blob: 83a5769bc26a2875a2a0da48cab4f7945c28f6c3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
set -Eeuo pipefail
# Ganerates a table comparing Netstack2 and Netstack3 syscall and socket test
# expectations.
# Usage:
# This script is called without arguments. It requires communication with a
# Fuchsia target device to extract test case names and expectations. It uses
# `fx` commands to achieve that.
# The tool outputs a CSV table to stdout where the first column is the test
# name, second column is Netstack2 expectation, and third column is Netstack3
# expectation.
# Logs inputs to stderr.
log() { echo "$@" 1>&2; }
# Gets the full URL for a test component target.
# Arguments
# - Test name as passed to fx test.
get_test_url() {
log "getting URL for $1"
fx test --info "$1" | sed -n "s/^package_url: \(\S*\)$/\1/p"
# Gets the package URL from a fully qualified fuchsia package URL to a
# Arguments
# - Fully qualified fuchsia package URL for a test COMPONENT.
get_package_url() {
echo "$1" | sed -n "s/\(\S*\)#meta.*/\1/p"
# Reads expectations JSON for a test.
# Arguments
# - Fully qualified fuchsia package URL for the PACKAGE containing the test.
# - Path to expectations file relative to package root.
read_expectations() {
local hash
log "reading expectations at $2 for $1"
ffx target-package explore "$1" --command "cat /pkg/$2"
# Lists cases for a test.
# Arguments
# - Fully qualified fuchsia package URL for the test COMPONENT.
list_cases() {
log "listing cases for $1"
ffx test list-cases "$1"
# Loads test cases and expectations JSON for a test.
# Arguments:
# - Test name as passed to fx test.
# - File path to save list of cases to.
# - File path to save expectation JSON to.
# - Path to expectations file relative to the test's package root.
load_cases_and_expectations() {
local url
local package
local cases
local expect
url=$(get_test_url "$1")
package=$(get_package_url "$url")
list_cases "$url" > "$cases"
read_expectations "$package" "$4" > "$expect"
# Lists expectations for two expectation sets on the same set of tests.
# Arguments:
# - Test name as passed to fx test for first expectation set.
# - Path to expectations file relative to package root for first expectation
# set.
# - Test name as passed to fx test for second expectation set.
# - Path to expectations file relative to package root for second expectation
# set.
cmp_expectations() {
local left_cases
local left_expect
local right_cases
local right_expect
trap "rm -f $left_cases $left_expect $right_cases $right_expect" RETURN EXIT
load_cases_and_expectations "$1" "$left_cases" "$left_expect" "$2"
load_cases_and_expectations "$3" "$right_cases" "$right_expect" "$4"
# Diff the cases list to make sure we're comparing equivalent test suites.
diff "$left_cases" "$right_cases"
fx list_test_expectations "$left_expect" "$right_expect" < "$left_cases"
# Lists expectations from a single component only, adding a column filled
# with `Pass` before it.
# Arguments:
# - Test name as passed to fx test.
# - Path to expectations file relative to package root.
cmp_expectations_assume_first_passes() {
local cases
local expect
trap "rm -f $cases $expect" RETURN EXIT
load_cases_and_expectations "$1" "$cases" "$expect" "$2"
# Add a column with all passes so it matches the layout of cmp_expectations.
fx list_test_expectations "$expect" < "$cases" | sed "s/,/,Pass,/"
# Socket tests are assumed to be all pass on NS2 and we just load NS3
# expectations.
# Mark some tests with _errlog, we match on them later to adapt to the
# pattern of split packages for error logs.
for test in "${all_socket[@]}"
# The expectations comparer includes a mechanism for expecting a case to
# generate error logs; when such expectations are present, the test is split
# into:
# 1) a package that allows error logs, in which cases generating those logs
# are run.
# 2) a package that does not allow error logs, in which cases generating
# those logs are skipped.
# To keep things simple, examine only the second (non error log) package.
# That means test cases expecting pass/failure with error logs will show up
# as `Skip` when this tool is used.
# TODO( Support listing expects with error logs.
if [[ $test == *"_errlog" ]]; then
# This path is enforced by the fuchsia_test_component_with_expectations
# template.
cmp_expectations_assume_first_passes "$testname" "$expect"
for test in "${all_syscalls[@]}"
cmp_expectations "netstack2_syncudp_${test}_syscall" $expectations_filename "netstack3_${test}_syscall" $expectations_filename