blob: 42ccd7178f8d7acd3025551e3a85bafdfd60237b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fbl/auto_lock.h>
#include "src/devices/usb/drivers/dwc3/dwc3-regs.h"
#include "src/devices/usb/drivers/dwc3/dwc3.h"
namespace dwc3 {
zx_status_t Dwc3::Fifo::Init(zx::bti& bti) {
if (buffer.is_valid()) {
if (zx_status_t status = buffer.Init(bti.get(), Fifo::kFifoSize, IO_BUFFER_RW | IO_BUFFER_CONTIG);
status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
first = static_cast<dwc3_trb_t*>(buffer.virt());
next = first;
current = nullptr;
last = first + (Fifo::kFifoSize / sizeof(dwc3_trb_t)) - 1;
// set up link TRB pointing back to the start of the fifo
dwc3_trb_t* trb = last;
zx_paddr_t trb_phys = buffer.phys();
trb->ptr_low = (uint32_t)trb_phys;
trb->ptr_high = (uint32_t)(trb_phys >> 32);
trb->status = 0;
trb->control = TRB_TRBCTL_LINK | TRB_HWO;
buffer.CacheFlush((trb - first) * sizeof(*trb), sizeof(*trb));
return ZX_OK;
void Dwc3::Fifo::Release() {
first = next = current = last = nullptr;
void Dwc3::EpEnable(const Endpoint& ep, bool enable) {
fbl::AutoLock lock(&lock_);
auto* mmio = get_mmio();
if (enable) {
} else {
void Dwc3::EpSetConfig(Endpoint& ep, bool enable) {
zxlogf(DEBUG, "Dwc3::EpSetConfig %u", ep.ep_num);
if (enable) {
CmdEpSetConfig(ep, false);
EpEnable(ep, true);
} else {
EpEnable(ep, false);
zx_status_t Dwc3::EpSetStall(Endpoint& ep, bool stall) {
if (!ep.enabled) {
if (stall && !ep.stalled) {
} else if (!stall && ep.stalled) {
ep.stalled = stall;
return ZX_OK;
void Dwc3::EpStartTransfer(Endpoint& ep, Fifo& fifo, uint32_t type, zx_paddr_t buffer,
size_t length, bool send_zlp) {
zxlogf(SERIAL, "Dwc3::EpStartTransfer ep %u type %u length %zu", ep.ep_num, type, length);
dwc3_trb_t* trb =;
if ( == fifo.last) { = fifo.first;
if (fifo.current == nullptr) {
fifo.current = trb;
trb->ptr_low = static_cast<uint32_t>(buffer);
trb->ptr_high = static_cast<uint32_t>(buffer >> 32);
trb->status = TRB_BUFSIZ(static_cast<uint32_t>(length));
if (send_zlp) {
trb->control = type | TRB_HWO;
} else {
trb->control = type | TRB_LST | TRB_IOC | TRB_HWO;
fifo.buffer.CacheFlush((trb - fifo.first) * sizeof(*trb), sizeof(*trb));
if (send_zlp) {
dwc3_trb_t* zlp_trb =;
if ( == fifo.last) { = fifo.first;
zlp_trb->ptr_low = 0;
zlp_trb->ptr_high = 0;
zlp_trb->status = TRB_BUFSIZ(0);
zlp_trb->control = type | TRB_LST | TRB_IOC | TRB_HWO;
fifo.buffer.CacheFlush((zlp_trb - fifo.first) * sizeof(*trb), sizeof(*trb));
CmdEpStartTransfer(ep, fifo.GetTrbPhys(trb));
void Dwc3::EpEndTransfers(Endpoint& ep, zx_status_t reason) {
if (ep.current_req) {
usb_request_t* req = ep.current_req;
ep.current_req = nullptr;
req->response.status = reason;
req->response.actual = 0;
pending_completions_.push(Request{req, sizeof(*req)});
ep.got_not_ready = false;
for (std::optional<Request> req = ep.queued_reqs.pop(); req; req = ep.queued_reqs.pop()) {
req->request()->response.status = reason;
req->request()->response.actual = 0;
void Dwc3::EpReadTrb(Endpoint& ep, Fifo& fifo, const dwc3_trb_t* src, dwc3_trb_t* dst) {
if (src >= fifo.first && src < fifo.last) {
fifo.buffer.CacheFlushInvalidate((src - fifo.first) * sizeof(*src), sizeof(*src));
memcpy(dst, src, sizeof(*dst));
} else {
zxlogf(ERROR, "bad trb");
void Dwc3::UserEpQueueNext(UserEndpoint& uep) {
Endpoint& ep = uep.ep;
std::optional<Request> opt_req;
if ((ep.current_req == nullptr) && ep.got_not_ready) {
opt_req = ep.queued_reqs.pop();
if (opt_req.has_value()) {
usb_request_t* req = ep.current_req = opt_req->take();
ep.got_not_ready = false;
if (ep.IsInput()) {
usb_request_cache_flush(req, 0, req->header.length);
} else {
usb_request_cache_flush_invalidate(req, 0, req->header.length);
// TODO(voydanoff) scatter/gather support
phys_iter_t iter;
zx_paddr_t phys;
usb_request_physmap(req, bti_.get());
usb_request_phys_iter_init(&iter, req, zx_system_get_page_size());
usb_request_phys_iter_next(&iter, &phys);
bool send_zlp = req->header.send_zlp && ((req->header.length % ep.max_packet_size) == 0);
EpStartTransfer(ep, uep.fifo, TRB_TRBCTL_NORMAL, phys, req->header.length, send_zlp);
zx_status_t Dwc3::UserEpCancelAll(UserEndpoint& uep) {
RequestQueue to_complete;
fbl::AutoLock lock(&uep.lock);
to_complete = UserEpCancelAllLocked(uep);
// Now that we have dropped the lock, go ahead and complete all of the
// requests we canceled.
to_complete.CompleteAll(ZX_ERR_IO_NOT_PRESENT, 0);
return ZX_OK;
Dwc3::RequestQueue Dwc3::UserEpCancelAllLocked(UserEndpoint& uep) {
RequestQueue to_complete;
// Move the endpoint's queue of requests into a local list so we can
// complete the requests outside of the endpoint lock.
to_complete = std::move(uep.ep.queued_reqs);
// If there is currently a request in-flight, be sure to cancel its
// transfer, and add the in-flight request to the local queue of requests to
// complete. Make sure we add this in-flight request to the _front_ of the
// queue so that all requests are completed in the order that they were
// queued.
if (uep.ep.current_req != nullptr) {
to_complete.push_next(Request{uep.ep.current_req, sizeof(*uep.ep.current_req)});
uep.ep.current_req = nullptr;
// Return the list of requests back to the caller so they can complete them
// once the enpoint's lock has finally been dropped.
return to_complete;
void Dwc3::HandleEpTransferCompleteEvent(uint8_t ep_num) {
if (is_ep0_num(ep_num)) {
usb_request_t* req = nullptr;
UserEndpoint* const uep = get_user_endpoint(ep_num);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(uep != nullptr);
fbl::AutoLock lock{&uep->lock};
std::swap(req, uep->ep.current_req);
if (req) {
dwc3_trb_t trb;
EpReadTrb(uep->ep, uep->fifo, uep->fifo.current, &trb);
uep->fifo.current = nullptr;
if (trb.control & TRB_HWO) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "TRB_HWO still set in dwc3_ep_xfer_complete");
req->response.actual = req->header.length - TRB_BUFSIZ(trb.status);
req->response.status = ZX_OK;
if (req) {
pending_completions_.push(Request{req, sizeof(*req)});
} else {
zxlogf(ERROR, "no usb request found to complete!");
void Dwc3::HandleEpTransferNotReadyEvent(uint8_t ep_num, uint32_t stage) {
if (is_ep0_num(ep_num)) {
HandleEp0TransferNotReadyEvent(ep_num, stage);
UserEndpoint* const uep = get_user_endpoint(ep_num);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(uep != nullptr);
fbl::AutoLock lock(&uep->lock);
uep->ep.got_not_ready = true;
void Dwc3::HandleEpTransferStartedEvent(uint8_t ep_num, uint32_t rsrc_id) {
if (is_ep0_num(ep_num)) {
fbl::AutoLock ep0_lock(&ep0_.lock);
((ep_num == kEp0Out) ? ep0_.out : = rsrc_id;
} else {
UserEndpoint* const uep = get_user_endpoint(ep_num);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(uep != nullptr);
fbl::AutoLock lock(&uep->lock);
uep->ep.rsrc_id = rsrc_id;
} // namespace dwc3