Core and Bindings

This document describes and motivates the design of the netstack into separate “core” and “bindings” components.


The netstack codebase is split into two crates - the core crate, and the top-level netstack3 crate. We refer to these as the “core” and bindings" respectively.

The core is a library crate, and contains most of the logic of the netstack. However, it is also platform-agnostic. Any client of the core which produces a binary is known as “bindings” because they bind the core to a particular platform. Currently, netstack3 crate, which provides bindings to Fuchsia, is the only bindings crate in existence.


This section explores some of the major benefits of the core/bindings split.

“Functional core/imperative shell”

The core/bindings split naturally implements a functional core/imperative shell design pattern. In this pattern, the bulk of the application logic lives in a “functional core” which concerns itself with the high-level tasks of the application. Ideally, the functional core can be unaware of “real world” details like execution order, communication with the outside world, input validation, etc. The “imperative shell”, on the other hand, concerns itself with all of the real world details that the functional core ignores.

NOTE: In the original “functional core/imperative shell” concept, the functional core is functional in the sense of not having any mutable state. Our core is not functional in this sense, but our architecture still shares many properties with that design, so the comparison still makes sense.

This architecture provides us with a number of benefits:

  • High-level testing of the core is easy. Since, to the core, the outside world simply looks like a trait implementation, faking out the entire world is simply a matter of implementing that trait (in particular, the EventDispatcher trait). The core's testutil::FakeEventDispatcher serves this purpose, and allows many of our tests to create an entire faked execution environment, execute a sequence of actions, and test to see that the right events were emitted in response, and in only a few lines of code.
  • The core can be largely infallible. It can provide types and methods whose signatures force the bindings to perform any input validation ahead of time before calling into the core. This both simplifies the core, and also forces the best practice of validating external input as early as possible.
  • While the core must, at a minimum, enable whatever execution model the bindings want to use (e.g., if the core's data structures are not thread-safe, then the bindings cannot execute across multiple threads), it can simply expose functions and leave it up to the bindings to call those functions at appropriate times.

Ease of development

Since the core is platform-agnostic, it doesn‘t require Fuchsia’s full build system to develop on. In fact, the author of this document usually develops by using the normal cargo tool rather than the Fuchsia-specific fx or fargo tools. This unlocks both fast development cycles and the full suite of cargo tooling.


With the core being platform-agnostic, it should be possible to port the netstack to other platforms with relative ease.