blob: d51cfde61ccc09007158ffaf71ea3de9fe21abef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/llvm-profdata/llvm-profdata.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <functional>
#error "build system regression"
// This is defined for a test build.
// If not compiled with instrumentation at all, then all the link-time
// references in the real implementation below won't work. So provide stubs.
void LlvmProfdata::Init(cpp20::span<const std::byte> build_id) {}
LlvmProfdata::LiveData LlvmProfdata::DoFixedData(cpp20::span<std::byte> data, bool match) {
return {};
void LlvmProfdata::CopyLiveData(LiveData data) {}
void LlvmProfdata::MergeLiveData(LiveData data) {}
void LlvmProfdata::UseLiveData(LiveData data) {}
#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <profile/>
namespace {
constexpr uint64_t kMagic = INSTR_PROF_RAW_MAGIC_64;
using IntPtrT = intptr_t;
enum ValueKind {
#define VALUE_PROF_KIND(Enumerator, Value, Descr) Enumerator = Value,
#include <profile/>
struct __llvm_profile_data {
#define INSTR_PROF_DATA(Type, LLVMType, Name, Initializer) Type Name;
#include <profile/>
struct alignas(INSTR_PROF_DATA_ALIGNMENT) VTableProfData {
#define INSTR_PROF_VTABLE_DATA(Type, LLVMType, Name, Initializer) Type Name;
#include <profile/>
extern "C" {
// This is sometimes emitted by the compiler with a different value.
// The header is expected to use whichever value this had at link time.
// This supplies the default value when the compiler doesn't supply it.
[[gnu::weak]] extern const uint64_t INSTR_PROF_RAW_VERSION_VAR = INSTR_PROF_RAW_VERSION;
// The compiler emits phantom references to this as a way to ensure
// that the runtime is linked in.
extern const int INSTR_PROF_PROFILE_RUNTIME_VAR = 0;
// In relocating mode, the compiler adds this to the address of a profiling
// counter in .bss for the counter to actually update. At startup, this is
// zero so the .bss counters get updated. When data is being published, the
// live-published counters get copied from the .bss counters and then this is
// set so future updates are redirected to the published copy.
// This definition is weak in case the standard profile runtime is also linked
// in with its own definition.
[[gnu::weak]] extern uintptr_t INSTR_PROF_PROFILE_COUNTER_BIAS_VAR = 0;
// These are outcalls made by the value-profiling instrumentation. This
// runtime doesn't support value-profiling in any meaningful way. But the
// entry points are provided so that instrumented code can be linked against
// this runtime instead of the standard runtime. The stubs here are made weak
// in case both this and the standard runtime are linked in.
[[gnu::weak]] extern void INSTR_PROF_VALUE_PROF_FUNC(uint64_t TargetValue, void* Data,
uint32_t CounterIndex) {}
[[gnu::weak]] extern void INSTR_PROF_VALUE_PROF_MEMOP_FUNC(uint64_t TargetValue, void* Data,
uint32_t CounterIndex) {}
} // extern "C"
// Here _WIN32 really means EFI. At link-time, it's Windows/x64 essentially.
// uses #ifdef _WIN32, so match that.
#if defined(_WIN32)
// These magic section names don't have macros in,
// though their ".blah$M" counterparts do.
// Merge read-write sections into .data.
#pragma comment(linker, "/")
#pragma comment(linker, "/")
// Do not merge .lprfn and .lcovmap into .rdata.
// `llvm-cov` must be able to find them after the fact.
// The ".blah$A" and ".blah$Z" placeholder sections get magically sorted with
// ".blah$M" in between them, so these symbols identify the bounds of the
// compiler-emitted data at link time. Empty sections don't work in PE-COFF
// the way they do in ELF and Mach-O, so these need to waste space in the
// placeholder sections and then compensate in the pointer calculations.
#define PECOFF_SECTION_RO(section_prefix, name, type) \
PECOFF_SECTION_IMPL(section_prefix, name, const type)
#define PECOFF_SECTION_RW(section_prefix, name, type) \
PECOFF_SECTION_IMPL(section_prefix, name, type, write)
#define PECOFF_SECTION_IMPL(section_prefix, name, type, ...) \
PECOFF_SECTION_IMPL_EDGE(section_prefix##$A, name##Begin, type, 1, ##__VA_ARGS__) \
PECOFF_SECTION_IMPL_EDGE(section_prefix##$Z, name##End, type, 0, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define PECOFF_SECTION_IMPL_EDGE(section_name, symbol, type, n, ...) \
PECOFF_SECTION_PRAGMA(section(#section_name, read, ##__VA_ARGS__)) \
[[gnu::section(#section_name)]] type symbol##_placeholder[1] = {}; \
constexpr type* symbol = &symbol##_placeholder[n];
#define PECOFF_SECTION_PRAGMA(x) _Pragma(#x)
// This data is morally `const`, i.e. it's a RELRO case in the ELF world. But
// there is no RELRO in PE-COFF (?) so it's just a writable section and the
// compiler wants the declaration's constness to match #pragma section above.
PECOFF_SECTION_RW(.lprfd, Data, __llvm_profile_data)
PECOFF_SECTION_RO(.lprfn, Names, char)
PECOFF_SECTION_RW(.lprfvt, VTableData, VTableProfData)
PECOFF_SECTION_RO(.lprfvns, VNames, char)
PECOFF_SECTION_RW(.lprfc, Counters, uint64_t)
PECOFF_SECTION_RW(.lprfb, Bitmap, char)
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
extern "C" {
[[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] extern const __llvm_profile_data DataBegin[] __asm__(
"section$start$__DATA$" INSTR_PROF_DATA_SECT_NAME);
[[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] extern const __llvm_profile_data DataEnd[] __asm__(
[[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] extern const char NamesBegin[] __asm__(
"section$start$__DATA$" INSTR_PROF_NAME_SECT_NAME);
[[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] extern const char NamesEnd[] __asm__(
[[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] extern const VTableProfData VTableDataBegin[] __asm__(
"section$start$__DATA$" INSTR_PROF_VTAB_SECT_NAME);
[[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] extern const VTableProfData VTableDataEnd[] __asm__(
[[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] extern const char VNamesBegin[] __asm__(
"section$start$__DATA$" INSTR_PROF_VNAME_SECT_NAME);
[[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] extern const char VNamesEnd[] __asm__(
[[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] extern uint64_t CountersBegin[] __asm__(
"section$start$__DATA$" INSTR_PROF_CNTS_SECT_NAME);
[[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] extern uint64_t CountersEnd[] __asm__(
[[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] extern char BitmapBegin[] __asm__(
"section$start$__DATA$" INSTR_PROF_BITS_SECT_NAME);
[[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] extern char BitmapEnd[] __asm__(
} // extern "C"
#else // Not _WIN32 or __APPLE__.
#ifndef __ELF__
#error "unsupported object file format???"
extern "C" {
// ELF linkers implicitly provide __start_SECNAME and __stop_SECNAME symbols
// when there is a SECNAME output section. If selective instrumentation causes
// no actual metadata sections to be emitted, or even if all instrumentation
// sections in the input are in GC'd groups, then there is no such output
// section and so these symbols aren't defined. In the userland runtime, this
// is handled simply by using weak references to the symbols. However, those
// references require GOT slots for PIC-friendly links even with hidden
// visibility since there is no way for a PC-relative relocation to be resolved
// to absolute zero to indicate a missing value. So instead, we need to ensure
// that there will be a zero-length section of the expected name that induces
// the linker to resolve the __start_SECNAME and __stop_SECNAME symbols.
// Having an explicit empty section with SHF_GNU_RETAIN accomplishes that
// without adding anything to the actual memory image. Since the start and
// stop symbols are equal, the loops across them will just do nothing.
#define PROFDATA_SECTION(type, begin, end, section, writable) \
[[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] extern type begin[] __asm__( \
[[gnu::visibility("hidden")]] extern type end[] __asm__( \
__asm__(".pushsection " INSTR_PROF_QUOTE(section) ",\"aR" writable \
"\",%progbits\n" \
PROFDATA_SECTION(const __llvm_profile_data, DataBegin, DataEnd, INSTR_PROF_DATA_COMMON, "");
PROFDATA_SECTION(const char, NamesBegin, NamesEnd, INSTR_PROF_NAME_COMMON, "");
PROFDATA_SECTION(const VTableProfData, VTableDataBegin, VTableDataEnd, INSTR_PROF_VTAB_COMMON, "");
PROFDATA_SECTION(const char, VNamesBegin, VNamesEnd, INSTR_PROF_VNAME_COMMON, "");
PROFDATA_SECTION(uint64_t, CountersBegin, CountersEnd, INSTR_PROF_CNTS_COMMON, "w");
PROFDATA_SECTION(char, BitmapBegin, BitmapEnd, INSTR_PROF_BITS_COMMON, "w");
} // extern "C"
#endif // Not _WIN32 or __APPLE__.
struct ProfRawHeader {
size_t binary_ids_size() const {
if constexpr (INSTR_PROF_RAW_VERSION < 6) {
return 0;
} else {
return static_cast<size_t>(BinaryIdsSize);
#define INSTR_PROF_RAW_HEADER(Type, Name, Initializer) Type Name;
#include <profile/>
constexpr size_t kAlignAfterBuildId = sizeof(uint64_t);
constexpr size_t PaddingSize(size_t chunk_size_bytes) {
return (kAlignAfterBuildId - (chunk_size_bytes % kAlignAfterBuildId)) % kAlignAfterBuildId;
constexpr size_t PaddingSize(cpp20::span<const std::byte> chunk) {
return PaddingSize(chunk.size_bytes());
constexpr size_t BinaryIdsSize(cpp20::span<const std::byte> build_id) {
if (build_id.empty()) {
return 0;
return sizeof(uint64_t) + build_id.size_bytes() + PaddingSize(build_id);
template <typename T>
[[gnu::const]] cpp20::span<T> GetArray(T* begin, T* end) {
auto begin_bytes = reinterpret_cast<const std::byte*>(begin);
auto end_bytes = reinterpret_cast<const std::byte*>(end);
size_t size_bytes = end_bytes - begin_bytes;
return {begin, (size_bytes + sizeof(T) - 1) / sizeof(T)};
[[gnu::const]] auto ProfDataArray() { return GetArray(DataBegin, DataEnd); }
[[gnu::const]] auto VTableDataArray() { return GetArray(VTableDataBegin, VTableDataEnd); }
// This is the .bss data that gets updated live by instrumented code when the
// bias is set to zero.
[[gnu::const]] cpp20::span<uint64_t> ProfCountersData() {
return cpp20::span<uint64_t>(&CountersBegin[0], CountersEnd - CountersBegin);
[[gnu::const]] cpp20::span<char> ProfBitmapData() {
return cpp20::span<char>(&BitmapBegin[0], BitmapEnd - BitmapBegin);
[[gnu::const]] ProfRawHeader GetHeader(cpp20::span<const std::byte> build_id) {
// These are used by the INSTR_PROF_RAW_HEADER initializers.
const uint64_t NumData = ProfDataArray().size();
const uint64_t PaddingBytesBeforeCounters = 0;
const uint64_t NumCounters = ProfCountersData().size();
const uint64_t PaddingBytesAfterCounters = 0;
const uint64_t NumBitmapBytes = ProfBitmapData().size();
const uint64_t PaddingBytesAfterBitmapBytes = 0;
const uint64_t NamesSize = NamesEnd - NamesBegin;
const uint64_t NumVTables = VTableDataArray().size();
const uint64_t VNamesSize = VNamesEnd - VNamesBegin;
auto __llvm_profile_get_magic = []() -> uint64_t { return kMagic; };
auto __llvm_profile_get_version = []() -> uint64_t { return INSTR_PROF_RAW_VERSION_VAR; };
auto __llvm_write_binary_ids = [build_id](void* ignored) -> uint64_t {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(ignored == nullptr);
return BinaryIdsSize(build_id);
return {
#define INSTR_PROF_RAW_HEADER(Type, Name, Initializer) .Name = Initializer,
#include <profile/>
// Don't publish anything if no functions were actually instrumented.
[[gnu::const]] bool NoData() { return ProfCountersData().empty() && ProfBitmapData().empty(); }
template <typename T, template <typename> class Op>
void MergeData(cpp20::span<std::byte> to, cpp20::span<const std::byte> from) {
ZX_ASSERT(to.size_bytes() == from.size_bytes());
ZX_ASSERT(to.size_bytes() % sizeof(T) == 0);
cpp20::span to_data{reinterpret_cast<T*>(, to.size_bytes() / sizeof(T)};
cpp20::span from_data{reinterpret_cast<const T*>(, from.size_bytes() / sizeof(T)};
constexpr Op<T> op;
for (size_t i = 0; i < to_data.size(); ++i) {
to_data[i] = op(to_data[i], from_data[i]);
template <typename T, template <typename> class Op, typename FromT>
void MergeSelfData(cpp20::span<std::byte> to, cpp20::span<FromT> from, const char* what) {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(to.size_bytes() >= from.size_bytes(),
"merging %zu bytes of %s with only %zu bytes left!", from.size_bytes(), what,
MergeData<T, Op>(to.subspan(0, from.size_bytes()), cpp20::as_bytes(from));
} // namespace
void LlvmProfdata::Init(cpp20::span<const std::byte> build_id) {
build_id_ = build_id;
if (NoData()) {
// The sequence and sizes here should match the PublishLiveData() code.
const ProfRawHeader header = GetHeader(build_id_);
counters_offset_ = sizeof(header) + header.binary_ids_size() +
(static_cast<size_t>(header.NumData) * sizeof(__llvm_profile_data)) +
counters_size_bytes_ = static_cast<size_t>(header.NumCounters) * sizeof(uint64_t);
ZX_ASSERT(counters_size_bytes_ == ProfCountersData().size_bytes());
size_bytes_ = counters_offset_ + counters_size_bytes_ +
const size_t PaddingBytesAfterNames = PaddingSize(static_cast<size_t>(header.NamesSize));
size_bytes_ += header.NamesSize + PaddingBytesAfterNames;
const size_t VTableSectionSize = static_cast<size_t>(header.NumVTables) * sizeof(VTableProfData);
size_bytes_ += VTableSectionSize + PaddingSize(VTableSectionSize);
size_bytes_ +=
static_cast<size_t>(header.VNamesSize) + PaddingSize(static_cast<size_t>(header.VNamesSize));
LlvmProfdata::LiveData LlvmProfdata::DoFixedData(cpp20::span<std::byte> data, bool match) {
if (size_bytes_ == 0) {
return {};
// Write bytes at the start of data and then advance data to be the remaining
// subspan where the next call will write its data. When merging, this
// doesn't actually write but instead asserts that the destination already
// has identical contents.
auto write_bytes = [&](cpp20::span<const std::byte> bytes, const char* what) {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(data.size_bytes() >= bytes.size_bytes(),
"%s of %zu bytes with only %zu bytes left!", what, bytes.size_bytes(),
if (match) {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(!memcmp(,, bytes.size()),
"mismatch somewhere in %zu bytes of %s", bytes.size(), what);
} else {
memcpy(,, bytes.size());
data = data.subspan(bytes.size());
constexpr std::array<std::byte, sizeof(uint64_t)> kPaddingBytes{};
const cpp20::span kPadding(kPaddingBytes);
constexpr const char* kPaddingDoc = "alignment padding";
// These are all the chunks to be written.
// The sequence and sizes here must match the size_bytes() code.
const ProfRawHeader header = GetHeader(build_id_);
write_bytes(cpp20::as_bytes(cpp20::span{&header, 1}), "INSTR_PROF_RAW_HEADER");
const uint64_t build_id_size = build_id_.size_bytes();
if (build_id_size > 0) {
write_bytes(cpp20::as_bytes(cpp20::span{&build_id_size, 1}), "build ID size");
write_bytes(cpp20::as_bytes(build_id_), "build ID");
write_bytes(kPadding.subspan(0, PaddingSize(build_id_)), kPaddingDoc);
write_bytes(cpp20::as_bytes(ProfDataArray()), INSTR_PROF_DATA_SECT_NAME);
write_bytes(kPadding.subspan(0, static_cast<size_t>(header.PaddingBytesBeforeCounters)),
// Skip over the space in the data blob for the counters.
ZX_ASSERT(counters_size_bytes_ == ProfCountersData().size_bytes());
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(data.size_bytes() >= counters_size_bytes_,
"%zu bytes of counters with only %zu bytes left!", counters_size_bytes_,
cpp20::span counters_data = data.subspan(0, counters_size_bytes_);
data = data.subspan(counters_size_bytes_);
write_bytes(kPadding.subspan(0, static_cast<size_t>(header.PaddingBytesAfterCounters)),
cpp20::span<std::byte> bitmap_data;
// Skip over the space in the data blob for the bitmap bytes.
ZX_ASSERT(bitmap_size_bytes_ == ProfBitmapData().size_bytes());
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(data.size_bytes() >= bitmap_size_bytes_,
"%zu bytes of bitmap with only %zu bytes left!", bitmap_size_bytes_,
bitmap_data = data.subspan(0, bitmap_size_bytes_);
data = data.subspan(bitmap_size_bytes_);
write_bytes(kPadding.subspan(0, static_cast<size_t>(header.PaddingBytesAfterBitmapBytes)),
auto prof_names = cpp20::span(NamesBegin, NamesEnd - NamesBegin);
const size_t PaddingBytesAfterNames = PaddingSize(static_cast<size_t>(header.NamesSize));
write_bytes(cpp20::as_bytes(prof_names), INSTR_PROF_NAME_SECT_NAME);
write_bytes(kPadding.subspan(0, PaddingBytesAfterNames), kPaddingDoc);
auto vtable_data = VTableDataArray();
write_bytes(cpp20::as_bytes(vtable_data), INSTR_PROF_VTAB_SECT_NAME);
write_bytes(kPadding.subspan(0, PaddingSize(vtable_data.size_bytes())), kPaddingDoc);
auto vnames = cpp20::span(VNamesBegin, VNamesEnd - VNamesBegin);
write_bytes(cpp20::as_bytes(vnames), INSTR_PROF_VNAME_SECT_NAME);
write_bytes(kPadding.subspan(0, PaddingSize(vnames.size_bytes())), kPaddingDoc);
return {counters_data, bitmap_data};
void LlvmProfdata::CopyLiveData(LiveData data) {
auto prof_counters = ProfCountersData();
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(data.counters.size_bytes() >= prof_counters.size_bytes(),
"writing %zu bytes of counters with only %zu bytes left!",
data.counters.size_bytes(), data.counters.size_bytes());
if (!prof_counters.empty()) {
memcpy(,, prof_counters.size_bytes());
auto prof_bitmap = ProfBitmapData();
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(data.bitmap.size_bytes() >= prof_bitmap.size_bytes(),
"writing %zu bytes of bitmap with only %zu bytes left!", data.bitmap.size_bytes(),
if (!prof_bitmap.empty()) {
memcpy(,, prof_bitmap.size_bytes());
// Instead of copying, merge the old counters with our values by summation and
// the old bitmap by bitwise OR.
void LlvmProfdata::MergeLiveData(LiveData data) {
MergeSelfData<uint64_t, std::plus>(data.counters, ProfCountersData(), "counters");
void LlvmProfdata::MergeLiveData(LiveData to, LiveData from) {
MergeData<uint64_t, std::plus>(to.counters, from.counters);
MergeData<char, std::bit_or>(to.bitmap, from.bitmap);
void LlvmProfdata::UseCounters(cpp20::span<std::byte> data) {
auto prof_counters = ProfCountersData();
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(data.size_bytes() >= prof_counters.size_bytes(),
"cannot relocate %zu bytes of counters with only %zu bytes left!",
prof_counters.size_bytes(), data.size_bytes());
const uintptr_t old_addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(;
const uintptr_t new_addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(;
ZX_ASSERT(new_addr % kAlign == 0);
const uintptr_t counters_bias = new_addr - old_addr;
// Now that the data has been copied (or merged), start updating the new
// copy. These compiler barriers should ensure we've finished all the
// copying before updating the bias that the instrumented code uses.
void LlvmProfdata::UseLiveData(LiveData data) {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(data.bitmap.empty(), "bitmap bytes cannot be relocated");
void LlvmProfdata::UseLinkTimeLiveData() {
cpp20::span<const std::byte> LlvmProfdata::BuildIdFromRawProfile(
cpp20::span<const std::byte> data) {
ProfRawHeader header;
if (data.size() < sizeof(header)) {
return {};
memcpy(&header,, sizeof(header));
data = data.subspan(sizeof(header));
if (header.Magic != kMagic || header.Version < 7) {
return {};
if (header.binary_ids_size() == 0 || header.binary_ids_size() > data.size()) {
return {};
data = data.subspan(0, header.binary_ids_size());
uint64_t build_id_size;
if (data.size() < sizeof(build_id_size)) {
return {};
memcpy(&build_id_size,, sizeof(build_id_size));
data = data.subspan(sizeof(build_id_size));
if (data.size() < build_id_size) {
return {};
return data.subspan(0, static_cast<size_t>(build_id_size));
bool LlvmProfdata::Match(cpp20::span<const std::byte> data) {
cpp20::span id = BuildIdFromRawProfile(data);
return !id.empty() && id.size_bytes() == build_id_.size_bytes() &&
!memcmp(,, build_id_.size_bytes());