A runner is a protocol that provides a runtime environment for components; in other words, a runner actually runs a component. Some example runners are:
The component framework decouples what to execute from how to execute it. The component manager identifies what to execute and the runner knows how to execute it. The runner and component manager communicate through a well-defined API.
As stated in the introduction, a component can be implemented in any programming language (eg. Dart) and against any framework (eg. Flutter) for which a suitable component runner exists. Thus, the component framework is runtime-agnostic and can support new runtimes without requiring any changes to the component manager.
When the component manager decides to start a component, it loads information describing the component into a fuchsia.component.runner.ComponentStartInfo
and sends that information to the runner when it invokes the runner‘s Start
method. The ComponentStartInfo
contains the following information: the component’s URL, the component‘s namespace, the contents of the component’s package, and more. Then the runner starts the component in a way appropriate for that component. To run the component the runner may choose a strategy such as the following:
The fuchsia.component.runner.ComponentController
protocol represents the component's excution. The runner is the server of this protocol, and the component manager is the client. This protocol allows the component manager to tell the runner about actions it needs to take on the component. For example, if the component manager decides a component needs to stop running, the component manager uses the ComponentController
to stop the component. Typically the runner will serve the ComponentController
protocol, and when the runner serves a request, it is free to communicate with the component itself in whatever way is appropriate. For example, the ELF runner might send a message over a channel to the component running in another process, whereas the Dart runner might directly invoke a callback method in a Dart-based component.
A component can specify that it should be launched with a particular runner by using a runner from its environment. For example, a component can use the web
runner by including the following stanza in its cml
use: [ { runner: "web" }, ],
When the component manager attempts to launch this component, it will send a request to the provider of the web
runner to start it.
Runners are made available to components through environments. A runner must be registered in a component's environment for the component to use
Runners are a type of capability, which can be routed. Note that unlike other capabilities like protocols, runners aren't routed to the components that use
them, but to the environment that registers them. Examples:
offer: [ { runner: "web", from: "parent", to: [ "#user-shell" ], }, ],
expose: [ { runner: "web", from: "#chromium", }, ],
environments: [ { name: "user-env", extend: "realm", runners: [ { runner: "web", from: "parent", }, ], }, ],
, offer
, and environment
may take an additional parameter as
to expose or offer the runner capability under a different name, such as the following:
{ expose: [ { runner: "web", from: "#chromium", as: "web-chromium", }, ], }
A runner can be implemented by:
protocol protocol from a component, andWhen the component manager is asked to launch a component that uses a particular runner, it will send a ComponentRunner.Start
request to the protocol. The request will contain details about the resolved URL of the component, the program name and arguments, and a namespace derived from the new component's use
Once the component has launched, the component providing the runner protocol is responsible for:
protocol for outgoing protocols provided by the launched component;fuchsia.io.Directory
protocol containing runtime information about the launched component, which will be visible in the hub;fuchsia.component.runner.ComponentController
protocol, allowing the component manager to request the runner stop or kill the component.Further details are in the fuchsia.component.runner.ComponentRunner
For a runner to be routable, the component's manifest must first declare it, like follows:
{ runners: [ { // Name for the runner. name: "web", // Indicate this component provides the protocol. from: "self", // Path to the protocol in our outgoing directory. path: "/svc/fuchsia.component.runner.ComponentRunner", }, ], }
See Making a runner available for instructions on how to make the runner available to components.