Fuchsia Camera Gym (camera3 config exerciser)

Example app to exercise the various stream configurations available for Sherlock.

Flatland Instruction

See go/try-flatland

Note: Currently flatland support is limited to showing only camera streams on supported physical device. Bug that tracks full flatland migration for camera-gym is https://fxbug.dev/42073155.

Run camera-gym

Note: Component camera-gym now runs using Flatland. To switch to GFX, update fx vendor google camera-gym to launch component name camera-gym-gfx.

> fx vendor google camera-gym

How To Select Config


Building camera-gym for GFX

Include the camera-gym package and disable flatland:

> fx set <product>.<arch> --with //src/camera/bin/camera-gym --args=use_flatland_by_default=false

How to Run in Automatic Mode


> ffx session add fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/camera-gym#meta/camera-gym.cm


> ffx session add fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/camera-gym#meta/camera-gym-gfx.cm

How to Run in Manual Mode

Currently only supported in GFX

> ffx session add fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/camera-gym#meta/camera-gym-gfx-manual.cm


camera-gym-ctl is a tool that can interact with a camera-gym in manual mode. The tool can be activated from ffx component explore.

Start by finding the moniker of the camera-gym-gfx-manual that you started above.

> ffx component show camera-gym-gfx-manual
               Moniker:  /core/session-manager/session:session/workstation_session/login_shell/application_shell:1/elements:vd5ioej4lvcshlgb
                   URL:  fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/camera-gym#meta/camera-gym-gfx-manual.cm
           Instance ID:  None
                  Type:  CML Component
       Component State:  Resolved
 Incoming Capabilities:  /svc/fuchsia.camera3.DeviceWatcher
  Exposed Capabilities:  fuchsia.camera.gym.Controller
           Merkle root:  00b7161f6f83225e1e525819d0fdc2ac17f927adbec8b618e6e536cc44c2046a
       Execution State:  Running
          Start reason:  '/core/session-manager/session:session/workstation_session/login_shell/application_shell:1/elements:vd5ioej4lvcshlgb' requested capability 'fuchsia.component.Binder'
         Running since:  2022-09-21 17:13:10.895060505 UTC
                Job ID:  610356
            Process ID:  610388
 Outgoing Capabilities:  debug
> ffx component explore /core/session-manager/session:session/workstation_session/login_shell/application_shell:1/elements:vd5ioej4lvcshlgb
$ camera-gym-ctl --set-description=0

NOTE: command prompts below beginning with $ denote the ffx component explore shell.

How to Run Manual Mode Scripts


Running this bash script will cycle through all configs and all streams forever.


Running this bash script will cycle through crop settings in steps of 1/40's.

How to turn text descriptions on/off

Turn off descriptions

$ camera-gym-ctl --set-description=0

Turn on descriptions

$ camera-gym-ctl --set-description=1

How to Capture a Frame in Manual Mode

Caveat (b/200839146): The current frame capture feature only works while a single stream is running. Trying to do so with multiple streams running at the same time will result capturing from a stream randomly selected from all of those running.

Capture a frame

$ camera-gym-ctl --capture-frame=0

Review how many frames were captured

$ ls /ns/tmp

Copy out frames that were captured

TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42051182): Update this once ffx component copy is mature.

Post process NV12 raw dumps to PNG and view the PNG images

cd /tmp/my_dest_dir
ls -1 image*.nv12 | sed -e 's@\(.*_\)\([0-9][0-9]*x[0-9][0-9]*\)\(.*\).nv12@ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pixel_format nv12 -video_size \2 -i \1\2\3.nv12 \1\2\3.png@' > CONVERT.SH

Visually review converted PNG images (if on same system)

eog *.png

Visually review converted PNG images (if on another system)

rsync -av remote.system.somewhere.com:/tmp/my_dest_dir /tmp/.
cd /tmp/my_dest_dir
eog *.png