blob: c61fe0d4233d8d981263aade934ecee84004c4f7 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Test object to verify that the right constructors are called.
// Excerpts taken from:
// - base/test/copy_only_int.h
// - base/test/move_only_int.h
namespace containers {
// A copy-only (not moveable) class that holds an integer. This is designed for
// testing containers. See also MoveOnlyInt.
class CopyOnlyInt {
explicit CopyOnlyInt(int data = 1) : data_(data) {}
CopyOnlyInt(const CopyOnlyInt& other) : data_(other.data_) {}
~CopyOnlyInt() { data_ = 0; }
friend bool operator==(const CopyOnlyInt& lhs, const CopyOnlyInt& rhs) {
return lhs.data_ == rhs.data_;
friend bool operator!=(const CopyOnlyInt& lhs, const CopyOnlyInt& rhs) {
return !operator==(lhs, rhs);
friend bool operator<(const CopyOnlyInt& lhs, const CopyOnlyInt& rhs) {
return lhs.data_ < rhs.data_;
friend bool operator>(const CopyOnlyInt& lhs, const CopyOnlyInt& rhs) { return rhs < lhs; }
friend bool operator<=(const CopyOnlyInt& lhs, const CopyOnlyInt& rhs) { return !(rhs < lhs); }
friend bool operator>=(const CopyOnlyInt& lhs, const CopyOnlyInt& rhs) { return !(lhs < rhs); }
int data() const { return data_; }
volatile int data_;
CopyOnlyInt(CopyOnlyInt&&) = delete;
CopyOnlyInt& operator=(CopyOnlyInt&) = delete;
// A move-only class that holds an integer. This is designed for testing
// containers. See also CopyOnlyInt.
class MoveOnlyInt {
explicit MoveOnlyInt(int data = 1) : data_(data) {}
MoveOnlyInt(MoveOnlyInt&& other) : data_(other.data_) { other.data_ = 0; }
~MoveOnlyInt() { data_ = 0; }
MoveOnlyInt& operator=(MoveOnlyInt&& other) {
data_ = other.data_;
other.data_ = 0;
return *this;
friend bool operator==(const MoveOnlyInt& lhs, const MoveOnlyInt& rhs) {
return lhs.data_ == rhs.data_;
friend bool operator!=(const MoveOnlyInt& lhs, const MoveOnlyInt& rhs) {
return !operator==(lhs, rhs);
friend bool operator<(const MoveOnlyInt& lhs, int rhs) { return lhs.data_ < rhs; }
friend bool operator<(int lhs, const MoveOnlyInt& rhs) { return lhs < rhs.data_; }
friend bool operator<(const MoveOnlyInt& lhs, const MoveOnlyInt& rhs) {
return lhs.data_ < rhs.data_;
friend bool operator>(const MoveOnlyInt& lhs, const MoveOnlyInt& rhs) { return rhs < lhs; }
friend bool operator<=(const MoveOnlyInt& lhs, const MoveOnlyInt& rhs) { return !(rhs < lhs); }
friend bool operator>=(const MoveOnlyInt& lhs, const MoveOnlyInt& rhs) { return !(lhs < rhs); }
int data() const { return data_; }
volatile int data_;
MoveOnlyInt(const MoveOnlyInt&) = delete;
MoveOnlyInt& operator=(const MoveOnlyInt&) = delete;
} // namespace containers