blob: 967f64ba32c144ef7624a0ba9979a73e1c71bb76 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/gesture_manager/gesture_util_v2/util.h"
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
namespace a11y {
// Represents a change from the previous GestureContext state.
struct Delta {
Delta& operator+=(const Delta& other);
bool operator==(const Delta& other) const;
// Delta translation is expressed in the coordinate system determined by the input source. For
// most use cases, this is the view space, which is x-right y-down and scaled according to view
// properties.
glm::vec2 translation;
float scale = 1;
// Converts a PointF to a vec2.
glm::vec2 ToVec2(::fuchsia::math::PointF point);
// Returns the Delta for two GestureContexts.
// * This method expects that |current| and |previous| have the same set of
// pointers. If not, it will return the "NOOP" Delta with a translation of (0,
// 0) and a scale of 1.
// * This method checks if the |previous| distance between each finger and the
// centroid is less than or equal to |scale_min_finger_distance|. If so, the
// returned delta will have scale of 1.0.
// This enables callers to filter out accidental scale adjustments that might
// happen when the user moves fingers while intending to pan. (With a small
// distance between fingers, even a small absolute change in the distance can
// cause a large scale adjustment, since the scale is multiplied by
// |new_distance/old_distance|.)
Delta GetDelta(const a11y::gesture_util_v2::GestureContext& current,
const a11y::gesture_util_v2::GestureContext& previous,
float scale_min_finger_radius);
} // namespace a11y