blob: 93403bffb541c8a774b01f630bb40c798bd1f927 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
using fuchsia.mem;
using fuchsia.url;
/// Message passed to a [`ProvisioningFetcher`] by a DRM system, to pass on to
/// the provisioning server.
type ProvisioningRequest = resource struct {
/// A suggested server to send the `message` to.
default_provisioning_server_url fuchsia.url.Url:optional;
/// The DRM system specific provisioning request message body to be
/// delivered to the provisioning server. The VMO must at least have the
/// following rights:
message fuchsia.mem.Buffer;
/// Message originating from the provisioning server that the
/// [`ProvisioningFetcher`] must pass back to the DRM system.
type ProvisioningResponse = resource struct {
/// The DRM system specific provisioning response message body received from
/// the provisioning server. The VMO must at least have the following
/// rights:
message fuchsia.mem.Buffer;
/// Fetches provisioning from a server.
/// Some DRM systems require additional runtime provisioning (also known as
/// individualization). This is a process by which a device receives DRM
/// credentials (e.g. a certificate) to use for license acquisition for an
/// individual content provider.
/// DRM systems use the [`ProvisioningFetcher`] to fetch the provisioning when
/// the system determines that it is needed.
closed protocol ProvisioningFetcher {
/// Fetches provisioning from a server.
/// Called by the DRM system when it is in need of provisioning.
/// + request `request` a [`ProvisioningRequest`] message to be provided to
/// a provisioning server.
/// - response `response` a [`ProvisioningResponse`] message from the
/// provisioning server.
strict Fetch(resource struct {
request ProvisioningRequest;
}) -> (resource struct {
response ProvisioningResponse;