Shared Test Orchestration Tool

This directory contains Fuchsia's shared test orchestrator and fixtures.

Design: http://go/shared-infra-test-orchestration

The orchestrate tool (located at //tools/orchestrate/cmd:orchestrate) runs as the swarming test bot entrypoint for all OOT Bazel-based repositories and for google3 ftx tests.


The tool is uploaded to CIPD using the host_prebuilts-* CI builders and rolled to fuchsia-infra-bazel-rules for use in OOT Bazel-based repositories.

It is also included in the vendor/google IDK for distribution to google3 to allow for testing via fargon. See http://go/orchestrate-cipd-distribution.

Self Testing

Orchestrate has go unittests that can be run, but it's typically more useful to run e2e tests by adding the following footer in your commit message:
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.fuchsia.try:sdk-bazel-linux-fuchsia_infra_bazel_rules

Alternatively, you can also select manually select the sdk-bazel-linux-fuchsia_infra_bazel_rules tryjob on any cl.

Shared Fixtures

TODO(b/315216126): Make a note about test fixtures here.