
The text_manager is a program that serves the text editing needs of Fuchsia clients.


To build the text manager, make sure you have --with=//src/ui/bin/text in your fx set command.

Then, either fx build, or a more targeted:

fx build src/ui/bin/text

will build the needed components.



  • You will need either an emulator or a physical Fuchsia device attached.
  • You need to have a fx serve running in a separate terminal, and need to ensure it connects correctly to the device or emulator.

Running the tests

To run the text manager tests, make sure you have --with=//src/ui/bin/text:tests in your fx set command.

Then you can type:

fx test //src/ui/bin/text

to run all the tests below the named directory.


For internals documentation refer to the docs/ folder.