blob: 30bcbc6730a4a3094dd4b90e1f0b3c4ad8ee6fc2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
fidl::{endpoints::ServerEnd, epitaph::ChannelEpitaphExt, prelude::*},
fidl_fuchsia_component as fcomp, fidl_fuchsia_component_runner as fcrunner,
fidl_fuchsia_io as fio, fidl_fuchsia_process as fproc, fuchsia_async as fasync,
fuchsia_runtime::{job_default, HandleInfo, HandleType},
fuchsia_zircon::{self as zx, HandleBased, Status},
future::{BoxFuture, Either},
lazy_static! {
pub static ref PKG_PATH: NamespacePath = "/pkg".parse().unwrap();
/// Object implementing this type can be killed by calling kill function.
pub trait Controllable {
/// Should kill self and do cleanup.
/// Should not return error or panic, should log error instead.
async fn kill(&mut self);
/// Stop the component. Once the component is stopped, the
/// ComponentControllerControlHandle should be closed. If the component is
/// not stopped quickly enough, kill will be called. The amount of time
/// `stop` is allowed may vary based on a variety of factors.
fn stop<'a>(&mut self) -> BoxFuture<'a, ()>;
/// Perform any teardown tasks before closing the controller channel.
fn teardown<'a>(&mut self) -> BoxFuture<'a, ()> {
async {}.boxed()
/// Monitor any escrow requests from the component.
fn on_escrow<'a>(&self) -> BoxStream<'a, fcrunner::ComponentControllerOnEscrowRequest> {
/// Holds information about the component that allows the controller to
/// interact with and control the component.
pub struct Controller<C: Controllable> {
/// stream via which the component manager will ask the controller to
/// manipulate the component
request_stream: fcrunner::ComponentControllerRequestStream,
/// Controllable object which controls the underlying component.
/// This would be None once the object is killed.
controllable: Option<C>,
/// Task that forwards the `on_escrow` event.
on_escrow_monitor: fasync::Task<()>,
pub struct ChannelEpitaph(u32);
impl ChannelEpitaph {
pub fn ok() -> Self {
static_assertions::const_assert_eq!(fuchsia_zircon_types::ZX_OK, 0);
impl From<ChannelEpitaph> for Status {
fn from(value: ChannelEpitaph) -> Self {
Status::from_raw(i32::try_from(value.0).unwrap_or_else(|_| i32::MAX))
impl From<u32> for ChannelEpitaph {
fn from(v: u32) -> Self {
impl TryFrom<Status> for ChannelEpitaph {
type Error = std::num::TryFromIntError;
fn try_from(value: Status) -> Result<Self, std::num::TryFromIntError> {
impl From<fcomp::Error> for ChannelEpitaph {
fn from(value: fcomp::Error) -> Self {
impl<C: Controllable + 'static> Controller<C> {
/// Creates new instance
pub fn new(
controllable: C,
requests: fcrunner::ComponentControllerRequestStream,
) -> Controller<C> {
let on_escrow = controllable.on_escrow();
let on_escrow_monitor =
fasync::Task::spawn(Self::monitor_events(on_escrow, requests.control_handle()));
Controller { controllable: Some(controllable), request_stream: requests, on_escrow_monitor }
async fn serve_controller(&mut self) -> Result<(), ()> {
while let Ok(Some(request)) = self.request_stream.try_next().await {
match request {
fcrunner::ComponentControllerRequest::Stop { control_handle: _c } => {
// Since stop takes some period of time to complete, call
// it in a separate context so we can respond to other
// requests.
let stop_func = self.stop();
fcrunner::ComponentControllerRequest::Kill { control_handle: _c } => {
return Ok(());
// The channel closed
async fn monitor_events(
mut on_escrow: impl Stream<Item = fcrunner::ComponentControllerOnEscrowRequest> + Unpin + Send,
control_handle: fcrunner::ComponentControllerControlHandle,
) {
while let Some(event) = {
.unwrap_or_else(|err| error!(%err, "failed to send OnEscrow event"));
/// Serve the request stream held by this Controller. `exit_fut` should
/// complete if the component exits and should return a value which is
/// either 0 (ZX_OK) or one of the fuchsia.component/Error constants
/// defined as valid in the fuchsia.component.runner/ComponentController
/// documentation. This function will return after `exit_fut` completes
/// or the request stream closes. In either case the request stream is
/// closed once this function returns since the stream itself, which owns
/// the channel, is dropped.
pub async fn serve(mut self, exit_fut: impl Future<Output = ChannelEpitaph> + Unpin) {
let result_code: ChannelEpitaph = {
// Pin the server_controller future so we can use it with select
let request_server = self.serve_controller();
// Get the result of waiting for `exit_fut` to complete while also
// polling the request server.
match future::select(exit_fut, request_server).await {
Either::Left((return_code, _controller_server)) => return_code,
Either::Right((serve_result, pending_close)) => match serve_result {
Ok(()) => pending_close.await,
Err(_) => {
// Return directly because the controller channel
// closed so there's no point in an epitaph.
// Before closing the controller channel, perform teardown tasks if the runner configured
// them. This will only run if the component was not killed (otherwise `controllable` is
// `None`).
if let Some(mut controllable) = self.controllable.take() {
// Drain any escrow events.
// TODO( Drain the escrow requests until no long readable
// instead of waiting for an unbounded amount of time if `on_escrow` never completes.
/// Kill the job and shutdown control handle supplied to this function.
async fn kill(&mut self) {
if let Some(mut controllable) = self.controllable.take() {
/// If we have a Controllable, ask it to stop the component.
fn stop<'a>(&mut self) -> BoxFuture<'a, ()> {
if self.controllable.is_some() {
} else {
async {}.boxed()
/// An error encountered trying to launch a component.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Error)]
pub enum LaunchError {
#[error("invalid binary path {}", _0)]
#[error("/pkg missing in the namespace")]
#[error("error loading executable: {:?}", _0)]
#[error("cannot convert proxy to channel")]
#[error("cannot create channels: {}", _0)]
#[error("error loading 'lib' in /pkg: {:?}", _0)]
#[error("cannot create job: {}", _0)]
#[error("cannot duplicate job: {}", _0)]
#[error("cannot add args to launcher: {:?}", _0)]
#[error("cannot add args to launcher: {:?}", _0)]
#[error("cannot add args to launcher: {:?}", _0)]
#[error("cannot add env to launcher: {:?}", _0)]
#[error("cannot set options for launcher: {:?}", _0)]
/// Arguments to `configure_launcher` function.
pub struct LauncherConfigArgs<'a> {
/// relative binary path to /pkg in `ns`.
pub bin_path: &'a str,
/// Name of the binary to add to `LaunchInfo`. This will be truncated to
/// `zx::sys::ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN` bytes.
pub name: &'a str,
/// The options used to create the process.
pub options: zx::ProcessOptions,
/// Arguments to binary. Binary path will be automatically
/// prepended so that should not be passed as first argument.
pub args: Option<Vec<String>>,
/// Namespace for binary process to be launched.
pub ns: Namespace,
/// Job in which process is launched. If None, a child job would be created in default one.
pub job: Option<zx::Job>,
/// Extra handle infos to add. This function all ready adds handles for default job and svc
/// loader.
pub handle_infos: Option<Vec<fproc::HandleInfo>>,
/// Extra names to add to namespace. by default only names from `ns` are added.
pub name_infos: Option<Vec<fproc::NameInfo>>,
/// Process environment to add to launcher.
pub environs: Option<Vec<String>>,
/// proxy for `fuchsia.proc.Launcher`.
pub launcher: &'a fproc::LauncherProxy,
/// Custom loader proxy. If None, /pkg/lib would be used to load libraries.
pub loader_proxy_chan: Option<zx::Channel>,
/// VMO containing mapping to executable binary. If None, it would be loaded from /pkg.
pub executable_vmo: Option<zx::Vmo>,
/// Configures launcher to launch process using passed params and creates launch info.
/// This starts a library loader service, that will live as long as the handle for it given to the
/// launcher is alive.
pub async fn configure_launcher(
config_args: LauncherConfigArgs<'_>,
) -> Result<fproc::LaunchInfo, LaunchError> {
// Locate the '/pkg' directory proxy previously added to the new component's namespace.
let pkg_dir = config_args.ns.get(&PKG_PATH).ok_or(LaunchError::MissingPkg)?;
// library_loader provides a helper function that we use to load the main executable from the
// package directory as a VMO in the same way that dynamic libraries are loaded. Doing this
// first allows launching to fail quickly and clearly in case the main executable can't be
// loaded with ZX_RIGHT_EXECUTE from the package directory.
let executable_vmo = match config_args.executable_vmo {
Some(v) => v,
None => library_loader::load_vmo(pkg_dir, &config_args.bin_path)
.map_err(|e| LaunchError::LoadingExecutable(e.to_string()))?,
let ll_client_chan = match config_args.loader_proxy_chan {
None => {
// The loader service should only be able to load files from `/pkg/lib`. Giving it a larger
// scope is potentially a security vulnerability, as it could make it trivial for parts of
// applications to get handles to things the application author didn't intend.
let lib_proxy = fuchsia_component::directory::open_directory_no_describe(
fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE | fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_EXECUTABLE,
.map_err(|e| LaunchError::LibLoadError(e.to_string()))?;
let (ll_client_chan, ll_service_chan) = zx::Channel::create();
library_loader::start(lib_proxy.into(), ll_service_chan);
Some(chan) => chan,
// Get the provided job to create the new process in, if one was provided, or else create a new
// child job of this process's (this process that this code is running in) own 'default job'.
let job = config_args
// Build the command line args for the new process and send them to the launcher.
let bin_arg = PKG_PATH
let mut all_args = vec![bin_arg];
if let Some(args) = config_args.args {
all_args.extend(args.into_iter().map(|s| s.into_bytes()));
config_args.launcher.add_args(&all_args).map_err(|e| LaunchError::AddArgs(e.to_string()))?;
// Get any initial handles to provide to the new process, if any were provided by the caller.
// Add handles for the new process's default job (by convention, this is the same job that the
// new process is launched in) and the fuchsia.ldsvc.Loader service created above, then send to
// the launcher.
let job_dup =
let mut handle_infos = config_args.handle_infos.unwrap_or(vec![]);
handle_infos.append(&mut vec![
fproc::HandleInfo {
handle: ll_client_chan.into_handle(),
id: HandleInfo::new(HandleType::LdsvcLoader, 0).as_raw(),
fproc::HandleInfo {
handle: job_dup.into_handle(),
id: HandleInfo::new(HandleType::DefaultJob, 0).as_raw(),
.map_err(|e| LaunchError::AddHandles(e.to_string()))?;
if !config_args.options.is_empty() {
.map_err(|e| LaunchError::SetOptions(e.to_string()))?;
// Send environment variables for the new process, if any, to the launcher.
let environs: Vec<_> = config_args.environs.unwrap_or(vec![]);
if environs.len() > 0 {
let environs_bytes: Vec<_> = environs.into_iter().map(|s| s.into_bytes()).collect();
.map_err(|e| LaunchError::AddEnvirons(e.to_string()))?;
// Combine any manually provided namespace entries with the provided Namespace, and
// then send the new process's namespace to the launcher.
let mut name_infos = config_args.name_infos.unwrap_or(vec![]);
let ns: Vec<_> = config_args.ns.into();
config_args.launcher.add_names(name_infos).map_err(|e| LaunchError::AddNames(e.to_string()))?;
let name = truncate_str(, zx::sys::ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN).to_owned();
Ok(fproc::LaunchInfo { executable: executable_vmo, job, name })
/// Truncates `s` to be at most `max_len` bytes.
fn truncate_str(s: &str, max_len: usize) -> &str {
if s.len() <= max_len {
return s;
// TODO( Use floor_char_boundary when stable.
let mut index = max_len;
while index > 0 && !s.is_char_boundary(index) {
index -= 1;
static CONNECT_ERROR_HELP: &'static str = "To learn more, see \";
/// Sets an epitaph on `ComponentController` `server_end` for a runner failure and the outgoing
/// directory, and logs it.
pub fn report_start_error(
err: zx::Status,
err_str: String,
resolved_url: &str,
controller_server_end: ServerEnd<fcrunner::ComponentControllerMarker>,
) {
let _ = controller_server_end.into_channel().close_with_epitaph(err);
warn!("Failed to start component `{}`: {}\n{}", resolved_url, err_str, CONNECT_ERROR_HELP);
mod tests {
use {
configure_launcher, truncate_str, ChannelEpitaph, Controllable, Controller,
LaunchError, LauncherConfigArgs,
anyhow::{Context, Error},
fidl::endpoints::{create_endpoints, create_proxy, ClientEnd},
fidl_fuchsia_component_runner::{self as fcrunner, ComponentControllerProxy},
fidl_fuchsia_io as fio, fidl_fuchsia_process as fproc, fuchsia_async as fasync,
fuchsia_runtime::{HandleInfo, HandleType},
fuchsia_zircon::{self as zx, HandleBased},
futures::{future::BoxFuture, poll, prelude::*},
namespace::{Namespace, NamespaceError},
std::{pin::Pin, task::Poll},
fn test_truncate_str() {
assert_eq!(truncate_str("", 0), "");
assert_eq!(truncate_str("", 1), "");
assert_eq!(truncate_str("été", 0), "");
assert_eq!(truncate_str("été", 1), "");
assert_eq!(truncate_str("été", 2), "é");
assert_eq!(truncate_str("été", 3), "ét");
assert_eq!(truncate_str("été", 4), "ét");
assert_eq!(truncate_str("été", 5), "été");
assert_eq!(truncate_str("été", 6), "été");
struct FakeComponent<K, J>
K: FnOnce() + std::marker::Send,
J: FnOnce() + std::marker::Send,
pub onkill: Option<K>,
pub onstop: Option<J>,
pub onteardown: Option<BoxFuture<'static, ()>>,
impl<K: 'static, J: 'static> Controllable for FakeComponent<K, J>
K: FnOnce() + std::marker::Send,
J: FnOnce() + std::marker::Send,
async fn kill(&mut self) {
let func = self.onkill.take().unwrap();
fn stop<'a>(&mut self) -> BoxFuture<'a, ()> {
let func = self.onstop.take().unwrap();
async move { func() }.boxed()
fn teardown<'a>(&mut self) -> BoxFuture<'a, ()> {
async fn test_kill_component() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (sender, recv) = futures::channel::oneshot::channel::<()>();
let (epitaph_tx, epitaph_rx) = futures::channel::oneshot::channel::<ChannelEpitaph>();
const CHANNEL_EPITAPH: zx::Status = zx::Status::OK;
let fake_component = FakeComponent {
onkill: Some(move || {
// After acknowledging that we received kill, send the epitaph
// value so `serve` completes.
let _ = epitaph_tx.send(CHANNEL_EPITAPH.try_into().unwrap());
onstop: Some(|| {}),
onteardown: Some(async {}.boxed()),
let (controller, client_proxy) = create_controller_and_proxy(fake_component)?;
client_proxy.kill().expect("FIDL error returned from kill request to controller");
let epitaph_receiver = Box::pin(async move { epitaph_rx.await.unwrap() });
// this should return after kill call
// this means kill was called
// Check the epitaph on the controller channel, this should match what
// is sent by `epitaph_tx`
Err(fidl::Error::ClientChannelClosed { status, .. }) if status == CHANNEL_EPITAPH
async fn test_stop_component() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (sender, recv) = futures::channel::oneshot::channel::<()>();
let (teardown_signal_tx, teardown_signal_rx) = futures::channel::oneshot::channel::<()>();
let (teardown_fence_tx, teardown_fence_rx) = futures::channel::oneshot::channel::<()>();
let (epitaph_tx, epitaph_rx) = futures::channel::oneshot::channel::<ChannelEpitaph>();
const CHANNEL_EPITAPH: zx::Status = zx::Status::OK;
let fake_component = FakeComponent {
onstop: Some(move || {
let _ = epitaph_tx.send(CHANNEL_EPITAPH.try_into().unwrap());
onkill: Some(move || {}),
onteardown: Some(
async move {
let (controller, client_proxy) = create_controller_and_proxy(fake_component)?;
client_proxy.stop().expect("FIDL error returned from kill request to controller");
let epitaph_receiver = Box::pin(async move { epitaph_rx.await.unwrap() });
// This should return once the channel is closed, that is after stop and teardown
let controller_serve = fasync::Task::spawn(controller.serve(epitaph_receiver));
// This means stop was called
// Teardown should be called
// Teardown is blocked. Verify there's no epitaph on the channel yet, then unblock it.
let mut client_stream = client_proxy.take_event_stream();
let mut client_stream_fut = client_stream.try_next();
assert_matches!(poll!(Pin::new(&mut client_stream_fut)), Poll::Pending);
// Check the epitaph on the controller channel, this should match what
// is sent by `epitaph_tx`
Err(fidl::Error::ClientChannelClosed { status, .. }) if status == CHANNEL_EPITAPH
fn test_stop_then_kill() -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new();
let (sender, mut recv) = futures::channel::oneshot::channel::<()>();
let (epitaph_tx, epitaph_rx) = futures::channel::oneshot::channel::<ChannelEpitaph>();
const CHANNEL_EPITAPH: zx::Status = zx::Status::OK;
// This component will only 'exit' after kill is called.
let fake_component = FakeComponent {
onstop: Some(move || {
onkill: Some(move || {
let _ = epitaph_tx.send(CHANNEL_EPITAPH.try_into().unwrap());
onteardown: Some(async {}.boxed()),
let (controller, client_proxy) = create_controller_and_proxy(fake_component)?;
// Send a stop request, note that the controller isn't even running
// yet, but the request will be waiting in the channel when it does.
client_proxy.stop().expect("FIDL error returned from stop request to controller");
// Set up the controller to run.
let epitaph_receiver = Box::pin(async move { epitaph_rx.await.unwrap() });
let mut controller_fut = Box::pin(controller.serve(epitaph_receiver));
// Run the serve loop until it is stalled, it shouldn't return because
// stop doesn't automatically call exit.
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut controller_fut) {
Poll::Pending => {}
x => panic!("Serve future should have been pending but was not {:?}", x),
// Check that stop was called
assert_eq!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut recv), Poll::Ready(Ok(())));
// Kill the component which should call the `onkill` we passed in.
// This should cause the epitaph future to complete, which should then
// cause the controller future to complete.
client_proxy.kill().expect("FIDL error returned from kill request to controller");
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut controller_fut) {
Poll::Ready(()) => {}
x => panic!("Unexpected controller poll state {:?}", x),
// Check the controller channel closed with an epitaph that matches
// what was sent in the `onkill` closure.
let mut event_stream = client_proxy.take_event_stream();
let mut next_fut = event_stream.try_next();
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut next_fut),
Poll::Ready(Err(fidl::Error::ClientChannelClosed { status, .. })) if status == CHANNEL_EPITAPH
fn create_controller_and_proxy<K: 'static, J: 'static>(
fake_component: FakeComponent<K, J>,
) -> Result<(Controller<FakeComponent<K, J>>, ComponentControllerProxy), Error>
K: FnOnce() + std::marker::Send,
J: FnOnce() + std::marker::Send,
let (client_endpoint, server_endpoint) =
// Get a proxy to the ComponentController channel.
let controller_stream =
server_endpoint.into_stream().context("failed to convert server end to controller")?;
Controller::new(fake_component, controller_stream),
client_endpoint.into_proxy().expect("conversion to proxy failed."),
mod launch_info {
use fidl::endpoints::Proxy;
use {super::*, anyhow::format_err, futures::channel::oneshot};
fn setup_empty_namespace() -> Result<Namespace, NamespaceError> {
setup_namespace(false, vec![])
fn setup_namespace(
include_pkg: bool,
// All the handles created for this will have server end closed.
// Clients cannot send messages on those handles in ns.
extra_paths: Vec<&str>,
) -> Result<Namespace, NamespaceError> {
let mut ns = Vec::<fcrunner::ComponentNamespaceEntry>::new();
if include_pkg {
let pkg_path = "/pkg".to_string();
let pkg_chan = fuchsia_fs::directory::open_in_namespace(
fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE | fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_EXECUTABLE,
let pkg_handle = ClientEnd::new(pkg_chan);
ns.push(fcrunner::ComponentNamespaceEntry {
path: Some(pkg_path),
directory: Some(pkg_handle),
for path in extra_paths {
let (client, _server) = create_endpoints::<fio::DirectoryMarker>();
ns.push(fcrunner::ComponentNamespaceEntry {
path: Some(path.to_string()),
directory: Some(client),
struct FakeLauncherServiceResults {
names: Vec<String>,
handles: Vec<u32>,
args: Vec<String>,
options: zx::ProcessOptions,
fn start_launcher(
) -> Result<(fproc::LauncherProxy, oneshot::Receiver<FakeLauncherServiceResults>), Error>
let (launcher_proxy, server_end) = create_proxy::<fproc::LauncherMarker>()?;
let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
fasync::Task::local(async move {
let stream = server_end.into_stream().expect("error making stream");
run_launcher_service(stream, sender)
.expect("error running fake launcher service");
Ok((launcher_proxy, receiver))
async fn run_launcher_service(
mut stream: fproc::LauncherRequestStream,
sender: oneshot::Sender<FakeLauncherServiceResults>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut res = FakeLauncherServiceResults::default();
while let Some(event) = stream.try_next().await? {
match event {
fproc::LauncherRequest::AddArgs { args, .. } => {
.map(|a| {
.expect("cannot convert bytes to utf8 string")
fproc::LauncherRequest::AddEnvirons { .. } => {}
fproc::LauncherRequest::AddNames { names, .. } => {
.extend(names.into_iter().map(|m| m.path).collect::<Vec<String>>());
fproc::LauncherRequest::AddHandles { handles, .. } => {
fproc::LauncherRequest::SetOptions { options, .. } => {
res.options = zx::ProcessOptions::from_bits_retain(options);
fproc::LauncherRequest::CreateWithoutStarting { .. } => {}
fproc::LauncherRequest::Launch { .. } => {}
sender.send(res).map_err(|_e| format_err!("can't send result"))?;
async fn missing_pkg() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (launcher_proxy, _server_end) = create_proxy::<fproc::LauncherMarker>()?;
let ns = setup_empty_namespace()?;
configure_launcher(LauncherConfigArgs {
bin_path: "bin/path",
name: "name",
args: None,
options: zx::ProcessOptions::empty(),
ns: ns,
job: None,
handle_infos: None,
name_infos: None,
environs: None,
launcher: &launcher_proxy,
loader_proxy_chan: None,
executable_vmo: None
async fn invalid_executable() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (launcher_proxy, _server_end) = create_proxy::<fproc::LauncherMarker>()?;
let ns = setup_namespace(true, vec![])?;
match configure_launcher(LauncherConfigArgs {
bin_path: "test/path",
name: "name",
args: None,
options: zx::ProcessOptions::empty(),
ns: ns,
job: None,
handle_infos: None,
name_infos: None,
environs: None,
launcher: &launcher_proxy,
loader_proxy_chan: None,
executable_vmo: None,
.expect_err("should error out")
LaunchError::LoadingExecutable(_) => {}
e => panic!("Expected LoadingExecutable error, got {:?}", e),
async fn invalid_pkg() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (launcher_proxy, _server_end) = create_proxy::<fproc::LauncherMarker>()?;
let ns = setup_namespace(false, vec!["/pkg"])?;
match configure_launcher(LauncherConfigArgs {
bin_path: "bin/path",
name: "name",
args: None,
options: zx::ProcessOptions::empty(),
ns: ns,
job: None,
handle_infos: None,
name_infos: None,
environs: None,
launcher: &launcher_proxy,
loader_proxy_chan: None,
executable_vmo: None,
.expect_err("should error out")
LaunchError::LoadingExecutable(_) => {}
e => panic!("Expected LoadingExecutable error, got {:?}", e),
async fn default_args() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (launcher_proxy, recv) = start_launcher()?;
let ns = setup_namespace(true, vec![])?;
let _launch_info = configure_launcher(LauncherConfigArgs {
bin_path: "bin/runner_lib_test",
name: "name",
args: None,
options: zx::ProcessOptions::empty(),
ns: ns,
job: None,
handle_infos: None,
name_infos: None,
environs: None,
launcher: &launcher_proxy,
loader_proxy_chan: None,
executable_vmo: None,
let ls = recv.await?;
assert_eq!(ls.args, vec!("/pkg/bin/runner_lib_test".to_owned()));
async fn custom_executable_vmo() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (launcher_proxy, _recv) = start_launcher()?;
let ns = setup_namespace(true, vec![])?;
let vmo = zx::Vmo::create(100)?;
vmo.write(b"my_data", 0)?;
let launch_info = configure_launcher(LauncherConfigArgs {
bin_path: "bin/runner_lib_test",
name: "name",
args: None,
options: zx::ProcessOptions::empty(),
ns: ns,
job: None,
handle_infos: None,
name_infos: None,
environs: None,
launcher: &launcher_proxy,
loader_proxy_chan: None,
executable_vmo: Some(vmo),
let mut bytes: [u8; 10] = [0; 10]; bytes, 0)?;
let expected = b"my_data";
assert_eq!(bytes[0..expected.len()], expected[..]);
async fn extra_args() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (launcher_proxy, recv) = start_launcher()?;
let ns = setup_namespace(true, vec![])?;
let args = vec!["args1".to_owned(), "arg2".to_owned()];
let _launch_info = configure_launcher(LauncherConfigArgs {
bin_path: "bin/runner_lib_test",
name: "name",
args: Some(args.clone()),
options: zx::ProcessOptions::empty(),
ns: ns,
job: None,
handle_infos: None,
name_infos: None,
environs: None,
launcher: &launcher_proxy,
loader_proxy_chan: None,
executable_vmo: None,
let ls = recv.await?;
let mut expected = vec!["/pkg/bin/runner_lib_test".to_owned()];
assert_eq!(ls.args, expected);
async fn namespace_added() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (launcher_proxy, recv) = start_launcher()?;
let ns = setup_namespace(true, vec!["/some_path1", "/some_path2"])?;
let _launch_info = configure_launcher(LauncherConfigArgs {
bin_path: "bin/runner_lib_test",
name: "name",
args: None,
options: zx::ProcessOptions::empty(),
ns: ns,
job: None,
handle_infos: None,
name_infos: None,
environs: None,
launcher: &launcher_proxy,
loader_proxy_chan: None,
executable_vmo: None,
let ls = recv.await?;
let mut names = ls.names;
vec!("/pkg", "/some_path1", "/some_path2")
.map(|s| s.to_string())
async fn extra_namespace_entries() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (launcher_proxy, recv) = start_launcher()?;
let ns = setup_namespace(true, vec!["/some_path1", "/some_path2"])?;
let mut names = vec![];
let extra_paths = vec!["/extra1", "/extra2"];
for path in &extra_paths {
let (client, _server) = create_endpoints::<fio::DirectoryMarker>();
names.push(fproc::NameInfo { path: path.to_string(), directory: client });
let _launch_info = configure_launcher(LauncherConfigArgs {
bin_path: "bin/runner_lib_test",
name: "name",
args: None,
options: zx::ProcessOptions::empty(),
ns: ns,
job: None,
handle_infos: None,
name_infos: Some(names),
environs: None,
launcher: &launcher_proxy,
loader_proxy_chan: None,
executable_vmo: None,
let ls = recv.await?;
let mut paths = vec!["/pkg", "/some_path1", "/some_path2"];
let mut ls_names = ls.names;
assert_eq!(ls_names, paths.into_iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect::<Vec<String>>());
async fn handles_added() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (launcher_proxy, recv) = start_launcher()?;
let ns = setup_namespace(true, vec![])?;
let _launch_info = configure_launcher(LauncherConfigArgs {
bin_path: "bin/runner_lib_test",
name: "name",
args: None,
options: zx::ProcessOptions::empty(),
ns: ns,
job: None,
handle_infos: None,
name_infos: None,
environs: None,
launcher: &launcher_proxy,
loader_proxy_chan: None,
executable_vmo: None,
let ls = recv.await?;
HandleInfo::new(HandleType::LdsvcLoader, 0).as_raw(),
HandleInfo::new(HandleType::DefaultJob, 0).as_raw()
async fn handles_added_with_custom_loader_chan() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (launcher_proxy, recv) = start_launcher()?;
let (c1, _c2) = zx::Channel::create();
let ns = setup_namespace(true, vec![])?;
let _launch_info = configure_launcher(LauncherConfigArgs {
bin_path: "bin/runner_lib_test",
name: "name",
args: None,
options: zx::ProcessOptions::empty(),
ns: ns,
job: None,
handle_infos: None,
name_infos: None,
environs: None,
launcher: &launcher_proxy,
loader_proxy_chan: Some(c1),
executable_vmo: None,
let ls = recv.await?;
HandleInfo::new(HandleType::LdsvcLoader, 0).as_raw(),
HandleInfo::new(HandleType::DefaultJob, 0).as_raw()
async fn extra_handles() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (launcher_proxy, recv) = start_launcher()?;
let ns = setup_namespace(true, vec![])?;
let mut handle_infos = vec![];
for fd in 0..3 {
let (client, _server) = create_endpoints::<fio::DirectoryMarker>();
handle_infos.push(fproc::HandleInfo {
handle: client.into_channel().into_handle(),
id: fd,
let _launch_info = configure_launcher(LauncherConfigArgs {
bin_path: "bin/runner_lib_test",
name: "name",
args: None,
options: zx::ProcessOptions::empty(),
ns: ns,
job: None,
handle_infos: Some(handle_infos),
name_infos: None,
environs: None,
launcher: &launcher_proxy,
loader_proxy_chan: None,
executable_vmo: None,
let ls = recv.await?;
HandleInfo::new(HandleType::LdsvcLoader, 0).as_raw(),
HandleInfo::new(HandleType::DefaultJob, 0).as_raw(),