blob: 539fc070a5058e645e674630b92058856b66705d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/storage/blobfs/blob_layout.h"
#include <lib/zx/result.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <safemath/checked_math.h>
#include "src/lib/digest/merkle-tree.h"
#include "src/lib/digest/node-digest.h"
#include "src/storage/blobfs/format.h"
namespace blobfs {
namespace {
// Rounds up |byte_count| to the next multiple of |blobfs_block_size|.
uint64_t RoundUpToBlockMultiple(uint64_t byte_count, uint64_t blobfs_block_size) {
return fbl::round_up(byte_count, blobfs_block_size);
// Returns the minimum number of blocks required to hold |byte_count| bytes.
uint64_t BlocksRequiredForBytes(uint64_t byte_count, uint64_t blobfs_block_size) {
return RoundUpToBlockMultiple(byte_count, blobfs_block_size) / blobfs_block_size;
// Returns the maximum number of bytes that can fit in |block_count| blocks.
uint64_t BytesThatFitInBlocks(uint64_t block_count, uint64_t blobfs_block_size) {
return safemath::CheckMul(block_count, blobfs_block_size).ValueOrDie();
// Returns the maximum number of bytes that can be represented by an inode with a block size
// of |blobfs_block_size|.
uint64_t MaxBytesThatCanFitInBlocks(uint64_t blobfs_block_size) {
return BytesThatFitInBlocks(kMaxBlocksPerBlob, blobfs_block_size);
// Returns the maximum number of bytes that can be safely rounded up to the next block multiple of
// |blobfs_block_size|.
uint64_t MaxBytesThatCanBeAligned(uint64_t blobfs_block_size) {
return std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() - blobfs_block_size + 1;
class CompactMerkleTreeAtEndBlobLayout : public BlobLayout {
CompactMerkleTreeAtEndBlobLayout(uint64_t file_size, uint64_t data_size,
uint64_t merkle_tree_size, uint64_t blobfs_block_size)
: BlobLayout(file_size, data_size, merkle_tree_size, blobfs_block_size) {}
uint64_t DataBlockOffset() const override { return 0; }
uint64_t MerkleTreeOffset() const override {
// The Merkle tree is aligned to end at the end of the blob.
return TotalBlockCount() * blobfs_block_size() - MerkleTreeSize();
uint64_t TotalBlockCount() const override {
return BlocksRequiredForBytes(DataSizeUpperBound() + MerkleTreeSize(), blobfs_block_size());
bool HasMerkleTreeAndDataSharedBlock() const override {
uint64_t merkle_tree_block_remainder = MerkleTreeSize() % blobfs_block_size();
uint64_t data_block_remainder = DataSizeUpperBound() % blobfs_block_size();
// If either the Merkle tree or data are a block multiple then they can't share a block.
if (merkle_tree_block_remainder == 0 || data_block_remainder == 0) {
return false;
return merkle_tree_block_remainder + data_block_remainder <= blobfs_block_size();
BlobLayoutFormat Format() const override { return BlobLayoutFormat::kCompactMerkleTreeAtEnd; }
static zx::result<std::unique_ptr<CompactMerkleTreeAtEndBlobLayout>> CreateFromInode(
const Inode& inode, uint64_t blobfs_block_size) {
if (!inode.IsCompressed()) {
// If the blob is not compressed then the size of the stored data is the file size.
auto blob_layout = CreateFromSizes(inode.blob_size, inode.blob_size, blobfs_block_size);
if (blob_layout.is_error()) {
return blob_layout.take_error();
// For uncompressed blobs the inode's block count isn't needed to construct the BlobLayout but
// we should make sure that it matches the calculated block count.
if (blob_layout->TotalBlockCount() != inode.block_count) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
return blob_layout;
// The exact compressed size of a blob isn't stored. An upper bound can be determined from the
// total size of the blob minus the Merkle tree size. See
uint64_t total_size = BytesThatFitInBlocks(inode.block_count, blobfs_block_size);
uint64_t merkle_tree_size = CalculateMerkleTreeSize(inode.blob_size);
uint64_t data_size;
if (!safemath::CheckSub(total_size, merkle_tree_size).AssignIfValid(&data_size)) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
if (!AreSizesValid(inode.blob_size, data_size, merkle_tree_size, blobfs_block_size)) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
return zx::ok(std::make_unique<CompactMerkleTreeAtEndBlobLayout>(
inode.blob_size, data_size, merkle_tree_size, blobfs_block_size));
static zx::result<std::unique_ptr<CompactMerkleTreeAtEndBlobLayout>> CreateFromSizes(
uint64_t file_size, uint64_t data_size, uint64_t blobfs_block_size) {
uint64_t merkle_tree_size = CalculateMerkleTreeSize(file_size);
if (!AreSizesValid(file_size, data_size, merkle_tree_size, blobfs_block_size)) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
return zx::ok(std::make_unique<CompactMerkleTreeAtEndBlobLayout>(
file_size, data_size, merkle_tree_size, blobfs_block_size));
static uint64_t CalculateMerkleTreeSize(uint64_t file_size) {
return digest::CalculateMerkleTreeSize(file_size, digest::kDefaultNodeSize,
static bool AreSizesValid(uint64_t file_size, uint64_t data_size, uint64_t merkle_tree_size,
uint64_t blobfs_block_size) {
uint64_t max_aligned_bytes = MaxBytesThatCanBeAligned(blobfs_block_size);
uint64_t max_block_bytes = MaxBytesThatCanFitInBlocks(blobfs_block_size);
// Make sure that the file size can be rounded up to the next block multiple and the data and
// Merkle tree can be represented by a number of blocks. Requiring that the data and Merkle
// tree can be represented by a number of blocks also ensure that they can be rounded up to the
// next block multple.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(max_aligned_bytes > max_block_bytes);
if ((file_size > max_aligned_bytes) || (data_size > max_block_bytes) ||
(merkle_tree_size > max_block_bytes)) {
return false;
uint64_t total_size;
if (!safemath::CheckAdd(data_size, merkle_tree_size).AssignIfValid(&total_size)) {
return false;
return total_size <= max_block_bytes;
class PaddedMerkleTreeAtStartBlobLayout : public BlobLayout {
PaddedMerkleTreeAtStartBlobLayout(uint64_t file_size, uint64_t data_size,
uint64_t merkle_tree_size, uint64_t blobfs_block_size)
: BlobLayout(file_size, data_size, merkle_tree_size, blobfs_block_size) {}
uint64_t DataBlockOffset() const override {
// The data starts at the beginning of the block following the Merkle tree.
return MerkleTreeBlockCount();
uint64_t MerkleTreeOffset() const override { return 0; }
uint64_t TotalBlockCount() const override { return DataBlockCount() + MerkleTreeBlockCount(); }
bool HasMerkleTreeAndDataSharedBlock() const override { return false; }
BlobLayoutFormat Format() const override {
return BlobLayoutFormat::kDeprecatedPaddedMerkleTreeAtStart;
static zx::result<std::unique_ptr<PaddedMerkleTreeAtStartBlobLayout>> CreateFromInode(
const Inode& inode, uint64_t blobfs_block_size) {
if (!inode.IsCompressed()) {
// If the blob is not compressed then the size of the stored data is the file size.
auto blob_layout = CreateFromSizes(inode.blob_size, inode.blob_size, blobfs_block_size);
if (blob_layout.is_error()) {
return blob_layout.take_error();
// For uncompressed blobs the inode's block count isn't needed to construct the BlobLayout but
// we should make sure that it matches the calculated block count.
if (blob_layout->TotalBlockCount() != inode.block_count) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
return blob_layout;
// The exact compressed size of a blob isn't stored. An upper bound can be determined from the
// total number of blocks minus the number of Merkle tree blocks. See
uint64_t merkle_tree_size = CalculateMerkleTreeSize(inode.blob_size);
if (merkle_tree_size > MaxBytesThatCanFitInBlocks(blobfs_block_size)) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
uint64_t merkle_tree_block_count = BlocksRequiredForBytes(merkle_tree_size, blobfs_block_size);
uint64_t data_block_count;
if (!safemath::CheckSub(inode.block_count, merkle_tree_block_count)
.AssignIfValid(&data_block_count)) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
uint64_t data_size = BytesThatFitInBlocks(data_block_count, blobfs_block_size);
if (!AreSizesValid(inode.blob_size, data_size, merkle_tree_size, blobfs_block_size)) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
return zx::ok(std::make_unique<PaddedMerkleTreeAtStartBlobLayout>(
inode.blob_size, data_size, merkle_tree_size, blobfs_block_size));
static zx::result<std::unique_ptr<PaddedMerkleTreeAtStartBlobLayout>> CreateFromSizes(
uint64_t file_size, uint64_t data_size, uint64_t blobfs_block_size) {
uint64_t merkle_tree_size = CalculateMerkleTreeSize(file_size);
if (!AreSizesValid(file_size, data_size, merkle_tree_size, blobfs_block_size)) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
return zx::ok(std::make_unique<PaddedMerkleTreeAtStartBlobLayout>(
file_size, data_size, merkle_tree_size, blobfs_block_size));
static uint64_t CalculateMerkleTreeSize(uint64_t file_size) {
return digest::CalculateMerkleTreeSize(file_size, digest::kDefaultNodeSize,
static bool AreSizesValid(uint64_t file_size, uint64_t data_size, uint64_t merkle_tree_size,
uint64_t blobfs_block_size) {
uint64_t max_aligned_bytes = MaxBytesThatCanBeAligned(blobfs_block_size);
uint64_t max_block_bytes = MaxBytesThatCanFitInBlocks(blobfs_block_size);
// Make sure that the file size can be rounded up to the next block multiple and the data and
// Merkle tree can be represented by a number of blocks. Requiring that the data and Merkle
// tree can be represented by a number of blocks also ensure that they can be rounded up to the
// next block multple.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(max_aligned_bytes > max_block_bytes);
if ((file_size > max_aligned_bytes) || (data_size > max_block_bytes) ||
(merkle_tree_size > max_block_bytes)) {
return false;
uint64_t total_blocks =
safemath::CheckAdd(BlocksRequiredForBytes(data_size, blobfs_block_size),
BlocksRequiredForBytes(merkle_tree_size, blobfs_block_size))
return total_blocks <= kMaxBlocksPerBlob;
} // namespace
const char* BlobLayoutFormatToString(BlobLayoutFormat format) {
switch (format) {
case BlobLayoutFormat::kDeprecatedPaddedMerkleTreeAtStart:
return "kPaddedMerkleTreeAtStart";
case BlobLayoutFormat::kCompactMerkleTreeAtEnd:
return "kCompactMerkleTreeAtEnd";
bool ShouldUseCompactMerkleTreeFormat(BlobLayoutFormat format) {
switch (format) {
case BlobLayoutFormat::kDeprecatedPaddedMerkleTreeAtStart:
return false;
case BlobLayoutFormat::kCompactMerkleTreeAtEnd:
return true;
BlobLayout::BlobLayout(uint64_t file_size, uint64_t data_size, uint64_t merkle_tree_size,
uint64_t blobfs_block_size)
: file_size_(file_size),
blobfs_block_size_(blobfs_block_size) {}
uint64_t BlobLayout::FileSize() const { return file_size_; }
uint64_t BlobLayout::FileBlockAlignedSize() const {
return RoundUpToBlockMultiple(file_size_, blobfs_block_size_);
uint64_t BlobLayout::DataSizeUpperBound() const { return data_size_; }
uint64_t BlobLayout::DataBlockAlignedSize() const {
return RoundUpToBlockMultiple(data_size_, blobfs_block_size_);
uint64_t BlobLayout::DataBlockCount() const {
return BlocksRequiredForBytes(data_size_, blobfs_block_size_);
uint64_t BlobLayout::MerkleTreeSize() const { return merkle_tree_size_; }
uint64_t BlobLayout::MerkleTreeBlockAlignedSize() const {
return RoundUpToBlockMultiple(MerkleTreeSize(), blobfs_block_size_);
uint64_t BlobLayout::MerkleTreeBlockCount() const {
return BlocksRequiredForBytes(MerkleTreeSize(), blobfs_block_size_);
zx::result<std::unique_ptr<BlobLayout>> BlobLayout::CreateFromInode(BlobLayoutFormat format,
const Inode& inode,
uint64_t blobfs_block_size) {
switch (format) {
case BlobLayoutFormat::kDeprecatedPaddedMerkleTreeAtStart: {
auto layout = PaddedMerkleTreeAtStartBlobLayout::CreateFromInode(inode, blobfs_block_size);
if (layout.is_error()) {
return layout.take_error();
return layout.take_value();
case BlobLayoutFormat::kCompactMerkleTreeAtEnd: {
auto layout = CompactMerkleTreeAtEndBlobLayout::CreateFromInode(inode, blobfs_block_size);
if (layout.is_error()) {
return layout.take_error();
return layout.take_value();
zx::result<std::unique_ptr<BlobLayout>> BlobLayout::CreateFromSizes(BlobLayoutFormat format,
uint64_t file_size,
uint64_t data_size,
uint64_t blobfs_block_size) {
switch (format) {
case BlobLayoutFormat::kDeprecatedPaddedMerkleTreeAtStart: {
auto layout = PaddedMerkleTreeAtStartBlobLayout::CreateFromSizes(file_size, data_size,
if (layout.is_error()) {
return layout.take_error();
return layout.take_value();
case BlobLayoutFormat::kCompactMerkleTreeAtEnd: {
auto layout = CompactMerkleTreeAtEndBlobLayout::CreateFromSizes(file_size, data_size,
if (layout.is_error()) {
return layout.take_error();
return layout.take_value();
} // namespace blobfs