blob: 3139583456112e392d09e2d87ab522a567deee05 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/cobalt/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "src/lib/fxl/macros.h"
#include "third_party/cobalt/src/system_data/system_data.h"
namespace cobalt {
class SystemDataUpdaterImpl : public fuchsia::cobalt::SystemDataUpdater {
SystemDataUpdaterImpl(encoder::SystemDataInterface* system_data,
const std::string& cache_file_name_prefix);
// Resets Cobalt's view of the system-wide experiment state and replaces it
// with the given values.
// |experiments| All experiments the device has a notion of and the
// arms the device belongs to for each of them. These are the only
// experiments the device can collect data for.
void SetExperimentState(std::vector<fuchsia::cobalt::Experiment> experiments,
SetExperimentStateCallback callback) override;
void SetSoftwareDistributionInfo(fuchsia::cobalt::SoftwareDistributionInfo current_info,
SetSoftwareDistributionInfoCallback callback) override;
// Persist stores the specified |value| to disk
// |suffix| Used with cache_file_name_prefix_ to construct the filename that
// is written to.
// |value| The value to write to the file.
void Persist(const std::string& suffix, const std::string& value);
// Restore reads a value from disk
// |suffix| Used with cache_file_name_prefix_ to construct the filename that
// is read from.
// Returns:
// - If the file exists and is readable, return the contents of the file
// - If not return the empty string
std::string Restore(const std::string& suffix);
// Deletes the specified data file from the disk.
// |suffix| Used with cache_file_name_prefix_ to construct the filename that
// is to be deleted.
void DeleteData(const std::string& suffix);
// RestoreData restores all the SystemData values that were persisted to disk.
void RestoreData();
// ClearData deletes all the SystemData values that were persisted to disk.
void ClearData();
encoder::SystemDataInterface* system_data_; // Not owned.
std::string cache_file_name_prefix_;
} // namespace cobalt