optional)
# The list of arguments to pass to isolated_devmgr
# Type: list
# deps
# testonly
# visibility
template("isolated_devmgr_component") {
component_name = target_name
if (defined(invoker.component_name)) {
component_name = invoker.component_name
manifest_path = "${target_gen_dir}/meta/${component_name}.cmx"
devmgr_args = []
if (defined(invoker.args)) {
devmgr_args = invoker.args
manifest_name = "${component_name}.cmx"
generated_file(manifest_name) {
outputs = [ manifest_path ]
contents = {
program = {
args = devmgr_args
binary = "bin/isolated_devmgr"
include = [ "sdk/lib/diagnostics/syslog/client.shard.cmx" ]
sandbox = {
services = [
output_conversion = "json"
fuchsia_component(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "visibility" ])
testonly = true
component_name = component_name
manifest = manifest_path
deps = []
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps = invoker.deps
deps += [