blob: 5b0d2750c2de58d2b2f6e63476adbad893a0d04e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/lib/inet/ip_address.h"
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <endian.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sstream>
namespace inet {
namespace {
constexpr size_t kV6WordCount = 8;
constexpr uint8_t kV4LinkLocalFirstByte = 169;
constexpr uint8_t kV4LinkLocalSecondByte = 254;
// Parses a string. Match functions either return true and update the position of the parser or
// return false and leave the position unchanged. If a Match function has an out-parameter, the
// actual out-parameter is only modified if the function returns true.
class Parser {
Parser(const std::string_view& str) : str_(str), pos_(0) {}
size_t position() const { return pos_; }
// Matches end-of-string.
bool MatchEnd() { return pos_ == str_.length(); }
// Matches a specified character.
bool Match(char to_match) {
if (pos_ == str_.length() || str_[pos_] != to_match) {
return false;
return true;
// Matches a single decimal digit.
bool MatchDecDigit(uint8_t* out) {
if (pos_ == str_.length() || !std::isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(str_[pos_]))) {
return false;
*out = str_[pos_] - '0';
return true;
// Matches a single hexadecimal digit.
bool MatchHexDigit(uint8_t* out) {
if (pos_ == str_.length() || !std::isxdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(str_[pos_]))) {
return false;
if (std::isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(str_[pos_]))) {
*out = str_[pos_] - '0';
} else if (std::islower(static_cast<unsigned char>(str_[pos_]))) {
*out = 10 + (str_[pos_] - 'a');
} else {
*out = 10 + (str_[pos_] - 'A');
return true;
// Matches a decimal byte of at most 3 digits. The match will succeed even if the decimal byte is
// followed immediately by a digit. If matching three digits would produce a value greater than
// 255, only two digits are matched.
bool MatchMax3DigitDecByte(uint8_t* byte_out) {
uint8_t digit = 0;
if (!MatchDecDigit(&digit)) {
return false;
uint16_t accum = digit;
if (MatchDecDigit(&digit)) {
accum = accum * 10 + digit;
if (accum <= 25 && MatchDecDigit(&digit)) {
if (accum < 25 || digit < 6) {
accum = accum * 10 + digit;
} else {
// Including that last digit would produce a value > 255.
FX_DCHECK(accum <= 255);
*byte_out = static_cast<uint8_t>(accum);
return true;
// Matches a hexadecimal word of at most 4 digits. The match will succeed even if the hexadecimal
// word is followed immediately by a hexadecimal digit.
bool MatchMax4DigitHexWord(uint16_t* word_out) {
uint8_t digit = 0;
if (!MatchHexDigit(&digit)) {
return false;
uint16_t accum = digit;
if (MatchHexDigit(&digit)) {
accum = accum * 16 + digit;
if (MatchHexDigit(&digit)) {
accum = accum * 16 + digit;
if (MatchHexDigit(&digit)) {
accum = accum * 16 + digit;
*word_out = accum;
return true;
// Matches 1..max hexadecimal words of at most 4 digits separated by colons.
bool MatchMax4DigitHexWordList(size_t max, std::vector<uint16_t>* words_out) {
std::vector<uint16_t> words;
uint16_t word;
if (!MatchMax4DigitHexWord(&word)) {
return false;
while (words.size() < max) {
size_t old_pos = pos_;
if (!Match(':') || !MatchMax4DigitHexWord(&word)) {
pos_ = old_pos;
*words_out = std::move(words);
return true;
// Matches an IPV4 address.
bool MatchIpV4Address(IpAddress* address_out) {
size_t old_pos = pos_;
uint8_t b0, b1, b2, b3;
if (MatchMax3DigitDecByte(&b0) && Match('.') && MatchMax3DigitDecByte(&b1) && Match('.') &&
MatchMax3DigitDecByte(&b2) && Match('.') && MatchMax3DigitDecByte(&b3)) {
*address_out = IpAddress(b0, b1, b2, b3);
return true;
pos_ = old_pos;
return false;
// Matches an IPV6 address.
bool MatchIpV6Address(IpAddress* address_out) {
size_t old_pos = pos_;
std::vector<uint16_t> words;
if (MatchMax4DigitHexWordList(kV6WordCount, &words)) {
if (words.size() == kV6WordCount) {
// List of 8 words.
*address_out = IpAddress(words);
return true;
if (Match(':') && Match(':')) {
if (words.size() == kV6WordCount - 1) {
// 7 words followed by a pair of colons.
*address_out = IpAddress(words);
return true;
std::vector<uint16_t> more_words;
if (MatchMax4DigitHexWordList(kV6WordCount - 1 - words.size(), &more_words)) {
while (words.size() + more_words.size() < kV6WordCount) {
for (const auto word : more_words) {
FX_CHECK(words.size() == kV6WordCount);
*address_out = IpAddress(words);
return true;
// Fail.
pos_ = old_pos;
return false;
const std::string_view& str_;
size_t pos_;
} // namespace
// static
const IpAddress IpAddress::kInvalid;
// static
const IpAddress IpAddress::kV4Loopback(127, 0, 0, 1);
// static
const IpAddress IpAddress::kV6Loopback(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
// static
IpAddress IpAddress::FromString(const std::string& address_string, sa_family_t family) {
FX_DCHECK(family == AF_UNSPEC || family == AF_INET || family == AF_INET6);
std::string_view address_string_view(address_string);
Parser parser(address_string_view);
IpAddress address;
if (((family != AF_INET6 && parser.MatchIpV4Address(&address)) ||
(family != AF_INET && parser.MatchIpV6Address(&address))) &&
parser.MatchEnd()) {
return address;
return kInvalid;
// static
std::pair<IpAddress, size_t> IpAddress::FromStringView(const std::string_view string_view,
sa_family_t family) {
FX_DCHECK(family == AF_UNSPEC || family == AF_INET || family == AF_INET6);
Parser parser(string_view);
IpAddress address;
if ((family != AF_INET6 && parser.MatchIpV4Address(&address)) ||
(family != AF_INET && parser.MatchIpV6Address(&address))) {
return std::make_pair(address, parser.position());
return std::make_pair(kInvalid, 0);
IpAddress::IpAddress() : family_(AF_UNSPEC) { std::memset(&v6_, 0, sizeof(v6_)); }
IpAddress::IpAddress(uint8_t b0, uint8_t b1, uint8_t b2, uint8_t b3) : family_(AF_INET) {
uint8_t* bytes = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&v4_.s_addr);
bytes[0] = b0;
bytes[1] = b1;
bytes[2] = b2;
bytes[3] = b3;
IpAddress::IpAddress(in_addr_t addr) : family_(AF_INET) { v4_.s_addr = addr; }
IpAddress::IpAddress(const in_addr& addr) : family_(AF_INET), v4_(addr) {}
IpAddress::IpAddress(uint16_t w0, uint16_t w1, uint16_t w2, uint16_t w3, uint16_t w4, uint16_t w5,
uint16_t w6, uint16_t w7)
: family_(AF_INET6) {
uint16_t* words = v6_.s6_addr16;
words[0] = htobe16(w0);
words[1] = htobe16(w1);
words[2] = htobe16(w2);
words[3] = htobe16(w3);
words[4] = htobe16(w4);
words[5] = htobe16(w5);
words[6] = htobe16(w6);
words[7] = htobe16(w7);
IpAddress::IpAddress(const std::vector<uint16_t>& source, size_t start) : family_(AF_INET6) {
FX_DCHECK(start + source.size() <= kV6WordCount);
uint16_t* words = v6_.s6_addr16;
for (size_t i = 0; i < start; ++i) {
words[i] = 0;
for (size_t i = start; i < start + source.size(); ++i) {
words[i] = htobe16(source[i - start]);
for (size_t i = start + source.size(); i < kV6WordCount; ++i) {
words[i] = 0;
IpAddress::IpAddress(uint16_t w0, uint16_t w7) : family_(AF_INET6) {
std::memset(&v6_, 0, sizeof(v6_));
uint16_t* words = v6_.s6_addr16;
words[0] = htobe16(w0);
words[7] = htobe16(w7);
IpAddress::IpAddress(const in6_addr& addr) : family_(AF_INET6), v6_(addr) {}
IpAddress::IpAddress(const sockaddr& addr) {
switch (addr.sa_family) {
case AF_INET:
family_ = AF_INET;
v4_ = *reinterpret_cast<const in_addr*>(addr.sa_data);
case AF_INET6:
family_ = AF_INET6;
v6_ = *reinterpret_cast<const in6_addr*>(addr.sa_data);
family_ = AF_UNSPEC;
std::memset(&v6_, 0, sizeof(v6_));
IpAddress::IpAddress(const sockaddr_storage& addr) {
switch (addr.ss_family) {
case AF_INET:
family_ = AF_INET;
v4_ = *reinterpret_cast<const in_addr*>(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&addr) +
case AF_INET6:
family_ = AF_INET6;
v6_ = *reinterpret_cast<const in6_addr*>(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&addr) +
family_ = AF_UNSPEC;
std::memset(&v6_, 0, sizeof(v6_));
IpAddress::IpAddress(const fuchsia::net::Ipv4Address& addr) : family_(AF_INET) {
std::copy(addr.addr.cbegin(), addr.addr.cend(), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&v4_));
IpAddress::IpAddress(const fuchsia::net::Ipv6Address& addr) : family_(AF_INET6) {
std::copy(addr.addr.cbegin(), addr.addr.cend(), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&v6_));
IpAddress::IpAddress(const fuchsia::net::IpAddress& addr) {
switch (addr.Which()) {
case fuchsia::net::IpAddress::Tag::kIpv4:
family_ = AF_INET;
std::copy(addr.ipv4().addr.cbegin(), addr.ipv4().addr.cend(),
case fuchsia::net::IpAddress::Tag::kIpv6:
family_ = AF_INET6;
std::copy(addr.ipv6().addr.cbegin(), addr.ipv6().addr.cend(),
case fuchsia::net::IpAddress::Tag::Invalid:
bool IpAddress::is_mapped_from_v4() const { return is_v6() && IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(&v6_); }
IpAddress IpAddress::mapped_v4_address() const {
auto bytes = as_bytes();
return IpAddress(bytes[12], bytes[13], bytes[14], bytes[15]);
IpAddress IpAddress::mapped_as_v6() const {
auto bytes = as_bytes();
// The words passed in to this constructor are stored in big-endian order.
return IpAddress(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xffff, static_cast<uint16_t>(bytes[0] << 8) | bytes[1],
static_cast<uint16_t>(bytes[2] << 8) | bytes[3]);
bool IpAddress::is_loopback() const {
switch (family_) {
case AF_INET:
return *this == kV4Loopback;
case AF_INET6:
return *this == kV6Loopback;
return false;
bool IpAddress::is_link_local() const {
if (!is_valid()) {
return false;
switch (family_) {
case AF_INET: {
auto bytes = as_bytes();
return bytes[0] == kV4LinkLocalFirstByte && bytes[1] == kV4LinkLocalSecondByte;
case AF_INET6:
return IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(&v6_);
return false;
std::string IpAddress::ToString() const {
std::ostringstream os;
os << *this;
return os.str();
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const IpAddress& value) {
if (!value.is_valid()) {
return os << "<invalid>";
if (value.is_v4()) {
const uint8_t* bytes = value.as_bytes();
return os << static_cast<int>(bytes[0]) << '.' << static_cast<int>(bytes[1]) << '.'
<< static_cast<int>(bytes[2]) << '.' << static_cast<int>(bytes[3]);
} else {
// IPV6 text representation per RFC 5952:
// 1) Suppress leading zeros in hex representation of words.
// 2) Don't use '::' to shorten a just single zero word.
// 3) Shorten the longest sequence of zero words preferring the leftmost
// sequence if there's a tie.
// 4) Use lower-case hexadecimal.
const uint16_t* words = value.as_v6_words();
// Figure out where the longest span of zeros is.
uint8_t start_of_zeros;
uint8_t zeros_seen = 0;
uint8_t start_of_best_zeros = 255;
// Don't bother if the longest sequence is length 1.
uint8_t best_zeros_seen = 1;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < kV6WordCount; ++i) {
if (words[i] == 0) {
if (zeros_seen == 0) {
start_of_zeros = i;
} else if (zeros_seen != 0) {
if (zeros_seen > best_zeros_seen) {
start_of_best_zeros = start_of_zeros;
best_zeros_seen = zeros_seen;
zeros_seen = 0;
if (zeros_seen > best_zeros_seen) {
start_of_best_zeros = start_of_zeros;
best_zeros_seen = zeros_seen;
os << std::hex;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < kV6WordCount; ++i) {
if (i < start_of_best_zeros || i >= start_of_best_zeros + best_zeros_seen) {
os << be16toh(words[i]);
if (i != 7) {
os << ":";
} else if (i == start_of_best_zeros) {
if (i == 0) {
os << "::";
} else {
os << ":"; // We just wrote a ':', so we only need one more.
return os << std::dec;
IpAddress::operator fuchsia::net::Ipv4Address() const {
auto v4_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&v4_);
fuchsia::net::Ipv4Address result;
std::copy(v4_ptr, v4_ptr + sizeof(result.addr), result.addr.begin());
return result;
IpAddress::operator fuchsia::net::Ipv6Address() const {
auto v6_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&v6_);
fuchsia::net::Ipv6Address result;
std::copy(v6_ptr, v6_ptr + sizeof(result.addr), result.addr.begin());
return result;
IpAddress::operator fuchsia::net::IpAddress() const {
if (is_v4()) {
return fuchsia::net::IpAddress::WithIpv4(static_cast<fuchsia::net::Ipv4Address>(*this));
return fuchsia::net::IpAddress::WithIpv6(static_cast<fuchsia::net::Ipv6Address>(*this));
} // namespace inet