
These examples show off how to build an application using Escher, the Vulkan rendering engine powering Scenic. These run both on Linux and Fuchsia.

How to run the examples

It can run either directly on the frame buffer or with Scenic.

fb mode

Add the following args to your fx set:

fx set core.x64 --with //src/ui/examples/escher --args='core_realm_shards += [ "//src/ui/examples/escher:escher_examples_shard" ]'

Build the product, start the emulator/device. Ensure that nothing have already claimed the display, i.e. Scenic or another fb app like vk_cube. Then run the following commands:

ffx component create /core/escher-examples:waterfall fuchsia-pkg://
ffx component create /core/escher-examples:rainfall fuchsia-pkg://

Now start one of the examples:

ffx component start /core/escher-examples:waterfall
ffx component start /core/escher-examples:rainfall

Scenic mode

Add the following args to your fx set:

fx set workbench_eng.x64 --with //src/ui/examples/escher

Build the product, start the emulator/device and then run the following commands to start the examples:

ffx session add fuchsia-pkg://
ffx session add fuchsia-pkg://