blob: 5a3bf3188c4d09dfa94a6496c2c3710e2fa031cc [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file provides weak pointers and weak pointer factories that work like
// Chromium's |base::WeakPtr<T>| and |base::WeakPtrFactory<T>|. Note that we do
// not provide anything analogous to |base::SupportsWeakPtr<T>|.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <utility>
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/ref_ptr.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr_internal.h"
namespace fxl {
// Forward declaration, so |WeakPtr<T>| can friend it.
template <typename T>
class WeakPtrFactory;
// Class for "weak pointers" that can be invalidated. Valid weak pointers can
// only originate from a |WeakPtrFactory| (see below), though weak pointers are
// copyable and movable.
// Weak pointers are not in general thread-safe. They may only be *used* on a
// single thread, namely the same thread as the "originating" |WeakPtrFactory|
// (which can invalidate the weak pointers that it generates).
// However, weak pointers may be passed to other threads, reset on other
// threads, or destroyed on other threads. They may also be reassigned on other
// threads (in which case they should then only be used on the thread
// corresponding to the new "originating" |WeakPtrFactory|).
template <typename T>
class WeakPtr {
WeakPtr() : ptr_(nullptr) {}
WeakPtr(std::nullptr_t) : WeakPtr() {}
// Copy constructor.
WeakPtr(const WeakPtr<T>& r) = default;
template <typename U>
WeakPtr(const WeakPtr<U>& r) : ptr_(r.ptr_), flag_(r.flag_) {}
// Move constructor.
WeakPtr(WeakPtr<T>&& r) = default;
template <typename U>
WeakPtr(WeakPtr<U>&& r) : ptr_(std::exchange(r.ptr_, nullptr)), flag_(std::move(r.flag_)) {}
~WeakPtr() = default;
// The following methods are thread-friendly, in the sense that they may be
// called subject to additional synchronization.
// Copy assignment.
WeakPtr<T>& operator=(const WeakPtr<T>& r) = default;
// Move assignment.
WeakPtr<T>& operator=(WeakPtr<T>&& r) = default;
void reset() { flag_ = nullptr; }
// The following methods should only be called on the same thread as the
// "originating" |WeakPtrFactory|.
explicit operator bool() const { return flag_ && flag_->is_valid(); }
T* get() const { return *this ? ptr_ : nullptr; }
T& operator*() const {
return *get();
T* operator->() const {
return get();
template <typename U>
friend class WeakPtr;
friend class WeakPtrFactory<T>;
explicit WeakPtr(T* ptr, RefPtr<internal::WeakPtrFlag>&& flag)
: ptr_(ptr), flag_(std::move(flag)) {}
T* ptr_;
RefPtr<internal::WeakPtrFlag> flag_;
// Copy/move construction/assignment supported.
// Class that produces (valid) |WeakPtr<T>|s. Typically, this is used as a
// member variable of |T| (preferably the last one -- see below), and |T|'s
// methods control how weak pointers to it are vended. This class is not
// thread-safe, and should only be used on a single thread.
// Example:
// class Controller {
// public:
// Controller() : ..., weak_factory_(this) {}
// ...
// void SpawnWorker() { Worker::StartNew(weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()); }
// void WorkComplete(const Result& result) { ... }
// private:
// ...
// // Member variables should appear before the |WeakPtrFactory|, to ensure
// // that any |WeakPtr|s to |Controller| are invalidated before its member
// // variables' destructors are executed.
// WeakPtrFactory<Controller> weak_factory_;
// };
// class Worker {
// public:
// static void StartNew(const WeakPtr<Controller>& controller) {
// Worker* worker = new Worker(controller);
// // Kick off asynchronous processing....
// }
// private:
// Worker(const WeakPtr<Controller>& controller) : controller_(controller) {}
// void DidCompleteAsynchronousProcessing(const Result& result) {
// if (controller_)
// controller_->WorkComplete(result);
// }
// WeakPtr<Controller> controller_;
// };
template <typename T>
class WeakPtrFactory {
explicit WeakPtrFactory(T* ptr) : ptr_(ptr) { FX_DCHECK(ptr_); }
~WeakPtrFactory() {
FX_DCHECK(*reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t volatile*>(const_cast<T**>(&ptr_)) = kPoisonedPointer);
// Gets a new weak pointer, which will be valid until either
// |InvalidateWeakPtrs()| is called or this object is destroyed.
WeakPtr<T> GetWeakPtr() {
FX_DCHECK(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr_) != kPoisonedPointer);
if (!flag_)
flag_ = MakeRefCounted<internal::WeakPtrFlag>();
return WeakPtr<T>(ptr_, flag_.Clone());
// Call this method to invalidate all existing weak pointers. (Note that
// additional weak pointers can be produced even after this is called.)
void InvalidateWeakPtrs() {
if (!flag_)
flag_ = nullptr;
// Call this method to determine if any weak pointers exist. (Note that a
// "false" result is definitive, but a "true" result may not be if weak
// pointers are held/reset/destroyed/reassigned on other threads.)
bool HasWeakPtrs() const { return flag_ && !flag_->HasOneRef(); }
// Value to poison |ptr_| with in debug mode to ensure that weak pointer are
// not generated once this class has been destroyed.
// Value must be different from 0, and invalid as a real pointer address.
static constexpr uintptr_t kPoisonedPointer = 1;
// Note: See weak_ptr_internal.h for an explanation of why we store the
// pointer here, instead of in the "flag".
T* const ptr_;
RefPtr<internal::WeakPtrFlag> flag_;
} // namespace fxl