blob: 0b129e581493d6a78f0f5bc03d1f1a590c763d3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.sysmem2;
using fuchsia.images2;
using fuchsia.math;
/// The maximum size of
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionConstraints.image_format_constraints`].
/// The maximum size of
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferMemoryConstraints.permitted_heaps`].
/// The maximum size of [`fuchsia.sysmem2/ImageFormatConstraints.color_spaces`].
/// The maximum size of
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/ImageFormatConstraints.pixel_format_and_modifiers`].
/// Constraints on allocated buffers and, optionally, constraints on images
/// stored in the buffers. These constraints can be specified per-participant.
/// The sysmem service implements aggregation of constraints from multiple
/// participants.
type BufferCollectionConstraints = table {
/// The `usage` is a hint to sysmem to potentially help choose a more
/// optimal [`fuchsia.images2/PixelFormat`] and/or `pixel_format_modifier`
/// when multiple compatible options exist.
/// When aggregating [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionConstraints`], these
/// values bitwise-OR.
/// At least one `usage` bit must be specified (however, it's permitted for
/// a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] request to have
/// the request `constraints` field not set, in which case `kNoneUsage` is
/// the default, along with no constraints from the participant).
/// When `kNoneUsage` is specified it must be the only set bit, and no VMOs
/// will be sent in response to
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`].
1: usage BufferUsage;
/// Per-participant number of buffers that the participant may concurrently
/// hold for its exclusive use for more than a transient duration (camp on).
/// In this context, a "transient" duration is the time it takes to finish
/// running a small amount of non-blocking code that finishes transfering
/// away ownership of the buffer. Things like reading from storage, waiting
/// on hardware that isn't already known to be done, or doing things like
/// frame encode or decode are not considered transient durations, even if
/// they might sometimes complete quickly.
/// For example, a video decoder would specify (at least) the maximum number
/// of reference frames + 1 frame currently being decoded into. But not 1
/// more for the code that runs async and quickly to deliver a previously
/// decoded frame, even though that frame can potentially be owned for a
/// transient duration concurrent with decode of the next frame.
/// A participant must not camp on more buffers than specified here (except
/// for a transient duration) else processing may get stuck.
/// When aggregating BufferCollectionConstraints, these values add.
/// In testing scenarios, camping on more buffers than this for any
/// significant duration (one screen refresh period is "significant" in this
/// context) may (ideally will) be flagged as a failure. In testing
/// scenarios, the participant may not be provided with more buffers than
/// this concurrently.
2: min_buffer_count_for_camping uint32;
/// Per-participant minimum number of buffers that are needed for slack
/// reasons, for better overlap of processing / better performance.
/// When aggregating `BufferCollectionConstraints`, these values add.
/// A participant should typically specify 0 or 1 here - typically 0 is
/// appropriate if `min_buffer_count_for_camping` is already enough to keep
/// the participant busy 100% of the time when the participant is slightly
/// behind, while 1 can be appropriate if 1 more buffer than strictly needed
/// for min-camping reasons gives enough slack to stay busy 100% of the time
/// (when slightly behind, vs. lower % without the extra buffer).
/// In testing scenarios, this field may be forced to 0, and all
/// participants are expected to continue to work without getting stuck. If
/// a buffer is needed for forward progress reasons, that buffer should be
/// accounted for in `min_buffer_count_for_camping`.
3: min_buffer_count_for_dedicated_slack uint32;
/// Similar to `min_buffer_count_for_dedicated_slack`, except when
/// aggregating these values max (instead of add). The value here is not
/// shared with any participant's `min_buffer_count_for_dedicated_slack`.
/// A participant can specify > 0 here if a participant would like to ensure
/// there's some slack overall, but doesn't need that slack to be dedicated.
/// The choice whether to use `min_buffer_count_for_dedicated_slack` or
/// `min_buffer_count_for_shared_slack` (or both) will typically be about
/// the degree to which the extra slack improves performance.
/// In testing scenarios, this field may be forced to 0, and all
/// participants are expected to continue to work without getting stuck. If
/// a buffer is needed for forward progress reasons, that buffer should be
/// accounted for in `min_buffer_count_for_camping`.
4: min_buffer_count_for_shared_slack uint32;
/// A particularly-picky participant may unfortunately need to demand a
/// tight range of `buffer_count`, or even a specific `buffer_count`. This
/// field should remain 0 unless a participant really must set this field to
/// constrain the overall `BufferCollectionInfo.buffer_count`. Any such
/// participant should still fill out the min_buffer_count_for_* fields as
/// appropriate.
/// If this field is un-set, the logical `min_buffer_count` is 0.
5: min_buffer_count uint32;
/// A particularly-picky participant may unfortunately need to demand a
/// tight range of `buffer_count`, or even a specific `buffer_count`. This
/// field should remain 0 unless a participant really must set this field to
/// constrain the overall `BufferCollectionInfo.buffer_count`. Any such
/// participant should still fill out the min_buffer_count_for_* fields.
/// If this field is un-set, the logical `max_buffer_count` is 0xFFFFFFFF.
6: max_buffer_count uint32;
/// Optional constraints on `BufferCollectionSettings.buffer_settings`.
/// A participant that intends to set `image_format_constraints` will
/// typically specify the minimum buffer size implicitly via
/// `image_format_constraints`, and possibly specify only the max buffer
/// size via `buffer_memory_constraints`.
/// If un-set, the client is specifying "don't care" re. any buffer memory
/// constraints.
7: buffer_memory_constraints BufferMemoryConstraints;
/// Optional constraints on the image format parameters of an image stored
/// in a buffer of the collection. This includes
/// [`fuchsia.images2/PixelFormat`] and `pixel_format_modifier` (for tiling
/// and the like). These constraints can be specified separately per
/// `pixel_format` `pixel_format_modifier` pair. Duplicated `pixel_format`
/// `pixel_format_modifier` pairs aren't permitted.
/// When aggregating, only `pixel_format` `pixel_format_modifier` pairs that
/// are specified by all participants with non-zero
/// `image_format_constraints` size (and non-null)
/// BufferCollectionConstraints) are retained.
/// A participant can specify `pixel_format`
/// [`fuchsia.images2/PixelFormat.DO_NOT_CARE`] and/or
/// `pixel_format_modifier` [`fuchsia.images2/FORMAT_MODIFIER_DO_NOT_CARE`]
/// to permit any value to be selected, but at least one participant must
/// specify a specific format for overall allocation to succeed.
/// In a SetConstraints message, un-set or zero length means no image format
/// constraints; a raw buffer can be allocated if no other participants
/// specify any `image_format_constraints` entries.
8: image_format_constraints
/// A reference to a heap instance.
/// A given heap instance can have more than one `Heap` which can be used to
/// refer to the heap instance. Comparing `Heap` tables without knowledge of
/// these `Heap` aliases is not a reliable way to determine if two `Heap` tables
/// refer to the same heap (matching means yes, but not matching means maybe).
/// Allowing heap aliases makes renaming `Heap.type`(s) easier.
type Heap = table {
/// The type of the heap, specified using a bind string defined per the
/// schema and mechanism described in comments in the
/// fuchsia.sysmem.heap.bind file.
/// Examples:
/// * "fuchsia.sysmem.heap.HEAP_TYPE.SYSTEM_RAM"
/// * "fuchsia.goldfish.platform.sysmem.heap.HEAP_TYPE.HOST_VISIBLE"
// The word "heap" is repeated here because "type" is a keyword or reserved
// keyword in at least one relevant language (rust), and this naming also
// lines up with the bind enum(s) named `HEAP_TYPE` which provide the known
// meaningful/valid strings for this field.
1: heap_type string:128;
/// The uint64 id of the heap. This is only required to be unique per (type,
/// boot) tuple. In other words, a given heap id is only meaningful within
/// the current boot of the machine (not across boots), and only within the
/// `Heap.type`.
/// For `Heap.type`(s) that refer to a singleton heap, a participant
/// specifying the singleton heap in
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2.BufferMemoryConstraints.permitted_heaps`] can leave
/// this field un-set, or set it to zero. Sysmem will always fill out this
/// field for the heap indicated in
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2.BufferMemmorySettings.heap`] (for a singleton heap the
/// `id` field will be set to 0 by sysmem).
2: id uint64;
type BufferMemoryConstraints = table {
/// un-set is treated as 1
1: min_size_bytes uint64;
/// un-set is treated as 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
2: max_size_bytes uint64;
/// When false, physical pages of a buffer VMO can be non-contiguous. When
/// true, physical pages of a buffer VMO must be sequentially contiguous. A
/// client that doesn't require physically contiguous VMOs must still accept
/// physically contiguous VMOs or "physical" VMOs.
3: physically_contiguous_required bool;
/// If true, the participant requires secure memory.
/// When aggregating `BufferCollectionConstraints`, these values boolean-OR.
4: secure_required bool;
/// When true (or when `BufferMemoryConstraints` is not present), the
/// participant is ok with sysmem selecting the CPU domain.
/// If the CPU domain is selected, participants must ensure the CPU can read
/// or write data to the buffer without cache operations outside of the
/// participant.
5: cpu_domain_supported bool;
/// When true, the participant is ok with sysmem selecting the RAM domain.
/// If the RAM domain is selected, producer data must be available in RAM
/// (with CPU cache state such that the RAM data won't get corrupted by a
/// dirty CPU cache line writing incorrect data to RAM), and a consumer
/// reading using the CPU must invalidate CPU cache before reading (the
/// producer doesn't guarantee zero stale "clean" cache lines)
6: ram_domain_supported bool;
/// When true, the participant is ok with sysmem selecting the INACCESSIBLE
/// domain.
/// If the INACCESSIBLE domain is selected, CPU reads and writes of the data
/// are prevented. Attempts to read/write the data with the CPU may result
/// in UB and/or process termination.
/// If the INACCESSIBLE domain is selected, participants must only operate
/// on the data using DMAs performed by HW, or platform-specific DMA-like
/// requests to a secure environment.
/// Secure heaps only support INACCESSIBLE domain, and will fail allocation
/// if any participant with `BufferUsage` other than `NONE_USAGE` does not
/// set inaccessible_domain_supported to true.
7: inaccessible_domain_supported bool;
/// Which heaps are acceptable to the participant. Participants that don't
/// care which heap memory is allocated on should leave this field un-set. A
/// secure heap is only selected if all participants explicitly indicate
/// that the secure heap is acceptable via `heap_permitted`, or specify
/// `INACCESSIBLE` is only for cases where there is no CPU access to the
/// buffers.
/// Device-local memory that isn't reachable from the CPU is `CoherencyDomain`
/// `INACCESSIBLE`, even if it's possible to cause a device (physical or
/// virtual) to copy the data from the `INACCESSIBLE` buffers to buffers that
/// are visible to the CPU. In other words, INACCESSIBLE does not imply secure,
/// but secure implies INACCESSIBLE.
/// `CPU` means producers must ensure that a consumer can read the produced data
/// with the CPU without the consumer needing to do additional cache ops not
/// already performed (as needed) by the producer.
/// `RAM` means producers must ensure that the produced data is entirely present
/// in RAM, without any dirty CPU cache lines, and a consumer must invalidate
/// (or flush and invalidate, typically) the CPU cache before reading data with
/// the CPU. The `RAM` domain can be faster than the `CPU` domain when all
/// access is via HW DMA, since in that case no CPU cache ops are required,
/// since no participant is actually reading/writing using the CPU.
type CoherencyDomain = flexible enum {
CPU = 0;
RAM = 1;
type PixelFormatAndModifier = struct {
/// When specified by a participant in a message to sysmem, this can be any
/// `PixelFormat` value that's acceptable to the participant. Specifying
/// `kInvalid` is not permitted.
/// The participant can specify [`fuchsia.images2/PixelFormat.DO_NOT_CARE`]
/// if the participant needs to specify `ImageFormatConstraints` without
/// constraining the `pixel_format`.
pixel_format fuchsia.images2.PixelFormat;
/// Specific modifier (not just flags), or `FORMAT_MODIFIER_DO_NOT_CARE`,
/// from set of values defined in `fuchsia.images2` format_modifier.fidl.
// Re. changing the type, in this particular case we'll change any impacted
// client code that needs to compile with < 19 and >= 19 SDK to make sure it
// compiles either way. The old/new types are wire compatible and there's no
// change to any defined/permitted values.
pixel_format_modifier fuchsia.images2.PixelFormatModifier;
/// Describes constraints on layout of image data in buffers.
type ImageFormatConstraints = table {
/// The [`fuchsia.images2/PixelFormat`] for which the following constraints
/// apply.
/// The `pixel_format` and `pixel_format_modifier` fields together are
/// treated by the server as one additional `pixel_format_and_modifiers`
/// entry.
/// A participant may have more than one
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/PixelFormatAndModifier`] that's supported.
/// * If image constraints are the same for different
/// `PixelFormatAndModifier`s, the participant may list additional
/// `PixelFormatAndModifier`s for which the constraints apply in the
/// `pixel_format_and_modifiers` field. This reduces the overall number of
/// `ImageFormatConstraints` that need to be sent, without changing the
/// meaning (vs for example sending a bunch of separate
/// `ImageFormatConstraints` that only differ by the `pixel_format` and
/// `pixel_format_modifier` which overall specify the same list of
/// `PixelFormatAndModifier`s).
/// * If image constraints differ for different `PixelFormatAndModifier`s,
/// the participant can convey this using a separate
/// `ImageFormatConstraints` entry in `image_format_constraints` for each
/// set of `PixelFormatAndModifier`s that have different image
/// constraints.
/// * It's ok for a participant to have two `image_format_constraints`
/// entries that only differ in their pixel_format_and_modifiers, but this
/// is isn't the most compact way to represent that situation since the
/// two entries could be combined by specifying two
/// `PixelFormatAndModifier`s within a single `ImageFormatConstraints`.
/// It's not uncommon for the other fields of `ImageFormatConstraints` to
/// vary by `pixel_format` or by `pixel_format_modifier` - for example for a
/// linear format to support smaller max size than a tiled format.
/// See also
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/ImageFormatConstraints.pixel_format_and_modifiers`].
/// Thie field must be set to a value other than
/// [`fuchsia.images2/PixelFormat.INVALID`] unless
/// `pixel_format_and_modifiers` is non-empty. In other words, there must be
/// at least one `PixelFormatAndModifier` per `ImageFormatConstraints`. If
/// `pixel_format_modifier` is set, this field must also be set.
/// The participant can specify [`fuchsia.images2/PixelFormat.DO_NOT_CARE`]
/// if the participant needs to specify `ImageFormatConstraints` without
/// constraining the `pixel_format`.
1: pixel_format fuchsia.images2.PixelFormat;
/// The pixel format modifier for which the following constraints apply.
/// The `pixel_format` and `pixel_format_modifier` fields together are
/// treated by the server as one additional `pixel_format_and_modifiers`
/// entry.
/// This is a value from `fuchsia.images2` format_modifier.fidl that's
/// acceptable to the participant in combination with the `pixel_format`.
/// See also `pixel_format_and_modifiers`.
/// If `pixel_format` is set but `pixel_format_modifier` is un-set, the
/// default depends on other fields:
/// * If `pixel_format` is `DO_NOT_CARE`, the pixel format modifier is
/// * else if `BufferCollectionConstraints.usage` isn't `NONE`, the pixel
/// format modifier is implicitly `FORMAT_MODIFIER_LINEAR`.
/// * else the pixel format modifier is implicitly
/// When set, this value is a specific modifier (not just flags), or
/// `FORMAT_MODIFIER_DO_NOT_CARE`, from set of values defined in
/// `fuchsia.images2` format_modifier.fidl.
// Re. changing the type, in this particular case we'll change any impacted
// client code that needs to compile with < 19 and >= 19 SDK to make sure it
// compiles either way. The old/new types are wire compatible and there's no
// change to any defined/permitted values.
2: pixel_format_modifier fuchsia.images2.PixelFormatModifier;
/// The (additional) [`fuchsia.sysmem2/PixelFormatAndModifier`]s for which
/// the following constraints apply.
/// As a non-limiting example, if a participant only wants to set a single
/// `PixelFormatAndModifier` for this
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/ImageFormatConstraints`], the participant can either
/// (a) use `pixel_format` and `pixel_format_modifier` fields to specify the
/// fields of the one `PixelFormatAndModifier` and leave
/// `pixel_format_and_modifiers` un-set, or (b) leave `pixel_format` and
/// `pixel_format_modifier` fields un-set and put the one
/// `PixelFormatAndModifier` in `pixel_format_and_modifiers`.
/// If `pixel_format` is set, the server will take pixel_format and
/// pixel_format_modifier fields (un-setting them in the process), pack them
/// into a `PixelFormatAndModifier`, and move it into this vector as one
/// additional entry, with an overall size limit of
/// After the server moves `pixel_format`, `pixel_format_modifier` into one
/// additional entry in this vector, this vector must not be empty. When the
/// resulting list has more than 1 item, the entries in this vector are
/// equivalent to (shorthand for) listing (size) separate
/// `ImageFormatConstraints` entries, one per `pixel_format_and_modifiers`
/// entry, each with one `PixelFormatAndModifier`, where all the separate
/// `ImageFormatConstraints` entries have the same constraints (compared
/// field by field, not including `pixel_format`, `pixel_format_modifier`,
/// or `pixel_format_and_modifiers` fields).
/// In `SetConstraints` message, each entry specifies a
/// `PixelFormatAndModifier` which is acceptable to the participant
/// (assuming the following constraints fields are also satisfied).
/// In the response to `WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`, this field will be
/// un-set and the one chosen `PixelFormatAndModifier` will be indicated
/// using the `pixel_format` and `pixel_format_modifier` fields.
/// All the `PixelFormatAndModifiers` in a `SetConstraints` message from a
/// participant must be unique across all the entries under
/// `image_format_constraints`. If `fuchsia.images2.PixelFormat.DO_NOT_CARE`
/// is used in an entry, there must not be any other entry (considering all
/// the entries under `image_format_constraints`) with matching
/// `pixel_format_modifier`. If `FORMAT_MODIFIER_DO_NOT_CARE` is used, there
/// must not be any other entry (considering all the entries under
/// `image_format_constraints`) with matching `pixel_format`.
/// A `PixelFormatAndModifier` value with either `DO_NOT_CARE` or
/// `FORMAT_MODIFIER_DO_NOT_CARE` (but not both, for purposes of this
/// example) can be combined with a `PixelFormatAndModifier` from a separate
/// participant with the other field indicating "do not care", resulting in
/// a complete `PixelFormatAndModifier` that can succeed allocation.
/// However, at least for now, it's not permitted for a single participant
/// to specify two separate `PixelFormatAndModifier` values which have "do
/// not care" in different fields. This does not prohibit a single
/// `PixelFormatAndModifier` with both DO_NOT_CARE and
/// PIXEL_FORMAT_DO_NOT_CARE (which is only a single
/// `PixelFormatAndModifier` value). If a client really needs to specify
/// some constraints relevant to `pixel_format`(s) with
/// `pixel_format_modifier` FORMAT_MODIFIER_DO_NOT_CARE, and other
/// constraints relevant to `pixel_format_modifier`(s) with `pixel_format`
/// DO_NOT_CARE, the client can do so by duplicating the token and
/// using/driving two separate participants.
/// See also `pixel_format` for more comments relevant to multiple
/// `PixelFormatAndModifier`s in a single `ImageFormatConstraints`.
15: pixel_format_and_modifiers
/// Empty is an error. Duplicate entries are an error. Arbitrary ordering is
/// not an error.
/// The client can specify a single entry
/// [fuchsia.sysmem2/ColorSpace.DO_NOT_CARE`] if the client doesn't want to
/// constrain which `ColorSpace` is chosen. At least one participant must
/// specify at least one `ColorSpace` value other than
/// `ColorSpace.DO_NOT_CARE`, or allocation will fail.
3: color_spaces
/// Minimum permitted size in pixels.
/// For example a video decoder participant may set this field to the
/// minimum size that might potentially be specified by a stream. In
/// contrast, `required_min_size` would be set to the current size specified
/// by the stream. While `min_size` aggregates by taking the max,
/// `required_min_size` aggregates by taking the min.
/// When sending to sysmem, this field can be un-set if the participant is
/// prepared to deal with the smallest possible non-zero image layout
/// limited only by the constraints implicitly imposed by the `pixel_format`
/// and `pixel_format_modifier`. Or this field can be set to the actual
/// minimum size the participant can handle.
/// Producers should set `min_size` and set both width and height to the
/// actual non-zero smallest width and height that the producer might
/// generate. For example, a video decoder can set the size of a single
/// macroblock here.
/// When receiving from sysmem, this field will always be set, and neither
/// width nor height will be 0, because at least one participant must
/// specify a non-zero minimum size (where both width and height aren't
/// zero).
/// See also `required_min_size`.
4: min_size fuchsia.math.SizeU;
/// Maximum size in pixels. For example Scenic may set this field (directly
/// or via sub-participants) to the maximum size that can be composited.
/// Sending to sysmem, un-set is treated as 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF.
/// Receiving from sysmem, this field will always be set. For width and
/// height separately, if there is no enforced max, that sub-field will be
/// See also `required_max_size`.
5: max_size fuchsia.math.SizeU;
/// The minimum number of bytes per row, including any padding beyond the
/// last image data in a row.
/// This is sometimes called the "stride in bytes" or the "line to line
/// offset". For single-plane formats, this is the number of bytes per row
/// of pixels. For multi-plane formats, this is the number of bytes per row
/// of samples in plane 0 (for example, the number of bytes per row of luma
/// samples in the case of a multi-plane YUV format). For multi-plane
/// formats, the bytes per row in planes other than plane 0 is format
/// specific, but always a specific relationship to the plane 0 bytes per
/// row.
/// When sending `ImageFormatConstraints` to sysmem, setting this field is
/// optional. Not setting this field is recommended unless the participant
/// needs to force the `bytes_per_row` to be larger than the minimum value
/// implied by `min_size.width`, the "stride bytes per width pixel" of the
/// `pixel_format` plus `pixel_format_modifier` (see also
/// `ImageFormatStrideBytesPerWidthPixel`), and `bytes_per_row_divisor`.
/// When this structure is received from sysmem, this field will always be
/// set (when the parent structure is present), and will always be at least
/// the value implied by `min_size.width`, the "stride bytes per width
/// pixel" of the `pixel_format` plus `pixel_format_modifier`, and
/// `bytes_per_row_divisor`.
/// Some producer participants may prefer to simply set
/// `ImageFormat.bytes_per_row` to
/// `ImageFormatConstraints.min_bytes_per_row` since sysmem is guaranteeing
/// that `min_bytes_per_row` is compatible with an image of width
/// `min_size.width`. However, producer participants that need to have
/// `size.width` > `min_size.width` can get a corresponding
/// `min_bytes_per_row` from `ImageFormatMinimumRowBytes` (in C++), or can
/// just calculate the `bytes_per_row` directly.
6: min_bytes_per_row uint32;
/// The maximum number of bytes per row, including any padding beyond the
/// last image data in a row.
/// When sent to sysmem, must be >= the value implied by `max_size.width`,
/// "stride bytes per width pixel", and `bytes_per_row_divisor`, or
/// constraints aggregation will fail. Un-set means the participant doesn't
/// need/want to set a strict max.
/// Sending to sysmem, un-set is treated as 0xFFFFFFFF.
/// When received from sysmem, this field will always be set. If the max is
/// effectively infinite, the value will be 0xFFFFFFFF (not zero).
7: max_bytes_per_row uint32;
/// The maximum number of pixels.
/// The max image area in pixels is limited indirectly via
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem/BufferMemoryConstraints.max_size_bytes`] and the
/// resulting [`fuchsia.sysmem/BufferSettings.size_bytes`], and can also be
/// enforced directly via this field.
/// In contrast to the [`fuchsia.sysmem2/ImageFormatConstraints.max_size`]
/// field which limits width and height separately, this field limits the
/// total number of pixels.
/// In contrast to
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem/BufferMemoryConstraints.max_size_bytes`], this field
/// doesn't limit the number of non-pixel padding bytes after each row of
/// pixels, and doesn't limit the number of non-pixel bytes in the case of
/// tiled `pixel_format_modifier`.
/// Very narrow or very short image aspect ratios can have worse performance
/// per pixel in comparison to more typical aspect ratios. Padding and/or
/// memory bandwidth overheads tend to increase for extreme aspect ratios.
/// Participants can indicate lack of support for very narrow or very short
/// dimensions using ['fuchsia.sysmem/ImageFormatConstraints.min_size`].
/// Sending to sysmem, un-set is treated as 0xFFFFFFFF.
/// Receiving from sysmem, this field will always be set, and can be set to
8: max_width_times_height uint64;
/// Alignment requirements on the image `size`.
/// * `size.width % size_alignment.width` must be 0.
/// * `size.height % size_alignment.height` must be 0.
/// Un-set is treated as 1, 1.
9: size_alignment fuchsia.math.SizeU;
/// Alignment requirements on `display_rect`.
/// * `display_rect.x % display_rect_alignment.width` must be 0.
/// * `display_rect.y % display_rect_alignment.height` must be 0.
/// * `display_rect.width % display_rect_alignment.width` must be 0.
/// * `display_rect.height % display_rect_alignment.height` must be 0.
/// Un-set is treated as 1, 1.
10: display_rect_alignment fuchsia.math.SizeU;
/// These fields can be used to ensure the aggregated constraints have
/// `min_size` and `max_size` such that both `required_min_size` and
/// `required_max_size` (and anything in between that satisfies alignment
/// requirements) are permitted values of `ImageFormat.size`.
/// For example, a producer video decoder doesn't want to constrain the
/// allowed `ImageFormat.size`, as a compressed stream can change dimensions
/// mid-stream, but the producer video decoder needs to ensure that the
/// aggregated constraints allow for at least the current dimensions of
/// uncompressed frames at the current position in the stream.
/// As another example, an initiator that's intending to decode video may
/// know what the maximum expected size of frames in the stream(s) can be,
/// so by setting `required_max_size`, can ensure that the allocated buffers
/// are large enough to support that max `size`. In addition on successful
/// allocation the initiator also knows that the consumer participants are
/// ok with receiving up to that max `size`.
/// It's much more common for a producer or initiator to set these fields
/// than for a consumer to set these fields.
/// While `min_size` and `max_size` aggregate by effectively taking the
/// intersection, the `required_min_size` and `required_max_size` aggregate
/// by effectively taking the union.
/// This field aggregates by taking the min per component, and
/// required_max_size aggregates by taking the max per component.
/// Un-set is treated as 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF.
11: required_min_size fuchsia.math.SizeU;
/// See also `required_min_size`. Un-set is treated as 0, 0.
12: required_max_size fuchsia.math.SizeU;
/// `fuchsia_images2.ImageFormat.bytes_per_row % bytes_per_row_divisor` must
/// be 0. Un-set is treated as 1.
/// Prefer to use `require_bytes_per_row_at_pixel_boundary` when the intent
/// is to ensure that `bytes_per_row' will be a multiple of the pixel size
/// in bytes.
/// Prefer to use `size_alignment.width` when the intent is to ensure that
/// the width in pixels is aligned. In contrast, this field can specify that
/// the "stride in bytes" (byte offset from start of image to start of row n
/// minus byte offset from start of image to start of row n-1, with result
/// in bytes) needs to be aligned to the specified number of bytes. For
/// example, when `PixelFormat.BGR24` (24 bit color; 3 bytes per pixel) is
/// used, it's not uncommon for a participant to need each row of pixels to
/// start at a 4 byte aligned offset from the start of the image, which can
/// imply some padding bytes at the end of each row of pixels, before the
/// start of the next row of pixels.
/// While any value of `bytes_per_row_divisor` could instead be enforced by
/// setting `size_alignment.width` to the least-common-multiple of the
/// "stride bytes per width pixel" and the stride alignment requirement,
/// enforcing the stride alignment requirement that way can lead to more
/// padding than necessary (implying larger buffer than necessary), and can
/// also result in a "fake" `size.width`; this field exists to avoid that
/// situation. Instead, the stride alignment requirement in bytes is
/// specified directly here.
13: bytes_per_row_divisor uint32;
/// `vmo_usable_start % start_offset_divisor` must be 0. Un-set is treated
/// as 1.
/// Producer participants are discouraged from setting non-zero image start
/// offset (from the buffer base) unless actually required, as not all
/// participants correctly handle non-zero image start offset.
14: start_offset_divisor uint32;
/// Iff set and true, bytes_per_row_divisor in the resulting
/// ImageFormatConstraints is guaranteed to be a value which requires
/// bytes_per_row to be an integral number of pixels. This can result in
/// more padding at the end of each row than when this field is not set to
/// true, but ensures that the stride can be expressed as an integral number
/// of pixels.
/// For example, if the chosen `PixelFormat` is `B8G8R8`, if this field is
/// set to true, the resulting bytes_per_row_divisor will be a multiple of
/// 3. In this example, if another participant sets `bytes_per_row_divisor`
/// to 4, the resulting `bytes_per_row_divisor` will be a multiple of 12.
16: require_bytes_per_row_at_pixel_boundary bool;