blob: 3bd563f97ba481ce1adbe9d4076c187c3a5e78b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library zx;
const CPRNG_DRAW_MAX_LEN usize64 = 256;
const CPRNG_ADD_ENTROPY_MAX_LEN usize64 = 256;
closed protocol Cprng {
strict DrawOnce() -> (struct {
buffer vector<byte>:CPRNG_DRAW_MAX_LEN;
}) error Status;
/// ## Summary
/// Draw from the kernel's CPRNG.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// void zx_cprng_draw(void* buffer, size_t buffer_size);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_cprng_draw()` draws random bytes from the kernel CPRNG. This data should
/// be suitable for cryptographic applications.
/// Clients that require a large volume of randomness should consider using these
/// bytes to seed a user-space random number generator for better performance.
/// "Large" here would mean a large multiple of `ZX_CPRNG_DRAW_MAX_LEN`, which is
/// currently 256. As always, test the actual latency of your call site before
/// optimizing.
/// ## Rights
/// None.
/// ## Notes
/// `zx_cprng_draw()` terminates the calling process if `buffer` is not a valid
/// userspace pointer.
/// There are no other error conditions. If its arguments are valid,
/// `zx_cprng_draw()` will succeed.
/// ## See also
/// - [`zx_cprng_add_entropy()`]
/// [`zx_cprng_add_entropy()`]:
strict Draw() -> (struct {
buffer vector<byte>:CPRNG_DRAW_MAX_LEN;
/// ## Summary
/// Add entropy to the kernel CPRNG.
/// ## Declaration
/// ```c
/// #include <zircon/syscalls.h>
/// zx_status_t zx_cprng_add_entropy(const void* buffer, size_t buffer_size);
/// ```
/// ## Description
/// `zx_cprng_add_entropy()` mixes the given entropy into the kernel CPRNG.
/// a privileged operation. It will accept at most `ZX_CPRNG_ADD_ENTROPY_MAX_LEN`
/// bytes of entropy at a time.
/// ## Rights
/// None.
/// ## Return value
/// `zx_cprng_add_entropy()` returns `ZX_OK` on success.
/// ## Errors
/// `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` *buffer_size* is too large, or *buffer* is not a valid
/// userspace pointer.
/// ## BUGS
/// This syscall should be very privileged.
/// ## See also
/// - [`zx_cprng_draw()`]
/// [`zx_cprng_draw()`]:
strict AddEntropy(struct {
buffer vector<byte>:CPRNG_ADD_ENTROPY_MAX_LEN;
}) -> () error Status;