GTest Runner

Reviewed on: 2022-03-09

GTest Runner is a test runner that launches a gtest binary as a component, parses its output, and translates it to fuchsia.test.Suite protocol on behalf of the test.


fx set core.x64 --with //src/sys/test_runners/gtest
fx build


A test that needs additional capabilities can use a manifest like the following:

    include: [
    program: {
        binary: "bin/my_component_test",
    // ... other capabilities

If the test uses death checks, such as ASSERT_DEATH or EXPECT_DEATH, the test needs extra capabilities which can be requested with the death_test shard:

    include: [
    program: {
        binary: "bin/my_component_test",
    // ... other capabilities


Test cases are executed sequentially by default. Instruction to override.


See passing arguments to learn more.



fx test gtest_runner_tests

Source layout

The entrypoint is located in src/, the FIDL service implementation and all the test logic exists in src/ Unit tests are co-located with the implementation.