blob: 0db1271fbd9a7fc64217d1b8c367ef0f79adaccd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/result.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <optional>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include "layout.h"
#include "phdr.h"
namespace elfldltl {
// The usual way to use the note parser is via elfldltl::Elf<...>::NoteSegment,
// which is an alias for the NoteSegment class defined below.
// This represents one decoded ELF note. It's created ephemerally to yield
// views on the name and desc (payload), along with the type value.
struct ElfNote {
using Bytes = cpp20::span<const std::byte>;
constexpr ElfNote() = default;
constexpr ElfNote(const ElfNote&) = default;
template <typename Header>
ElfNote(const Header& nhdr, Bytes note)
: name(std::string_view{reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, note.size()}.substr(
nhdr.name_offset(), nhdr.namesz)),
desc(note.subspan(nhdr.desc_offset(), nhdr.descsz)),
type(nhdr.type) {}
constexpr ElfNote& operator=(const ElfNote& other) = default;
// Match against an expected name.
template <size_t N>
constexpr bool Is(const char (&that_name)[N]) const {
return name == std::string_view{that_name, N};
// Match against an expected name and type.
template <typename T, size_t N>
constexpr bool Is(const char (&that_name)[N], const T& that_type) const {
static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(uint32_t));
return type == static_cast<uint32_t>(that_type) && Is(that_name);
// Match a GNU build ID note.
constexpr bool IsBuildId() const { return Is("GNU", ElfNoteType::kGnuBuildId); }
// Call `out(char)` to emit each desc byte in hex.
template <typename Out>
constexpr void HexDump(Out&& out) const {
constexpr auto& kDigits = "0123456789abcdef";
for (auto byte : desc) {
auto x = static_cast<uint8_t>(byte);
out(kDigits[x >> 4]);
out(kDigits[x & 0xf]);
// Send the hex string of desc to the stdio stream.
void HexDump(FILE* f) const {
HexDump([f](char c) { putc(c, f); });
// Return the number of characters HexDump() will write.
constexpr size_t HexSize() const { return desc.size() * 2; }
// Fill a fixed-sized buffer with as many hex characters as will fit.
template <size_t N>
constexpr std::string_view HexString(char (&buffer)[N]) const {
size_t i = 0;
HexDump([&](char c) {
if (i < N) {
buffer[i++] = c;
return {buffer, i};
std::string_view name;
Bytes desc;
uint32_t type = 0;
// This is a forward-iterable container view of notes in a note segment,
// constructible from the raw bytes.
template <ElfData Data = ElfData::kNative>
class ElfNoteSegment {
using Bytes = ElfNote::Bytes;
using Nhdr = typename LayoutBase<Data>::Nhdr;
class iterator {
constexpr iterator() = default;
constexpr iterator(const iterator&) = default;
constexpr bool operator==(const iterator& other) const {
return == && other.notes_.size() == notes_.size();
constexpr bool operator!=(const iterator& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
ElfNote operator*() const {
return {Header(notes_), notes_};
iterator& operator++() { // prefix
notes_ = notes_.subspan(Header(notes_).size_bytes());
if (!Check(notes_)) {
// Ignore any odd bytes at the end of the segment and move to end()
// state if there isn't space for another note.
notes_ = notes_.subspan(notes_.size());
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(notes_.empty() || Check(notes_));
return *this;
iterator operator++(int) { // postfix
iterator result = *this;
return result;
friend ElfNoteSegment;
// notes_ holds the remainder to be iterated over. It's always empty (the
// end() state), or else contains at least one whole valid note.
explicit constexpr iterator(Bytes notes) : notes_(notes) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(notes_.empty() || Check(notes_));
Bytes notes_;
using const_iterator = iterator;
constexpr ElfNoteSegment() = default;
constexpr ElfNoteSegment(const ElfNoteSegment&) = default;
explicit constexpr ElfNoteSegment(Bytes notes)
: notes_(notes.size() < sizeof(Nhdr) ? Bytes{} : notes) {}
constexpr ElfNoteSegment& operator=(const ElfNoteSegment&) = default;
constexpr ElfNoteSegment& operator=(Bytes notes) noexcept {
*this = ElfNoteSegment(notes);
return *this;
iterator begin() const { return Check(notes_) ? iterator{notes_} : end(); }
iterator end() const { return iterator{notes_.subspan(notes_.size())}; }
// This is safe only if the size has been checked.
static Nhdr Header(Bytes data) {
assert(data.size_bytes() >= sizeof(Nhdr));
// Use memcpy just in case the data is not properly aligned in memory.
Nhdr nhdr;
memcpy(&nhdr,, sizeof(nhdr));
return nhdr;
// Returns true if the data starts with a valid note.
static bool Check(Bytes data) {
return data.size() >= sizeof(Nhdr) && Check(Header(data), data.size());
// Returns true if the header is valid for the given size.
static constexpr bool Check(const Nhdr& hdr, size_t size) {
// Take pains to avoid integer overflow.
const size_t name_pad = Nhdr::Align(hdr.namesz) - hdr.namesz;
const size_t desc_pad = Nhdr::Align(hdr.descsz) - hdr.descsz;
return size - hdr.name_offset() >= hdr.namesz &&
size - hdr.name_offset() - hdr.namesz >= name_pad &&
size - hdr.desc_offset() >= hdr.descsz &&
size - hdr.desc_offset() - hdr.descsz >= desc_pad;
Bytes notes_;
// This is a shared base class for elfldltl::PhdrFileNoteObserver and
// elfldltl::PhdrMemoryNoteObserver, see below.
template <ElfData Data, typename... Callback>
class PhdrNoteObserverBase {
static_assert((std::is_invocable_r_v<fit::result<fit::failed, bool>, Callback, ElfNote> && ...));
using NoteSegment = ElfNoteSegment<Data>;
PhdrNoteObserverBase() = delete;
constexpr PhdrNoteObserverBase(const PhdrNoteObserverBase&) = default;
constexpr PhdrNoteObserverBase(PhdrNoteObserverBase&&) = default;
constexpr PhdrNoteObserverBase& operator=(const PhdrNoteObserverBase&) = default;
constexpr PhdrNoteObserverBase& operator=(PhdrNoteObserverBase&&) = default;
template <class Diag>
bool Finish(Diag& diag) {
return true;
explicit constexpr PhdrNoteObserverBase(Callback... callback)
: callback_{std::forward<Callback>(callback)...} {}
constexpr bool AllCallbacksDone() const {
constexpr auto all_callbacks_done = [](const auto&... callback) -> bool {
return (!callback && ...);
return std::apply(all_callbacks_done, callback_);
constexpr bool DoCallbacks(ElfNote::Bytes bytes) {
for (const ElfNote& note : NoteSegment{bytes}) {
auto all_callbacks_ok = [&note](auto&&... callback) -> bool {
auto do_callback = [&note](auto& callback) -> bool {
if (callback) {
fit::result<fit::failed, bool> result = (*callback)(note);
if (result.is_error()) [[unlikely]] {
return false;
// This callback was happy. Does it want more calls?
if (!result.value()) {
return true;
return (do_callback(callback) && ...);
if (!std::apply(all_callbacks_ok, callback_)) [[unlikely]] {
return false;
return true;
std::tuple<std::optional<Callback>...> callback_;
// elfldltl::PhdrFileNoteObserver(file_api_object, callback...) can be passed
// to elfldltl::DecodePhdrs to call each callback, as if a function with the
// type `fit::result<fit::failed, bool>(ElfNote)`, on each note in the file.
// It returns false the first time there in an error return from a callback, or
// earlier if there is a problem reading notes from the file. The callback's
// bool success value says whether this callback needs to be called again for
// future notes. When no callback wants to see more notes, the observer will
// stop decoding them but still return true so the calling DecodePhdrs pass
// continues to call other observers.
// This will read both allocated and non-allocated notes, but always read them
// from the file rather than from memory (for allocated notes, it should be the
// same data as if the file were loaded into memory and then the notes read out
// of memory, unless the note contents are writable or RELRO data).
template <ElfData Data, class File, class Allocator, typename... Callback>
class PhdrFileNoteObserver
: public PhdrObserver<PhdrFileNoteObserver<Data, File, Allocator, Callback...>,
public PhdrNoteObserverBase<Data, Callback...> {
using Base = PhdrNoteObserverBase<Data, Callback...>;
PhdrFileNoteObserver() = delete;
// Copyable and/or movable if Allocator and Callback are.
constexpr PhdrFileNoteObserver(const PhdrFileNoteObserver&) = default;
constexpr PhdrFileNoteObserver(PhdrFileNoteObserver&&) noexcept = default;
template <class Elf>
explicit constexpr PhdrFileNoteObserver(Elf&& elf, File& file, Allocator allocator,
Callback... callback)
: Base{std::forward<Callback>(callback)...}, file_(&file), allocator_(std::move(allocator)) {
static_assert(std::decay_t<Elf>::kData == Data);
static_assert(std::is_copy_constructible_v<PhdrFileNoteObserver> ==
(std::is_copy_constructible_v<Allocator> &&
(std::is_copy_constructible_v<Callback> && ...)));
static_assert(std::is_move_constructible_v<PhdrFileNoteObserver> ==
(std::is_move_constructible_v<Allocator> &&
(std::is_move_constructible_v<Callback> && ...)));
std::is_copy_assignable_v<PhdrFileNoteObserver> ==
(std::is_copy_assignable_v<Allocator> && (std::is_copy_assignable_v<Callback> && ...)));
std::is_move_assignable_v<PhdrFileNoteObserver> ==
(std::is_move_assignable_v<Allocator> && (std::is_move_assignable_v<Callback> && ...)));
// Copy-assignable and/or move-assignable if Allocator and Callback are.
constexpr PhdrFileNoteObserver& operator=(const PhdrFileNoteObserver&) = default;
constexpr PhdrFileNoteObserver& operator=(PhdrFileNoteObserver&&) noexcept = default;
template <class Diag, typename Phdr>
constexpr bool Observe(Diag& diag, PhdrTypeMatch<ElfPhdrType::kNote> type, const Phdr& phdr) {
if (phdr.filesz == 0) [[unlikely]] {
return true;
// Short-circuit if all no more per-note callbacks are necessary. We're
// still getting Observe calls because we return true to indicate no error.
if (this->AllCallbacksDone()) {
return true;
auto bytes = file_->template ReadArrayFromFile<std::byte>(phdr.offset, allocator_, phdr.filesz);
if (!bytes) [[unlikely]] {
return diag.FormatError("failed to read note segment from file");
return this->DoCallbacks(*bytes);
File* file_;
Allocator allocator_;
// Deduction guide. When used without template parameters, the first
// constructor argument is an empty Elf<...> object to identify the format; the
// second is always an lvalue reference (see memory.h); the third is forwarded
// as the allocator object used by File::ReadArrayFromFile<std::byte>; while
// the later arguments (some objects invocable as if functions with type
// `fit::result<fit::failed, bool>(ElfNote)`) are moved or copied so they can
// safely be temporaries. Use std::ref or std::cref to make the
// PhdrFileNoteObserver object hold a callback by reference instead.
template <class Elf, class File, typename Allocator, typename... Callback>
PhdrFileNoteObserver(Elf&&, File&, Allocator&&, Callback&&...)
-> PhdrFileNoteObserver<std::decay_t<Elf>::kData, File, std::decay_t<Allocator>,
// elfldltl::PhdrMemoryNoteObserver works like elfldltl::PhdrFileNoteObserver,
// but reads PT_NOTE contents from an ELF file's in-memory image via the Memory
// API (using p_vaddr and p_memsz) in place of reading from the ELF file itself
// via the File API (using p_offset and p_filesz).
template <ElfData Data, class Memory, typename... Callback>
class PhdrMemoryNoteObserver
: public PhdrObserver<PhdrMemoryNoteObserver<Data, Memory, Callback...>, ElfPhdrType::kNote>,
public PhdrNoteObserverBase<Data, Callback...> {
using Base = PhdrNoteObserverBase<Data, Callback...>;
PhdrMemoryNoteObserver() = delete;
// Copyable and/or movable if Callback is.
constexpr PhdrMemoryNoteObserver(const PhdrMemoryNoteObserver&) = default;
constexpr PhdrMemoryNoteObserver(PhdrMemoryNoteObserver&&) noexcept = default;
template <class Elf>
explicit constexpr PhdrMemoryNoteObserver(Elf&& elf, Memory& memory, Callback... callback)
: Base{std::forward<Callback>(callback)...}, memory_(&memory) {
static_assert(std::decay_t<Elf>::kData == Data);
static_assert(std::is_copy_constructible_v<PhdrMemoryNoteObserver> ==
(std::is_copy_constructible_v<Callback> && ...));
static_assert(std::is_move_constructible_v<PhdrMemoryNoteObserver> ==
(std::is_move_constructible_v<Callback> && ...));
static_assert(std::is_copy_assignable_v<PhdrMemoryNoteObserver> ==
(std::is_copy_assignable_v<Callback> && ...));
static_assert(std::is_move_assignable_v<PhdrMemoryNoteObserver> ==
(std::is_move_assignable_v<Callback> && ...));
// Copy-assignable and/or move-assignable if Callback is.
constexpr PhdrMemoryNoteObserver& operator=(const PhdrMemoryNoteObserver&) = default;
constexpr PhdrMemoryNoteObserver& operator=(PhdrMemoryNoteObserver&&) noexcept = default;
template <class Diag, typename Phdr>
constexpr bool Observe(Diag& diag, PhdrTypeMatch<ElfPhdrType::kNote> type, const Phdr& phdr) {
if (phdr.memsz == 0) [[unlikely]] {
return true;
// Short-circuit if all no more per-note callbacks are necessary. We're
// still getting Observe calls because we return true to indicate no error.
if (this->AllCallbacksDone()) {
return true;
auto bytes = memory_->template ReadArray<std::byte>(phdr.vaddr, phdr.memsz);
if (!bytes) [[unlikely]] {
return diag.FormatError("failed to read note segment from memory image");
return this->DoCallbacks(*bytes);
template <class Diag>
bool Finish(Diag& diag) {
return true;
Memory* memory_;
std::tuple<std::optional<Callback>...> callback_;
// Deduction guide, as for PhdrFileNoteObserver but with no allocator argument.
template <class Elf, class Memory, typename... Callback>
PhdrMemoryNoteObserver(Elf&&, Memory&, Callback&&...)
-> PhdrMemoryNoteObserver<std::decay_t<Elf>::kData, Memory, std::decay_t<Callback>...>;
// This returns a fit::result<fit::failed.bool >(ElfNote) callback object that
// can be passed to PhdrFileNoteObserver or PhdrMemoryNoteObserver. That
// callback updates build_id to the file's (first) build ID note. If the
// optional second argument is true, that callback returns fit::ok(false) after
// it's found the build ID, so that PhdrFileNoteObserver would continue to call
// additional callbacks on this and other notes rather than finish immediately.
constexpr auto ObserveBuildIdNote(std::optional<ElfNote>& build_id, bool keep_going = true) {
return [keep_going, &build_id](const ElfNote& note) -> fit::result<fit::failed, bool> {
if (!build_id) {
if (!note.IsBuildId()) {
return fit::ok(true);
build_id = note;
if (!keep_going) {
return fit::failed();
return fit::ok(false);
} // namespace elfldltl