blob: 7c0d983a18a637e9b7a99576906fc28c860abe83 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/arch/intrin.h>
#include <lib/kconcurrent/seqlock.h>
#include <lib/unittest/unittest.h>
#include <kernel/mp.h>
#include <ktl/bit.h>
#include <ktl/type_traits.h>
#include <ktl/enforce.h>
namespace {
using SyncOpt = ::concurrent::SyncOpt;
template <SyncOpt kSyncOpt>
struct SeqLockWrapper;
template <>
struct SeqLockWrapper<SyncOpt::AcqRelOps> {
template <>
struct SeqLockWrapper<SyncOpt::Fence> {
class CurrentCpuPinner {
CurrentCpuPinner() {
interrupt_saved_state_t interrupt_state = arch_interrupt_save();
prev_affinity_ = Thread::Current::Get()->GetCpuAffinity();
pin_mask_ = cpu_num_to_mask(arch_curr_cpu_num());
~CurrentCpuPinner() { ReleasePin(); }
void ReleasePin() {
if (pin_mask_ != 0) {
pin_mask_ = 0;
cpu_mask_t other_cpus_mask() const { return ~pin_mask_; }
cpu_mask_t prev_affinity_{0};
cpu_mask_t pin_mask_{0};
template <typename LockPolicy, SyncOpt kSyncOpt>
struct Test {
static bool UncontestedRead() {
static_assert(ktl::is_same_v<LockPolicy, SharedIrqSave> ||
ktl::is_same_v<LockPolicy, SharedNoIrqSave>);
constexpr bool kExpectIrqsDisabled = ktl::is_same_v<LockPolicy, SharedIrqSave>;
SeqLockWrapper<kSyncOpt> wrapper;
auto& seq = wrapper.seq;
// Observe the lock's initial sequence number. It should not change over the
// course of these tests.
typename SeqLock<kSyncOpt>::SequenceNumber initial_num = seq.lock().seq_num();
// Deliberately initialize this as true. We want to test to be sure that the
// guard unconditionally sets it's state to false as we enter the guard.
bool transaction_success{true};
arch_ints_disabled()); // interrupts should be enabled before we enter the guard.
// Enter the guard. Interrupt enabled/disabled state should match what is
// expected based on the policy. Transaction_success should be now have been
// explicitly set to false.
lockdep::Guard<SeqLock<kSyncOpt>, LockPolicy> guard{&seq, transaction_success};
ASSERT_EQ(kExpectIrqsDisabled, arch_ints_disabled());
ASSERT_EQ(initial_num, seq.lock().seq_num());
// Now let the guard go out of scope.
// Interrupts should be enabled (if they had been disabled), and the
// transaction should have succeeded.
ASSERT_EQ(initial_num, seq.lock().seq_num());
static bool UncontestedWrite() {
static_assert(ktl::is_same_v<LockPolicy, ExclusiveIrqSave> ||
ktl::is_same_v<LockPolicy, ExclusiveNoIrqSave>);
SeqLockWrapper<kSyncOpt> wrapper;
auto& seq = wrapper.seq;
// Observe the lock's initial sequence number. It should go up by exactly one
// every time we enter or exit the lock.
typename SeqLock<kSyncOpt>::SequenceNumber initial_num = seq.lock().seq_num();
// interrupts should be enabled and blocking should be allowed before we
// enter the guard.
ASSERT_EQ(initial_num, seq.lock().seq_num());
// If we are using the IRQ save version of the guard, then we expect it to
// disable interrupts and disallow blocking for us. The NoIrqSave version
// is expected to DEBUG_ASSERT if interrupts are not already disabled,
// meaning that we need to take care of this ourselves, but we expect it to
// make sure that blocking is disallowed while we are in the guard.
[[maybe_unused]] interrupt_saved_state_t interrupt_state;
if constexpr (ktl::is_same_v<LockPolicy, ExclusiveNoIrqSave>) {
interrupt_state = arch_interrupt_save();
// Enter the guard. Interrupts should now be disabled, and blocking
// disallowed. The lock's sequence number should have gone up by one.
lockdep::Guard<SeqLock<kSyncOpt>, LockPolicy> guard{&seq};
ASSERT_EQ(initial_num + 1, seq.lock().seq_num());
// Now let the guard go out of scope.
// Restore interrupts if we had manually disabled them.
if constexpr (ktl::is_same_v<LockPolicy, ExclusiveNoIrqSave>) {
// Interrupts should now be enabled and blocking allowed again. The seq
// number should be 2 more than the initial number.
ASSERT_EQ(initial_num + 2, seq.lock().seq_num());
static bool ContestedTest() {
static_assert(ktl::is_same_v<LockPolicy, SharedIrqSave> ||
ktl::is_same_v<LockPolicy, SharedNoIrqSave> ||
ktl::is_same_v<LockPolicy, ExclusiveIrqSave> ||
ktl::is_same_v<LockPolicy, ExclusiveNoIrqSave>);
constexpr bool SharedTest =
ktl::is_same_v<LockPolicy, SharedIrqSave> || ktl::is_same_v<LockPolicy, SharedNoIrqSave>;
SeqLockWrapper<kSyncOpt> wrapper;
auto& seq = wrapper.seq;
if constexpr (SharedTest) {
// If we are testing shared contention, start with the simple test. Start a
// read transaction, but then have a "writer" enter the lock exclusively
// during the read transaction. The transaction should fail. Note: to keep
// things simple, we don't actually need or want to spin a thread for the
// writer. Instead, we simply simulate one by accessing the lock directly
// with static thread analysis checking disabled.
bool transaction_success{true};
// Enter the guard.
lockdep::Guard<SeqLock<kSyncOpt>, LockPolicy> guard{&seq, transaction_success};
// Have a "writer" enter the lock exclusively
[&seq]() __TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS { seq.lock().Acquire(); }();
// Let the guard go out of scope.
// Go ahead and release the exclusive access to the lock.
[&seq]() __TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS { seq.lock().Release(); }();
// The transaction should have failed.
// Now check to make sure that guards (either shared or exclusive) cannot be
// entered when the lock is already held exclusively. Create a thread, and
// wait until know that the thread is about to enter the guard. Then wait just
// a bit longer and verify that the thread has still not managed to enter the
// guard. Finally, we release the exclusive hold we have on the lock and
// verify that the thread is able to make it through the guard, and in the
// case that the thread is using a shared guard, that the read transaction is
// reported as a success.
// Note: This is a best effort test, and contains false-negative potential.
// Just because the thread had not managed to make it into the guard in X
// units of time, does not mean that it won't eventually make it in. There is
// simply no way with a runtime unit-test to _prove_ that exclusion will occur
// until the lock is released.
if (uint32_t cpus_online = ktl::popcount(mp_get_online_mask()); cpus_online < 2) {
printf("Skipping Contested %s SeqLock test. There is only %u CPU online\n",
SharedTest ? "Read" : "Write", cpus_online);
} else {
enum class State : uint32_t {
using InstrumentedLockType = decltype(seq);
struct TestParams {
InstrumentedLockType& seq;
ktl::atomic<State> state{State::NotStarted};
} params{seq};
// Pin ourselves to our current CPU during the test.
CurrentCpuPinner cpu_pinner;
// Create and resume the thread, making certain that it must run on a CPU other than ours.
Thread* test_thread;
if constexpr (SharedTest) {
test_thread = Thread::Create(
"SeqLock ContestedRead Test",
+[](void* arg) -> int {
TestParams& params = *reinterpret_cast<TestParams*>(arg);;
bool transaction_success;
lockdep::Guard<SeqLock<kSyncOpt>, LockPolicy> guard{&params.seq,
return transaction_success ? 1 : 0;
} else {
test_thread = Thread::Create(
"SeqLock ContestedWrite Test",
+[](void* arg) -> int {
TestParams& params = *reinterpret_cast<TestParams*>(arg);;
// The NoIrqSave version of this guard is going to demand that
// interrupts have already been disabled with a DEBUG_ASSERT. If
// that is the version we are using, make sure to manually disable
// and re-enable interrupts.
[[maybe_unused]] interrupt_saved_state_t interrupt_state;
if constexpr (ktl::is_same_v<LockPolicy, ExclusiveNoIrqSave>) {
interrupt_state = arch_interrupt_save();
lockdep::Guard<SeqLock<kSyncOpt>, LockPolicy> guard{&params.seq};;
if constexpr (ktl::is_same_v<LockPolicy, ExclusiveNoIrqSave>) {
return 1;
// Hold the lock exclusively
lockdep::Guard<SeqLock<kSyncOpt>, ExclusiveIrqSave> guard{&params.seq};
// Wait for the thread to start to enter the guard.
while (params.state.load() != State::EnteringGuard) {
// Wait for a bit longer, then verify that the thread is still attempting to
// enter the guard.
zx_time_t deadline = current_time() + ZX_MSEC(500);
while (deadline > current_time()) {
EXPECT_EQ(State::EnteringGuard, params.state.load());
// Release the lock and wait for the thread to indicate that it has entered
// the guard.
while (params.state.load() != State::GuardEntered) {
// Join the thread, and make sure that the read transaction was successful
// (if this was a shared guard test)
int retcode;
test_thread->Join(&retcode, ZX_TIME_INFINITE);
ASSERT_EQ(1, retcode);
// Sadly, these aliases are needed in order to be able to invoke the UNITTEST
// preprocessor macro without having it asplode because of the `,` in the
// template argument list for the test selection.
template <typename LockPolicy>
using TestAcqRel = Test<LockPolicy, SyncOpt::AcqRelOps>;
template <typename LockPolicy>
using TestFence = Test<LockPolicy, SyncOpt::Fence>;
} // namespace
UNITTEST("UncontestedRead<IrqSave, AcqRel>", TestAcqRel<SharedIrqSave>::UncontestedRead)
UNITTEST("UncontestedRead<NoIrqSave, AcqRel>", TestAcqRel<SharedNoIrqSave>::UncontestedRead)
UNITTEST("UncontestedWrite<IrqSave, AcqRel>", TestAcqRel<ExclusiveIrqSave>::UncontestedWrite)
UNITTEST("UncontestedWrite<NoIrqSave, AcqRel>", TestAcqRel<ExclusiveNoIrqSave>::UncontestedWrite)
UNITTEST("ContestedRead<IrqSave, AcqRel>", TestAcqRel<SharedIrqSave>::ContestedTest)
UNITTEST("ContestedRead<NoIrqSave, AcqRel>", TestAcqRel<SharedNoIrqSave>::ContestedTest)
UNITTEST("ContestedWrite<IrqSave, AcqRel>", TestAcqRel<ExclusiveIrqSave>::ContestedTest)
UNITTEST("ContestedWrite<NoIrqSave, AcqRel>", TestAcqRel<ExclusiveNoIrqSave>::ContestedTest)
UNITTEST("UncontestedRead<IrqSave, Fence>", TestFence<SharedIrqSave>::UncontestedRead)
UNITTEST("UncontestedRead<NoIrqSave, Fence>", TestFence<SharedNoIrqSave>::UncontestedRead)
UNITTEST("UncontestedWrite<IrqSave, Fence>", TestFence<ExclusiveIrqSave>::UncontestedWrite)
UNITTEST("UncontestedWrite<NoIrqSave, Fence>", TestFence<ExclusiveNoIrqSave>::UncontestedWrite)
UNITTEST("ContestedRead<IrqSave, Fence>", TestFence<SharedIrqSave>::ContestedTest)
UNITTEST("ContestedRead<NoIrqSave, Fence>", TestFence<SharedNoIrqSave>::ContestedTest)
UNITTEST("ContestedWrite<IrqSave, Fence>", TestFence<ExclusiveIrqSave>::ContestedTest)
UNITTEST("ContestedWrite<NoIrqSave, Fence>", TestFence<ExclusiveNoIrqSave>::ContestedTest)
UNITTEST_END_TESTCASE(seqlock_tests, "seqlock", "SeqLock Guard Tests")