
bt-rootcanal proxies HCI traffic between bt-host and an external virtual piconet provided by Rootcanal.

When executed, bt-rootcanal will attempt to connect to a host given a specified IP address and optional port number (default 6402). After a successful connection, bt-rootcanal will spin up a virtual Bluetooth controller made available to the system and proxy Bluetooth traffic between the virtual controller and the Rootcanal server.

How to use

To use this tool, include both the virtual controller and bt-rootcanal in the build:

$ fx set --with //src/connectivity/bluetooth/hci/virtual
    --with //src/connectivity/bluetooth/tools/bt-rootcanal

Via fx shell, invoke bt-rootcanal with the IP address of the host running Rootcanal, e.g.

$ bt-rootcanal

In-line help can be accessed using the --help argument to the tool.