
This test exercises the touch input dispatch path from Input Pipeline to a Scenic client. It is a multi-component test, and carefully avoids polling for component coordination.

  • It runs real Scene Manager and Scenic components.
  • It uses a fake display controller; the physical device is unused.

Components involved

  • starnix-touch-test.cc: Instantiates the component hierarchy, injects touch events, reads back events from the evdev client running under Starnix

  • Scene Manager: Unmodified Fuchsia component; also referred to as Input Pipeline, for its role in routing input events

  • Scenic: Unmodified Fuchsia component

  • Starnix

    • debian_realm: The root of the Starnix subtree within the component hierarchy. Instantiates the Starnix kernel and the debian_container, and sets up the starnix_kernel_env needed for the Starnix kernel to be the runner for debian_container.

      All of this machinery lets us run software from a Debian image. For details of which image is used, see the debian_container_component target in ui-client/BUILD.gn.

      This test uses the Debian image, because it's readily available in the Fuchsia tree. However, the test does not have any specific dependency on Debian, beyond the fact that Debian provides .so files needed to run a Linux C++ program.

      In particular, the test does not depend on, e.g., daemons in Debian that create device nodes in response to udev events.

    • debian_container: The Linux userspace that is run by the Starnix kernel. This provides a shell environment (e.g. /bin/sh), runs the launch_input program to initialize Starnix input, and runs the touch_dump program to relay evdev data back to starnix-touch-test.cc.

    • launch_input: This program triggers the initialization of Starnix input.

      • The C++ source code is trivial, as the main requirement is just to have some component that needs input, and keeps running.
      • The magic is in the CML file. By requiring the framebuffer feature, launch_input forces Starnix to initialize its input code.
      • When we refactor Starnix graphics and input, so that the framebuffer feature is associated with a kernel, rather than with components running under Starnix, this program can go away.
    • touch_dump: The evdev client. This reads touch events from /dev/input/event0, parses the struct input_event records read from that device, and prints them out in a simple text format.

Touch dispatch path

  • starnix-touch-test.cc -> Input Pipeline -> Scenic -> Starnix kernel -> touch_dump

Setup sequence

  1. starnix-touch-test.cc sets up this view hierarchy:
    • Top level scene, owned by Scene Manager.
    • Child view, owned by Starnix.
  2. starnix-touch-test.cc waits for a Scenic event that verifies Starnix has UI content in the scene graph.
  3. starnix-touch-test.cc injects input into Input Pipeline, emulating a display's touch report.
  4. Input Pipeline dispatches the touch event to Scenic.
  5. Scenic dispatch the touch event to the Starnix kernel.
  6. Starnix kernel receives the touch event from Scenic.
  7. touch-dump.cc reads the event from the Starnix kernel using the evdev protocol.
  8. touch-dump.cc reports the event details back to starnix-touch-test.cc over a Zircon datagram socket.
  9. starnix-touch-test.cc validates the contents of the event.

Capability routes

Here are some of the capability routes configured in this test. This is by no means comprehensive. It just focuses on the routes that are apparent from the source code in this directory.



The input devices will be present in the container by the time Linux code is running. The input handling threads will also have been spawned before init runs.

Build the test

$ fx set core.x64 --with //src/ui/tests/integration_input_tests/starnix-touch:tests

Run the test

To run the fully-automated test, use this fx invocation:

$ fx test starnix-touch-test