blob: e948f7022ce5f608b239fe8df2cbb216aff49098 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
pub use crate::{
parse::{validate_package_path_segment, validate_resource_path},
use crate::{validate_path, Scheme, UrlParts};
pub const SCHEME: &str = "fuchsia-boot";
/// Decoded representation of a fuchsia-boot URL.
/// fuchsia-boot:///path/to#path/to/resource
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct BootUrl {
path: String,
resource: Option<String>,
impl BootUrl {
pub fn parse(input: &str) -> Result<Self, ParseError> {
fn try_from_parts(
UrlParts { scheme, host, path, hash, resource }: UrlParts,
) -> Result<Self, ParseError> {
if scheme.ok_or(ParseError::MissingScheme)? != Scheme::FuchsiaBoot {
return Err(ParseError::InvalidScheme);
if host.is_some() {
return Err(ParseError::HostMustBeEmpty);
if hash.is_some() {
return Err(ParseError::CannotContainHash);
Ok(Self { path, resource })
pub fn path(&self) -> &str {
pub fn resource(&self) -> Option<&str> {
self.resource.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_str())
pub fn root_url(&self) -> BootUrl {
BootUrl { path: self.path.clone(), resource: None }
pub fn new_path(path: String) -> Result<Self, ParseError> {
let () = validate_path(&path)?;
Ok(Self { path, resource: None })
pub fn new_resource(path: String, resource: String) -> Result<BootUrl, ParseError> {
let () = validate_path(&path)?;
let () = validate_resource_path(&resource).map_err(ParseError::InvalidResourcePath)?;
Ok(Self { path, resource: Some(resource) })
pub fn new_resource_without_variant(
path: String,
resource: String,
) -> Result<BootUrl, ParseError> {
let () = validate_path(&path)?;
let (name, _) = crate::parse_path_to_name_and_variant(&path)?;
let () = validate_resource_path(&resource).map_err(ParseError::InvalidResourcePath)?;
Ok(Self { path: format!("/{}", name), resource: Some(resource) })
impl std::fmt::Display for BootUrl {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}://{}", SCHEME, self.path)?;
if let Some(ref resource) = self.resource {
write!(f, "#{}", percent_encoding::utf8_percent_encode(resource, crate::FRAGMENT))?;
mod tests {
use {
crate::errors::{PackagePathSegmentError, ResourcePathError},
macro_rules! test_parse_ok {
$test_name:ident => {
url = $pkg_url:expr,
path = $pkg_path:expr,
resource = $pkg_resource:expr,
) => {
fn $test_name() {
let pkg_url = $pkg_url.to_string();
Ok(BootUrl {
path: $pkg_path,
resource: $pkg_resource,
macro_rules! test_parse_err {
$test_name:ident => {
urls = $urls:expr,
err = $err:expr,
) => {
fn $test_name() {
for url in &$urls {
macro_rules! test_format {
$test_name:ident => {
parsed = $parsed:expr,
formatted = $formatted:expr,
) => {
fn $test_name() {
format!("{}", $parsed),
test_parse_ok! {
test_parse_absolute_path => {
url = "fuchsia-boot:///package",
path = "/package".to_string(),
resource = None,
test_parse_multiple_path_segments => {
url = "fuchsia-boot:///package/foo",
path = "/package/foo".to_string(),
resource = None,
test_parse_more_path_segments => {
url = "fuchsia-boot:///package/foo/bar/baz",
path = "/package/foo/bar/baz".to_string(),
resource = None,
test_parse_root => {
url = "fuchsia-boot:///",
path = "/".to_string(),
resource = None,
test_parse_empty_root => {
url = "fuchsia-boot://",
path = "/".to_string(),
resource = None,
test_parse_resource => {
url = "fuchsia-boot:///package#resource",
path = "/package".to_string(),
resource = Some("resource".to_string()),
test_parse_resource_with_path_segments => {
url = "fuchsia-boot:///package/foo#resource",
path = "/package/foo".to_string(),
resource = Some("resource".to_string()),
test_parse_empty_resource => {
url = "fuchsia-boot:///package#",
path = "/package".to_string(),
resource = None,
test_parse_root_empty_resource => {
url = "fuchsia-boot:///#",
path = "/".to_string(),
resource = None,
test_parse_root_resource => {
url = "fuchsia-boot:///#resource",
path = "/".to_string(),
resource = Some("resource".to_string()),
test_parse_empty_root_empty_resource => {
url = "fuchsia-boot://#",
path = "/".to_string(),
resource = None,
test_parse_empty_root_present_resource => {
url = "fuchsia-boot://#meta/",
path = "/".to_string(),
resource = Some("meta/".to_string()),
test_parse_large_path_segments => {
url = format!(
path = format!("/{}/{}/{}", "a".repeat(255), "b".repeat(255), "c".repeat(255)),
resource = None,
test_parse_err! {
test_parse_missing_scheme => {
urls = [
err = ParseError::MissingScheme,
test_parse_invalid_scheme => {
urls = [
err = ParseError::InvalidScheme,
test_parse_invalid_path => {
urls = [
err = ParseError::InvalidPathSegment(PackagePathSegmentError::Empty),
test_parse_invalid_path_another => {
urls = [
err = ParseError::InvalidPathSegment(
PackagePathSegmentError::InvalidCharacter { character: ':'}),
test_parse_invalid_path_segment => {
urls = [
err = ParseError::InvalidPathSegment(
PackagePathSegmentError::InvalidCharacter { character: '$' }
test_parse_path_cannot_be_longer_than_255_chars => {
urls = [
&format!("fuchsia-boot:///{}", "a".repeat(256)),
err = ParseError::InvalidPathSegment(PackagePathSegmentError::TooLong(256)),
test_parse_path_cannot_have_invalid_characters => {
urls = [
err = ParseError::InvalidPathSegment(
PackagePathSegmentError::InvalidCharacter { character: '$' }
test_parse_path_cannot_have_invalid_characters_another => {
urls = [
err = ParseError::InvalidPathSegment(
PackagePathSegmentError::InvalidCharacter { character: '$' }
test_parse_host_must_be_empty => {
urls = [
err = ParseError::HostMustBeEmpty,
test_parse_resource_cannot_be_slash => {
urls = [
err = ParseError::InvalidResourcePath(ResourcePathError::PathStartsWithSlash),
test_parse_resource_cannot_start_with_slash => {
urls = [
err = ParseError::InvalidResourcePath(ResourcePathError::PathStartsWithSlash),
test_parse_resource_cannot_end_with_slash => {
urls = [
err = ParseError::InvalidResourcePath(ResourcePathError::PathEndsWithSlash),
test_parse_resource_cannot_contain_dot_dot => {
urls = [
err = ParseError::InvalidResourcePath(ResourcePathError::NameIsDotDot),
test_parse_resource_cannot_contain_empty_segments => {
urls = [
err = ParseError::InvalidResourcePath(ResourcePathError::NameEmpty),
test_parse_resource_cannot_contain_percent_encoded_nul_chars => {
urls = [
err = ParseError::InvalidResourcePath(ResourcePathError::NameContainsNull),
test_parse_rejects_query_params => {
urls = [
err = ParseError::ExtraQueryParameters,
test_format! {
test_format_path_url => {
parsed = BootUrl::new_path("/path/to".to_string()).unwrap(),
formatted = "fuchsia-boot:///path/to",
test_format_resource_url => {
parsed = BootUrl::new_resource("/path/to".to_string(), "path/to/resource".to_string()).unwrap(),
formatted = "fuchsia-boot:///path/to#path/to/resource",
fn test_new_path() {
let url = BootUrl::new_path("/path/to".to_string()).unwrap();
assert_eq!("/path/to", url.path());
assert_eq!(None, url.resource());
assert_eq!(url, url.root_url());
assert_eq!("fuchsia-boot:///path/to", format!("{}", url.root_url()));
fn test_new_resource() {
let url = BootUrl::new_resource("/path/to".to_string(), "foo/bar".to_string()).unwrap();
assert_eq!("/path/to", url.path());
assert_eq!(Some("foo/bar"), url.resource());
let mut url_no_resource = url.clone();
url_no_resource.resource = None;
assert_eq!(url_no_resource, url.root_url());
assert_eq!("fuchsia-boot:///path/to", format!("{}", url.root_url()));
fn test_new_resource_without_variant() {
let url =
BootUrl::new_resource_without_variant("/name/0".to_string(), "foo/bar".to_string())
assert_eq!("/name", url.path());
assert_eq!(Some("foo/bar"), url.resource());
let url = BootUrl::new_resource_without_variant("/name".to_string(), "foo/bar".to_string())
assert_eq!("/name", url.path());
assert_eq!(Some("foo/bar"), url.resource());