
Mock hwinfo component. You can include this component in tests that depend on hwinfo to have full control over the return values of fuchsia.hwinfo FIDL protocols.


To add this component to your test, subpackage it as follows:

fuchsia_test_package {
    subpackages = ["//src/hwinfo/mock:package"]

You can then instantiate the mock component using the subpackage URL hwinfo-mock#meta/ See integration/testing/realm-factory/src/ for example RealmBuilder code using the mock.


Use the fuchsia.hwinfo.mock.Setter/SetResponses method to set expected responses for the fuchsia.hwinfo.{Board,Product,Device} protocols. The mock will drop your connection and emit an error if you attempt to read before calling and awaiting the result of SetResponses.


Integration tests for mock are available in the hwinfo-mock-test package.

$ fx test hwinfo-mock-test