blob: d116ad6ab0af397f1e325e8af03ddcad644eb4c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace f2fs {
class VmoBufferKey : public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<std::unique_ptr<VmoBufferKey>> {
VmoBufferKey(const uint64_t offset) : vmo_offset_(offset) {}
VmoBufferKey() = delete;
VmoBufferKey(const VmoBufferKey &) = delete;
VmoBufferKey &operator=(const VmoBufferKey &) = delete;
VmoBufferKey(const VmoBufferKey &&) = delete;
VmoBufferKey &operator=(const VmoBufferKey &&) = delete;
uint64_t GetKey() const { return vmo_offset_; }
const uint64_t vmo_offset_;
class StorageOperations;
using VmoKeyList = fbl::SizedDoublyLinkedList<std::unique_ptr<VmoBufferKey>>;
// StorageBuffer implements an allocator for pre-allocated vmo buffers attached to a VmoidRegistry
// object. When there are available buffers in the free list, allocation operations are O(1). If the
// free list is empty, a caller waits for buffers. Free operations are O(1) as well.
class StorageBuffer {
// StorageBuffer reserves vmo buffers in |allocation_unit|. Therefore, |allocation_unit| should be
// bigger than the number of pages requested in |ReserveWriteOperation| or |ReserveReadOperations|
// to get the maximum performance. It should be also smaller than |blocks|, because |blocks| is
// the total size of vmo buffers.
StorageBuffer(BcacheMapper *bc, size_t blocks, uint32_t block_size, std::string_view label,
uint32_t allocation_unit = 1);
StorageBuffer() = delete;
StorageBuffer(const StorageBuffer &) = delete;
StorageBuffer &operator=(const StorageBuffer &) = delete;
StorageBuffer(const StorageBuffer &&) = delete;
StorageBuffer &operator=(const StorageBuffer &&) = delete;
// It tries to reserve |buffer_| for |page| for writeback. If successful,
// it copies the contents of |page| to the reserved buffer.
zx::result<size_t> ReserveWriteOperation(Page &page) __TA_EXCLUDES(mutex_);
// It returns StorageOperations from |reserved_keys_| and |builder| for writeback.
StorageOperations TakeWriteOperations() __TA_EXCLUDES(mutex_);
// It tries to reserve |buffer_| for read I/Os. If successful, it returns StorageOpeartions that
// convey BufferedOperations to read blocks for |addrs|.
zx::result<StorageOperations> MakeReadOperations(const std::vector<block_t> &addrs)
void ReleaseBuffers(const StorageOperations &operation) __TA_EXCLUDES(mutex_);
const void *Data(const size_t offset) const {
ZX_ASSERT(offset < buffer_.capacity());
return buffer_.Data(offset);
void Init() __TA_EXCLUDES(mutex_);
const uint64_t max_blocks_;
const uint32_t allocation_unit_;
storage::VmoBuffer buffer_;
fs::BufferedOperationsBuilder builder_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_);
VmoKeyList free_keys_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_);
VmoKeyList reserved_keys_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_);
std::condition_variable_any cvar_;
std::shared_mutex mutex_;
using OperationCallback = fit::function<void(const StorageOperations &, zx_status_t status)>;
// A utility class, holding a collection of write requests with data buffers of
// StorageBuffer, ready to be transmitted to persistent storage.
class StorageOperations {
StorageOperations() = delete;
StorageOperations(StorageBuffer &buffer, fs::BufferedOperationsBuilder &operations,
VmoKeyList &keys)
: buffer_(buffer), operations_(operations.TakeOperations()), keys_(std::move(keys)) {}
StorageOperations(const StorageOperations &operations) = delete;
StorageOperations &operator=(const StorageOperations &) = delete;
StorageOperations(const StorageOperations &&op) = delete;
StorageOperations &operator=(const StorageOperations &&) = delete;
StorageOperations(StorageOperations &&op) = default;
StorageOperations &operator=(StorageOperations &&) = delete;
~StorageOperations() { ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(keys_.is_empty()); }
std::vector<storage::BufferedOperation> TakeOperations() { return std::move(operations_); }
// When StorageOperations complete, Reader or Writer should call it to release storage
// buffers and handle the IO completion in |callback|.
zx_status_t Completion(zx_status_t io_status, OperationCallback callback) {
callback(*this, io_status);
return io_status;
bool IsEmpty() const { return keys_.is_empty(); }
VmoKeyList TakeVmoKeys() const { return std::move(keys_); }
VmoKeyList &VmoKeys() const { return keys_; }
StorageBuffer &buffer_;
std::vector<storage::BufferedOperation> operations_;
mutable VmoKeyList keys_;
} // namespace f2fs