blob: 7f5f225233621c6bfdbc2b8807b35351677c7e90 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.identity.internal;
using fuchsia.identity.account;
using fuchsia.identity.authentication;
/// The maximum length of the pre-auth account state, in bytes.
const ACCOUNT_PRE_AUTH_STATE_MAX_SIZE uint32 = 10240;
/// Data associated with an account that is available prior to authentication,
/// such as the account name.
/// This data is generated and used by an AccountHandler, but is persisted as an
/// opaque blob by the AccountManager on behalf of the AccountHandler. This
/// partitioning means neither component has access to both the device-encrypted
/// disk and the account-encrypted disk.
alias AccountPreAuthState = vector<uint8>:ACCOUNT_PRE_AUTH_STATE_MAX_SIZE;
/// The control channel for an AccountHandler component.
/// This interface is intended only for use by the AccountManager component that
/// starts instances of AccountHandler. We define which account the handler
/// should be handling one time via this channel rather than via startup flags
/// to provide additional flexibility given the range of scenarios:
/// * The account is completely new
/// * The account is being added to the current device for the first time
/// * Account information is already present on the local disk and is readable
/// * Account information is already present on the local disk but is not yet
/// readable because the disk is not yet decrypted.
/// A given Account Handler progresses through the following state machine:
/// ```
/// |
/// V
/// +---------------+
/// | Uninitialized |------------+
/// +---------------+ |
/// | |
/// | | Preload
/// | V
/// | +------------------+
/// | | Locked |
/// | +------------------+
/// | ^
/// | |
/// | |
/// | | LockAccount /
/// | CreateAccount | UnlockAccount
/// | |
/// | |
/// | |
/// V |
/// +---------------+ |
/// | Initialized |<-----------+
/// +---------------+
/// |
/// | Terminate
/// V
/// +---------------+
/// | Finished |
/// +---------------+
/// ```
/// * `Uninitialized` - the handler has just been instantiated and contains no
/// account information.
/// * `Locked` - the handler has loaded pre-authentication data, which lets it
/// unlock the account subsequently.
/// * `Initialized` - the handler has loaded account information and is ready
/// to serve requests for the `Account` interface. If the account is
/// persistent, then it is saved to disk.
/// * `Finished` - the handler is in the process of shutting down and will soon
/// terminate.
closed protocol AccountHandlerControl {
/// Creates a completely new system account, optionally protecting the
/// account with a single enrollment of an authentication mechanism.
/// `id` [required] AccountId for the new account
/// `metadata` [required] Metadata for the new account
/// `interaction` An `Interaction` channel enabling the user to select and
/// enroll authentication mechanisms for the new account.
/// Returns an `AccountPreAuthState` that the client should persist for
/// use in future operations on the account.
/// Fails with:
/// - `FAILED_PRECONDITION` if the AccountHandler is not in the
/// `Uninitialized` state.
/// - `INVALID_REQUEST` if policy requires authentication factors for the
/// new account but no `interaction` channel was supplied.
/// - `ABORTED` if the client closes the `interaction` channel.
strict CreateAccount(resource table {
1: id fuchsia.identity.account.AccountId;
2: metadata fuchsia.identity.account.AccountMetadata;
3: interaction server_end:fuchsia.identity.authentication.Interaction;
}) -> (struct {
pre_auth_state AccountPreAuthState;
}) error fuchsia.identity.account.Error;
/// Loads the supplied pre-auth data, which allows the account to be
/// unlocked later.
/// This moves the AccountHandler from the `Uninitialized` state to the
/// `Locked` state.
/// Fails with `FAILED_PRECONDITION` if the AccountHandler is not in the
/// `Uninitialized` state.
strict Preload(struct {
pre_auth_state AccountPreAuthState;
}) -> () error fuchsia.identity.account.Error;
/// Reach the `Initialized` state, attempting authentication and unlocking
/// the account where necessary.
/// `interaction` An `Interaction` channel enabling the user to complete
/// authentication challenges if these are necessary.
/// On success, returns an `AccountPreAuthState` if the stored pre-
/// authentication state should be updated as a result of the operation.
/// Fails with
/// - `FAILED_PRECONDITION` if the AccountHandler is not in the `Locked` or
/// `Initialized` state.
/// - `ABORTED` if the client closes the `interaction` channel.
strict UnlockAccount(resource table {
1: interaction server_end:fuchsia.identity.authentication.Interaction;
}) -> (struct {
pre_auth_state AccountPreAuthState:optional;
}) error fuchsia.identity.account.Error;
/// Reach the `Locked` state, closing any open `Account` and `Persona`
/// channels for the account.
/// On success, returns an `AccountPreAuthState` if the stored pre-
/// authentication state should be updated as a result of the operation.
/// Fails with `FAILED_PRECONDITION` if the AccountHandler is not in the
/// `Initialized` or `Locked` state.
strict LockAccount() -> (struct {
pre_auth_state AccountPreAuthState:optional;
}) error fuchsia.identity.account.Error;
/// Deletes all persistent information about the Fuchsia account handled by
/// this handler, including all credentials and global identifiers.
/// After a successful call to RemoveAccount, all other open interfaces for
/// this account handler will be closed and any subsequent calls on the
/// current interface will fail.
strict RemoveAccount() -> () error fuchsia.identity.account.Error;
/// Connects an interface to read properties of and perform operations on
/// the account handled by this handler. The AccountHandler must be in the
/// `Initialized` state.
/// `account` The server end of an `Account` channel
/// Fails with `FAILED_PRECONDITION` if the AccountHandler is not in the
/// `Initialized` state.
strict GetAccount(resource struct {
account server_end:fuchsia.identity.account.Account;
}) -> () error fuchsia.identity.account.Error;
/// Signals that the AccountHandler should tear itself down. After the
/// receiver responds by closing its handle, the caller may terminate the
/// component if it hasn't already exited.
strict Terminate();