blob: efbe8dc13f18eb7d4c017ac6d22606b637a20f45 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
ComponentInstanceInterface, ExtendedInstanceInterface, WeakExtendedInstanceInterface,
cm_rust::{RegistrationDeclCommon, RegistrationSource, RunnerRegistration, SourceName},
fidl_fuchsia_component_decl as fdecl,
std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Arc},
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
pub struct Environment<Component: ComponentInstanceInterface> {
/// Name of this environment as defined by its creator.
/// Would be `None` for root environment.
name: Option<Name>,
/// The parent that created or inherited the environment.
parent: WeakExtendedInstanceInterface<Component>,
/// The extension mode of this environment.
extends: EnvironmentExtends,
/// The runners available in this environment.
runner_registry: RunnerRegistry,
/// Protocols available in this environment as debug capabilities.
debug_registry: DebugRegistry,
impl<C: ComponentInstanceInterface> Environment<C> {
pub fn new(
name: Option<Name>,
parent: WeakExtendedInstanceInterface<C>,
extends: EnvironmentExtends,
runner_registry: RunnerRegistry,
debug_registry: DebugRegistry,
) -> Self {
Self { name, parent, extends, runner_registry, debug_registry }
/// The name of this environment as defined by its creator.
/// Should be `None` for the root environment.
pub fn name(&self) -> Option<&Name> {
/// The parent component instance or top instance that created or inherited the environment.
pub fn parent(&self) -> &WeakExtendedInstanceInterface<C> {
/// The relationship of this environment to that of the component instance's parent.
pub fn extends(&self) -> &EnvironmentExtends {
/// The runners available in this environment.
pub fn runner_registry(&self) -> &RunnerRegistry {
/// Protocols avaliable in this environment as debug capabilities.
pub fn debug_registry(&self) -> &DebugRegistry {
/// Returns the runner registered to `name` and the component that created the environment the
/// runner was registered to. Returns `None` if there was no match.
pub fn get_registered_runner(
name: &Name,
) -> Result<Option<(ExtendedInstanceInterface<C>, RunnerRegistration)>, ComponentInstanceError>
let parent = self.parent().upgrade()?;
match self.runner_registry().get_runner(name) {
Some(reg) => Ok(Some((parent, reg.clone()))),
None => match self.extends() {
EnvironmentExtends::Realm => match parent {
ExtendedInstanceInterface::<C>::Component(parent) => {
ExtendedInstanceInterface::<C>::AboveRoot(_) => {
unreachable!("root env can't extend")
EnvironmentExtends::None => {
return Ok(None);
/// Returns the debug capability registered to `name`, the realm that created the environment
/// and the capability was registered to (`None` for component manager's realm) and name of the
/// environment that registered the capability. Returns `None` if there was no match.
pub fn get_debug_capability(
name: &Name,
) -> Result<
Option<(ExtendedInstanceInterface<C>, Option<Name>, DebugRegistration)>,
> {
let parent = self.parent().upgrade()?;
match self.debug_registry().get_capability(name) {
Some(reg) => Ok(Some((parent,, reg.clone()))),
None => match self.extends() {
EnvironmentExtends::Realm => match parent {
ExtendedInstanceInterface::<C>::Component(parent) => {
ExtendedInstanceInterface::<C>::AboveRoot(_) => {
unreachable!("root env can't extend")
EnvironmentExtends::None => {
return Ok(None);
/// How this environment extends its parent's.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum EnvironmentExtends {
/// This environment extends the environment of its parent's.
/// This environment was created from scratch.
impl From<fdecl::EnvironmentExtends> for EnvironmentExtends {
fn from(e: fdecl::EnvironmentExtends) -> Self {
match e {
fdecl::EnvironmentExtends::Realm => Self::Realm,
fdecl::EnvironmentExtends::None => Self::None,
/// The set of runners available in a realm's environment.
/// [`RunnerRegistration`]: fidl_fuchsia_sys2::RunnerRegistration
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct RunnerRegistry {
runners: HashMap<Name, RunnerRegistration>,
impl RunnerRegistry {
pub fn default() -> Self {
Self { runners: HashMap::new() }
pub fn new(runners: HashMap<Name, RunnerRegistration>) -> Self {
Self { runners }
pub fn from_decl(regs: &Vec<RunnerRegistration>) -> Self {
let mut runners = HashMap::new();
for reg in regs {
runners.insert(reg.target_name.clone(), reg.clone());
Self { runners }
pub fn get_runner(&self, name: &Name) -> Option<&RunnerRegistration> {
/// The set of debug capabilities available in this environment.
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct DebugRegistry {
pub debug_capabilities: HashMap<Name, DebugRegistration>,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize, Serialize), serde(rename_all = "snake_case"))]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct DebugRegistration {
pub source: RegistrationSource,
pub source_name: Name,
impl SourceName for DebugRegistration {
fn source_name(&self) -> &Name {
impl RegistrationDeclCommon for DebugRegistration {
const TYPE: &'static str = "protocol";
fn source(&self) -> &RegistrationSource {
impl From<Vec<cm_rust::DebugRegistration>> for DebugRegistry {
fn from(regs: Vec<cm_rust::DebugRegistration>) -> Self {
let mut debug_capabilities = HashMap::new();
for reg in regs {
match reg {
cm_rust::DebugRegistration::Protocol(r) => {
DebugRegistration { source_name: r.source_name, source: r.source },
Self { debug_capabilities }
impl DebugRegistry {
pub fn get_capability(&self, name: &Name) -> Option<&DebugRegistration> {
pub fn component_has_relative_url<C: ComponentInstanceInterface>(component: &Arc<C>) -> bool {
Url::parse(component.url()) == Err(url::ParseError::RelativeUrlWithoutBase)
pub fn find_first_absolute_ancestor_url<C: ComponentInstanceInterface>(
component: &Arc<C>,
) -> Result<Url, ComponentInstanceError> {
let mut parent = component.try_get_parent()?;
loop {
match parent {
ExtendedInstanceInterface::Component(parent_component) => {
if !component_has_relative_url(&parent_component) {
let parent_url = Url::parse(parent_component.url()).map_err(|_| {
ComponentInstanceError::MalformedUrl {
url: parent_component.url().to_string(),
moniker: parent_component.moniker().clone(),
return Ok(parent_url);
parent = parent_component.try_get_parent()?;
ExtendedInstanceInterface::AboveRoot(_) => {
return Err(ComponentInstanceError::NoAbsoluteUrl {
url: component.url().to_string(),
moniker: component.moniker().clone(),