blob: d5f1575b697cfdf3c7c82eb05efe46c997101e6c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library llcpptest.handlerights.test;
using zx;
protocol HandleRights {
// 4098 is zx.rights.TRANSFER and zx.rights.SIGNAL
// TODO( Replace with named constants once it is supported.
SyncGetHandleWithTooFewRights() -> (zx.handle:<EVENT, 4098> h);
// 4098 is zx.rights.TRANSFER and zx.rights.SIGNAL
// TODO( Replace with named constants once it is supported.
AsyncGetHandleWithTooFewRights() -> (zx.handle:<EVENT, 4098> h);
// 4098 is zx.rights.TRANSFER and zx.rights.SIGNAL
// TODO( Replace with named constants once it is supported.
SyncGetHandleWithTooManyRights() -> (zx.handle:<EVENT, 4098> h);
// 4098 is zx.rights.TRANSFER and zx.rights.SIGNAL
// TODO( Replace with named constants once it is supported.
AsyncGetHandleWithTooManyRights() -> (zx.handle:<EVENT, 4098> h);
SyncGetHandleWithWrongType() -> (zx.handle:CHANNEL h);
AsyncGetHandleWithWrongType() -> (zx.handle:CHANNEL h);
// 4098 is zx.rights.TRANSFER and zx.rights.SIGNAL
// TODO( Replace with named constants once it is supported.
SendEventWithTransferAndSignal(zx.handle:<EVENT, 4098> h);
SendChannel(zx.handle:CHANNEL h);