Fuchsia Camera Raw Formats Library

This library contains data structures which can be used to represent raw image formats with arbitrary color filters, bit depths, and packing in memory.

Development Notes

This CL relies pretty heavily on C++20 features, in particular all the complicated constexpr initialization. It would be possible to create a less ideal version of this library in C++17. The plan is to keep the usage of this library contained within the camera stack for now.

The code uses new and delete in places in order to be constexpr (usable at compile time). All such code has constexpr unit tests, where the compiler will detect any memory leaks or undefined behavior while running the code at compile time and stop with a compiler error.


The primary type this library defines is the RawFormat struct. It is in turn comprised of 3 sub-types.


A 2d array of PixelColor values, assumed to be tiled across the image starting at the top left. This can be used to look up the color value of any pixel in an image. This is also how things like the “bayer phase” (eg. RGGB) are defined for RAW formats that contain bayer data.


This goes hand in hand with the ColorFilter. Every color in the ColorFilter also has an associated bit depth (size in bits for the pixel). This struct can be used to look up the bit depth of any pixel in the image. For most standard bayer formats these will all be the same (eg. 10 bits for every color in RAW10), but this library supports different sizes for different filter slots in case we encounter that in the future.


This is a recursive data structure (comprised of other PackingBlocks as well as PixelPieces and Padding) which describes the packing layout of the sequence of pixels within a buffer, independent of color information. This data structure can be used to fetch and reconstruct any pixel in an image buffer.


The RawFormat struct also contains an “id” field which is a hash of the RawFormat struct‘s other contents. This means that (barring extraordinarily unlikely collisions) every format definition which is physically distinct will have a distinct ID. If the same physical format is defined twice with two RawFormat struct instances, they will have the same id and operator== will return true. All the hashing is implemented by this library because std::hash doesn’t support constexpr operations yet. That also means any users of this library (on the same system and using the same compiler) should see the same hash value regardless of process.

Compile Time Initialization

The RawFormat struct can be constexpr (instantiated at compile time) as well as created at run time (which uses dynamic allocation). Using constexpr instances of RawFormat should be preferred whenever possible as it is better for performance (no dynamic allocation or deep copies to worry about). For example, if one has dynamically constructed a RawFormat based on information received at runtime (eg. via a FIDL call or network message), one can use the GetFormatById function from raw_formats.h to see if the ID matches a format that has a constexpr definition. If so the dynamically allocated RawFormat can be immediately destroyed and the constexpr version used instead.


For the sake of performance when doing repeated getting/setting of pixel values from a buffer, the GetPixel/SetPixel functions take a “RawFormatInstance” struct. A RawFormatInstance is created from a RawFormat and a specific image size (width, height, and optionally stride) via the CreateFormatInstance function. A number of computations based on the image size which would have to be performed on each lookup are memoized in the RawFormatInstance's PackingBlock.

The RawFormatInstance struct has an “id” field and an “rid” field. The rid is the id of the RawFormat from which this RawFormatInstance was created. The “id” field is hash of the rid, width, height, and row stride if it is present. The “id” field is used by operator==.