blob: b4e79d2ab1c0b940ea4df0fb6e5575ce893fbf52 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# TODO( remove import when the ZN build is gone.
# TODO( This is temporary until the kernel build is unified or
# kernel PCI is removed.
declare_args() {
# If you add package labels to this variable, the packages will be included in
# the 'base' package set, which represents the set of packages that are part
# of an OTA. These pacakages are updated as an atomic unit during an OTA
# process and are immutable and are a superset of the TCB (Trusted Computing
# Base) for a product. These packages are never evicted by the system.
base_package_labels = []
# If you add package labels to this variable, the packages will be included
# in the 'cache' package set, which represents an additional set of software
# that is made available on disk immediately after paving and in factory
# flows. These packages are not updated with an OTA, but instead are updated
# ephemerally. This cache of software can be evicted by the system if storage
# pressure arises or other policies indicate.
cache_package_labels = []
# A file in containing historical test duration data for this build
# configuration, used used by testsharder to evenly split tests across
# shards. It should be set for any builds where testsharder will be run
# afterwards.
test_durations_file = ""
# If you add package labels to this variable, the packages will be included
# in the 'universe' package set, which represents all software that is
# produced that is to be published to a package repository or to the SDK by
# the build. The build system ensures that the universe package set includes
# the base and cache package sets, which means you do not need to redundantly
# include those labels in this variable.
universe_package_labels = []
# If you add labels to this variable, these will be included in the 'host'
# artifact set, which represents an additional set of host-only software that
# is produced by the build.
host_labels = []
# [Zircon GN build arguments](/docs/gen/
# This is included in the default value of [`zircon_args`](#zircon_args) so
# you can set this to add things there without wiping out the defaults.
# When you set `zircon_args` directly, then this has no effect at all.
# Arguments you set here override any arguments in the default
# `zircon_args`. There is no way to append to a value from the defaults.
# Note that for just setting simple (string-only) values in Zircon GN's
# [`variants`](/docs/gen/, the
# default [`zircon_args`](#zircon_args) uses a `variants` value derived from
# [`select_variant`](#select_variant) so for simple cases there is no need
# to explicitly set Zircon's `variants` here.
zircon_extra_args = {
# Additional Zircon GN labels to include in the Zircon build.
zircon_extra_deps = []
# Where to emit a tracelog from Zircon's GN run. No trace will be produced if
# given the empty string. Path can be source-absolute or system-absolute.
zircon_tracelog = ""
# Compilation database filter. Gets passed to --export-compile-commands=<filter>.
zircon_compdb_filter = "default"
# Whether to allow testonly=true targets in base/cache pacakges. Default to
# true to allow testonly=true targets. It is preferrable to set to false for
# production builds to avoid accidental inclusion of testing targets.
base_cache_packages_allow_testonly = true
zircon_variants = []
foreach(selector, select_variant) {
if (selector == "$selector") {
zircon_variants += [ selector ]
if (host_os == "mac") {
# Separate block because zircon_* declared above are used in the default.
declare_args() {
# [Zircon GN build arguments](/docs/gen/
# The default passes through GOMA/ccache settings and
# [`select_variant`](#select_variant) shorthand selectors.
# **Only set this if you want to wipe out all the defaults that
# propagate from Fuchsia GN to Zircon GN.** The default value
# folds in [`zircon_extra_args`](#zircon_extra_args), so usually
# it's better to just set `zircon_extra_args` and leave `zircon_args` alone.
# Any individual Zircon build argument set in `zircon_extra_args` will
# silently clobber the default value shown here.
zircon_args = {
experimental_cxx_version = experimental_cxx_version
use_ccache = use_ccache
use_goma = use_goma
output_gsym = output_gsym
goma_dir = rebase_path(goma_dir)
zbi_compression = zbi_compression
if (clang_prefix != default_clang_prefix) {
# Propagate a custom value to override Zircon's default. But don't
# propagate the default because Zircon has proper incremental build
# dependencies on toolchain updates only if it knows it's using the
# prebuilt.
clang_tool_dir = rebase_path(clang_prefix, "", root_build_dir)
if (rustc_prefix != default_rustc_prefix) {
rustc_tool_dir = rebase_path(rustc_prefix, "", root_build_dir)
rustc_version_string = rustc_version_string
if (host_os == "mac") {
mac_sdk_path = mac_sdk_path
variants = zircon_variants
# TODO( Keep this in sync with the code in
# //build/toolchain/zircon/zircon_toolchain.gni
if (optimize == "none" || optimize == "sanitizer" ||
optimize == "profile" || optimize == "size") {
# TODO( Only propagate none/sanitizer/profile for now.
# "Normal" Zircon builds use a different default than Fuchsia builds.
# These should be harmonized at some point so this is always passed
# through.
optimize = optimize
default_deps = [ "//:legacy_unification-$target_cpu" ] + zircon_extra_deps
forward_variables_from(zircon_extra_args, "*")
# TODO( This is temporary until the kernel build is unified or
# kernel PCI is removed.
disable_kernel_pci = platform_enable_user_pci
zx_fidl_trace_level = fidl_trace_level
### Zircon build integration.
# The Zircon GN is completely a puppet of this build. This gen runs that gen.
# See also :zircon below.
if (current_toolchain == default_toolchain) {
# The template scope makes invoker[build_argument] available.
template("_run_zircon_gn") {
assert(target_name == "zircon")
# Stuff in sanitizer_default_options arguments separately. These can't be
# included in zircon_args via forward_variables_from() because GN diagnoses
# setting the same name in the scope object as "clobbering" a nonempty list
# variable in the global scope.
sanitizer_args = ""
foreach(arg, sanitizer_default_options_args) {
sanitizer_arg_value = [] # Reset after previous iteration.
sanitizer_arg_value = invoker[arg]
if (sanitizer_arg_value == "$sanitizer_arg_value") {
# The argument is in the old string form. Make it a list.
sanitizer_arg_value = [ sanitizer_arg_value ]
sanitizer_args += "$arg = $sanitizer_arg_value "
# First run Zircon's `gn gen`. By GN evaluation order this is roughly
# the first thing that happens at all and it's synchronous so after this
# point we can read in files written by this gen step.
gn_cmd = [
"--root=" + rebase_path("//zircon", root_build_dir),
"# Instead, edit $root_build_dir/ to add$0x0a" +
"# zircon_extra_args = { ... } to override settings below.$0x0a" +
sanitizer_args + "forward_variables_from($zircon_args, \"*\")",
rebase_path(zircon_root_build_dir, root_build_dir),
if (zircon_tracelog != "") {
gn_cmd += [ "--tracelog=" + rebase_path(zircon_tracelog, root_build_dir) ]
exec_script("//prebuilt/third_party/gn/${host_platform}/gn", gn_cmd)
_run_zircon_gn("zircon") {
### fx integration.
# Write a file that can be sourced by `fx`. This file is produced
# by `gn gen` and is not known to Ninja at all, so it has nothing to
# do with the build itself. Its sole purpose is to leave bread
# crumbs about the settings `gn gen` used for `fx` to use later.
_relative_build_dir = rebase_path(root_build_dir, "//", "//")
_host_out_dir = rebase_path(host_out_dir, root_build_dir)
_fx_config_lines = [
"# Generated by `gn gen`.",
if (use_goma && goma_dir != prebuilt_goma_dir) {
_fx_config_lines += [ "GOMA_DIR=" + rebase_path(goma_dir) ]
write_file("$root_build_dir/fx.config", _fx_config_lines)
### Build API modules.
# This is the top-level build API module that just lists all the others.
# Each element of the list is the simple name of the API module; the
# module's contents are found at "$root_build_dir/$target_name.json".
# Type: list(string)
build_api_module("api") {
testonly = true
data_keys = [ "build_api_modules" ]
deps = [
# This describes the location of the package repository, in:
# "$root_build_dir/package-repositories.json"
# Type: list(scope)
# path
# Required: Path to the package repository, relative to $root_build_dir.
# Type: path relative to $root_build_dir
# targets
# Required: Path to the targets.json file with the contents in this
# package repository, relative to $root_build_dir.
# Type: path relative to $root_build_dir
# blobs
# Required: Path to the blobs directory in this package repository,
# relative to $root_build_dir.
# Type: path relative to $root_build_dir
build_api_module("package-repositories") {
testonly = true
data_keys = [ "package_repository" ]
deps = [ "//build/images:updates" ]
# This describes all the archives the build can produce, in:
# "$root_build_dir/archives.json"
# TODO( Delete me ASAP. Archives are targets that necessarily
# depend on 'everything'; targets like this should be migrated away from.
# Type: list(scope)
# name
# Required: The primary way that this archive is known to consumers.
# The tuple of ($name, $type) should be unique.
# Type: string
# path
# Required: Path to where the archive is found, relative to $root_build_dir.
# Type: path relative to $root_build_dir
# type
# Required: "zip" or "tgz".
# Type: string
build_api_module("archives") {
testonly = true
data_keys = [ "archives" ]
deps = [
# TODO( Remove when GN emits the equivalent information
# itself.
# in file: "$root_build_dir/args.json"
# This just regurgitates the build arguments specified to `gn gen`. This is
# the exact JSON representation of the settings in "$root_build_dir/".
# It does not include build arguments left to their default values. So to
# reproduce the settings of this build, one could put in ``:
# ```
# forward_variables_from(read_file("args.json", "json"), "*")
# ```
# Type: scope
build_api_module("args") {
contents = read_file("$root_build_dir/", "scope")
# This describes all the binaries linked by the build.
# This enumerates each linked binary (executable, shared library, or
# loadable/"plug-in" module) used by the build, or produced by the build.
# This includes host tools, kernels, boot loaders, drivers, as well as
# normal executables. This also includes prebuilt toolchain runtime
# libraries that end up in image files. It does not yet include any
# non-native binary formats.
# For non-prebuilts, this is meant to reach the entire dependency graph
# of all binaries that the build would ever produce. Not every binary
# described is necessarily actually produced by any given Ninja run. Either
# the $debug or the $dist file for any individual binary can be passed to
# Ninja as a specific target argument to ensure it's built and
# up to date before making use of that binary. Like all build_api_module()
# targets, the top-level "binaries" target serves as a Ninja target to
# request that every binary described be built.
# Note that in certain cases, the paths in `debug` and `dist` will
# point out of the build tree, and thus cannot be used as Ninja targets.
# This happens for prebuilts or binaries produced by the Zircon build.
# Type: list(scope)
# cpu
# Required: CPU architecture the binary is for, e.g. "arm64" or "x64".
# Type: string
# os
# Required: OS the binary is for, e.g. "fuchsia", "linux", or "mac".
# Type: string
# environment
# Required: The ${toolchain.environment} name of what specific
# execution this was built for, e.g. "user", "host", "guest". The
# tuple of ($cpu, $os, $environment) should indicate what hardware and
# software environment this binary is compatible with.
# Type: string
# label
# Required: The GN label of the binary target.
# Type: label_with_toolchain
# type
# Required: The type of binary.
# Type: "executable" or "shared_library" or "loadable_module"
# debug
# Required: Path to where the unstripped or separate debug file is
# found, relative to $root_build_dir. If $dist is omitted, this
# is also the file that is used at runtime.
# Type: path relative to $root_build_dir
# dist
# Optional: Path to where the stripped binary for deployment/execution is
# found, relative to $root_build_dir. This binary may be required for
# some debugging tasks if $debug is a separate debug file rather than
# an unstripped file. It should exactly match the binary that will be
# seen on devices or run directly on hosts.
# Type: path relative to $root_build_dir
# elf_build_id
# Optional: Path to a file containing the lowercase ASCII hexadecimal
# representation of the ELF build ID in this binary. This is omitted
# for OS environments that don't use ELF. For an ELF binary that
# doesn't have a build ID note, this key will be present but point to
# an empty file.
# Type: path relative to $root_build_dir
# breakpad
# Optional: Path to the breakpad symbol file for the debug binary. This
# will only be present if $output_breakpad_syms was set.
# Type: path relative to $root_build_dir
build_api_module("binaries") {
testonly = true
data_keys = [ "binaries" ]
deps = [
group("binaries.zircon") {
visibility = [ ":binaries" ]
script = "//build/zircon/"
metadata = {
# This uses exec_script instead of read_file because the labels and paths
# need to be rebased to be valid in the Fuchsia build. Doing this in GN
# using a foreach loop takes 3 seconds, but the script takes 100ms. This
# should go away when the build is unified.
binaries = exec_script(
"-S", #
rebase_path(script, root_build_dir),
[ script ])
# Describes the configuration of the build in the file:
# "$root_build_dir/build_info.json"
# Type: list(scope)
# version
# Optional: The version of the build. Present during official builds.
# Type: string
# configurations
# Required: The list of product/board configurations within the build.
# Each `configurations` entry is a scope that contains both a product
# and board specification.
# Type: list(scope)
build_api_module("build_info") {
testonly = true
contents = {
version = build_info_version
# A list to accommodate the future of a build that support building multiple
# (board, product) pairs.
configurations = [
board = build_info_board
product = build_info_product
# Artifacts from the checkout. Though a priori unrelated to the build, they are
# useful to track here.
# in file: "$root_build_dir/checkout_artifacts.json"
# Type: list(scope)
# name
# Required: The primary way that this file is known to consumers.
# The name should be unique among other entries.
# Type: string
# path
# Required: Path to where the file is found, relative to $root_build_dir.
# Type: path relative to $root_build_dir
# type
# Required: The file format (e.g., "txt" or "xml").
# Type: string
build_api_module("checkout_artifacts") {
testonly = true
data_keys = [ "checkout_artifacts" ]
deps = [ ":checkout_artifacts.metadata" ]
group("checkout_artifacts.metadata") {
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":checkout_artifacts" ]
metadata = {
checkout_artifacts = [
# TODO( Remove `archive` field. This is a signal to
# include the this file in the archive.
archive = true
name = "jiri_snapshot"
path = rebase_path("//.jiri_root/update_history/latest", root_build_dir)
type = "xml"
name = "ssh_authorized_key"
path = rebase_path("//.ssh/authorized_keys", root_build_dir)
type = "txt"
name = "ssh_private_key"
path = rebase_path("//.ssh/pkey", root_build_dir)
type = "txt"
# This describes all the generated source files in the build.
# The intent is that telling Ninja to build all these individual files
# will be the minimal work sufficient for source code analysis of all
# the files described in the compilation database to be viable.
# Type: list(path relative to $root_build_dir)
build_api_module("generated_sources") {
testonly = true
data_keys = [ "generated_sources" ]
deps = [
group("generated_sources.zircon") {
visibility = [ ":generated_sources" ]
zircon_entries =
read_file("$zircon_root_build_dir/generated_sources.json", "json")
metadata = {
generated_sources = []
foreach(entry, zircon_entries) {
generated_sources +=
[ rebase_path(entry, root_build_dir, zircon_root_build_dir) ]
# Describes the "fuzzers" in the build, in the file:
# "$root_build_dir/fuzzers.json"
# See //build/fuzzing/fuzzer.gni for more details.
# Type: list(scope)
# fuzzers_package
# Required: Name of a package containing fuzzers.
# Type: string
# fuzzers
# Required: The fuzzer binaries included in the associated package.
# Type: list of labels
# fuzz_host
# Required: Indicates whether the associated fuzzer binaries were built for
# the host.
# Type: boolean
build_api_module("fuzzers") {
testonly = true
data_keys = [ "fuzz_spec" ]
deps = [ "//build/images:packages" ]
# This describes all the "image" files the build can produce, in the file:
# "$root_build_dir/images.json"
# An "image file" is a binary file that typically ends up on a device
# partition (e.g. kernel, boot loader, partition image, etc).
# Consumers of the build should look here for the images to be built.
# The $cpu, $name, and $type fields identify the purpose of each image.
# Consumers are expected to ignore extra images they have no use for or
# whose fields they don't understand.
# The $path field indicates where the file is found in the build
# directory. The presence of an image in the list means that the build
# *can* produce it, not that the build *will* produce it. Hence,
# consumers should use $path as an explicit argument to Ninja to ensure
# that each needed image gets built.
# Type: list(scope)
# cpu
# Required: CPU architecture the image is for, e.g. "arm64" or "x64".
# Type: string
# name
# Required: The primary way that this image is known to consumers.
# Note that the name need not be unique within the images list.
# The tuple of ($name, $type, $cpu) should be unique.
# Type: string
# label
# Required: The GN label of the image target.
# Type: label_with_toolchain
# path
# Required: Path to where the file is found, relative to $root_build_dir.
# This is also the argument to Ninja that ensures this image will be built.
# Type: path relative to $root_build_dir
# testonly
# Optional: This image includes test code/data not meant for production.
# Type: bool
# Default: false
# tags
# Optional: Tags associated with the image. Certain tags may indicate
# to the build API consumer what should be done with the image.
# Type: list(string)
# type
# Required: Type of file, e.g. "zbi". This often corresponds to the
# extension used on the image file name, but not always. For many
# miscellaneous formats, this is just "bin" and the consumer is
# expected to understand what the particular format is for particular
# $name, $cpu combinations. Other types include:
# * "zbi": the ZBI (<zircon/boot/image.h>) format
# * "efi": an EFI executable that an EFI boot loader can load
# * "kernel": some other format loaded by a boot loader or emulator
# * "blk": contents to be written to a storage device or partition
# Type: string
# bootserver_pave, bootserver_pave_zedboot, bootserver_netboot
# Optional: flag names under which the associated image should be passed to
# the bootserver when paving, paving zedboot, or netbooting, respectively.
# Type: list(string)
build_api_module("images") {
testonly = true
data_keys = [ "images" ]
deps = [
# XXX(46415): as the build is specialized by board (bootfs_only)
# for bringup, it is not possible for this to be complete. As this
# is used in the formation of the build API with infrastructure,
# and infrastructure assumes that the board configuration modulates
# the definition of `zircon-a` between bringup/non-bringup, we can
# not in fact have a complete description. See the associated
# conditional at this group also.
# This has the images referred to by $qemu_kernel_label entries.
# Describes the SDK archives that can be built, in the file:
# "$root_build_dir/sdk_archives.json"
# If the GN arg build_sdk_archives=true, the file contains a list of JSON
# objects with the following fields, otherwise the list is empty:
# * name
# - Required: Name of the SDK.
# - Type: string
# * label
# - Required: GN label of the associated `sdk` target.
# - Type: label_with_toolchain
# * path
# - Required: Path to the built archive.
# - Type: path relative to $root_build_dir
# * os
# - Required: OS is the operating system which the SDK is built for. A value
# of "fuchsia" indicates the SDK is host OS agnostic.
# - Type: string
# * cpu
# - Required: CPU architecture which the SDK is built for.
# - Type: string
build_api_module("sdk_archives") {
testonly = true
data_keys = [ "sdk_archives" ]
deps = [ "//sdk:sdk.modular" ]
# Describes the platforms available for testing, in the file:
# "$root_build_dir/platforms.json"
# TODO( the fuchsia platform should not know about such things.
# Type: list(scope)
build_api_module("platforms") {
testonly = true
contents = []
foreach(platform, test_platforms) {
if (!defined(platform.cpu) || platform.cpu == current_cpu) {
contents += [ platform ]
# This describes where to find all prebuilt binaries, in the file:
# "$root_build_dir/prebuilt_binaries.json"
# The `manifest` field will point to another JSON file that is almost a subset
# of the :binaries build API module: the only fields present are `cpu`,
# `debug`, `os`, and `elf_build_id`, which in this case is not a file pointer
# but instead the actual build ID.
# Type: list(scope)
# name
# Required: The name of the collection of prebuilt binaries.
# Type: string
# manifest
# Required: The path to the manifest of prebuilt binaires. See note above
# for its schema.
# Type: string
# debug_archive
# Optional: The path of the archive of debug binaries from which
# `path` was generated.
# Type: string
build_api_module("prebuilt_binaries") {
testonly = true
data_keys = [ "prebuilt_binaries" ]
deps = [
# Tests in the build.
# Below, the "testing root" refers to $root_build_dir on host, and the full
# filesystem path from the root on device.
# Type: list(scope)
# * name
# - Required: Name of test.
# - Type: string
# * label
# - Required: GN label associated with the test
# - Type: label_with_toolchain
# * path
# - Required: Path to the test's executable.
# - Type: path relative to the testing root.
# * cpu, os
# - Required: $current_cpu and $current_os values, respectively, for
# which this test is intended.
# - Type: string
# * disabled
# - Optional: a free-form string indicating a reason for the test being
# disabled.
# - Type: string
# * runtime_deps
# - Optional: a JSON file containing a list of root_build_dir-relative
# paths defining ascribed runtime dependencies of the test. These
# dependencies are aggregated via the metadata graph of the associated
# test target under a data key of "test_runtime_deps.
# - Type: path relative to root_build_dir
build_api_module("tests") {
testonly = true
data_keys = [ "tests" ]
deps = [
# Pull in tests from host_labels.
# Pull in tests from *_package_labels.
# test_durations.json contains historical test durations data to be used for
# scheduling tests.
# It contains a list of JSON objects with the following fields:
# name
# Required: The name of the test. For Fuchsia tests, this will correspond to
# the test package URL; for host-side tests, the installation path.
# Type: string
# median_duration_ms
# Required: The median historical duration for this test over some period of
# time, in milliseconds.
# Type: int
build_api_module("test_durations") {
testonly = true
contents = []
if (test_durations_file != "") {
contents = read_file(test_durations_file, "json")
# Tools provided by the build or as prebuilts, to be used outside the build.
# Type: list(scope)
# * name
# - Required: Name of a host tool.
# - Type: string
# * label
# - Required: GN label associated with the tool.
# - Type: label_with_toolchain
# * path
# - Required: Path to the tool's executable for the build host.
# - Type: path relative to $root_build_dir
# * cpu, os
# - Required: $current_cpu and $current_os values, respectively, for
# which this tool is intended.
# - Type: string
build_api_module("tool_paths") {
testonly = true
data_keys = [ "tool_paths" ]
walk_keys = [ "tool_barrier" ]
deps = [
if (host_os == "linux") {
deps += [ "//zircon/tools/mtd-redundant-storage($host_toolchain)" ]
group("tool_paths.metadata") {
visibility = [ ":tool_paths" ]
prebuilt_tools = [
metadata = {
tool_paths = []
foreach(tool, prebuilt_tools) {
tool_paths += [
cpu = host_cpu
label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
name = get_path_info(tool, "name")
os = host_os
path = rebase_path(tool, root_build_dir)
group("tool_paths.llvm-tools") {
visibility = [ ":tool_paths" ]
_llvm_tools = [
metadata = {
tool_paths = []
foreach(tool, _llvm_tools) {
tool_paths += [
cpu = host_cpu
label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
name = tool
os = host_os
path = rebase_path("$clang_tool_dir/$tool", root_build_dir)
# The "triage_sources.json" build API file contains a list of paths to
# `<foo>.triage` configuration files that are used by the
# `fx triage` command. These paths are relative to the $root_build_dir.
# in file: "$root_build_dir/triage_sources.json".
# Type: list(string)
build_api_module("triage_sources") {
testonly = true
data_keys = [ "triage_sources" ]
deps = [
# This describes all the "ZBI tests" the build can produce.
# in file: "$root_build_dir/zbi_tests.json"
# This tells the infra recipes how to run ZBI tests, defined with zbi_test(),
# which is a class of tests that are 'run' by booting an associated ZBI and
# listening on serial for a particular string indicating success.
# The schema produced here matches //:images with the addition of the
# `success_string` key.
# Type: list(scope)
# * cpu
# - Required: CPU architecture the image is for, e.g. "arm64" or "x64".
# - Type: string
# * name
# - Required: The primary way that this ZBI is known to consumers.
# Note that the name need not be unique within the images list.
# The tuple of ($name, $cpu) should be unique.
# - Type: string
# * label
# - Required: The GN label of the image target.
# - Type: label_with_toolchain
# * path
# - Required: Path to where the file is found, relative to $root_build_dir.
# This is also the argument to Ninja that ensures this image will be built.
# - Type: path relative to $root_build_dir
# * bootserver_netboot
# - Required: bootserver commandline option for booting the ZBI.
# - Type: string
# * success_string
# - Required: The string that the ZBI test outputs to indicate success.
# - Type: string
# * device_types
# - Required: The list of device types that this test should be run on.
# //build/testing/platforms.gni lists the allowed values; others will
# be ignored.
# - Type: list(string)
# * qemu_kernel_label
# - Optional: Label appearing in $label of an //:images entry.
# That image should be used in place of the usual `qemu-kernel` image.
# - Type: label_with_toolchain
# * timeout
# - Optional: Timeout for running the test, in seconds.
# - Type: seconds
build_api_module("zbi_tests") {
testonly = true
data_keys = [ "zbi_tests" ]
deps = [
# Describes how to invoke Njnja for the Zircon build.
# in file: "$root_build_dir/zircon.json"
# These instructions are a prerequisite for this build.
# Type: scope
# dir
# Required: the zircon build directory root.
# Type: path relative to $root_build_dir
# targets
# Required: the ninja targets to execute.
# Type: list of ninja targets
build_api_module("zircon") {
testonly = true
contents = {
dir = rebase_path(zircon_root_build_dir, root_build_dir)
targets = [ "default" ]
# Describes the paths to all the package manifests for packages in universe.
# This should be the same set of packages that are used in the pm_publish step.
# These paths are relative to the $root_build_dir.
# in file: "$root_build_dir/all_package_manifest_paths.json".
# Type: list(string)
build_api_module("all_package_manifest_paths") {
testonly = true
data_keys = [ "package_output_manifests" ]
rebase = root_build_dir
deps = [ "//build/images:all_package_manifests.list" ]
# This prevents us from leaking packages that aren't actually being pm published
# (e.g. packages in the ZBI).
walk_keys = [ "package_barrier" ]
### Top-level targets.
group("default") {
testonly = true
deps = [
# Once the kernel is migrated, have this be a dep of the kernel instead.
# SDK-only builds must not attempt to build images.
if (bootfs_only || base_package_labels + cache_package_labels +
universe_package_labels != []) {
deps += [ "//build/images:default-images" ]
# These groups exist at the root of the build so relative labels specified
# through GN args are interpreted as if they were absolute.
group("additional_base_packages") {
if (base_cache_packages_allow_testonly) {
testonly = true
visibility = [ "//build/images:base_packages" ]
public_deps = base_package_labels + board_package_labels
group("additional_cache_packages") {
if (base_cache_packages_allow_testonly) {
testonly = true
visibility = [ "//build/images:cache_packages" ]
public_deps = cache_package_labels
group("additional_universe_packages") {
testonly = true
visibility = [ "//build/images:universe_packages" ]
public_deps = universe_package_labels
group("host") {
testonly = true
public_deps = []
foreach(label, host_labels) {
public_deps += [ "$label($host_toolchain)" ]
group("recovery_image") {
# TODO( Investigate use of testonly here.
testonly = true
deps = [ "build/images/recovery" ]
group("package_archive") {
testonly = true
public_deps = [ "//build/gn:package_archive" ]