blob: bc646e6bbbc581215fff7fd5d96dfce7b67d90a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/trivial-allocator/basic-leaky-allocator.h>
#include <lib/trivial-allocator/single-heap-allocator.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace {
// Hide the pointer's value from the compiler so it doesn't think it knows any
// special invariants about it. For example, the [[gnu::malloc]] attribute on
// the allocate() function lets the compiler assume that the returned pointer
// does not overlap with any other pointer known to the compiler.
template <typename T>
T* Launder(T* ptr) {
__asm__("" : "=r"(ptr) : "0"(ptr));
return ptr;
TEST(TrivialAllocatorTests, BasicLeakyAllocator) {
alignas(16) std::byte backing_data[128];
trivial_allocator::SingleHeapAllocator backing_allocator({backing_data});
trivial_allocator::BasicLeakyAllocator allocator(backing_allocator);
void* ptr = allocator.allocate(16);
// We should be able to return the one chunk and recover the space each time.
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
ptr = allocator.allocate(16);
ASSERT_TRUE(ptr) << "attempt " << i;
ptr = allocator.allocate(32, 16);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr) % 16);
for (int i = 0; i < 128 / 32; ++i) {
ptr = allocator.allocate(32);
EXPECT_TRUE(ptr) << "attempt " << i;
ptr = allocator.allocate(32);
// No-op.
// Since backing_data is aligned to 16, 1 element into it is definitely
// misaligned.
cpp20::span misaligned_backing_data = cpp20::span(backing_data).subspan(1);
trivial_allocator::SingleHeapAllocator misaligned_backing_allocator(misaligned_backing_data);
trivial_allocator::BasicLeakyAllocator misaligned_allocator(misaligned_backing_allocator);
// Allocating with no alignment requirement should be happy with the first
// possible chunk.
ptr = misaligned_allocator.allocate(1, 1);
ptr = Launder(ptr); // Don't let the compiler assume anything.
auto expect_aligned_to = [&backing_data](void* ptr, size_t alignment) {
ptr = Launder(ptr); // Don't let the compiler assume anything.
void* align_check = ptr;
size_t align_avail = &backing_data[sizeof(backing_data)] - static_cast<std::byte*>(ptr);
EXPECT_EQ(std::align(alignment, alignment, align_check, align_avail), ptr);
// Allocating with a large required alignment should still work.
ptr = misaligned_allocator.allocate(32, 32);
expect_aligned_to(ptr, 32);
const std::array align_test_chunks = {
// First, a well-aligned chunk only big enough for the first allocation.
cpp20::span(backing_data).subspan(0, 16),
// Second, a misaligned chunk big enough for the second allocation.
cpp20::span(backing_data).subspan(17, 31),
// Third, a misaligned chunk big enough for the third allocation but not
// big enough to make it aligned.
cpp20::span(backing_data).subspan(49, 16),
// Finally, an aligned chunk that's just big enough for pessimistic
// overalignment.
cpp20::span(backing_data).subspan(80, 31),
auto align_test_heap = [chunks = cpp20::span<const cpp20::span<std::byte>>(align_test_chunks)](
size_t& size, size_t alignment) mutable {
cpp20::span<std::byte> chunk;
if (!chunks.empty()) {
chunk = chunks.front();
chunks = chunks.subspan(1);
return trivial_allocator::SingleHeapAllocator(chunk)(size, alignment);
trivial_allocator::BasicLeakyAllocator align_test_allocator(align_test_heap);
// First allocation consumes first chunk.
ptr = align_test_allocator.allocate(16, 16);
expect_aligned_to(ptr, 16);
// Second allocation consumes second chunk.
ptr = align_test_allocator.allocate(16, 16);
expect_aligned_to(ptr, 16);
// Third allocation skips remainder of third chunk and uses fourth.
ptr = align_test_allocator.allocate(16, 16);
expect_aligned_to(ptr, 16);
// Fourth allocation consumes remainder of third chunk.
ptr = align_test_allocator.allocate(15, 1);
// Should now be fresh out of chunks.
ptr = align_test_allocator.allocate(1, 1);
} // namespace