blob: 72a156382e956e1810bb590b02584e94ca725c6e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.wayland;
using zx;
/// Protocol that provides a mechanism to connect to a Wayland server
/// and communicate with that server using Wayland protocol messages.
/// The server has to implement the minimal set of interfaces in the
/// core protocol require by the Wayland standard. Anything beyond that
/// is optional. Clients can discover available Wayland interfaces using
/// Wayland messsages that are part of the core protocol. The wire format
/// and the core protocol is described in detail here:
/// The Wayland protocol makes use of file descriptors for data transfer.
/// Each file descriptor should be replaced with a zx::handle when
/// communicating with a server. The exact handle type depends on the
/// interface definition. File descriptors that can be memory-mapped
/// typically need to be replaced with zx:vmos.
/// The client can be a Fuchsia component, or a Linux program (running
/// in a VM, or using some other type of compatibility layer).
closed protocol Server {
/// Establishes a new connection to the server.
/// For a client to open a new connection, a zx::channel must be created for
/// that connection. The client should retain one endpoint of that channel
/// and the other endpoint will be provided to this method. The messages on
/// the channel will be Wayland protocol messages. Each channel datagram will
/// contain 1 or more complete Wayland messages.
strict Connect(resource struct {
channel zx.Handle:CHANNEL;