blob: d09c080c8a2dc86d7f00c8ed907747c025565a4e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <array>
#include <limits>
#include <optional>
#include <string_view>
#include "constants.h"
#include "field.h"
namespace elfldltl {
// Forward declaration; see <lib/elfldltl/abi-ptr.h>.
struct LocalAbiTraits;
// These types are parameterized by class (32-bit vs 64-bit) and data (byte
// order). The traditional ELF names Byte, Half, Word, Xword, and Addr are
// used for accessor types that respect the byte order and class. Note that
// redundant traditional names such as Offset are not used; Addr is used for
// all "address-sized" fields, whether they are offsets, addresses, or sizes.
// The Elf<Class, Data> template, abbreviated Elf32<Data> or Elf64<Data>, is
// the intended way to refer to all these types. The Layout* base types are
// just doing some implementation sharing between template instantiations.
// When working with actual values rather than encoded ELF metadata formats,
// the standard uintNN_t types should be used. The Elf::size_type type is an
// alias for the address-sized unsigned integer type, i.e. the host-side native
// type corresponding to Elf::Addr (which might be a byte-swapping type).
// The type and field names for struct types use the traditional terse ELF
// names, but without the traditional prefixes or capitalization. Each field
// is a byte-order-respecting accessor for the natural underlying type or an
// enum class with the natural underlying type, and has a simple lowercase name
// with no prefix or suffix. For compound fields, specific accessors are also
// provided to do the bit-field extraction.
template <typename T, typename... AnyOfThese>
inline constexpr bool kIsAnyOf = (std::is_same_v<T, AnyOfThese> || ...);
// The basic types and some structure layouts are identical across bit width
// (ElfClass). This base class handles differences in byte order (ElfData).
template <ElfData Data>
struct LayoutBase {
static constexpr ElfData kData = Data;
static constexpr bool kSwap = Data != ElfData::kNative;
template <typename T>
struct UnsignedType {
using type = UnsignedField<T, kSwap>;
static_assert(sizeof(type) == sizeof(T));
static_assert(alignof(type) == alignof(T));
template <typename T>
using Unsigned = typename UnsignedType<T>::type;
using Byte = Unsigned<uint8_t>;
using Half = Unsigned<uint16_t>;
using Word = Unsigned<uint32_t>;
using Xword = Unsigned<uint64_t>;
struct Nhdr {
static constexpr uint32_t Align(uint32_t size) {
return (size + kAlign - 1) & -uint32_t{kAlign};
constexpr uint32_t name_offset() const { return sizeof(*this); }
constexpr uint32_t desc_offset() const { return name_offset() + Align(namesz); }
constexpr uint32_t size_bytes() const { return desc_offset() + Align(descsz); }
static constexpr uint32_t kAlign = 4;
Word namesz;
Word descsz;
Word type;
static_assert(sizeof(Nhdr) == 12);
// A base class for the different phdr layouts, ensuring that all of the
// Elf<...>::Phdr definitions below use the same Flags type.
struct PhdrBase {
// These are individual bits OR'd together.
enum Flags : uint32_t {
kExecute = 1 << 0,
kWrite = 1 << 1,
kRead = 1 << 2,
// A base class for the shdr layout, ensuring that all of the Elf<...>::Shdr
// definitions below use the same Flags type.
struct ShdrBase {
// These are individual bits OR'd together.
enum Flags : uint32_t {
kWrite = 1u << 0,
kAlloc = 1u << 1,
kExecinstr = 1u << 2,
kMerge = 1u << 4,
kStrings = 1u << 5,
kInfoLink = 1u << 6,
kLinkOrder = 1u << 7,
kOsNonconforming = 1u << 8,
kGroup = 1u << 9,
kTls = 1u << 10,
kCompressed = 1u << 11,
kOrdered = 1u << 30,
kExclude = 1u << 31,
// A base class for the sym layout, allowing the Elf<...>::Sym definitions
// below to share these methods.
template <class Sym>
struct SymBase {
constexpr ElfSymBind bind() const {
return static_cast<ElfSymBind>(static_cast<const Sym*>(this)->info() >> 4);
constexpr ElfSymType type() const {
return static_cast<ElfSymType>(static_cast<const Sym*>(this)->info() & 0xf);
static constexpr uint8_t MakeInfo(ElfSymBind bind, ElfSymType type) {
return static_cast<uint8_t>((static_cast<uint8_t>(bind) << 4) |
(static_cast<uint8_t>(type) << 0));
constexpr ElfSymVisibility visibility() const {
return static_cast<ElfSymVisibility>(static_cast<const Sym*>(this)->other() & 0x3);
// Returns true if this symbol as the referent of a dynamic relocation will
// always be resolved just to itself in the referring module. This assumes
// that STV_PROTECTED does not need to be resolved to ET_EXEC PLT or COPY
// reloc sites. Note also that the null symbol with index zero always has
// all zero fields and thus STB_LOCAL binding, so this returns true for it.
// Relocations using symbol zero are implicitly resolved as module-relative
// since its st_value is also zero.
constexpr bool runtime_local() const {
return bind() == ElfSymBind::kLocal || visibility() > ElfSymVisibility::kDefault;
// Some header layouts vary by ElfClass, i.e. address size used in ELF
// metadata. This is partially specialized by class below.
template <ElfClass Class, ElfData Data>
struct Layout;
// Layout details specific to 32-bit ELF.
template <ElfData Data>
struct Layout<ElfClass::k32, Data> : public LayoutBase<Data> {
static constexpr ElfClass kClass = ElfClass::k32;
using LayoutBase<Data>::kData;
using LayoutBase<Data>::kSwap;
using typename LayoutBase<Data>::Byte;
using typename LayoutBase<Data>::Half;
using typename LayoutBase<Data>::Word;
using Addr = typename LayoutBase<Data>::template Unsigned<uint32_t>;
struct Phdr : public PhdrBase {
EnumField<ElfPhdrType, kSwap> type;
Addr offset;
Addr vaddr;
Addr paddr;
Addr filesz;
Addr memsz;
Word flags;
Addr align;
struct Sym : public SymBase<Sym> {
Word name;
Addr value;
Addr size;
Byte info;
Byte other;
Half shndx;
static constexpr unsigned int kRelTypeBits = 8;
// Layout details specific to 64-bit ELF.
template <ElfData Data>
struct Layout<ElfClass::k64, Data> : public LayoutBase<Data> {
static constexpr ElfClass kClass = ElfClass::k64;
using LayoutBase<Data>::kData;
using LayoutBase<Data>::kSwap;
using typename LayoutBase<Data>::Byte;
using typename LayoutBase<Data>::Half;
using typename LayoutBase<Data>::Word;
using Addr = typename LayoutBase<Data>::template Unsigned<uint64_t>;
struct Phdr : public PhdrBase {
EnumField<ElfPhdrType, kSwap> type;
Word flags;
Addr offset;
Addr vaddr;
Addr paddr;
Addr filesz;
Addr memsz;
Addr align;
struct Sym : public SymBase<Sym> {
Word name;
Byte info;
Byte other;
Half shndx;
Addr value;
Addr size;
static constexpr unsigned int kRelTypeBits = 32;
// Forward declarations (see note.h).
struct ElfNote;
template <ElfData Data>
class ElfNoteSegment;
// Forward declaration (see tls-layout.h).
template <class Elf>
class TlsLayout;
template <typename Addr>
constexpr auto kAddrBits = std::numeric_limits<typename Addr::value_type>::digits;
// The various ELF data structure layouts differ by class (32-bit vs 64-bit).
// But many use the same layout with certain fields being either 32 or 64 bits.
// The layouts that actually differ in field order and the like are defined by
// the Layout base class; the common-by-analogy layouts are defined here.
template <ElfClass Class = ElfClass::kNative, ElfData Data = ElfData::kNative>
struct Elf : private Layout<Class, Data> {
static constexpr ElfClass kClass = Class;
static constexpr ElfData kData = Data;
using Layout<Class, Data>::kSwap;
using typename Layout<Class, Data>::Byte;
using typename Layout<Class, Data>::Half;
using typename Layout<Class, Data>::Word;
using typename Layout<Class, Data>::Xword;
using typename Layout<Class, Data>::Addr;
using size_type = typename Addr::value_type;
using Addend = typename Addr::Signed;
static constexpr auto kAddressBits = kAddrBits<Addr>;
using typename Layout<Class, Data>::Nhdr;
using Note = ElfNote;
using NoteSegment = ElfNoteSegment<kData>;
struct Ehdr {
using ElfLayout = Elf;
constexpr bool Valid() const {
return magic == kMagic && // It's ELF at all,
elfclass == Class && elfdata == Data && // of the right sort,
ident_version == ElfVersion::kCurrent && // and passes basic
version == ElfVersion::kCurrent && // sanity checks of
ehsize == sizeof(Ehdr); // various sorts.
// This is the verbose version that uses the Diagnostics template API (see
// diagnostics.h) to report why it returns false when it does.
template <class Diagnostics>
constexpr bool Valid(Diagnostics& diagnostics) const {
using namespace std::literals::string_view_literals;
// The diagnostics object might tell us to keep going after each error.
bool valid = true;
auto check = [&](bool ok, auto&& error) -> bool {
if (ok) {
return true;
valid = false;
return diagnostics.FormatError(std::forward<decltype(error)>(error));
return check(magic == kMagic, "not an ELF file"sv) &&
check(elfclass == Class, "wrong ELF class (bit-width)"sv) &&
check(elfdata == Data, "wrong byte order"sv) &&
check(version == ElfVersion::kCurrent, "wrong e_version value"sv) &&
check(ehsize == sizeof(Ehdr), "wrong e_ehsize value"sv) &&
check(ident_version == ElfVersion::kCurrent, "wrong EI_VERSION value"sv) && valid;
constexpr bool Loadable(std::optional<ElfMachine> target = ElfMachine::kNative) const {
return Valid() && type == ElfType::kDyn && (!target || machine == target);
// This is the verbose version that uses the Diagnostics template API (see
// diagnostics.h) to report why it returns false when it does.
template <class Diagnostics>
constexpr bool Loadable(Diagnostics& diagnostics,
std::optional<ElfMachine> target = ElfMachine::kNative) const {
using namespace std::literals::string_view_literals;
if (!Valid(diagnostics)) [[unlikely]] {
return false;
if (target && machine != target) [[unlikely]] {
diagnostics.FormatError("wrong e_machine for architecture"sv);
return false;
switch (type()) {
case ElfType::kDyn:
case ElfType::kExec:
"loading ET_EXEC files is not supported, only ET_DYN files;"
" be sure to compile and link as PIE (-fPIE, -pie)"sv);
return false;
case ElfType::kRel:
diagnostics.FormatError("ET_REL files cannot be loaded"sv);
return false;
case ElfType::kCore:
diagnostics.FormatError("ET_CORE files cannot be loaded"sv);
return false;
diagnostics.FormatError("unrecognized e_type value"sv, static_cast<uint32_t>(type()));
return false;
return true;
static constexpr Word kMagic{std::array{'\x7f', 'E', 'L', 'F'}};
// phnum has this value to indicate the real number of phdrs is too large
// to fit and is instead stored in shdr[0].info.
static inline const Half kPnXnum{0xffff};
// These together make up the traditional unsigned char e_ident[16].
Word magic;
ElfClass elfclass;
ElfData elfdata;
ElfVersion ident_version;
Byte osabi;
Byte abiversion;
Byte ident_pad[7];
EnumField<ElfType, kSwap> type;
EnumField<ElfMachine, kSwap> machine;
EnumField<ElfVersion, kSwap, uint32_t> version;
Addr entry;
Addr phoff;
Addr shoff;
Word flags;
Half ehsize;
Half phentsize;
Half phnum;
Half shentsize;
Half shnum;
Half shstrndx;
using typename Layout<Class, Data>::Phdr;
// This is not really used at runtime except for the kPnXnum protocol.
// But it's useful to have all the values handy for diagnostic tools.
struct Shdr : public ShdrBase {
Word name;
EnumField<ElfShdrType, kSwap> type;
Addr flags;
Addr addr;
Addr offset;
Addr size;
Word link;
Word info;
Addr addralign;
Addr entsize;
struct Dyn {
EnumField<ElfDynTag, kSwap, size_type> tag;
// Traditionally this was a union d_un of d_val and d_ptr, but both with
// types that are just an address-sized unsigned integer. Sometimes the
// value is a "pointer" (relative to load bias) to some data structure.
// Sometimes it's a byte size. Sometimes it's an enum constant.
Addr val;
using typename Layout<Class, Data>::Sym;
// These two classes are copied so that these types can be both easily
// aggregate initialized and designated initialized. We can't have both
// if we opt to use inheritance to save some code duplication in these
// two classes. Note, Phdr and Sym types use inheritance in this way
// and the syntax to aggregate initialize them is ugly {{}, fields...}.
// In practice, those types are never aggregate initialized because their
// layout differs between elf classes. The Rel types do not so we wish
// for them to be easily aggregate initializable. Likewise, we want
// these types to follow Phdr and Sym and be designated initializable
// even if this pattern is unlikely to be used on these types.
struct Rel {
constexpr uint32_t symndx() const { return static_cast<uint32_t>(info() >> kSymndxShift); }
constexpr uint32_t type() const { return info() & kTypeMask; }
static constexpr auto kSymndxShift = Layout<Class, Data>::kRelTypeBits;
static constexpr auto kTypeMask = (size_type{1} << kSymndxShift) - 1;
static constexpr Addr MakeInfo(Addr sym_name, uint32_t type) {
return (sym_name << kSymndxShift) | (static_cast<Addr>(type) & kTypeMask);
Addr offset;
Addr info;
struct Rela {
constexpr uint32_t symndx() const { return static_cast<uint32_t>(info() >> kSymndxShift); }
constexpr uint32_t type() const { return info() & kTypeMask; }
static constexpr auto kSymndxShift = Layout<Class, Data>::kRelTypeBits;
static constexpr auto kTypeMask = (size_type{1} << kSymndxShift) - 1;
static constexpr Addr MakeInfo(Addr sym_name, uint32_t type) {
return (sym_name << kSymndxShift) | (static_cast<Addr>(type) & kTypeMask);
Addr offset;
Addr info;
Addend addend;
// When the compiler generates a call to __tls_get_addr, the linker
// generates two corresponding dynamic relocation entries applying to
// adjacent GOT slots that form a pair describing what module and symbol
// resolved the reference at dynamic link time. The first slot holds the
// module ID, a 1-origin index. The second slot holds the offset from
// that module's PT_TLS segment.
struct TlsGetAddrGot {
Addr tls_modid; // R_*_DTPMOD* et al relocations set this.
Addr offset; // R_*_DTPOFF* et al relocations set this.
// When the compiler generates a TLSDESC callback, the linker generates a
// single corresponding dynamic relocation entry that applies to a pair of
// adjacent GOT slots. In DT_REL format, the addend is stored in the second
// slot. The first slot holds a function pointer installed by the dynamic
// linker. The compiler generates code to call this function pointer using a
// bespoke calling convention specified in each psABI; it takes a single
// argument of this address in the GOT. The second slot is filled by the
// dynamic linker with whatever value is of use to the function it installs
// such that it returns the thread pointer offset of the per-thread address
// of the relocation's symbol plus addend. (For static TLS, that offset will
// be the same in every thread. For dynamic TLS, it will be the difference
// of unrelated pointers that recovers an uncorrelated per-thread address.)
struct TlsDescGot {
Addr function;
Addr value;
// These are declared in svr4-abi.h rather than there. These are not
// formally parts of the ELF format, but rather de facto standard ABI types
// from the original SVR4 implementation that introduced ELF that have been
// kept compatible in other implementations historically.
template <class AbiTraits = LocalAbiTraits>
struct LinkMap;
template <class AbiTraits = LocalAbiTraits>
struct RDebug;
// This is true for any T that's an layout.h or field.h type, i.e. guaranteed
// to use the right format and byte order for the given ELF Class and Data.
// Note that all <lib/elfldltl/field.h> types yield true even if they aren't
// sized or byte orders used in this Elf instantiation: they are still types
// whose exact intended target format is both well-known and represented for
// byte-by-byte copying directly in T. Conversely, note neither LinkMap,
// RDebug, nor any other type that indirectly uses AbiPtr, is considered a
// "layout" type; these types are specialized by an AbiTraits parameter that
// determines their actual memory format. All non-layout types (aside from
// single-byte integers and the like) require specialized transcription when
// copying between address spaces or pointer formats. This is defined
// primarily for the benefit of <lib/ld/remote-abi-transcriber.h>, which see.
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool kIsLayout = kIsAnyOf<T, Ehdr, Shdr, Nhdr, Phdr, Dyn, Sym, Rel, Rela,
TlsGetAddrGot, TlsDescGot, TlsLayout<Elf>>;
template <ElfData Data = ElfData::kNative>
using Elf32 = Elf<ElfClass::k32, Data>;
template <ElfData Data = ElfData::kNative>
using Elf64 = Elf<ElfClass::k64, Data>;
// This instantiates Template with Elf64<> and Elf32<> as parameters.
template <template <class...> typename Template>
using AllNativeFormats = Template<Elf64<>, Elf32<>>;
// This instantiates Template with each Elf variant as a parameter.
template <template <class...> typename Template>
using AllFormats = Template<Elf64<ElfData::k2Lsb>, Elf32<ElfData::k2Lsb>, //
Elf64<ElfData::k2Msb>, Elf32<ElfData::k2Msb>>;
template <typename T>
struct IsAnyLayout {
template <class... Elf>
using type = std::bool_constant<(Elf::template kIsLayout<T> || ...)>;
// Like Elf::kIsLayout, but across any known format.
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool kIsLayout = AllFormats<IsAnyLayout<T>::template type>{};
template <ElfClass Class, ElfData Data>
template <typename T, bool kSwap>
constexpr bool Elf<Class, Data>::kIsLayout<UnsignedField<T, kSwap>> = true;
template <ElfClass Class, ElfData Data>
template <typename T, bool kSwap>
constexpr bool Elf<Class, Data>::kIsLayout<SignedField<T, kSwap>> = true;
template <ElfClass Class, ElfData Data>
template <typename T, bool kSwap, typename U>
constexpr bool Elf<Class, Data>::kIsLayout<EnumField<T, kSwap, U>> = true;
} // namespace elfldltl