blob: 6c934283984f248ff81c169ad669c2842492e38e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/lib/callback/scoped_task_runner.h"
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <utility>
namespace callback {
TaskController::TaskController() = default;
TaskController::~TaskController() = default;
void SimpleTaskController::ShutDown() { alive_ = false; }
void SimpleTaskController::RunTask(fit::closure task) {
if (alive_)
ScopedTaskRunner::ScopedTaskRunner(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher)
: ScopedTaskRunner(SimpleTaskController::Type{}, dispatcher) {}
ScopedTaskRunner::ScopedTaskRunner(ScopedTaskRunner&&) = default;
ScopedTaskRunner::~ScopedTaskRunner() { ShutDown(); }
ScopedTaskRunner& ScopedTaskRunner::operator=(ScopedTaskRunner&&) = default;
void ScopedTaskRunner::ShutDown() { controller_->ShutDown(); }
void ScopedTaskRunner::Reset() { Reset(SimpleTaskController::Type{}); }
void ScopedTaskRunner::PostTask(fit::closure task) {
async::PostTask(dispatcher_, MakeScoped(std::move(task)));
void ScopedTaskRunner::PostTaskForTime(fit::closure task, zx::time target_time) {
async::PostTaskForTime(dispatcher_, MakeScoped(std::move(task)), target_time);
void ScopedTaskRunner::PostDelayedTask(fit::closure task, zx::duration delay) {
async::PostDelayedTask(dispatcher_, MakeScoped(std::move(task)), delay);
void ScopedTaskRunner::PostPeriodicTask(fit::closure task, zx::duration interval, bool invoke_now) {
// We live with re-wrapping this task every iteration to greatly simplify the
// implementation. It's possible to wrap once, but as the scoped task would
// then need to capture itself, we'd have to declare a dedicated functor.
// Since this area is not performance-critical, err on the side of simplicity
// for now.
auto task_iteration = [this, task = std::move(task), interval]() mutable {
PostPeriodicTask(std::move(task), interval, false);
if (invoke_now) {
} else {
PostDelayedTask(std::move(task_iteration), interval);
} // namespace callback