blob: 687b4625420949448f9dbbf978c08176e7bed2e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.sysmem2;
using zx;
/// Allocates system memory buffers.
/// Epitaphs are not used in this protocol.
open protocol Allocator {
/// Allocates a buffer collection on behalf of a single client (aka
/// initiator) who is also the only participant (from the point of view of
/// sysmem).
/// This call exists mainly for temp/testing purposes. This call skips the
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] stage, so there's no way to
/// allow another participant to specify its constraints.
/// Real clients are encouraged to use
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.AllocateSharedCollection`] instead, and to
/// let relevant participants directly convey their own constraints to
/// sysmem by sending `BufferCollectionToken`s to those participants.
/// + request `collection_request` The server end of the
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
flexible AllocateNonSharedCollection(resource table {
1: collection_request server_end:BufferCollection;
/// Creates a root [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`].
/// The `BufferCollectionToken` can be "duplicated" for distribution to
/// participants by using
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`]. Each
/// `BufferCollectionToken` can be converted into a
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2.BufferCollection`] using
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`].
/// Buffer constraints can be set via
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`].
/// Success/failure to populate the buffer collection with buffers can be
/// determined from
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.WaitForAllBuffersAllocated`].
/// Closing the client end of a `BufferCollectionToken` or
/// `BufferCollection` (without `Release` first) will fail all client ends
/// in the same failure domain, which by default is all client ends of the
/// buffer collection. See
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetDispensable`] and
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.AttachToken`] for ways to create
/// separate failure domains within a buffer collection.
flexible AllocateSharedCollection(resource table {
1: token_request server_end:BufferCollectionToken;
/// Convert a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] into a
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
/// At the time of sending this message, the buffer collection hasn't yet
/// been populated with buffers - the participant must first also send
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`] via the
/// `BufferCollection` client end.
/// All `BufferCollectionToken`(s) duplicated from a root
/// `BufferCollectionToken` (created via `AllocateSharedCollection`) must be
/// "turned in" via `BindSharedCollection` (or `Release`ed), and all
/// existing `BufferCollection` client ends must have sent `SetConstraints`
/// before the logical BufferCollection will be populated with buffers (or
/// will fail if the overall set of constraints can't be satisfied).
/// + request `token` The client endpoint of a channel whose server end was
/// sent to sysmem using
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.AllocateSharedCollection`] or whose server
/// end was sent to sysmem using
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Duplicate`]. The token is
/// being "turned in" in exchange for a
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`].
/// + request `buffer_collection_request` The server end of a
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`] channel. The sender retains the
/// client end. The `BufferCollection` channel is a single participant's
/// connection to the logical buffer collection. Typically there will be
/// other participants with their own `BufferCollection` channel to the
/// logical buffer collection.
flexible BindSharedCollection(resource table {
1: token client_end:BufferCollectionToken;
2: buffer_collection_request server_end:BufferCollection;
/// Checks whether a [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken`] is known to
/// the sysmem server.
/// With this call, the client can determine whether an incoming token is a
/// real sysmem token that is known to the sysmem server, without any risk
/// of getting stuck waiting forever on a potentially fake token to complete
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] or
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Sync`] (or any other two-way
/// FIDL message). In cases where the client trusts the source of the token
/// to provide a real token, this call is not typically needed outside of
/// debugging.
/// If the validate fails sometimes but succeeds other times, the source of
/// the token may itself not be calling
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.Sync`] or
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.Sync`] after creating/duplicating the
/// token but before sending the token to the current client. It may be more
/// convenient for the source to use
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionToken.DuplicateSync`] to duplicate
/// token(s), since that call has the sync step built in. Or, the buffer
/// collection may be failing before this call is processed by the sysmem
/// server, as buffer collection failure cleans up sysmem's tracking of
/// associated tokens.
/// This call has no effect on any token.
/// + request `token_server_koid` The koid of the server end of a channel
/// that might be a BufferCollectionToken channel. This can be obtained
/// via `zx_object_get_info` `ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC` `related_koid`.
/// - response `is_known` true means sysmem knew of the token at the time
/// sysmem processed the request, but doesn't guarantee that the token is
/// still valid by the time the client receives the reply. What it does
/// guarantee is that the token at least was a real token, so a two-way
/// call to the token won't stall forever (will fail or succeed fairly
/// quickly, not stall). This can already be known implicitly if the
/// source of the token can be trusted to provide a real token. A false
/// value means the token wasn't known to sysmem at the time sysmem
/// processed this call, but the token may have previously been valid, or
/// may yet become valid. Or if the sender of the token isn't trusted to
/// provide a real token, the token may be fake. It's the responsibility
/// of the sender to sync with sysmem to ensure that previously
/// created/duplicated token(s) are known to sysmem, before sending the
/// token(s) to other participants.
flexible ValidateBufferCollectionToken(table {
1: token_server_koid zx.Koid;
}) -> (table {
1: is_known bool;
/// Set information about the current client that can be used by sysmem to
/// help diagnose leaking memory and allocation stalls waiting for a
/// participant to send [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection.SetConstraints`].
/// This sets the debug client info on all [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`](s)
/// subsequently created by this this [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator`]
/// including any [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollection`](s) created via
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.BindSharedCollection`] (in the absence of
/// any prior call to [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`],
/// these `BufferCollection`(s) have the same initial debug client info as
/// the token turned in to create the `BufferCollection`).
/// This info can be subsequently overridden on a per-`Node` basis by
/// sending [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`].
/// Sending [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Allocator.SetDebugClientInfo`] once per
/// `Allocator` is the most efficient way to ensure that all
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`](s) will have at least some debug client info
/// set, and is also more efficient than separately sending the same debug
/// client info via [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node.SetDebugClientInfo`] for each
/// created [`fuchsia.sysmem2/Node`].
/// + request `name` This can be an arbitrary string, but the current
/// process name (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessName`) is a good default.
/// + request `id` This can be an arbitrary id, but the current process ID
/// (see `fsl::GetCurrentProcessKoid`) is a good default.
flexible SetDebugClientInfo(table {
1: name string:MAX_CLIENT_NAME_LENGTH;
2: id uint64;
/// Given a handle to a sysmem-provided VMO, this returns additional info
/// about the corresponding sysmem logical buffer.
/// Most callers will duplicate a VMO handle first and send the duplicate to
/// this call.
/// If the client has created a child VMO of a sysmem-provided VMO, that
/// child VMO isn't considered a "sysmem VMO" for purposes of this call.
/// + request `vmo` A handle to a sysmem-provided VMO (or see errors).
/// - response `buffer_collection_id` The buffer collection ID, which is
/// unique per logical buffer collection per boot.
/// - response `buffer_index` The buffer index of the buffer within the
/// buffer collection. This is the same as the index of the buffer within
/// [`fuchsia.sysmem2/BufferCollectionInfo.buffers`]. The `buffer_index`
/// is the same for all sysmem-delivered VMOs corresponding to the same
/// logical buffer, even if the VMO koids differ. The `buffer_index` is
/// only unique across buffers of a buffer collection. For a given buffer,
/// the combination of `buffer_collection_id` and `buffer_index` is unique
/// per boot.
/// - response `close_weak_asap` Iff `vmo` is a handle to a weak sysmem VMO,
/// the `close_weak_asap` field will be set in the response. This handle
/// will signal `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` when all weak VMO handles to
/// the buffer should be closed as soon as possible. This is signalled
/// shortly after all strong sysmem VMOs to the buffer are closed
/// (including any held indirectly via strong `BufferCollectionToken` or
/// strong `BufferCollection`). Failure to close all weak sysmem VMO
/// handles to the buffer quickly upon `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` is
/// considered a VMO leak caused by the client still holding a weak sysmem
/// VMO handle and results in loud complaints to the log by sysmem. The
/// buffers of a collection can be freed independently of each other. The
/// `ZX_EVENTPAIR_PEER_CLOSED` may already be signalled before the
/// response arrives at the client. A client that isn't prepared to handle
/// weak sysmem VMOs, on seeing this field set, can close all handles to
/// the buffer and fail any associated request.
/// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.NOT_FOUND]` - the vmo isn't a sysmem
/// VMO. Both strong and weak sysmem VMOs can be passed to this call, and
/// the VMO handle passed in to this call itself keeps the VMO's info
/// alive for purposes of responding to this call. Because of this,
/// ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND errors are unambiguous (even if there are no other
/// handles to the VMO when calling; even if other handles are closed
/// before the GetVmoInfo response arrives at the client).
/// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.HANDLE_ACCESS_DENIED]` The vmo isn't
/// capable of being used with GetVmoInfo due to rights/capability
/// attenuation. The VMO needs to be usable with [`zx_vmo_get_info`] with
/// topic [`ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC`].
/// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.UNSPECIFIED]` The request failed for an
/// unspecified reason. See the log for more info.
/// * error `[fuchsia.sysmem2/Error.PROTOCOL_DEVIATION]` The vmo field
/// wasn't set, or there was some other problem with the request field(s).
flexible GetVmoInfo(resource table {
/// `vmo` is required to be set; ownership is transferred to the server
/// so in most cases a client will duplicate a handle and transfer the
/// duplicate via this field.
1: vmo zx.Handle:VMO;
}) -> (resource table {
1: buffer_collection_id uint64;
2: buffer_index uint64;
3: close_weak_asap zx.Handle:EVENTPAIR;
}) error Error;